Imágenes de páginas

History and Description, continued.

Local History Edinburgh (City), continued.

Lancefield, Alfred. On the drainage of Edinburgh. 2 pl. (Architectural Institute of Scotland. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1853. 4°. v. 3, p. 41-56.) MQA

Lang, Andrew. Edinboro old town. illus. (Century magazine. New York, 1884. 8°. v. 27. [new series, v. 5], p. 323-340.)

* DA

Law, Thomas Graves. Lislebourg and Petit Leith. 1 illus. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 19-26.)



Learmonth, John, lord provost. respondence between the...lord provost and Alexander Trotter of Dreghorn. [Edinburgh, 1831. 3 p. f°. CR 3 Anent Playfair's modified plan for building upon the Mound.

Lee, J. A letter to...the lord provost relating to the annuity tax, and the ecclesiastical arrangements now proposed for the city of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1834. 58 р. 8°. * C p.v. 447

Leigh, Samuel. Decription of Edinburgh. 1 plan. (In: Leigh's new pocket road-book of Scotland. London, 1836. new ed. 24°. p. 8-41.) KFT

Le Moine, Sir James Macpherson. Edinburg [sic], Rouen, York. Glimpses, impressions, and contrasts. (Literary and historical Society of Quebec. Transactions. Quebec, 1882. 8°. 1881-82, p. 1-58.) HWA

Edinburgh, p. 1-22.

Lessels, John. See Cousin, David.

Letter, A, to the lord provost, containing suggestions for improving the city of Edinburgh. With plan. By a citizen. Edinburgh: M. Walker & Co., 1855.31 р., 1 plan. 8°. * C p.v. 361

Letter, A, to the...lord provost, on the late fires, and their connection with gas illumination. Edinburgh: T. & W. Nelson, 1824. 14 р. 8°.

Letter to...the lord provost of Edinburgh, on the seat rents of the city churches, etc. By a member of the presbytery of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: Bell & Bradfute, 1834. 26 р. 8°. * C p.v. 458

Letter to the magistrates of Edinburgh, on the execution of Robert Johnston. By an eye witness. Edinburgh: printed by Thomas Turnbull, 1819. 15 р. 8°.

*C p.v. 698

See Civis, Letter to the citizens of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 1819.

Letter to the Right Honourable James Abercromby, M. P., on the ecclesiastical affairs of Edinburgh, by an old friend.

[blocks in formation]

Letters from Edinburgh, by an English traveller. (New monthly magazine and universal register. London, 1814. 8°. v. 1, p. 16-18, 137-140.) * DE

Lincoln, The, monument in memory of Scottish American soldiers: unveiled in Edinburgh, August 21, 1893. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1893. 97(1) p., 4 pl. 12°. AN(Lincoln) p.v. 11

Literary and philosophical societies of Edinburgh, during the nineteenth century. (Eclectic magazine of foreign literature. New York, 1851. 8°. v. 24, p. 565-570.)

Reprinted from Hogg's Instructor.

* DA

[blocks in formation]

Lizars, William Home. Plan of Edinburgh drawn & engraved for McDowall's guide to the city. [Edinburgh, 1843. 9 in. x 12 in. folded 24°. Stuart 8941

Lockhart, John Gibson. Peter's letters to his kinsfolk. Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood, 1819. 3 v. port. 2. ed. 8°. NDD Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood,

1819. 3 v. port. 3. ed. 8°.

CP 1. American from the 2. Edinburgh edition. New York: A. T. Goodrich & Co., 1820. vii, 575 p. 8°. CP

Lockhart, William. Notice of an agreement between a vassal and an ecclesiastic in regard to subjects on the Water of Leith in the year 1226. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 254-257.) CPA

Notice of a deed (circa A. D. 1226) settling a controversy between the rector of St. Cuthbert's, Hales (Colinton), and the church of St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, in regard to the teinds "de Craggis et Gorgin." (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, p. 275-279.) CPA

Notice of a deed of the thirteenth century settling a controversy in connection with St. Leonard's Hospital, Edinburgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1894. sq. 8°. v. 28, p. 254-263.) CPA

[blocks in formation]

Lorimer, George. Notes on "Ane Informatione," drawn up by Sir John Dalrymple, first earl of Stair. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1885. sq. 8°. v. 19, p. 108-113.) CPA

The full title of the document is: "Informatione for Mr. James Elies of Stanhope-milnes and ye Poore of ye Paroch of ye Weste Kirk against Sir Patrick and Harie Nisbet."

