Edinburgh, The, newspapers. (Fraser's magazine. London, 1838. 8°. v. 17, p. 559-571.) * DA History and Description, continued. Local History - Edinburgh (City), continued. Edinburgh Castle. 1 illus. (The Penny magazine. London, 1833. 4°. v. 2, p. 145147.) * DA Historical notice. A journal of occurrences in Edinburgh during the king's visit in 1822. Edinburgh Water Company. Case of the Edinburgh Water Company. n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1825. 24 p. 8°. Eight months experience of the Edinburgh original ragged or industrial schools, Castle Hill and Ramsay Lane; conducted on the principles advocated by the Rev. Thomas Guthrie, reported by the committee of management. Edinburgh: John Elder, 1848. 27 р. 8°. Elliot, Andrew. Elliot's guide to Edinburgh. Edinburgh: A. Elliot, n. d. 2 p.1., 5-72 p., 1 plan, 1 pl. 8°. Title reprinted on the cover. KFT History and Description, continued. Local History — Edinburgh (City), continued. committee of police, in which the ancient and beautiful capital of Scotland is falsely described as a residence unsafe to the health of its inhabitants. Edinburgh: John Lindsay & Co., 1840. 4 p.1., 166 p. 8°. * C p.v.436 Frothingham, W. Sketches of Edinburgh literati. By a former member of its press [W. Frothingham). (The Continental monthly. New York and Boston, 1862. 8°. v. 1, p. 453-460.) * DA Gairdner, Sir William Tennant. The Edinburgh Royal Infirmary in the 'fifties. (In: G. A. Gibson, Life of Sir William Tennant Gairdner... Glasgow, 1912. 8°. 438-456.) Gowans, James. Edinburgh and its neighbourhood in the days of our grandfathers; a series of illustrations of the more remarkable old and new buildings, and picturesque scenery of Edinburgh as they appeared about 1830. With historical and descriptive sketches by James Gowans. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1886. x, CR 166 p., 80 pl. 4°. p. AN Grant, James. Cassell's old and new Edinburgh: its history, its people and its places. London: Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co. [1882.] 3 v. pl. illus. 4°. † CR Edinburgh past and present newspapers. (In his: The newspaper press: its origin... London [1872]. 8°. v. 3, p. 405-456.) The The lectern was formerly in Holyrood. same article contains literary notices of the Holyrood font long since irrecoverably lost. Galt, John. The Porteous mob at Edinburgh. (In his: Pictures, historical and biographical, drawn from English, Scottish, and Irish history. London, 1824. 16°. v. 2, p. 388-396.) СВА Geddes, Patrick. Edinburgh and its region, geographic and historical. (Scottish geographical magazine. Edinburgh, 1902. 8°. v. 18, p. 302-312.) KAA Romantic Edinburgh. Geddie, John. London: Sands & Co., 1911. xi, 299(1) р., 40 pl. 2. ed. CR Geikie, Sir Andrew. Outline of the geology of Edinburgh and its neighbourhood. (In: W. Ballingall, Edinburgh past and present. Edinburgh, 1877. 4°. p. 145-153.) Stuart 7536 George Heriot and his hospital. (Hogg's Weekly instructor. Edinburgh, 1845. 4°. v. 2, p. 162-166.) * DA Based on Stevens' Memoir of George Heriot, 1845. Gibbs, Alfred S. Edinburgh jottings. illus. (Lippincott's magazine. phia, 1877. 8°. v. 20, p. 28-38.) The illustrations are by W. Ballingall. Philadel* DA * R-NARF Gray, John Miller. Additional notes on the heraldic glass at Stobhall, and in the Magdalen Chapel, Cowgate. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 9-13.) CPA Great Britain. - Statutes. Acts for disabling Alexander Wilson, Esq., from being lord provost of Edinburgh, and for bringing to justice the murderers of Captain John Porteous. Edinburgh: J. Blair & J. Nairn, 1737. 1 p.1., 7 p. 8°. CK p.v. 44 Anno regni Georgii regis...decimo [An act to disable Alexander Wilson from taking, holding, or enjoying any office or place of magistracy in the city of Edinburgh, or elsewhere, in Great Britain; and for imposing a fine upon the corporation of the said city. Edinburgh: J. Blair & J. Nairn, prtrs., MDCXXXXVII [sic] [1737]. 7 p. 8°. CK p.v. 44 Reprinted in Roughead's edition of the Trial of Captain Porteous, Edinburgh, 1909, p. 330-331. Anno regni Georgii II. regis... decimo... An act for the more effectual bringing to justice any persons concerned in the barbarous murther of Captain John Porteous, and punishing such as shall knowingly conceal any of the offenders.] Edinburgh: J. Blair & J. Nairn, prtrs., MDCCXXXVII. 