History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. the system of management, &c. Edinburgh: Walker & Greig, 1817. 13 p. 16°. SLT p.v. 3 Dickson, William Kirk. The Advocates' Library. 3 fac., 2 pl. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 14, p. 1-16, 113128, 214-227.) SEA The Signet Library, Edinburgh. 9 illus. (Booklovers' magazine. Edinburgh, 1907. 4°. v. 6, p. 1-13.) * IAA Dodd, George. Edinburgh. 1 pl. illus. (In: The land we live in. A pictorial and literary sketch-book of the British Empire. London, n. d. 4°. v. 2, p. 75-112.) CBD Dolefull newes from Edinborough in severall letters, shewing in what danger the city was, upon the 28. of November [1641], being a generall fast... Also, Sad newes from New-Castle... [London: W. Field, 1641; [Reprinted: Newcastle: М. А. Richardson, 1846.) (In: Reprints of rare tracts...&c. Newcastle, 1847-49. Historical. v. 1.) C Abstract view of the revenue and expenditures of the corporation of Edinburgh. 1833/4-1837/8, 1842/3-1842/3-1848/9, 1857/8. Edinburgh, 1834-58. f°. †† * SYB Abstracts of the city of Edinburgh municipal accounts. 1878/9-1894/5, 1896/71911/12. Edinburgh, 1879-1912. f°. * SYB Title varies slightly. Acts, statutes and other proceedings of the provost, baillies, and Council of the burgh. 1529-1531. (Maitland Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1840.4°. v. 2, p. 77119.) + CP Additional memorandum, by the committee of the lord provost, magistrates, and Council of Edinburgh, and a committee of the inhabitants appointed at a... meeting...15th Nov. 1821, for the purpose of assisting the magistrates in the preparation of a draft of a new police bill - in consequence of certain printed observations circulated by the Finance Committee... 14th January 1822. n. p. 1822.] 9 p. f°. †† SLE p.v. 7, no.1 Edinburgh records. The burgh accounts... Edited by Robert Adam... with preface by Thomas Hunter. Edinburgh, 1899. 2 v. 4°. CR v. 1. Bailies' accounts, 1544-1566. Town treasurer's accounts, 1552-1567. v. 2. Dean of guild's accounts, 1552-1567. Statement respecting the affairs of the city of Edinburgh, as at Martinmas, 1818. Edinburgh, 1818. 17 p. f°. Board of Supervision First statement by the Board of Supervision to the secretary of state, relative to the report of the Scotch lunacy commissioners. Edinburgh: Murray and Gibb, 1857. 23 р. 8°. Charity Workhouse Receipt and expenditure for the year ending June 30, 1802. [Edinburgh, 1802.1 f°. * C p.v. 1053 Chief Constable Report on the state of crime and the police establishment of the city of Edinburgh. 1910-11. Edinburgh, 1911-12. f°. City Chamberlain Rolls of superiorities belonging to the lord provost, magistrates and Council of the city of Edinburgh; showing the accounting for the feu-duties. 1875/6-1891/2, 1898/9-1910/11. Edinburgh, 1877-1912. f°. * SYB City Council Statement made at a general meeting held in the council chamber, Edinburgh... for the purpose of taking into consideration the best and most effectual means of improving the water and harbor of Leith, and the internal resources of the city and county of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: University Press, 1834. 12 p. 8°. * C p.v. 458 City Elders Report by a committee of city elders regarding the proposal for a commutation of the annuity tax and other funds for the support of the Edinburgh clergy. Edin Judgment and opinion of the Court of Session in cases for the governors of Donaldson's Hospital, and the managers of the Orphan Hospital, Edinburgh, and the commissioners appointed under the Educational Endowments (Scotland) Act, 1882, for the opinion of the Court of Session in re the scheme published by the said commissioners for the administration of Donaldson's Hospital, John Watson's Institution, and the Orphan Hospital. 31. Oct. 1885. [Edinburgh, 1885.] 9 p. 8°. STK p. box Destitution in Edinburgh Committee Report on the condition of the poorer classes of Edinburgh and of their dwellings, neighborhoods, and families. Prepared by order of a public meeting...held ... April 15, 1867 and adopted... Feb. 28, 1868. Edinburgh: Edmonston & Douglas, 1868. 