A CHECKLIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND OFFICIAL GAZETTES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY DANIEL C. HASKELL This list has three main divisions: (1) an alphabetical arrangement by cities in which the papers are published; (2) an alphabetical index to the titles or names of the papers; (3) a chronological index showing the years covered by the files here indexed. Under the name of each country in its alphabetical place is found a list of references to the cities of that country represented. References for the British Empire are made from England, Scotland, Ireland, and the various commonwealths and colonies. For the United States references are made from the names of the individual states. Under the individual cities the arrangement of titles is alphabetical, not by the first word, but by the first important word, such words as daily, weekly, morning, evening, and the name of the town, when a part of the title, being disregarded. When the two shelfmarks Reserve and * A are given for a single entry it may be generally assumed that files up to and including 1800 are in Reserve, later files in * A. 1873. Jan. 4, 18-March 22, April 5-May 10, 24-July 12, 26-Aug. 9, 23Sept. 27, Oct. 11-Dec. 27. 1874. Jan. 10-31, Feb. 14-April 11, 25Sept. 26, Oct. 10-Nov. 7, 21Dec. 12. Jan. 2-Feb. 6, 20-June 5, 19-Oct. 23, Nov. 6-27, Dec. 18. Jan. 1-April 8, 22, 29, May 20-Oct. 21, Nov. 4-Dec. 30. Jan. 13, 20, Feb. 3-March 24, April 7-May 5, 19-June 2, 16, 30-July 21, Aug. 11, 18, Sept. 1-15, Oct. 6-Dec. 8, 22, 29. Jan. 5-March 23, April 6-Dec. 28. Jan. 11-25, Feb. 8-March 29, April 19-May 17, 31, June 7, 21, July 5-19, Aug. 2, 16-30, Sept. 13Oct. 25, Nov. 8-Dec. 20. Jan. 3-May 15, 29-Aug. 7, 21, Sept. March 12, 19, April 2-July 9, 29, May 20-July 22, Aug. 5-Dec. 30. Jan. 26-May 16, June 6-Aug. 8, 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1910. 1885. Jan. 2-April 24, May 15, June 19– Sept. 18, Oct. 2, 23-Dec. 25. WARSAW, ILL. Warsaw Bulletin. Weekly. 1867. May 31, June 14-Aug. 16, 30-Nov. 1868. 29, Dec. 20, 27. Jan. 17, 31, Feb. 14-March 6, 20, 1869. Jan. 22, Feb. 5-19, March 12, May 14, 21, Aug. 13-Sept. 17, Oct. 1, 15, Nov. 5-27, Dec. 18. 1870. Jan. 8, 15, 29-Feb. 12, March 5-19, April 2-May 14, 28, June 11, 25July 9, 23-Aug. 27, Sept. 10Nov. 5, 19-Dec. 10, 24. 1871. Jan. 7-May 13, 27-June 24, July 8, 29, Aug. 12, 26, Sept. 9, 16, 30, Oct. 7, 21-Nov. 11, 25-Dec. 23. 1872. Jan. 13-27, Feb. 10, 24-March 30, April 20, 27, May 11-June 1, 22, July 6, 20-Sept. 7, 28, Oct. 19, Dec. 14-28. 1858. Jan. 21, Feb. 4-18, March 11-April 8, May 13, June 17, 24, July 22Aug. 5, 19, 26, Sept. 23, 30, Oct. 21, Nov. 11-Dec. 30. 1859. Jan. 6-27, Feb. 17, March 3, 10, 31-May 5, 19-July 7, Aug. 18, Sept. 1-22, Oct. 13-Dec. 29. 1860. March 15, April 26, May 17, 31June 14, July 5, Aug. 2. Supplement: May 17. 1861. March 28, Oct. 31. Daily Warsaw Bulletin. 1845. March 5-Dec. 31. Extra: Sept. 24 (three extras), 30. 1846. Jan. 7-Dec. 26. Extras: Jan. 8, June 14, July 16, 29, 31, Aug. 1. Supplement: undated, probably about Oct. 8, entitled: History of the last Mormon war. None issued between Aug. 25 and Oct. 13. 1847. Jan. 2-Dec. 25. Extra: Sept. 4. 1848. Jan. 1-Dec. 30. 1849. Jan. 6-June 30, July 14-Dec. 22. 1850. Jan. 12-April 20. 