Imágenes de páginas

WHITELEY, J. G., Panama Canal Tolls, Chandler P. Anderson, 63d Cong., 1st Sess. (1913), Senate Documents, Vol. 20, Doc. 32.


Rule of Treaty Construction, Hannis Taylor, 63d Cong., 1st Sess. (1913), Senate Documents, Vol. 20, Doc. 31. Diplomatic History of the Panama Canal, 63rd Cong., 2d Sess. (1913-14), Senate Documents, Vol. 15, Doc. 474.


ROWE, L. S., The United States and Porto Rico, New York,


VERRIL, A. H., Porto Rico, Past and Present, and San Domingo of Today, New York, 1914.

Periodicals and Pamphlets

ALLEN, C. H., How Civil Government Was Established in
Porto Rico, No. Amer. Rev., 174, pp. 159-174 (1902).
FALKNER, R. P., Citizenship for the Porto Ricans, Amer. Pol.
Sci. Rev., 4, pp. 180-196 (1910).

FORAKER, J. B., The United States and Porto Rico, No. Amer.
Rev., 170, pp. 464-471 (1900).

HOLLANDER, J. H., The Finances of Porto Rico, Pol. Sci.
Quart, 16, pp. 553-581 (1901).

ROWE, L. S., The Supreme Court and the Insular Cases, Ann.
Amer. Acad. of Pol. & Soc. Sc., 18, pp. 226-250 (1901).
RUTTER, F. R., Porto Rican Sugar, Quart. Jour. Econ., 17,
pp. 65-71 (1902).

SMITH, G. H., Porto Ricans and the Constitution, Arena, 23,
pp. 626-634 (1900).

WILLOUGHBY, W. F., Reorganization of Municipal Government in Porto Rico, Pol. Sci. Quart., 24, pp. 409-443 (1909).



BATES, JR., LINDON, The Path of the Conquistadores, London,


DALTON, L. V., Venezuela, New York, 1912.

Periodicals, Pamphlets and Documents

BOWEN, H. W., Castro and American Diplomacy, No. Amer.
Rev., 184, pp. 577-580 (1907).

DENNIS, W. C., The Orinoco Steamship Company Case before
the Hague Tribunal, Amer. Jour. of Int. Law, 5, pp.
85-64 (1911).

LAMMASCH, H., Address. . . on Opening the Arbitration between the United States and Venezuela in the Matter of the Orinoco Steamship Company's Claim, September 28, 1910, Amer. Jour. of Int. Law, 5, pp. 32-34 (1910). Address. . . on Closing the Arbitration between the United States and Venezuela in the Matter of the Orinoco Steamship Company's Claim, October 25, 1910, Amer. Jour. of Int. Law, 5, p. 65 (1911).

The Venezuela Cases, Amer. Jour. of Int. Law, 3, pp. 985-990 (1909).

Award of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague in the Orinoco Steamship Company Case between the United States and Venezuela, Amer. Jour. of Int. Law, 5, pp. 230–235 (1911).

Venezuela, General Descriptive Data prepared in August, 1913, Pan-American Union, Washington, 1918.



ASPINALL, A. E., The British West Indies, Boston, 1912.
GARDNER, W. J., A History of Jamaica, New York, 1909.
HARDING, C. H., The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the
XVII Century, New York, 1910.

HENDERSON, JOHN, Jamaica, London, 1906.

HILL, R. T., Cuba and Porto Rico with the Other Islands of
the West Indies, New York, 1898.

LAMONT, NORMAN, Problems of the Antilles, Glasgow, 1912.
LIVINGSTON, W. P., Black Jamaica, London, 1899.
MASEFIELD, JOHN, On the Spanish Main, New York, 1906.
MEIKLE, L. S., Confederation of the British West Indies versus
Annexation to the United States, London, 1912.

OBER, F. A., Our West Indian Neighbors, New York, 1904.
Guide to the West Indies and Bermudas, New York, 1908.
SHATTUCK, G. B. (ed.), The Bahama Islands, New York, 1905.
STODDARD, C. A., Cruising among the Caribbees, New York,

VERRILL, A. H., Porto Rico, Past and Present, and San Do-
mingo of Today, New York, 1914.

WALKER, H. DE R., The West Indies and the Empire, London, 1901.

Periodicals and Documents

ADDERLEY, AUGUSTUS, West Indian Grievances, Fortnightly, 75, pp. 354-358 (1901).

AUSTIN, H., In the Wake of the Buccaneers, New Eng. Mag., n.s., 45, pp. 172-183 (1911).

JUDSON, W. V., Strategic Value of Her West Indian Possessions to the United States, Ann. Amer. Acad. of Pol. and Soc. Sc., 19, pp. 383-391 (1902).

