History and Description, continued. DUMBARTON, DUMBARTONSHIRE Glen, John. History of the town and castle of Dumbarton, from the earliest period till the present time. Dumbarton: E. D. Ogilvie, W. Conolly & J. Neilson, 1847. viii, (1)10-150 p. 12°. CR Irving, Joseph. The story of ten years' progress in the burgh of Dumbarton. [Dumbarton, 1865. 4 p.1., 5-34 р., 8 1., 3 pl. 16°. * C p.v. 1042 Marwick, Sir James David. The river Clyde and the Clyde burghs. The city of Glasgow and its old relations with Rutherglen, Renfrew, Paisley, Dumbarton, PortGlasgow, Greenock, Rothesay, and Irvine. [Edited by R. Renwick.] Glasgow: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1909. 1 p.1., 4, v-x p., 1 1., 254 p. 4°. DUMBARTONSHIRE CR Chalmers, George. Dumbarton-shire. (In his: Caledonia. London, 1824. 4°. V. 3, p. 856-914.) † CP Irving, Joseph. The book of Dumbartonshire: a history of the county, burghs, parishes, and lands, memoirs of families, and notices of industries carried on in the Lennox district. Edinburgh: W. & A. Κ. Johnston, 1879. 3 v. fac., maps, plans, pl., port. sq. 4°. no. 200 of 400 copies printed. CR The history of Dumbartonshire, civil, ecclesiastical, and territorial; with genealogical notices of the principal families in the county... Dumbarton: the author, 1860.xx, 616 p., 4 fac., 2 maps, 5 pl., 2 port., 4 tables. 2. ed. 4°. † CR DUMFRIES, DUMFRIESSHIRE Aitken, John Carlyle. Notes on the bridge of Nith. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1888. 8°. 1886-87, p. 18-26.) Notes on the town's common mills and their history. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1887. 8°. 1883-86, p. 58-70.) * EC The old church of Dumfries. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1890. 8°. 1887-90, p. 42-51.) * EC Barker, John. Notes on the municipal history of Dumfries. (Dumfries and Galloway notes and queries. Dumfries, 1912. sq. 8°. series 1, p. 329-337.) Per. Dept. Corrie, John M. The Dumfries post office, 1642-1910. A record of progress and development. 6 pl. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, es. 1912. 8°. 1911-12, p. 38-118.) * EC M'Diarmid, William R. Notes on the old town hall of Dumfries, commonly called the Mid Steeple. 1 pl. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 186-189.) CPA McDowall, William. History of the burgh of Dumfries, with notices of Nithsdale, Annandale, and the western border. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1873. 1 p.1., viii, 9-787 p., 1 plan, 3 pl. 2. ed. 8°. CR With additional lithographed title-page. Shirley, G. W. Dumfries market cross. (Dumfries and Galloway notes and queries. Dumfries, 1911. sq. 8°. series 1, p. 192197.) Per. Dept. The English raids on Dumfries in 1570. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1911. 8°. 191011, p. 217-245.) * EC The market cross of Dumfries. illus. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1911. 8°. 191011, р. 201-214.) * EC Shirley, Mrs. G. W. Two centuries ago * EC in Dumfries. (Dumfries and Galloway notes and queries. Dumfries, 1911. sq. 8°. series 1, p. 144-149.) Per. Dept. Barbour, James. The castle of Dumfries. 2 plans, 1 pl. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1907. 8°. 1905-1906, p. 48-93.) * EC Devorgilla Baliol and the old bridge of Dumfries. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1909. 8°. 1907-08, p. 114-125.) * EC The Grey Friars' Church of Dumfries. (Dumfries and Galloway notes and queries. Dumfries, 1911. sq. 8°. series 1, p. 127-137.) Per. Dept. DUMFRIESSHIRE Black, George Fraser. Notice of antiquities found in Dumfriesshire, and now preserved in the National Museum in Edinburgh. illus. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1890. 8°. 1887-90, p. 207-214.) * EC Notice of various antiquities found in Dumfriesshire, and now preserved in Wallace, Thomas. Notes from the old churchyards of Logie, Lecropt, Dunblane, and Moy, with a note on an impression of human feet cut in stone. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 436-442.) CPA DUNBLANE, SYNOD OF Dunblane Diocesan Synod. Register of the Diocesan Synod of Dunblane, 16621688, with an introduction and biographical notes, by John Wilson, D.D. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1877. xxv, 276 р. sq. 8°. ZPWY With autograph letter by the editor inserted. DUNDEE, FORFARSHIRE Albert Institute, Dundee. Album of Indiapolis. The grand Indian Palace Bazaar in aid of the building fund of the Victoria Art Galleries, Oct. [1888.] Dundee [1888]. 20 1., 16 pl., 6 port. 8°. CR p. box Old Dundee, a pictorial and historical exhibition illustrative of the past life, social, political, municipal and industrial of the ancient burgh of Dundee, 189293. Dundee, 1892.4 p.1., 296 p. sq. 16°. CR Buchanan, George Cunningham. The port of Dundee. [Discussion and correspondence. (Institute of Civil Engineers. Minutes of proceedings. London, 1902. 8°. v. 149, p. 1-39.) VDA With an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. Edited by J. H. T. Tudsbery. London: The Institute of Civil Engineers, 1902. 41(1) p., 2 pl. illus. 8°. VDNA p.v. 5 History and Description, continued. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 347-349.) CPA Local History — Dundee, Forfarshire, cont'd. Free Public Library Annual "finding list," containing the books added to the Central Lending Department, Albert Institute. no. 5-8, Sept., 1891-Aug., 1897. Dundee, 1892-97. 4°. * GX Catalogue of the Burns, Scott, and Shakespeare exhibition, comprising books, manuscripts, engravings, medals, etc., from the collection of A. C. Lamb, Victoria Galleries, 1896-7. Dundee [1896?). 115 р. 16°. * NCI Catalogue, Central Lending Department, Albert Institute. Third catalogue issued. Dundee: W. & D. C. Thomson, prtrs., 1891. 2 p.1., (1)4, 811(1) p., 1 plan, 1 pl. 4°. * GX Catalogue of the Lochee Branch Library... Dundee: W. & D. C. Thomson, prtrs., 1896. 7, 275 p. 8°. * GX First supplementary catalogue of the Lochee Branch Library, 1898... Dundee: W. & D. C. Thomson, prtrs., 1898. 31(1) Minutes of meetings of the Town Council of Dundee, and its committees, with minutes of the Dundee water commissioners and the Dundee gas commissioners. 1898/9-1902/3. [Dundee, 18991903. f°. * SYB Dundee Parish Church, St. Mary's. Order of divine service used at the dedication of the great east window. [Dundee, 1897. 22 р., 2 pl. 8°. MRY p. box 1 p. 17-22 contain a description of the window. Hutcheson, Alexander. Notice of the discovery of earthenware jars in the walls of dwelling-houses in Dundee, with some instances of the use of jars in architecture. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1883. sq. 8°. v. 17, p. 426-432.) CPA Innes, Cosmo. A few notices of manners from the older council-books of Dundee. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Lamb, Alexander Crawford. Bibliography of Dundee periodical literature. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1890-91. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 97-100, 115-118, 135-139, 149-153, 167-171, 183-186; v. 4, p. 10-14, 28-31, 49-51, 70-72, 88-90, 109-112, 134-136, 171-173, 191-193, 214-215, 230-232.) CPA Maclauchlan, John. A brief guide to the "Old Dundee" historical collection, formed by the late Alex. C. Lamb, and presented by Edward Cox. [Signed J. Maclauchlan.] [Dundee,] 1901. 1 p.1., 31 p., 2 port. 12°. CR p. box Maxwell, Alexander. The burgh seal of Dundee. 1 pl. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 5, p. 129-130.) CPA Millar, Alexander Hastie, editor. See Wedderburne, David. Compt book... Peterson, W. St. Andrews and Dundee: a retrospect. Dundee: Council of University College, 1893. 30 p., 1 1. 8°. * C p.v. 387 Pinnington, Edward. A study of old Dundee. 7 illus. (Good words. London, 1898. 8°. v. 39, p. 744-751.) * DA Shiell, John. Notice of carved oak panels which were formerly in the chapel of the Franciscan nunnery in Dundee. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 108-125.) CPA Thomson, James. The history of Dundee; being an account of the origin and progress of the burgh from the earliest period... A new...edition...continued to the present time...by J. Maclaren. Dundee: J. Durham & Son, 1874. xvi, 420, xxxiii, 8 p., 4 plans, 2 pl. 8°. CR Warden, Alexander Johnston. Burgh laws of Dundee, with the history, statutes, & proceedings of the guild of merchants and fraternities of craftsmen. