Imágenes de páginas
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This description of Edinburgh was communicated by the author to Sebastian Munster, for his Cosmographia printed at Basle, 1550. It is here reprinted from that work, compared with the edition of 1572.

Translated in P. Hume Brown, Scotland before 1700, p. 106-108. Edinburgh, 1893. With reproduction of the map. Alesius means exile or wanderer. Alane was the author's original name.

Alexander, William Lindsay. Our Lord's miracles of healing demonstrative of the truth and illustrative of the character of his religion: a discourse delivered in St. George's Church... October 25th, 1843, on behalf of the Edinburgh Destitute Sick Society. Edinburgh: William Whyte and Co., 1843. 20 p. 8°. ZEC p.v. 67

Amicus, pseud. A sketch of the present state of Edinburgh. (The Athenæum. London, 1807. 8°. v. 2, p. 139-144, 253-257, 348-357.) * DE

Anderson, Robert Rowand, and ANDREW KERR. Observations on the structure of St. Giles. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1882. sq. 8°. v. 16, p. 284-288.) CPA

Anglo-Scotus, pseud. The new High School. (Edinburgh magazine and literary miscellany. Edinburgh, 1823. 8°. v. 12, p. 471-475.)

* DE Armstrong, Walter. The National Gallery of Scotland. illus. (Magazine of art. London, 1890. fo. v. 13, p. 1-7.) † MAA

Arnot, Hugo. The history of Edinburgh, from the earliest accounts to the year 1780... With an which is added, a sketch of the improvements of the city, from 1780 to 1816. Edinburgh: T. Turnbull, printer, 1816. xvi. 598 p., 1 nap. 8°. Stuart 7544

Artemus Ward, Esq., at the Edenberry Yewniversetty. Edited by author of "Oudendale". Edinburgh: E. Livingstone, 1865. 14 p. STK


Election squib issued during the rectorial contest in 1865.

Attenborough, J. M. The first Edinburgh school of literary critics. (Westminster review. London, 1902. 8°. v. 157, p. 669681.) * DA

Auld Reekie. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 178, p. 92-110.) *DA

Aus dem Tagebuche eines in Grossbritannien reisenden Ungarn. Pesth: G. Heckenast, 1837. 12°. * C p.v. 1057

ch. 18: Iona, Staffa. ch. 19-20: Die schottischen Hochlande. ch. 21: Edinburgh.

Avus Edinensis, pseud. Letter to Mr. North, on a subject of much local interest.

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Baird, J. G. A. An Edinburgh account book of two hundred years ago. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 140-149.) CPA

Baker, H. Barton. The old Edinburgh stage. (Belgravia. London, 1880. 8°. v. 41, p. 167-179.) * DA

Balfour, Sir James. The order of K. Charles entring Edinbrughe, in stait, at the Vest Porte; and his march throughe the toune to Holyrudhouss, 15 Juny, anno 1633. (In his: Historical works. London, 1825. 8°. v. 4, p. 354-382.) CP

Ballantine, James. The Lawmarket merchant. A true story. (The Scottish annual. Edited by C. R. Brown. Edinburgh, 1859. 12°. 1859, p. 1-27.) NCA

The scene is laid c. 1820.

Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Photographs of Edinburgh, with descriptive letterpress. Glasgow: A. Duthie, n. d. 27 1. 13 pl. 4°. Stuart 7535

Ballingall, William. Edinburgh past and present. Its associations and surroundings drawn with pen and pencil. [By William Ballingall. Edinburgh: Wm. Oliphant & Co., 1877. xiv, 153 p., 32 pl. illus. 4°.

+ CR

Barbé, Louis A. Edinburgh and her patron saint. (In his: In byways of Scottish history. New York [1913]. 8°. p. 191197.) CP

Bartholomew, John. Plan of Edinburgh & Leith with suburbs... Constructed for the post-office directory. Edinburgh: J. Bartholomew, 1875. 26 in. x 22 in. folded 24°. Stuart 8938

Begg, James. How to promote and preserve the true beauty of Edinburgh; being a few hints to... Lord Cockburn on his late letter to the lord provost. Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1849. 16 p. 8°. *C p.v. 446

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Edinburgh: Johnstone & Hunter, 1850. 36 p. 6. ed. 12°. * C p.v. 674

Belloc, M. A. Royal Hoyyrood. 11 illus. (English illustrated magazine. Lon* DA don, 1901. 8°. v. 25, p. 567-576.) Besant, Annie. Edinburgh slums. (Our corner. London, 1885. 8°. v. 6, p. 334340.) * DE

Bickers between Edinburgh and Leith; originally published in the Edinburgh Observer. Edinburgh: Stirling & Kenney, 1829. 20 p. 8°. CR

Bird, Isabella. Visit to Dr. Guthrie's Edinburgh ragged schools. By the author of "The Englishwoman in America” ri. e., Isabella Bird]. (Leisure hour. London, 1861. 4°. v. 10, p. 247-251.) * DA

With portrait of Dr. Guthrie.