9 р. 8°. CK p.v. 44 Reprinted in Roughead's edition of the Trial of Captain Porteous, Edinburgh, 1909, p. 332-333. An act for altering and amending an act of the forty-fifth year of his present Majesty [George III.] for regulating the police of the city of Edinburgh, and the adjoining districts; and for other purposes History and Description, continued. Local History - Edinburgh (City), continued. relating thereto. [Edinburgh, 1812. 52 p. 8°. Stuart 7544 No title-page. An act for amending an act of the fifty-second year of his present Majesty [George III.] for regulating the police of the city of Edinburgh and the adjoining districts, and for other purposes relating thereto. [22 June 1816.) [Edinburgh: Sir D. Hunter Blair & J. Bruce, printers, 1816.1 4 р. 8°. Stuart 7544 An act for altering and amending an act of the fifty-second year of his present Majesty [George III.), for regulating the police of the city Ponce of Edinburgh and the adjoining districts, and for other purposes relating thereto. [16 June 1817.) (Edinburgh: Sir D. Hunter Blair & J. Bruce, printers, 1817. 16 p. 8°. Stuart 7544 An act to explain and extend the powers of the governors of the hospital in Edinburgh, founded by George Heriot, jeweller to King James the Sixth. Royal assent, 14th July 1836. Edinburgh: Sir D. H. Blair & M. T. Bruce, prtrs., 1836. 23 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1062 An act to extend the municipal boundaries of the city of Edinburgh; to transfer the powers of the commissioners of police to the magistrates and council; and for other purposes relating to the municipality of the said city. [23d June 1856.] [Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1856. 30 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1511 An act to confirm a provisional order under the General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act, 1862, relating to the city of Edinburgh, 15th July 1867. 30° & 31° Victoriæ, cap. 58... Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1867. 132 p. 8°. * SYB An act for the improvement of the city of Edinburgh, and constructing new, and widening, altering, improving, and diverting existing streets in the said city; and for other purposes. 31st May 1867, 30° & 31° Victoriæ, cap. 44... Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons, 1867. 81 p. 8°. Great fire. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1824. 8°. v. 16, p. 698-710.) * DA Account of the great fire of 15th November 1824. Greig, John. Report on the statements of the lord provost & Mr. A. Bruce, respecting the affairs of the city of Edinburgh... With an appendix, containing abstracts of the city's income and expenditure for 12 years... Edinburgh: J. Hay & Co., printers, 1819. 58 p. 8°. CR p. box 2 Grey, Henry. A sermon preached in St. George's Church, on Thursday, 16th March 1815, in behalf of the Edinburgh Lunatic Asylum. With an appendix, containing a report of the managers respecting the asylum. Edinburgh: printed for the asylum, 1815. iv, 36 p. 8°. ZIY p.v. 40 Greyfriars Burying-Ground, Edinburgh. Register of interments...1658-1700. Edited by H. Paton. Edinburgh: printed...by J. Skinner & Co., 1902. vi p. 11., 722 р., 1 plan. 4°. (Scottish Record Society.) ART Grieve, James. ABC index pocket companion guide to Edinburgh. [Edinburgh, 1881.] 39 p., 3 1., 1 plan. 24°. CRB Guide to the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway, including guides to Edinburgh and Glasgow. Edinburgh: John Thomson & Co., 1845. 35 p., 2 maps. 24°. Guildry of Edinburgh. Proceedings of the Guildry of Edinburgh at the meeting of the incorporation... December 16, 1817. Including some documents connected with that meeting. Edinburgh: A. Black, 1818. vii, 38 p. 8°. SKD p. box 1 Guthrie, Charles John, Lord Guthrie. Is "John Knox's house” entitled to the name? (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. v. 25, р. 333-348.) CPA John Knox and John Knox's house. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, and Ferrier, 1898. xii, 140 p. illus. 