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1872. x, 627 р. 8°. SKD Wedderburne, David. The compt book of David Wedderburne, merchant of Dundee, 1587-1630; together with the shipping lists of Dundee, 1580-1618. Edited...with introduction and notes by A. H. Millar. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1898. 1xxii DUNDRENNAN ABBEY, KIRKCUDBRIGHTSHIRE Aitken, John Carlyle. Stray gleanings relating to Dundrennan Abbey. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1895. 8°. 1893-94. p. 15-27.) * EC H., J. A history of Dundrennan Abbey with its relics. [By J. H.] Dumfries: printed by J. M'Diarmid, 1839. 28 p. 16°. CR Macgibbon, David, and THOMAS Ross. Dundrennan Abbey. 15 pl. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archæological Association. Archæological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1899. 4°. v. 10, p. 57-96.) † CP Johnston, James, of Straiton. Statement addressed to the worthy and independent electors of Stirling, Dunfermline, Inverkeithing, Queensferry, and Culross. n. p. [1832.] 1 p.1., 56 р. 8°. * C p.v. 434 Mathieson, Kenneth. Report to the police commission of Dunfermline on utilization of sewage. [Dunfermline: Police Commission, 1872. 28 p. 8°. VDI p.v. 1 Printed by order of the commission for distribution amongst the ratepayers. Mercer, Andrew. The history of Dunfermline, from the earliest records down to the present time. Including historical notices and present state of the parishes of Inverkeithing, Dalgety, Aberdour, Beath, Torryburn, Carnock, & Saline. With a... sketch of the scenery on the Devon. Dunfermline: J. Miller, 1828. vii, 329(1) p., 1 pl. 12°. CR Stranger's, The, companion amid the antiquities of Dunfermline. Dunfermline: J. Miller & Son, 1861. ix, (1)5-66 p., 5. ed. DUNFERMLINE, FIFESHIRE Beveridge, Erskine. A bibliography of works relating to Dunfermline and the west of Fife, including publications of writers connected with the district. Dunfermline: privately printed by W. Clark & Son, 1901. 4 p.1., 320 p., 1 fac. sq. 8°. * GAA 300 copies printed of which 77 were presented to the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society, and included in the society's publications as v. 5. Carnegie Dunfermline Trust. 1. Deed by Mr. Carnegie creating the trust. II. Letter by Mr. Carnegie expressing the purposes of the trust. III. Address by the chairman of the trustees delivered at the first meeting held on 28 Aug. 1903. [Dunfermline: W. Clark & Son, "Journal" Office, 1903. 28 p. 8°. CR p. box Report of the proceedings. 190708, 1910-11. Dunfermline [1907-11]. 8°. CR Chalmers, Peter. Historical and statistical account of Dunfermline. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1844-59. 2 v. 8°. CR Notice of a stone coffin, found in the pavement of the Abbey Church, Dunfermline, in 1849, and of its contents. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Pro Dalyell, Sir John Graham. A tract, chiefly relative to monastic antiquities; with some account of a recent search for the remains of the Scotish kings interred in the abbey of Dunfermline. Edinburgh: A. Constable and Co., 1809. xii, 73 p., 2 pl. 8°. CP Mainly an analysis of the Registrum de Dunfermelyn. Dunfermline Abbey. Registrum de Dunfermelyn. Liber cartarum Abbatie Benedictine S. S. Trinitatis et B. Margarete Regine de Dunfermelyn. Edited by Cosmo Innes. Edinburgi: T. Constable, 1842. xxxviii p., 1 1., 560 p., 9 fac. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) + CP History and Description, continued. Local History, continued. DUNLOP, AYRSHIRE Dobie, John Shedden. The church of Dunlop. 4 pl. (Ayrshire and Galloway Archæological Association. Archæological and historical collections. Edinburgh, 1884. 4°. v. 4, p. 26-46.) † CA DUNNING, PERTHSHIRE Accounts of the burning of the villages of Auchterarder, Muthill, Crieff, Blackford, Dalreoch, and Dunning, about the beginning of the year, 1716. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1843. 4°. v. 3, p. 441-474.) † CP Reprinted in A. G. Reid's Annals of Auchterarder, p. 135-140, Crieff, 1899. Wilson, John. Dunning: its parochial history; with notes, antiquarian, ecclesiastical, baronial, and miscellaneous. Perth: Constitutional Office, 1873. 1 p.1., vi, 112 p. |