Black, Adam, lord provost. View of the financial affairs of the city of Edinburgh, with suggestions for compromise with the creditors. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1835. iv, 20 p. 8°. CR A vindication of the municipality extension and police and sanitary bills Edinproposed by the Town-Council. burgh: A. & C. Black, 1848. 15 p. 8°. * C p.v. 436

Black, George Fraser. The Scottish National Museum of Antiquities. 1 illus. (Caledonian. New York, 1901. 8°. De* DD cember, 1901, p. 17-21.)

Bonar, Andrew R. The Canongate of Edinburgh. 1 illus. (Leisure hour. London, 1865. 4°. v. 14, p. 700-703.) * DA

Borthwick, John. Examination of the considerations, submitted to the householders of Edinburgh, on the state of their representation in Parliament. Edinburgh: Manners & Miller, 1824. 49, 6 p. 8°.


Boswall, Donaldson. Notice of an ancient bulwark discovered on the sea-shore of the lands of Wardie, near Edinburgh. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archæologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857. 4°. v. 4, p. 302-304.) + СРА

Botfield, Beriah. Notices of libraries. 95 p. (Philobiblion Society. Miscellanies. London, 1861. 8°. v. 6.) * GAA Library of the Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh, p. 33-42; Library of the University of Edinburgh, p. 43-47.

Branford, V.____Old_Edinburgh and the Evergreen. (The Bookman. London, 1895. f°. v. 9, p. 88-90.) +* GDD

British Association for the Advancement of Science. Excursion handbook. Edin

History and Description, continued.

Local History-Edinburgh (City); continued. burgh meeting, August, 1892. [Edinburgh, 1892. 168 p., 4 maps. 8°. CRB Britton, John. Modern Athens! displayed in a series of views: or Edinburgh in the nineteenth century... From... drawings by T. H. Shepherd. With historical, topographical, and critical illustrations. [By John Britton. London: Jones & Co., 1829. vi, 88 p., 1 1., 49 pl. 4°. † CRB London: Jones & Co., 1829. 1 p.l., vi, 88 p., 44 1., 88 pl. 4°. CRB Brook, Alexander James Steel. An account of the maces of the universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh, the College of Justice, the city of Edinburgh, &c. 1 pl. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1892. sq. 8°. v. 26, p. 440-514.) СРА

Brown, James. The epitaphs and monumental inscriptions in Greyfriars churchyard, Edinburgh. Collected by James Brown. With an introduction [by David Laing, and notes. Edinburgh: J. Moodie Miller, 1867. 2 p.l., lxxxiv, 360 p., 1 plan, 22 pl. 12°.


Brown, Thomas. The stranger's guide to Edinburgh...and a sketch of the country in the vicinity of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: T. Brown, 1807. 180 p., 1 map. 5. ed. 12°. Stuart 8765

Bruce, Archibald. Statements respecting the affairs of the city of Edinburgh, as at Martinmas 1818... [By Archibald Bruce. Edinburgh: John Robertson, 1819. 24 p. 8°. CR p. box 2

Buchanan, David. Urbis Edinburgi descriptio, per Davidem Buchananum, circa A.D. 1648. 2 pl. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, 389-406.) + CP

A description of Edinburgh (16471652.) (In: P. Hume Brown, Scotland before 1700, from contemporary documents. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. p. 313-318.)


Buchanan, William. The editorship of the Edinburgh Daily Courant. A statement of facts for Conservatives and the public. Edinburgh: Myles Macphail, 1860. 26 p. 8°. * C p.v. 428

Burford, John, and R. BURFORD. Description of a view of the city of Edinburgh, and surrounding country; now exhibiting in the panorama... Painted by...J. and R. Burford... London: J. & C. Adlard, 1825. 12 p. 8°. MBO p.v. 1 Burgess, A, pseud. A letter to the burgesses and others, inhabitants of Edin

burgh. Edinburgh: printed_in_the_year 1758. 26 p. 8°. CR p. box 2 Burials in the abbey of Holyroodhouse. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1901. 8°. v. 15, p. 143-151, 214-227.) CA

Butler, D. The Tron Kirk of Edinburgh; or, Christ's Kirk at the tron: a history. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier, 1906. 382 p., 1 1., 1 plan, 20 pl., 4 CR port. 4°.

C., J. O. Remarks on the annuity tax and seat-rents. Written for the committee of inhabitants, by J. O. C. Edinburgh: the committee, 1828. 31 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 22

Cabinet, The, album of views of Edinburgh. [With historical and descriptive account.j n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 189- ? 8 p., 1 folded pl. containing 29 views. 8°. CR Title from cover.