Lucius, pseud. A letter to the Rev. Andrew Thomson...on the respect due to national feeling. Edinburgh: D. Stevenson & Co., 1817. 1 p.1., 22 p. 3. ed. 8°.

ZWGF p.v. 13

Relates to history of St. George's Church, Edinburgh.

Lyman, Theodore. Letters from Edinburgh. By Theodore Lyman.] (North American review. Boston, 1815. 8°. v. 1, p. 183-195, 338-350.) * DA

On Edinburgh society in 1814. Macadam, Stevenson. On the chemical composition of the sewage of Edinburgh and Leith, and the contamination of the Water of Leith thereby. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. v. 7, p. 49-86.)


[blocks in formation]

Note relating to "Haddo's Hole," in St. Giles's Church, Edinburgh. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1863. sq. 8°. v. 4, p. 289-290.) CPA

Notices of the City Cross of Edinburgh, &c. &c., illustrated by a model and drawings of the existing remains. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1859. sq. 8°. v. 2, p. 287-294.) CPA

Macfarlan, John F. Powers and jurisdiction of the lord provost of the city and sheriff of the county of Edinburgh; with an appendix of documents. Edinburgh: John Greig & Son, 1854. iv, (1)6-64 р. 2. ed. 8°. * C p.v. 1511

Mackenzie, Kincaid. Statement in answer to the protest, published by a small minority of the Town-Council, against the appointment of Thomas Henderson to be city chamberlain, ad vitam aut culpam. [By Kincaid Mackenzie.j Edinburgh: George Ramsay & Co., printers, 1810.51 p. 8°. CR p. box 1

McLaggan, Alexander. A letter from a gentleman in the North, to a minister who has not intimated the Act of Parliament, for the more effectual bringing to justice the murderers of Captain John Porteous. Occasioned by two pamphlets lately published... [By Alexander McLaggan.j [Edinburgh: printed in the year 1737.24 р. CP p. box 2


M'Laren, Duncan. Evidence given before the select committee of the House of Commons, respecting the annuity-tax... Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1851. 31 p.8°. * C p.v. 973 The annuity tax was levied in Edinburgh and Canongate for the payment of ministers' stipends. Presentation copy from the author to Robert Chambers.

Facts regarding the seat-rents of the city churches of Edinburgh: in seven letters to the creditors of the city, with an appendix of documents. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1840. 72 p. 2. ed. 8°.

ZWGF p.v. 18

Heriot's Hospital Trust and its proper administration. An address delivered in the Literary Institute on December 16, 1872... Edinburgh: W. Oliphant & Co., 1872. 32 p. 8°. STK p. box

Reprinted from Edinburgh Daily Review.

Letter to the members of the Town Council of Edinburgh on the recent discussions regarding the proposed settlement with the creditors of the city. Containing an exposure of the dishonest reporting of the Edinburgh Weekly Journal: the reasons of protest by Councillor Deuchar against the settlement; with answers thereto, and an appendix of documents. Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1837. vi, 7-38, 18, 16 р. 12°. * C p.v. 1062

Report regarding the revenue and expenditure of the corporation of Edinburgh, to which the recent reduction of the church seat rents, and the abolition of the one per cent assessment, were founded... Edinburgh: A. & C. Black, 1838. 1 p.1., 41 р. 8°. * C p.v. 458

Macmillan, H. P. Court of Session in 1629. (Juridical review. Edinburgh, 1900. 8°. v. 12, p. 137-142.) SEA

Macpherson, Charles. On the collection, removal, and disposal of the refuse of the city of Edinburgh, illus. (Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Transactions. Edinburgh, 1868. 8°. v. 7, p. 231-257.) VA History and Description, continued.

Local History Edinburgh (City), continued.