2 p.1., [iii]-xvi, 129 р. 8°. 1903-12. Edinburgh, 1897-[1913]. f°. †† SXF Guildry Proceedings of the Guildry of Edinburgh at the meeting of the incorporation... December 16, 1817. Including some documents connected with that meeting. Edinburgh: A. Black, 1818. vii, 38 p. 8°. SDK p. box Report to the general meeting of the Guildry of Edinburgh to be held on Tuesday the 19th October 1819... [Edinburgh: Walker & Greig, printers, 1819.] 16 р. 8°. CR p. box 2 On city affairs. Health Board Government regulations for the prevention of cholera...also instructions prepared by the Edinburgh Board of Health, and approved of by the Royal College of Physicians. Edinburgh: A. Murray, 1848. 16 р. 16°. WER p. box Inspector of Poor Report...to the Law Committee of the Parochial Board of that parish, on remit by the board of 4th April 1859, to consider and report as to a better distribution of the work among the other officers of the board. [Edinburgh, 1860.14 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no.26 Kirk Sessions Minutes of the General Kirk Sessions of Edinburgh at their several sederunts held anent the Town-Council of this city their giving a presentation to supply the present vacancy of a minister. Edinburgh: William Gray, 1763. 31 p. 8°. ZWGS p.v. 2 Report by the committee of the lay members... Edinburgh: J. & C. Muirhead, printers, 1833. 11, 12 р. 8°. * C p.v. 458 Edinburgh: J. and C. Muirhead, 1833. 16 р. 8°. * YIA p.v. 2 On the annuity tax. Manufacturing Establishments Committee Report to the lord provost, magistrates, and Council of the city of Edinburgh, relative to the eligibility of that city for manuturing establishments, by the committee appointed by the Town Council. Approved of by the magistrates and councils, 31st March 1835. [Edinburgh, 1835.1 24 p., 4 plans. 8°. VP p. box 1 Medical Department Regulations for providing medical relief to the poor of the city of Edinburgh. 1856/7 Abstract of annual accounts. 1863/4. Edinburgh, 1857-64. 8°. 1856/7-1858/9 in SHL p. box; 1859/60-1863/4 in SGF p.v. 9. Balance sheet with comparative view. 1861/2-1862/3. [Edinburgh, 1862-63.] 8°. SGF p.v. 9 The Board of Lunacy. The erection of additional lunatic asylums, and the board's actings towards parish authorities, considered in a letter to the lord advocate. By William Hay. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1861. 16 p. 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no. 34 as to new poorhouse accommodation, September, 1861. n. p. [1861?] 8 p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.27 Report by inspector to the acting committee of the Parochial Board of the Parish of St. Cuthbert. Relative to the subject of a combination of the parishes of St. Cuthbert, the city, and Canongate: with reference to statements contained in pamphlet issued by the city Parochial Board. Edinburgh: J. Forsyth [1861]. 34 p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.44 Report by the Law Committee on the inspector's representation respecting his position with reference to his assistants or subordinate officers. April, 1863. n. p. [1863?] 7 p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.29 Report of Law Committee under remit of the Parochial Board...anent the board's right to poorhouse grounds, and to other grants and mortifications for the use of the poor. Edinburgh, 1861. 61 p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.17 Report of the law proceedings of the Parochial Board of the parish of Edinburgh. 1859/60-1863/4. n. p. [1860-64?] 8°. SGF p.v. 9, no. 9-15 Report of proceedings of statutory meeting held February 8, 1861. SGF p.v.9, no.1 Clipping from Scotsman of Feb. 9, 1861. [Resolution. City parish poor's-rate. Nov. 3, 1864.] [Edinburgh, 1864? 11. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.45 Rules and regulations for the management of the poorhouse of the city of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., prtrs., 1846. 33 р. 8°. SGP p. box 2 Statement relative to the expediency and propriety of a combination of the parishes of Edinburgh, St. Cuthbert, & Canongate. By Sir James D. Marwick. n. p. [1860.1 iv, 3-48, vi p. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.16 Table shewing [sic] the amount of cash and clothing granted by the principal parishes in Scotland to out-door poor for the year to 14th May 1859. n. p. [1861. 1 1. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.41 The Town-Council and the Parochial Board. The facts bearing on the claim of the poor to 1. The poorhouse grounds and buildings. 2. Paul's work mortification; and 3. Trinity Hospital; and dissent from the report of the Law Committee of the Council refusing the poor's claims, by Councillor Curror. April, 1862. Edinburgh: W. Grant, 1862?」 41 р. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.31 Vaccination. Circular dated March 15, n. t.-p. (Edinburgh, 1860. 11. 8°. SGF p.v.9, no.38 1860.1 History and Description, continued. Local History - Edinburgh (City), continued. Police Commission Instructions, rules, regulations, orders, and by-laws, made by the general commissioners of police for the city of Edinburgh and adjoining districts... [Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1839. 32 р. 12°. * C p.v. 674 Report of the committee appointed by the commissioners of police, to inquire into the practicability of suppressing the practice of common begging, and relieving the industrious and destitute poor. Edinburgh: A. Laurie & Co., prtrs., 1812. 19 p. 8°. SGF p. box Report of the committee appointed at a meeting of the commisioners of police and other inhabitants of the city of Edinburgh, held on the 8th December 1812. Edinburgh: A. Laurie & Co., 1813. 23 p. 12°. SHD p.v. 1 Report of the committee of commissioners of police appointed to inquire into the receipt and expenditure of the establishment. [Edinburgh, 1821. 29 p. 8°. SLX p.v. 1 Statement by the commissioners of police, in answer to the observations contained in the opinion delivered by the lord provost, lord president, and Mr. Sheriff Duff-on certain points, respecting the conduct of the superintendent, submitted to these high functionaries, by the General Board of Commissioners. [With appendix.) Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1821. 122, 29 р. 8°. SLX p.v.1 Police Office Half-yearly report. 1846 (July - Dec.), 1847/8 (Oct. - April), 1848 (Feb. - Aug. 14). [Edinburgh, 1847-48. 8°. SLD Report and returns as to crimes, offences, and contraventions, and to cases of drunkenness, within the police bounds of the city... during the six years ending with 1862. Prepared...by T. Linton. Edinburgh: Colston and Son, 1863. 36 p. 12°. SLX p.v.8, no.17 Public Library Catalogue of books in the Lending Library. (Second 10,000.) Edinburgh: The Edinburgh Public Library Committee, 1891. x, 538 р. 8°. * GX Catalogue of books in the Lending Library. Edinburgh: The Public Library Committee, 1904. x, 750 р. 4°. * GX Catalogue of books in the Reference Library, including technical section. Edinburgh: The Edinburgh Public Library Committee, 1891. x, 317 р. 8°. * GX Act of council, containing articles for settling differences betwixt the city of Edinburgh and certain traders and inhabitants in Leith. At Edinburgh, the 12th day of March, 1783 years. [Also] Act of council, settling the shore duties on timber, and giving instructions to the collector of the shore-dues thereanent. At Edinburgh, the 14th day of May, 1783 years. [Signed] "Jno. Dundas" [clerk]. n. t.-p. 7 p. 4°. CR p. box Address...on the subject of the new buildings for the High School, of which the foundation was laid on 28th July 1825. Edinburgh, 1825. 8 p., 1 pl. 8°. ZWIF p.v. 3 An answer to Mr. Smith's address. Published by authority of the Town Council of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: P. Hill, 1799. 2 p.1., 5-32 р. 8°. TIF p.v. 18 Minutes. 1875/6-1878/9, 1890/1-1892/3, 1910/11. Edinburgh [1876-1911]. f°. * SYB Registrate contract betwixt the Town Council of Edinburgh and Kirk-sessions thereof, 1740 [concerning a hospital or workhouse for the poor. n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1740. 