1851. Aug. 6-Dec. 27. Jan. 6-20, Feb. 3-April 20, May 4Aug. 31, Oct. 19-Nov. 9, Dec. 14-28. 1817. Jan. 4-25, March 1, 8, April 5June 28, July 19-Aug. 16, 30Sept. 20, Oct. 18. Washington, 1815-17. f°. The Globe. Daily. 1833. April 1-Sept. 30. Reserve 1836. Jan. 1-July 2, 6-Oct. 27, 29-Dec. 31. Washington, D. C., continued. National Intelligencer, continued. 1817. Feb. 27, March 8-13, Dec. 4-11, 16, 20-25. 1818. Jan. 6-15, 20-27, March 26-31, April 9-14, 28, 30, June 2, 4, 13, July 21, Aug. 1, 4, 13-22, 27, Sept. 1, 15, 24, 26, Oct. 3-10, 15Nov. 26, Dec. 1-5, 10-15, 19-31. Issue for Oct. 29 lacks 2d leaf; issues for Aug. 22, Oct. 31, Nov. 5, 12, 14, 17 badly mutilated. 1819. Jan. 2, Feb. 18-March 11, 17-24, April 1, 3, 8, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, May 12-19, 26-June 12, July 14Aug. 11, 18-28, Sept. 4-29, Oct. 6-27, Nov. 3-16, 25, 30-Dec. 7, 18, 30. Issues for Feb. 20, Sept. 15 and Oct. 13 lack 2d leaf. Issues for April 1, 3, Aug. 4, 7, Sept. 18 badly mutilated. 1820. Jan. 1, 6, 8, 29-Feb. 3, 10-22, 26March 4, 9-April 20, 25-July 22, 27-Aug. 3, 8-12, 23-Oct. 18, 25Nov. 18, 28, Dec. 2-30. Issues for Jan. 1 and 8 have 2d leaf only. Issues for March 21, Sept. 13, Oct. 7, Nov. 11 badly mutilated. 1821. Jan. 2, 4, 9-23, 27, Feb. 1-24, March 6, 8, 15, 24, 27, April 10, May 1-5, 30, June 2, 13-20, July 28, Aug. 18, 25, Sept. 8, 26, 29, Oct. 20, 27-Nov. 10, 15, 29, Dec. 4-11, 15, 20, 25-29. Issue for Nov. 29 has 1st leaf only. 1822. Jan. 1-17, 22-Feb. 28, March 5July 13, 20-Oct. 2, 9-Dec. 31. Supplement: May 2. 1823. Jan. 2-April 26, May 1-June 28, July 19-26, Oct. 4, 11, Nov. 11, 29, Dec. 9, 20. Extra: March 1. Issues for Oct. 4, 11, Nov. 29 lack 2d leaf. 1824. Jan. 1-July 17, 22-Sept. 30, Oct. 5-Dec. 30. Supplement: Jan. 22, 27, Feb. 11. 13, 17, 19, March 2, 25, 30, April 8, 30, May 15, 25, July 7, 15, Oct. 20. 1825. Jan. 1-May 26, 31-Dec. 31. Extra: Feb. 5. Supplement: Jan. 25, Dec. 22. 1826. Jan. 3-Dec. 30. Extra: March 27. Supplement: Jan. 26, 31, Feb. 7, March 4, 7, 16, 18, April 18, May 20, Aug. 10. 1827. Jan. 2-Feb. 13, 17-Dec. 25, 29. Extra: Dec. 4. Supplement: Jan. 18, 27, Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, March 3, 8, Aug. 4. 1828 Jan. 1-Dec. 30. 1829. 1830. Extra: Dec. 2. Supplement: Jan. 17, Aug. 9, Sept. Jan. 1-July 2, 8-Dec. 5, 10-31. Issue for June 26 lacks 2d leaf. 1831. Jan. 1-Feb. 1, 5-Dec. 31. Supplement: Sept. 17. 1832. Jan. 3-April 21, 26-Dec. 29. Extra: Dec. 4. Issue for Feb. 4 badly mutilated. 1833. Jan. 1-Aug. 24, 31-Dec. 31. Supplement: Jan. 18, Feb. 2, 28, 1834. Jan. 2-Dec. 30. Supplement: Feb. 22, March 1, 15, 1835. Jan. 1-Oct. 24, 31-Dec. 5, 10-31. Supplement: Feb. 24, March 10. Jan. 2-April 7, 12-26, 30-Sept. 3, 10, 14, 21-Dec. 31. 1836. 1837. 1838. Jan. 2-Feb. 6, 10-May 17, 26- 1839. Jan. 1-12, 17-Feb. 21, 26, March 5-21, 26-April 9, 13-June 29, July 6-27, Aug. 3-Oct. 16. Supplement: Jan. 24. 1840. May 30-Aug. 11, 15-Sept. 5, 10– Dec. 31. 1857. Jan. 1-March 17, 21-June 4, 9July 9, 14-Sept. 1, 5-26, Oct. 1, 6-Dec. 31. Extra: Jan. 3, Feb. 7. 1858. Jan. 2-9, 16, 19, 23-Feb. 4, 9-April 10, 17-May 1, 6-June 3, 8-19, 24-July 8, 13-Oct. 28, Nov. 2Dec. 30. 1859. Jan. 1-11, 15-March 19, 26-31, April 5-Aug. 2, 6, 13-Dec. 31. 1865. Sept. 16, 19, 23-28, Oct. 3, 5, 10-14, 19, 21, 28, 31, Nov. 4-11, 16, 2125, 30, Dec. 2, 7-19, 23. |