Mactavish, Newton. Rat-holes of Edinburgh. 5 illus. (Canadian magazine. Toronto, 1911. 8°. v. 36, p. 120-127.) * DA

"Maga" and her publishers. (Blackwood's magazine. Edinburgh, 1897. 8°. v. 162, p. 860-872.) * DA

Maitland, William. The history of Edinburgh from its foundation to the present time... With the several accounts of the parishes of Canongate, St. Cuthbert, and other districts within the suburbs of Edinburgh. Together with the antient and present state of the town of Leith... In nine books... Illustrated with a plan and cuts... Edinburgh: printed by Hamilton, Balfour and Neill, for the author, 1753. viii, 518 p., 1 plan, 20 pl. f°. †† CR

Edinburgh: printed by Hamilton, Balfour and Neill, for the author, 1753. viii, 518 p., 1 plan, 20 pl. f°. †† CR Large and thick paper copy. Both copies are of the second issue in which the offensive passages relating to Mr. Coutts are omitted.

Makellar, Angus. A sermon preached in St. Andrew's Church, Edinburgh, on Tuesday, July 16, 1816, before the Society of the Orphan Hospital, and published at their request. With an appendix, containing an account of the rise, progress and present state of the institution. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Waugh & Innes, 1817. 48 р. 8°. ZIY p.v. 42

Marjoribanks, Alexander. A letter to the inhabitants of Edinburgh, on the propriety of their resisting the foundation of the proposed water company. Edinburgh: Macredie, Skelly, & Co., 1819. 21 p. 8°. CR p. box 1

Marsland, Ellis, and M. CLARKE. A report on the fire at the Empire Palace Theatre, Edinburgh, on May 9th, 1911, whereby ten lives were lost. London: British Fire Prevention Committee, 1911. 28 p., 2 pl. illus. 8°. (British Fire Prevention Committee. Red books. no. 157.)


Martyn, Mrs. S. T. The Hopes of Hope Castle; or, The times of Knox and Queen Mary Stuart. New York: American Tract Society [cop. 1867]. 359 p. 12°. NBO

Edinburgh in the latter half of the sixteenth cen


Martyrs', The, monument, Edinburgh. illus. (In: Bygone church life in Scotland. Edited by W. Andrews. London, 1899. 8°. p. 260-266.) ZDVH

Marwick, Sir James David. Edinburgh guilds and crafts. A sketch of the history of burgess-ship, guild brotherhood, and membership of crafts in the city. [Edited by R. Renwick.] Edinburgh: Scottish

Burgh Records Society, 1909. 1 p.1., 4, vvii p., 2 1., 258 p., 1 port. 4°. CR

The history of the Collegiate Church and Hospital of the Holy Trinity, and the Trinity Hospital, Edinburgh, 14601661. By Sir J. D. Marwick. Edinburgh: The Scottish Burgh Records Society, 1911. 2 p.1., 4, iv, 223 p., 1 pl. 4°. (Scottish Burgh Records Society. [Publications. V. 25.1) CR

Mason, John M. Living faith: a sermon; preached before the Society for the Relief of the Destitute Sick... 1st of November, 1801, in Bristo-Street Meeting House. Edinburgh: Geo. Caw, 1801. 58 р. 8°. ZIY p.v. 41

Masson, David. Ben Jonson in Edinburgh. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1893. 8°. v. 154, p. 790804.) * DA

Meikle, Henry W. The king's birthday riot in Edinburgh, June, 1792. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 21-28.) CPA Edinburgh Mer(Scottish anti8°. v. 12, p. 126CA

Members, The, of the chants Company - 1687. quary. Edinburgh, 1898. 128.)

Consists of 'Ane exact list of all those who are matriculate in the Companie of Merchands of Edinburgh preceiding the twentie fyfth day of June Jm VJe Eightie Seven years', from ms. in the Privy Council Papers.

Memorial from fellows of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, against the proposed demolition of Trinity College Church, Edinburgh, presented to the Town Council, 12th November 1844. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archæologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1857.4°. v. 4, p. 448450.) † CPA

Memorial of the ministers of Edinburgh respecting the annuity assessment and relative documents, 1838. Edinburgh: Neill & Co., 1838.] 16 p. 8°. * C p.v. 436 Edinburgh square. London, 1900. 8°. * DA

Memories of an old 5 illus. (Good words. v. 41, p. 552-557, 596-599.) George Square.

Menzies, James. Menzies' pocket guide to Edinburgh, and its environs. Edinburgh: J. Menzies, 1863. vii(i), (1)10-80 р., 1 plan, 6 pl. 8. ed. 12°. CRB

Vignette views of Edinburgh and its vicinity... Edinburgh: Menzies, n. d. folded 24°. Stuart 8762

Thirteen views mounted on cloth.