Campbell, John. Leaves from the diary of John Campbell, an Edinburgh banker in 1745. (Scottish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 1, p. 537559.) CPA

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Cecil, George. Some impressions of Edinburgh. illus. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1909. 8°. v. 40, p. 176-179.) * DA

Chambers, Robert. The ancient domestic architecture of Edinburgh. Edinburgh Castle as before the siege of 1573. [By Robert Chambers.j [Edinburgh,_n. d. 2 p.l., 36 p. illus. 8°. * C p.v. 428

Read before the Architectural Institute in Edinburgh, July, 1856.

Edinburgh merchants and merchandise in old times. [By Robert Chambers. Edinburgh, 1859. 2 p.l., 28 p. 8°. *C p.v. 428

Lecture delivered before the Merchant Company of Edinburgh, Feb. 14, 1859.

Edinburgh papers. Edinburgh merchants and merchandise in old times. Edinburgh: W. & R. Chambers, 1859. 2 p.l., 28 p. 8°. TLH p. box 1

Notes on St. Roque and the chapel dedicated to him, near Edinburgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. ceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. p. 269-271.)


v. 1,


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With engraved title-page which reads: "Select writings of Robert Chambers, Traditions of Edinburgh.' With view of John Knox's house.

A new edition, as revised in 1846, with some further corrections. London and Edinburgh: William and Robert Chambers, n.d. vi, (1)8-348 p. 12.° CRB

Chambers, William. Annuity tax — kirk seats-Town Council expenditure. An exposure of the public abuses connected with the ecclesiastical and civic arrangements of the city of Edinburgh... Edinburgh: W. Chambers, 1831. 46 p. 16°. ZWGF p.v. 4

Chapel-Royal History of the burgh debt-Ale and beer duty. An exposure of the public abuses connected with the ecclesiastical and civic arrangements of the city of Edinburgh... Edinburgh: W. Chambers, 1831. 48 p. 16°.

ZWGF p.v. 4

Charters and other documents relating to the city of Edinburgh, A.D. 1143-1540. [Edited by James D. Marwick.] Edinburgh: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1871. 2 p.l., 8, v-xxviii, 231 p. 4°. (Scottish Burgh Records Society.) CR

Churchyard, Thomas. The Siege of Edenbrough Castell in ye xv. yeere of the raygne of our Soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth, at which seruice Sir William Drury, Knight, was Generall... (In: Churchyard's Chips concerning Scotland [edited by George Chalmers. don, 1817. 8°. p. 143-157.)




Citizen, A. A letter to the lord provost, containing suggestions for improving the city of Edinburgh. With a plan. Edinburgh: M. Walker & Co., 1835. 31 p., 1 plan. 8°. CR

Civis, pseud. An appeal to the citizens of Edinburgh, on the recent election of Mr. Thomas Henderson, to be chamberlain of the city ad vitam aut culpam; and on the general constitution of that office.

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Cobban, J. Maclaren. A tale of old Edinburgh. (Chambers's Journal. Edinburgh, 1894. 4° series 5, v. 11, p. 552-555, 569572, 583-586, 600-604.) * DA

Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord. A letter to the lord provost on the best ways of spoiling the beauty of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1849. 29 p. 2. ed. 8°. CR Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 4. ed. 8°. Edinburgh: A. 1849. 29 p. 5. ed. 8°.

1849. 29 p.

* C p.v. 483

& C. Black, CR p. box

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New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1856. 442 p. American ed. 8°. CR

RUSSEL, Alexander. Exposure of the attack on Lord Cockburn's "Memorials." By Alexander Russel. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1856. 34 p. 8°. *C p.v. 669 Reprinted from the "Scotsman" of Sept. 3, and Nov. 8, 15, and 29.

Coles, Frederick R. Antiquarian notes on various sites in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 330-353.) CPA

Notes on Saint Anthony's Chapel; with views and plans. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1896. sq. 8°. v. 30, p. 225-247.) CPA

Collegiate Church and Hospital of the Holy Trinity, Edinburgh. Charters and documents relating to the church and hospital of the Holy Trinity, and the Trinity Hospital, Edinburgh. A. D. 1460-1661. With a preface by J. D. Marwick. Edinburgh: Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1871. xxx, 187 p. 4°. (Scottish Burgh Records Society. Publications. v. 18.1)

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One of 300 copies printed. With autograph of author.

Preface. Introductory remarks concerning "gilds." The Guildry of Edinburgh: is it an incorporation? Appendix: (1) Statuta, gildæ, with translation in English. (2) Constitution and byelaws of the Guild Court of Edinburgh, ratified by Act 184, Scot. Parl. 1593. (3) Extracts from dean of guild's accounts. (4) Order by dean of guild — Weights and measures. (5) Extracts from burgh records of Aberdeen, as furnished to the committee of the House of Commons, in regard to the constitution of the royal burghs in 1793, with translation in English. (6) Observations on the government of royal burghs in Scotland, by Lord Kames. (7) Names of gentlemen who have filled the office of dean of guild of the city of Edinburgh from 1583 to the present time. (8) List of members of the Dean of Guild Court of Edinburgh from 1833 to the present time.