12°. AN The traditional belief in John Knox's house at the Netherbow, vindicated. [In reply to two papers read to the Society of Antiquaries by Robert Miller, Esq., F. S. A. Scot.] (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 249-273.) CPA Inscriptions on old illus. (Sunday at 4°. 1890-91, p. 218† * DD Guthrie, Ellen E. Edinburgh houses. home. London, 1891. 220, 280-282, 300-302.) H., H. Glints in Auld Reekie. (Atlantic monthly. Boston, 1883. 8°. v. 52, p. 363-375.) * DA Hammermen of Edinburgh. The Hammermen of Edinburgh and their altar in St. Giles Church; being extracts from the records of the Incorporation of Hammermen of Edinburgh, 1494 to 1558. With introductory notes by John Smith. Edinburgh: W. J. Hay pref. 1906]. xciii p., 1 1., 201 p., 2 fac., 1 pl. 8°. SKD Seal of cause for the Hammermen of Edinburgh. [1496]. n. p., n. d. 11. f°. †† SKD A facsimile of the original is given in The Hammermen of Edinburgh and their altar in St. Giles Church, pl. opp. p. 184. Handbook, A, to Edinburgh, comprising a complete guidebook to the city and neighbourhood:... Edinburgh: T. C. Jack, 1876. 65 р. illus. 8°. KFT History and Description, continued. Local History - Edinburgh (City), continued. Harcourt, Betty. Edinburgh authors of to-day. illus. (The Criterion. New York, 1903. f°. v. 4, p. 30-32.) † * DD Harrison, John. Oure tounis colledge. Sketches of the history of the Old College of Edinburgh with an appendix of historical documents. By John Harrison. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1884. 5 p.1., 162 р. 12°. STK Haven, Gilbert. Stirling and Edinburgh. (In his: The pilgrim's wallet, or, Scraps of travel. New York, 1869. 16°. p. 77-94.) BTYB Head, Sir Francis Bond. Narrative of the means adopted for pulling down some very dangerous ruins after the great fires at Edinburgh in the month of November, 1824. 2 pl. (Royal Engineers. Papers on subjects connected with the duties of the corps. Woolwich, 1855. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 58-64.) VDA Heiton, John, of Darnick. The castes of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Wm. P. Nimmo, 1861. ix, 386 p., 1 pl. 3. ed. 12°. Hislop's time-gun plan of Edinburgh and Leith. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston [1861]. 18/4in. x 212 in. folded 12°. Stuart 8939 Historia miraculose fundationis monasterii Sancte Crucis, prope Edinburgh [1128]. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1836. 4°. v. 2, p. 9-31.) † CP Includes also: "Historia fundationis prioratus Insula de Traile," "Nomina abbatum monasterii Sancte Crucis," "Inventarium jocalium, etc. magni altaris ejusdem monasterii, 1493." Historical description of the monastery or chapel royal of Holyroodhouse: with a short account of the palace and environs. Edinburgh: printed for John Petrie, 1818. iv p., 1 1., (1)10-86 p., 7 pl. 8°. CRF Historical guide to the palace and abbey of Holyrood. Edinburgh: Duncan AnderCRF p. box son. n. d. 94 p. 16°. With a second engraved title-page. Historical, An, sketch of the municipal constitution of the city of Edinburgh; including the Set of the Burgh as established in 1583, and amended in 1730...and lists of History of the abbey and palace of Holyrood. Edinburgh: Duncan Anderson, n. d. 192 p., 2 pl., 1 port. 16°. CR With additional engraved title-page. Holyrood Abbey. Liber cartarum Sancte Crucis. Munimenta ecclesie Sancte Crucis de Edwinesburg. [Edited by Cosmo Innes. Edinburgi, 1840. cxxxvi, 333 р., 9 fac., 6 pl. 4°. (Bannatyne Club.) † CRF Holyrood House. 1 illus. (Saturday magazine. London, 1843. 4°. v. 23, p. 249251.) * DD Forms no. 6 of a series on 'The royal residences of Scotland.' Houses in flats. (Household words. London, 1855. 8°. v. 11, p. 182-186.) * DA On Edinburgh houses. Hume, David. A true account of the behaviour and conduct of Archibald Stewart...late lord provost of Edinburgh. In a letter to a friend. By David Hume.j London: M. Cooper, 1748. 51 р. 12°. * C p.v. 495 Hunter. An address to the electors of the thirteenth and fourteenth wards of police... By a commissioner of improvements, shewing the present state and future prospects of that speculation. [Edinburgh: Fairgrieve and Murdoch, printers, 1832.1 16 р. 8°. CR p. box 2 Hutton, Laurence. The literary landmarks of Edinburgh. illus. (Harper's new monthly magazine. New York, 1891. 