Merchant Maiden Hospital, Edinburgh. Rules and constitutions for governing and managing the Maiden Hospital, founded by the Company of Merchants and Mary Erskine, in anno 1695. Edinburgh, 1731. xi p., 3 1., 46 р. nar. 24°. SHD p.v.3

[blocks in formation]

Chap. vii, p. 117-130, Edinburgh. Millar, John Hepburn. Edinburgh in literature. (Bookman. London, 1907. f°. v. 31, p. 247-251.) † * GDD

With eight portraits and illustrations.

Millar, W. An account of the Edinburgh Reform Jubilee, celebrated 10th August 1832; also the Leith Reform Jubilee, celebrated same day... Edinburgh: Adam Black, 1832. 60 p. 8°. * C p.v. 458

Miller, Hugh. Edinburgh and its neighbourhood, geological and historical, with the geology of the Bass Rock. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1870. vi p., 1 1., 344 р., 1 pl. illus. 4. ed. 12°. PVI

Miller, Peter. John Knox and his manse. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1891. sq. 8°. ν. 25, p. 138-154.) CPA

The Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, from 1365 to 1617 - its site and form. 2 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. CPA


v. 20, p. 377-389.)

Notes on Edinburgh - its name, and name-word. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1889. sq. 8°. v. 23, p. 323-332.) CPA

The origin and early history of the Old Tolbuith of Edinburgh - the Heart of Mid-Lothian; and the Luckenbooths. 2 pl., 1 illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1886. sq. 8°. v. 20, p. 360-376.)



CPA Supplementary John Knox's house. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1893. sq. 8°. v. 27, p. 406-411.) CPA

Was the town of Edinburgh an open and defenceless one previous to 1450? (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1887. sq. 8°. v. 21, р. 251-260.) CPA

Miller, Robert. Where did John Knox live in Edinburgh? and the legend of "John Knox's house." (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1899. sq. 8°. v. 33, p. 80-115.)


Modern Greek, A, pseud. See Mudie, Robert.


Mudie, Robert. The modern Athens: a dissection and demonstration of men and things in the Scotch capital. By a modern Greek [i. е., Robert Mudiej. London: Knight & Lacey, 1825. 1 p.1., 320 p. 2. ed. 8°.


Mullion, Mordecai, F. D. S. E., pseud. Letter to the Committee of Dilettanti, occasioned by their report on the plans for the repair of St. Giles' Church, Edinburgh. (Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine. Edinburgh, 1818. 8°. v. 3, p. 524-527.) * DA

Murray, Alexander. Nuisances in Edinburgh, with suggestions for the removal thereof; addressed to the general commissioners of police. Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1847. 24 p. 8°. * Cp.v. 436

Mylne, Robert Scott. The Netherbow Port. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1912. sq. 8°. v. 46, p. 379-388.) CPA

Neill, Patrick. Notes relative to the fortified walls of Edinburgh; with a copy of the proclamation issued by the TownCouncil, on receiving the news of the battle of Flodden. [By Patrick Neill.] [Edinburgh, 1829.] 8 p. 8°. CR

[blocks in formation]

Old Edinburgh: with notes on its ecclesiastical antiquities. Edinburgh: T. Nelson & Sons, 1877. 31 p., 1 plan. 12°.


Stuart 8764 Nettlebottom, Nehemiah, Esq., of Brambleside near pseud. The Fudge family in Edinburgh, in a series of poetical epistles. Edinburgh: Anderson & Bryce, printers, 1820. xiv p., 11., (1)14-187 p. 16°.

New, A, guide to the city of Edinburgh: containing a description of all the public buildings, and a concise history of the city. Edinburgh: T. Brown, 1797. v, 5-152 p., 1 map, 14 pl. 3. ed. 16°.


Noel, Gerard. The nature and objects of Christian charity: a sermon delivered at Charlotte Episcopal Chapel, on December 12, 1817, for the benefit of the Senior Female Society. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Waugh, & Innes, 1818. ZIY p.v. 42

Published at the request of the society. [Notice of eight miniature coffins of wood, each containing a wooden image of History and Description, continued.