4 p. f°. * C p.v. 1053 Report on the improvements of the city of Edinburgh, by the general committee named by the meeting of magistrates and inhabitants, held in the New Kirk Aisle, on 18th Dec. 1826. [Signed Wm. Trotter, lord provost and convener of the committee.] Edinburgh: Alexander Smellie, 1827. 13 р. 8°. CR p. box 2 Report by the Lord Provost's and Law Committees of the Town Council of Edinburgh, on the "Bill to provide for the better regulation of municipal corporations in Scotland"... Edinburgh: H. & J. Pillans. 1837. 12 р. 8°. * C p.v. 458 Report of the special committee of Edinburgh Town Council appointed "to consider and report as to what arrangements and measures are necessary, with a view to an application by the council to Parliament, for an act to repeal the annuity-tax, and to provide out of such funds as can otherwise be legally made available for the expense and maintenance of the city churches and ministers. Edinburgh: Neill and Co., 1843. 1 p.1., 28 p., 1 1., 8°. * C p.v. 1145 Report by sub-committee of the treasurer's committee on the proposed superannuation fund, 22d February 1849. Edinburgh: Neill and Co. [1849.] 12 p. 8°. TDB p.v. 2 Report on the subject of the memorial to Lord Melbourne from the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: T. Allan & Co., prtrs., 1839. 38 р. 8°. * C p.v. 468 Review of the proceedings of a minority of the Town Council of Edinburgh, in presenting the freedom of the city to Mr. George Thompson. Being a report of the speeches delivered at a subsequent meeting of that body. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1846. 14 р. 8°. ZWHF p.v. 1 Statement relative to the improvements of the city of Edinburgh, by a new approach from the west, &c. [Signed "Wm. Trotter, lord provost, and convener, of the committee.") Edinburgh: J. & C. Muirhead, 1826. v, 23 p., 1 plan. 8°. CR p. box 2 Statistical analysis of the census of the city of Edinburgh, 1851. By Thomas Thorburn. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, prtrs., 1851. 66 p. 8°. SDN Treasurer of Police Abstracts of...police accounts. 1897/8. Edinburgh, 1898. f°. † SLY Treasurer's Committee Report by the...committee regarding the pauper lunatics of the city, and the proposal to transfer them to the new asylum at Morningside. Approved of by the magistrates and Council on 28th June 1842. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., prtrs., 1842. 13 p. 8°. SGF p. box 1 Report by the...committee regarding the pauper lunatics of the city, and the proposal to transfer them to the new asylum at Morningside; also, regarding the constitution of the charity workhouse. Approved of by the magistrates and Council on 28th February 1843. Edinburgh: Neill and Company, 1843. 1 p.1., 32 p., 1 1. 8°. SGF p. box 1 Report...regarding the best means of obtaining immediate accommodation for pauper lunatics... Edinburgh: H. & J. Pillans, printers, 1837. 43 p. 8°. WPS p.v. 6 Report regarding the pauper lunatics of the city, and the proposal to transfer them to the new asylum at Morningside; also, regarding the constitution of the charity workhouse, Jan., 1843. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1843. 1 p.1., 32 p. 8°. * Cp.v. 492 Report...to the Town Council, regarding the future revenue and expenditure of the city of Edinburgh...approved November, 1838. Edinburgh: T. Allan & Co., 1838. 32 р. 8°. Report...to the Town Council, respecting the ecclesiastical revenues of the city of Edinburgh. Approved...Feb., 1835. Edinburgh: H. & J. Pillans, prtrs., 1835.1 20 р. 8°. Edinburgh and Leith Corporations. Abstract of the accounts of the...gas commissioners. 1892/3. [Edinburgh, 1893? f°. * SYB Edinburgh. 1 plan. (Pinnock's guide to knowledge. London, 1835. 4°. v. 3, p. 35-40.) OA A short account of Leith added on p. 40. Edinburgh. (Sharpe's London magazine. London, n. d. 4°. new series, v. 8, p. 218-221.) * DA A short historical sketch. Edinburgh Caithness Association. Objects, regulations and educational views. Instituted...1838. Edinburgh: T. Constable, 1839. 32 р. 8°. STH p.v. 11 Edinburgh Castle. 1 illus. (The Mirror. London, 1826. 8°. v. 8, p. 1-4.) Historical. * DE |