8°. v. 82, p. 609-633.) * DA New York: Harper & Bros., 1898. xiv, 15-80 p., 13 pl., 16 port. 12°. Johnston, William. Letter to Sir James Gibson Craig, bart. Edinburgh: J. Johnstone, 1841. 49 р. 8°. CR p. box In connection with the election of Adam Black as lord provost of Edinburgh. Jolly, James. The story of the West Port Church, with notices of Thoması Chalmers and (William) Tasker; and an account of the territorial method. By James Jolly.) Edinburgh: Macniven & Wallace, 1882. 2 p.1., 111 p. 24°. ZEC p.v. 4 History and Description, continued. Local History - Edinburgh (City), continued. Journeyman Mason, A. Public buildings of Edinburgh. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1819. 8°. v. 6, p. 370-375.) * DA Kay, John. A series of original portraits and caricature etchings...with biographical sketches... Edinburgh: H. Paton, 1837-42. 2 v. in 4. 8°. 2 ν. 4°. CR Edinburgh: Hugh Paton, 1838. Keith, Robert, bishop of Fife. An historical catalogue of the Scottish bishops, down to the year 1688... A new edition, corrected and continued to the present time...by the Rev. M. Russel. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1824. 8°. ZDVH p. 44-60: 'Erection of the see of Edinburgh, by Charles the First' [29. September 1633]; p. 60-72: 'Bishops of Edinburgh;' p. 524-530: Post-Revolution bishops. Kennedy, Francis. Letters from Francis Kennedy, Abbeyhill, to Baron Kennedy at Dalquharran, Mayboll, relative to the seege of Edinburgh 1745. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 8, p. 53-60.) CPA Kennedy, James. Gleanings from the burgh records of Edinburgh during the Reformation. (Catholic Presbyterian. London, 1880. 8°. v. 3, p. 53-60, 131-136.) * DA Labouchere, Henry. Report to...the chancellor of the exchequer, regarding the affairs of the city of Edinburgh and port of Leith. Edinburgh: Thomas Allan & Co., printers, 1836. 25 p. 8°. CR p. box Lady Glenorchy and her chapel, at Edinburgh. (The Sunday at home. London, 1859. 4°. v. 6, p. 251-254.) † * DD Laing, David. Anniversary address on the state of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland from 1831 to 1860. 3 port. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archæologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. v. 5, р. 1-44.) † CPA Note respecting the Royal Exchange. Edinburgh, and the original list of subscribers, in 1752. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 593-597.) СРА Notice respecting the monument of the regent earl of Murray, now restored, within the church of St. Giles, Edinburgh. 1 pl. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1868. sq. 8°. v. 6, p. 49-55.) CPA Notice of the two Roman sculptured heads, preserved in the front of a house at the Netherbow, Edinburgh... 1 pl. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archcologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 287-289.) + CPA On the state of the abbey church of Holyrood subsequently to the devastations committed by the English forces in the years 1544 and 1545. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1855. sq. 8°. v. 1, p. 101-115.) CPA On the tumult in Edinburgh, at the procession on St. Giles's day, 1558. (In: John Knox, The works of J. Knox, edited by D. Laing. Edinburgh, 1895. 8°. v. 1, p. 558-561.) ZOV Proposals for cleaning and lighting the city of Edinburgh (with original signatures of a number of the principal inhabitants), in the year 1735. With explanatory remarks. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1862. sq. 8°. v. 3, p. 171-180.) CPA Suggestions for the removal of St. Margaret's well, near Restalrig, in the vicinity of Edinburgh, to a more favourable site. 1 pl. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 143-147.) CPA See also under Brown, James. Laing, Henry. Remarks on the carved ceiling and heraldic shields of the apartments in Holyrood House, commonly known as "Queen Mary's Audience Chamber." 1 pl. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1870. sq. 8°. v. 7, p. 381-384.) CPA Lithographed copies of a drawing of the ceiling were printed in colours for sale. Lamb, George. Cup-marked stone found near Edinburgh. illus. (Reliquary and illustrated archæologist. London, 1897. 4°. v. 3, p. 231-232.) CA |