Proceedings in the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, on two successive indictments...against Andrew M‘Kinley, for administering unlawful oaths, June 2nd-July 19th, 1817. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1826. 8°. v. 33, cols. 275-628.) SLN Trial, The, of Andrew M‘Kinley, before the High Court of Justiciary, at Edinburgh, on the 18th day of July, 1817, for administering unlawful oaths. Edinburgh: Archibald Constable & Co., 1818. 2 p.1., 70 р. 8°. * C p.v.490 Proof copy sent to John Clerk, advocate, 16 Picardy place, for correction. M'LACHLAN, JESSIE M'Lachlan, Jessie. Trial of Mrs. M'Lachlan. Edited by W. Roughead. Glasgow: W. Hodge & Company [1911]. c, 339 p., 1 plan, 3 pl., port. 8°. (Notable Scottish trials.) SLN M'LAREN, ALEXANDER, AND THOMAS BAIRD Alexander M'Laren and Thomas Baird for sedition. High Court of Justiciary, Edinburgh, 3d April 1817. (Edinburgh annual register for 1817. Edinburgh, 1821. 8°. BAA v. 10, part 2, p. 24-29.) Cockburn, Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of Alexander M'Laren and Thomas Baird, 5th and 7th March 1817. (In his: An examination of the trials for Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 2, p. 177191.) SLN Proceedings in the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh against Alexander M'Laren and Thomas Baird, for sedition, March 5th-7th, 1817. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials.. London, 1826. 8°. v. 33, cols. 1-144.) SLN MACLAUCHLAN, WILLIAM Trial, The, of William Maclauchlan, for mobbing, murder, and other crimes. [Edinburgh, 1737. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection complete of state trials.. London, 1816. 8°. v. 17, cols. 993-1004.) SLN An outcome of the Porteous riot in Edinburgh. To Hickes, George. Ravillac redivivus, being a narrative of the late tryal of Mr. James Mitchel, a conventicle-preacher... which is annexed an account of the tryal of that most wicked Pharisee Major Thomas Weir, who was executed for adultery, incest, and bestiality... London: Printed by Henry Hills, 1678. 78 p. 4°. Reserve (In: Somers, A collection of scarce...tracts... London, 1812. 4°. V. 8, p. 510-553.) C Trial, The, of James Mitchel, in Scotland, for attempting the murder of Dr. James Sharp, archbishop of St. Andrews, and wounding the bishop of Orkney. 1677. (In: T. B. Howell, A complete collection of state trials... London, 1816. 8°. v. 6, cols. 1207-1262.) SLN MITCHELL, ROBERT See under DUNCAN, ALISON, AND OTHERS MONCRIEF, HUGH See under GOWRIE (3. EARL), JOHN RUTHVEN, AND OTHERS MONRO, HECTOR Scottish criminal trials. Hector Monro - sorcery and witchcraft. (Chambers' Edinburgh journal. London, 1834. f°. v. 2, p. 60-61.) * DA Based on Pitcairn's ed. of the Ancient Scottish criminal trials. Account, An, of the trial of Thomas Muir, Esq., younger of Huntershill, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, on the 30th and 31st days of August, 1793, for sedition. New York: Samuel Campbell, 1794. 1 p.1., viii, (1)4-104, viii p., 1 port. 2. Amer. ed. 8°. Reserve The eight pages at the end are "Appendix to the second American edition of Muir's trial." The portrait, of Muir, is "engraved for S. Campbell's edition of Muir's trial." Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. Case of Thomas Muir, younger of Huntershill. August, 1793. (In his: An examination of the trials for Scotland. Edinburgh, 1883. 8°. v. 1, p. 144-183.) SLN NAIRN, KATHARINE, AND PATRICK OGILVIE Indictment, His Majesty's Advocate, against Katharine Nairn and Patrick Ogilvie. (Scots magazine. Edinburgh, 1765. 8°. v. 27, p. 362-371, 513-523, 573-592, 625631.) * DE Roughhead, William. Katharine Nairn. 1 port. (In his: Twelve Scots trials. Edinburgh, 1913. 8°. p. 106-135.) SLN Trial, The, of Katharine Nairn and Patrick Ogilvie, for the crimes of incest and murder...5th-16th August 1765. Edinburgh: printed by Auld & Smellie, 1765. iv, (1)6-200 р. 8°. SLN Trial, The, of Katharine Nairn and Patrick Ogilvie, for the crimes of incest and murder, before the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland, 5th, 12th-16th August PALMER, REV. THOMAS FYSHE Account, An, of the trial of Thomas Fyshe Palmer, Unitarian minister, Dundee Perth, on the 12. and 13. days of September 1793, for sedition. Perth [1793]. 118 p. 8°. CP p. box |