Local History Edinburgh (City), continued. the human figure dressed as for burial, found on Arthur's Seat in 1836.] illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1902. sq. 8°. ν. 36, р. 460-463.) CPA

Old Edinburgh pedlars, beggars and criminals, with some other odd characters; their effigies in colour & their characters in type. The whole adorned with head pieces & tail pieces curiously cut in wood. Edinburgh: W. Paterson, 1886. 3 p.1., 107(1) p. illus. 16°.

Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant Wilson. Edinburgh. 10 illus. (English illustrated magazine. London, 1891. 8°. v. 8, p. 48-57.) * DA

The illustrations are by George Reid, R. A. Royal Edinburgh: her saints, kings, prophets, and poets. With illustrations by George Reid, R. S. A. London: Macmillan & Co., 1890. xiii p., 11., 520 p. 12°. CR First edition.

New York: Mershon Co., n.d. 2 p.1., 408 р. 12°.

Has no illustrations. Lacks p. 281-286.


Oliver, George. Guide to the castle of Edinburgh, with an historical account of Queen Mary's room, Mons Meg, &c.; and a genealogical table shewing the descent of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. Edinburgh: printed by H. Armour, 1852. 23 р., 1 folding table. 16°. CRF p. box

Oliver & Boyd. Oliver & Boyd's Scottish tourist. Guide to Edinburgh and neighbourhood. Edinburgh: the authors, 1860. iv, 87 p., 1 map, 8 pl. 12°. CRB

Omond, George William Thomson. The Porteous riot. (From original mss. in the Record Office.) (Scottish review. Paisley, 1892. 8°. v. 20, p. 52-67.) * DA

O'Shea, John J. "The Northern Athens." illus. (Catholic world. New York, 1896. * DA

8°. v. 62, p. 195-204.)

Revival of Holyrood. 2 illus. (Rosary magazine. Somerset, Ohio, 1907. 8°. v. 30, p. 634-639.) ZLF

Palpus, pseud. Bickers between Edinburgh and Leith; originally published in the Edinburgh Observer. Preface signed Palpus. Edinburgh: Stirling & Kenney, 1829. 20 р. 8°. CR p. box

Part of amended Bill of Exchequer in re Goddard against the city of Edinburgh, touching the accounts of the burgh. [Edinburgh, 1826.] 19 p. 8°. MS. Dept.

[blocks in formation]

Edinburgh in 1629. (Scottish re

view. Paisley, 1894. 8°. v. 24, p. 1-21.) * DA


Peddie, James. Note...respecting sculptured stone found in taking down a house at the foot of Mary King's Close. Edinburgh. 1 pl. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1871. sq. 8°. v. 8, p. 48-49.) CPA

Peddie, James. The parable of the lost sheep explained and applied: a sermon, preached for the benefit of the Edinburgh Philanthropic Society, in Bristo-Street Meeting House, on Sabbath, Feb. 3, 1799. Edinburgh: J. Ritchie, 1799. 1 p.1., 54 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1280

p. 47-54 contain an account of the society and its work, with list of office-bearers.

Peddie, John M. Dick. Description of an old timber building, in the Lawnmarket, Edinburgh. 1 pl. illus. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1884. sq. 8°. v. 18, p. 465-476.)


Pennycuik, Alexander. An historical account of the blue blanket, or craftsmen's banner: containing the fundamental principles of the government of the good town, powers, and prerogatives of the crafts of Edinburgh. By Alexander Pennycuik.j n. t.-p. [Edinburgh, 1722.1 1126 р. 24°. * C p.v.1124

All after p. 126 lacking.

(Reprinted in: James Colston, The incorporated trades of Edinburgh... Edinburgh, 1891. 4°. p. 177-237.) SKD

Picture, A, of Edinburgh. (Titan. Edinburgh, 1857. 8°. v. 25, p. 364-366.) * DE

Pierson, Delavan L. Mission work in the Scotch Athens. (Missionary review of the world. New York, 1891. 8°. new series, v. 4, p. 277-282.) ZKVA

Plain Honest Man. A letter to...the lord provost of Edinburgh, on the subject of the proposed new streets, and approaches to the city, in answer to a letter on that subject by "A Builder." Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1825. 59, 16 р. 8°.

v. 7CR 2

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