LAMONT, N., West Indian Recovery, Contemp., 101, pp. 232-
241 (1912).

NEVIN, J. J., How the Trade of the West Indies Might Be
Developed, Westminster, 156, pp. 441-445 (1901).
PENFIELD, F. C., Practical Phases of Caribbean Dominion, No.
Amer. Rev., 178, pp. 75-85 (1904).

RowE, L. S., Extension of American Influence in the West
Indies, No. Amer. Rev., 175, pp. 254-262 (1902).
-Canada-West Indies Conference, Department of Trade
and Commerce, Ottawa, 1913.


A B C Powers, 3-4, 346
relation of, to United States, 346-

Africa, partition of, 2
Amador, Manuel, 200, 201

American foreign policy in Caribbean, 336-351

See also Monroe Doctrine; Protectorates

American foreign trade, 27, 28, 47, 48, 51, 52, 57, 87, 88, 156, 241, 251, 338, 343, 344

See also Foreign trade

American investments abroad, 28,


[blocks in formation]

Bananas, American trade in, 39 consumption of, in the United States, 278

Costa Rica, 156, 157 development of trade in, 278, 279 food value of, 279 Honduras, 171, 172 imported, by Europe, 279 by United States, 276-281 Jamaica, 38, 39 Nicaragua, 185

See also Fruit trade

Banking connections, West Indian,


Barbados, 47

Barbados sugar, 47, 49

Balfour, A. J., on Caribbean fortifications, 315

Bermuda, 58

foreign trade with, 59, 60 products of, 59

tourist travel in, 60 Bertrand, Francisco, 166 Big Brother Policy, 336-351 See also Protectorates, Caribbean, American interests in; Dependence of Caribbean Big business in Caribbean, 294, 326 Blanco, G., 243

Bonilla, Manuel, 166

Brazil, coffee, 266

Brazilian valorization scheme, 257 British Caribbean Colonies, fortification in, 314-316

British Colonies. See Great Britain British Guiana, decline of, 62 foreign trade with, 62, 63 population of, 62

products of, 63

sugar of, 63

British Honduras, foreign trade

with, 61

population of, 60, 61

British Navy, oil supply of, 293
British West Indies, 33-67

American trade with, 20
economic position of, 64, 67

[blocks in formation]

where consumed, 270, 271 where grown, 270 Caceres, Raymond, 119 Caperton, William B., 138, 140 Capital, and native populations, 306 British, 240

in Caribbean, 28, 295-306, 333, 334 character of exploitation by, in Caribbean, 296, 297, 298 influence of, on Caribbean politics, 325, 326

on politics in North and South America, 325, 326

invested, in fruit trade, 280 in sugar mills, 300-301 See also American investments; Foreign investments; Investments

Capitalistic development of agriculture in Caribbean, 305

Caribbean, 52

big business in, 294, 326 cacao production, 302, 303 coffee, 256, 266

commercial importance of, 15 concessions in, 322, 335 control of asphalt in, 296 copra production in, 302 degree of development of, 27 dependence of, 11, 143, 252, 253,


on foreign capital, 302, 303 on foreign markets, 250-258 on United States, 255, 260 development of, character of, 294295

handicaps in, 303, 304
industrial, 35

exploitation of population of, 306 foreign investments in, 302, 303,


fruit trade in, 298

Caribbean, fruit trade in, control of,

296, 297

harbor improvements in, 309-312 ignorance of, 15

international position of, 8 labor, 295

character of, 305 leadership in, 336-351

markets for products of, 255 oil of, 286, 287

oil supply of, attitude of United States toward, 292

political interests in, 20 population of, 258, 259, 305 ports of, effect of canal on, 308 ports of call of, 309-312 products of, 11, 260, 275 republics of, independence of, 339351

small investments in, 302, 303 tariffs in, 25

trade with United States, 274, 338 United States' interest in, 15, 19, 24, 144, 145, 273, 275, 336 commercial, 338

United States' position in, 32, 336 Caribbean colonies, British, 33-67, 307, 312, 313

fortification of, 314-316 Danish, 76, 77, 78, 79, 311 Dutch Antilles, 309 European, 308

French, 68, 72, 310

Caribbean commerce, 9, 10, 25, 343,


American share in, 26, 64, 65, 66,

67, 338, 339

amount of, 10, 24, 26 character of, 9

division of, 24

increase of, 24, 25, 26

Castro, C., Venezuelan dictator, 244


Central America, British rights in,


Court of Justice in, 185, 186
foreign investments in, 30
irresponsible governments in, 152
lack of political unity in, 149
Monroe Doctrine and, 348
oil in, 288

population of, 150

public debt of, 152, 153

railroads in, 153, 154, 299, 300 revolutions in, 149, 151

United States' interest in, 148, 149

policy toward, 187, 192

China, concessions in, 2

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