The incorporated trades of Edinburgh, with an introductory chapter on the rise and progress of municipal government in Scotland. Edinburgh: Colston & Co., 1891. 2 p.1., vii-1 p., 1 1., 237 p., 3 pl. 4°.



no. 249 of 300 copies printed. Introductory chapter, Concerning municipal gov ernment in Scotland, and the incorporated trades. The incorporated trades of the city of Edinburgh (Chirurgeons and barbouris, hammermen, gold. smythis, baxters, fleschouris, incorporation of Mary's Chapel, skinners and furriers, cordwainers, talzouris, wobstaris, waekaris, bonnet-makers). of all the deacon-conveners. Office-bearers and deacons of the incorporated trades. Other incorperated crafts not represented in the Convenery (1. Candlemakers; 2. Barbers). The inferior trades or crafts. The Trades Maiden Hospital (Historical sketch; list of the governors). Historical account of the Blue Blanket, or, Crafts-men's banner; containing the fundamental principles of the good town, with the powers and prerogratives of the crafts of Edinburgh, by Alexander Pennecuik.

Conant, H. S. Picturesque Edinburgh. [By H. S. Conant. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1879. 8°. v. 58, p. 673-681.) * DA Constable, Archibald G. Archibald Constable and his friends. illus. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1874. 8°. v. 48, p. 501-512.) * DA

Contrast, The: Sir John Campbell — Mr. Learmonth. May 24, 1834. [Edinburgh, 1834. 4 p. 8°. CR

On the election of a member of parliament for Edinburgh.

Convocation of the Laity. Proposal for the spiritual emancipation of the city of Edinburgh. [Edinburgh, 1855. 4 p. 8°. *C p.v. 1138

Couper, W. J. A bibliography of Edinburgh periodical literature. (Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1901-07. sq. 8°. series 2, v. 2, p. 25-27, 39-40, 56-58, 71-73, 8689, 101-103, 118-120, 132-134, 148, 168-170;

series 2, v. 3, p. 9-10, 24-26, 39-41, 72-74, 8687, 119-121, 135-136, 164-166, 182-184; series 2, v. 4, p. 3-4, 90-91, 107-108, 138-139, 147148, 182-184; series 2. v. 5, p. 10-11, 56-57, 87-88, 118-119, 134-135, 167-169. 181-184; series 2, v. 6, p. 5-6, 21-23, 36-38, 52-53, 70-72, 85-87, 101-103, 133-134, 166-169, 181-183; series 2, v. 7, p. 4-7, 37-39, 76-78, 87-89, 101102, 123-124, 130-132, 165-166, 178-180; series 2, v. 8, p. 10-11, 35-39, 72-74, 107-109, 121-122, 150-151, 166-168, 179-181.) CPA Based on the manuscript collections of J. W. Scott.

The Edinburgh periodical press; being a bibliographical account of the newspapers, journals, and magazines issued in Edinburgh from the earliest times to 1800. Stirling: E. Mackay, 1908. 8°. NARF Reviewed in Scottish historical review, v. 6, p. 204205, Glasgow, 1909.

Cousin, David, and JOHN LESSELS. Plan of sanitary improvements of the city of Edinburgh. August 17, 1866. [Edinburgh, 1866. 24 p., 1 map. 8°. CR p. box 3

Cowan, William. The early views and plans of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Papers. Edinburgh, 1909. 4°. v. 9, p. 37-49.) Reserve

The Holyrood press, 1686-1688. (Edinburgh Bibliographical Society. Papers. Edinburgh, 1904. 4°. v. 6, p. 83100.) Reserve

Creech, William. Edinburgh fugitive pieces: with letters containing a comparative view of the modes of living, arts, commerce, literature, manners, etc., of Edinburgh at different periods. By W. Creech, to which is prefixed an account of his life. Edinburgh: J. Fairbairn, 1815. xli, 372 p., 1 port. 8°. CR

Letters addressed to Sir John Sinclair, bart., respecting the mode of living, arts, commerce, literature, manners, &c., of Edinburgh, in 1763, and since that period ...with some account of the physical phenomena in Scotland for the last 15 years. By W. Creech., Edinburgh, 1793. 52 p. 8°. * C p.v. 787

Cucheval-Clarigny. Édimbourg et la société écossaise à la fin du siècle dernier. (Revue des deux mondes. Paris, 1857. 8°. période 2, v. 10, p. 886-915.) * DM

Based on Cockburn's Memorials of his time and his edition of Lord Jeffrey's Life and correspond

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