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Crail. Collegiate Church. Register of the Collegiate Church of Crail, Fifeshire. With historical remarks by Rev. Charles Rogers. (Royal Historical Society. Transactions. London, 1877. 8°. v. 6, p. 324394.)


With introductory remarks by Rev. Charles Rogers. London: Grampian Club, 1877. 76 p. 8°. CRF

Fortune, E. Charlton. A royal Scottish burgh. illus. (Harper's magazine. New York, 1910. 8°. v. 121, p. 661-669.) * DA Crail, Fifeshire.

Millar, Alexander Hastie. Notes on the ancient burgh seal of Crail, and the seal of the chapter of the abbey of Coupar. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°.

v. 37, p. 160-165.)


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History and Description, continued.

Local History, continued.


Reid, Alan. Churchyard memorials of Cranston, Crichton, Blairgowrie, and Rattray; a record and comparison. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1909. sq. 8°. v. 43, p. 206-240.) CPA

CRICHTON CASTLE, EDINBURGHSHIRE Duncan, James Dalrymple. [Notes on the history of Crichton Castle.] (Glasgow Archæological Society. Transactions. Glasgow, 1890. sq. 8°. new series, v. 1, p. 409-418.) CPA


Account of the burning of the villages of Auchterarder, Muthill, Crieff, Blackford, Dalreoch, and Dunning, about the beginning of the year 1716. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 441-474.) † CP Reprinted in A. G. Reid's Annals of Auchterarder, p. 147-155, Crieff, 1899.

Crieff: its traditions and characters, with anecdotes of Strathearn. Edinburgh: D. Macara, 1881. xi(i), 304 p. 12°. CR

Porteous, Alexander. The history of Crieff, from the earliest times to the dawn of the twentieth century. By Alexander Porteous, with introduction by W. P. Paterson, D.D. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1912. xviii, 423 p., 3 plans, 40 pl., 1 port. 4°.


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Anders, Felix. Culross and Saint Mungon. (Scots magazine. Perth, 1900. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 99-107.) * DE

Beveridge, David. Culross and Tulliallan; or, Perthshire on Forth. Its history and antiquities, with elucidations of Scottish life and character from the burgh and kirk-session records of that district. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1885. 2 v. 8°. CR Reviewed in Blackwood's Edinburgh magasine, v. 139, p. 380-389, Edinburgh, 1886.

Hallen, Arthur Washington Cornelius. Notes on the secular and ecclesiastical antiquities of Culross. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1878. sq. 8°. v. 12, p. 245-253.)


Jervise, Andrew. Poetical maxims from a painted room in the old house at Culross, called "The Palace," with notices of the history of the building and its probable founder. (Society of Antiquaries of

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Armstrong, Robert Bruce. Military report on the districts of Carrick, Kyle, and Cunningham. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archæological Association. Archæological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1884. 4°. v. 4, p. 17-25.) † CA

Paterson, James. History of the counties of Ayr and Wigton. Edinburgh: J. Stillie, 1863-66. 3 v. in 5. fac., pl. 12°. CR v. 1, Kyle; v. 2, Carrick; v. 3, Cunningham. Pont, Timothy. Cuninghame topographized by T. Pont, 1604-1608, with continuations and illustrative notices by James Dobie. Edited by John Shedden Dobie. Glasgow: John Tweed, 1876. xix, 426 p., 1 plan, 4 pl. 4°. †† CRB

Robertson, George. Topographical description of Ayrshire; more particularly of Cunninghame: together with a genealogical account of the principal families in that bailiwick. Irvine: Cunningham Press, 1820. xii, 13-442 p., 1 map. fo. ++ CR

CUPAR-ANGUS ABBEY, PERTHSHIRE Bannister, Henry Marriott. Pagine scelte di due codici appartenuti alla Badia

di S. Maria di Coupar-Angus in Scozia, con una breve descrizione di H. M. Bannister. Contributo alla storia della scrittura insulare. Specimen pages of two manuscripts of the abbey of Coupar-Angus in Scotland, with a short description by H. M. Bannister. Roma: Danesi, 1910.

13 p., 5 fac. 4°. (Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana. Codices e Vaticanis selecti phototypice expressi jussu Pii pp. x. consilio et opera curatorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae. Series minor. v. 2.) Reserve

Italian and English. Cupar-Angus Abbey. Rental book of Cupar-Angus; with the breviary of the register. Edited by C. Rogers. London: printed for the Grampian Club, 1879-80. 2 v. pl. 8°. CR

Jervise, Andrew. Memorials of Angus and the Mearns: being an account, historical, antiquarian, and traditionary, of the castles and towns visited by Edward I. and of the barons, clergy, and others, who swore fealty to England in 1291-6; also, of the abbey of Cupar, and the priory of Rostinoth. To which is added an appendix of original documents. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1861. x, 32*, 504 p., 1 1., 8°. CR

Millar, Alexander Hastie. Notes on the ancient burgh seal of Crail, and the seal of the chapter of the abbey of Coupar. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1903. sq. 8°. v. 37, p. 160-165.) CPA

Wilson, James. Charter of the abbot and convent of Cupar, 1220. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 172-177.)


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Account, An, of the purging and planting of the congregation of Dalkeith. Containing I. The Copy of a late paper, intituled, Information for Mr. Alexander Heriot, &c. II. A Short relation of the Presbytery... their procedure in... sentencing... Mr. Heriot. III. An Answer to that paper, called Information [etc.]. Edinburgh: E. Mosman, 1691. 2 p.l., 48 p. 8°. (4°.) CI p.v. 77

Mitchell, Alexander. Political and social movements in Dalkeith from 1831 to 1882. Printed for private circulation. Edinburgh: Morrison and Gibb, 1882. viii, 229 p., 11. 8°.


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Aberdeen, Deeside and Braemar... Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1856. viii, 63 p., 3 maps, 1 pl. 16°. Stuart 8760

Anderson, Robert. Brown's Deeside guide. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1906. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 7, p. 187189.) CPA

See also note in v. 8, p. 22.

Banks, W., & Sons. Scenery on the Dee-side, on the route from Aberdeen to Balmoral. [Edinburgh, 18—? 1 1., 14 pl. ob. 24°. Stuart 9136

Shand, Alexander Innes. Old Deeside: its songs and stories. (Cornhill magazine. London, 1908. 8°. new series, v. 25, p. 252-267.) * DA

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Bower, John. The history and antiquities of Melrose, Old Melrose, and Dryburgh Abbeys; with a description of Abbotsford, Eildon Hills, etc. [By John Bower.j Melrose: J. Bower [18471. viii, (1)10-99 p., 3 pl. 16°. CRF

With additional engraved title-page.

Cram, Ralph Adams. The ruined abbeys of Great Britain. New York: The Churchman Co., 1905. pl. 8°. COF

p. 171-191: Melrose and Dryburgh, 6 pl. Dryburgh Abbey, its monks and its lords. [Edinburgh: printed by G. Robbi for the proprietor, 1873. 44 p., 1 plan. 4. ed. 16°. CRB

Morton, James. The monastic annals of Teviotdale; or, The history and antiquities of the abbeys of Jedburgh, Kelso, Melros and Dryburgh. Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars, 1832. xi pp., 2 1., 328 p., 19 pl. 4°. CR Ross, Frederick. The ruined abbeys of Britain. London: Wm. Mackenzie, n. d. ++ СВ The Premonstratensian abbey of Dryburgh, p. 125-148.


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