Imágenes de páginas
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Kelley, Florence. Modern industry in relation to the family, health, education, morality. New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1914. 4 p.1., 3-147 р. 12°. SPR

Key, Ellen. The renaissance of motherhood; translated from the Swedish by Anna E. B. Fries. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914. vii, 171 р. 8°. SNM

Koburger, Josef. Versicherungsbuchführung. Berlin: E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1914. ix, 135(1) p. 8°. (VersicherungsBibliothek. Bd. 1.)


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Last, C. C. A. Arbeidswet 1911 (Wet van den 20sten October 1911, S. 319) met populaire toelichtingen. Zwolle: W. E. J. Tjeenk Willink, 1914. 154 p., 1 1. 2. ed. 8°.

Lifschitz, Feitel. Die historische Schule der Wirtschaftswissenschaft. Bern: Stämpfli & Cie., 1914. 2 p.1., 291 p. 8°. TAD

Lordier, Charles. Économie politique et statistique. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1914. xi, 604 р. 12°. (Bibliothèque du conducteur de travaux publics.) TC

Ludvigsen, Vilhelm. Tysk-dansk og dansk-tysk Handelsordbog. København: J. Gjellerup, 1913. 2 v. in 1. 8°. TLD

Mallock, William Hurrell. Social reform as related to realities and delusions; an examination of the increase and distribution of wealth from 1801 to 1910. London: J. Murray, 1914. xii, 391 p. 12°. TB

Mann, Karl Fritz. Der Marschall Vauban und die Volkswirtschaftslehre des Absolutismus; eine Kritik des MerkantilsysMünchen: Duncker & Humblot, 1914. xvi, 526 p. 8°.



Marchant, W. H. Wireless telegraphy; a handbook for the use of operators and students. London: Whittaker & Co., 1914. xi, 241 p., 1 1. 8°. TTF

Mills, John Saxon. The Panama canal; a history and description of the enterprise. London: T. Nelson and Sons [1913]. 344 p., 5 pl., 2 port. [2. ed.] 12°. TSB

Mohun, Barry. Mohun on warehousemen. Chicago: Nickerson & Collins Co., 1914. xv, 1118 p. 8°. TLV

Morgan, H. Ε. The dignity of business; thoughts & theories on business & training for business. London: E. Seymour & Co., Ltd., 1914. ix(i), 259(1) p. 12°. TLC

Newell, George Griffiths. "Department store auditing;" a practical text book on modern systems and methods of protection in accounting for sales... Chicago: American Audit Systems Co., 1913. 103 f. 4°. † TM

Nixon, Lewis. The canal tolls and American shipping. New York: McBride, Nast & Co., 1914. 5 p.1., 245 p. 12°. TSB

Osborne, Thomas Mott. Within prison walls; being a narrative of a personal experience during a week of voluntary confinement in the state prison at Auburn, New York. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1914. vii, 327(1) p. 12°. SLT

Osorio, Antonio. Théorie mathématique de l'échange, par A. Osorio, avec une introduction de V. Pareto; traduit par J. d'Almada. Paris: M. Giard & É. Brière, 1913. xviii, 394 p., 11. 8°.


Owen, Douglas. Ocean trade and shipping. Cambridge: University Press, 1914. ix(i), 277 p., 1 map, 4 pl. 8°. (Cambridge naval and military series.) TR

Picht, Werner. Toynbee Hall and the English settlement movement. Rev. ed., translated from the German by L. A. Cowell. London: G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1914. xii, 248 р. 8°. SHO

Rowntree, B. Seebohm. The way to industrial peace and the problem of unemployment. London: T. F. Unwin [1914]. vi, 182 p. 12°. TDH

Schluster, Hermann. Lincoln, labor and slavery; a chapter from the social history of America. New York: Socialist literature Co., 1913. 237 р. 12°. TD

Scott, William Amasa. Banking. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1914.6 p.1., 178 12°. (National social science series.) THI


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Economics, Sociology, etc., continued. don: "The Railway and Travel Monthly," 1914. 1 p.1., v-xii, 502 p., 1 pl. illus. 8°. ΤΡΝ

Sutherland, John. The bonds of society. London: Heath, Cranton & Ouseley, Ltd. [1914.] 4 p.1., 382 р. 8°. SB

Taylor, Henry C., pseud. What an advertiser should know; a handbook for everyone who advertises. Chicago: Browne & Howell Co., 1914. 95 p. 12°. (“Practical series.")


Tollemache, Bevil. The occupying ownership of land; an analysis of the position of the tenant farmer, and some suggestions on the reconstruction of village life and on the creation of the peasant owner, drawn from practical experience. With preface by R. E. Prothero. London: J. Murray, 1913. xix, 152 p. 12°.


Turgeon, Charles Henri. La valeur d'après les économistes anglais depuis Adam Smith jusqu'à nos jours. Rennes: Imprimerie Oberthur, 1913. 621 p., 11.4°.

TB Vocations for the trained woman. Agriculture, social service, secretarial service, business of real estate, by E. Martin and M. A. Post, and committee on economic efficiency of college women, Boston Branch, Association of Collegiate Alumnæ. Prepared under the direction of S. M. Kingsbury. New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1914. xvii, 175 p. 8°. (Women's Educational and Industrial Union. Department of Research, Studies in economic relations of women. v. 1. part 2.)


Walter, H. A. Die neuere englische Sozialpolitik. Mit einem Geleitwort des englischen Schatzkanzlers D. Lloyd George. München: R. Oldenbourg, 1914. xxiv, 179 p. 8°. (Die Kultur des modernen England. Bd. 6.) TDO

Weil, Herbert. Die gewerblichen Produktivgenossenschaften in Deutschland. München: M. Steinebach, 1913. 3 p.1., [ix]x, 105(1) p. 8°. SIO

Why I am in favor of socialism. Symposium. Original papers [compiled by E. Silvin. Sacramento, Cal. [1913.] 36 р., 1 1. 8°.


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Bound with his: Railroad curves and earthwork. New York. 1914. 5. ed. 16°.

Bailey, Liberty Hyde. The state and the farmer. New York: Macmillan Co., 1913. xii, 177 p. 3. ed. 12°. (Rural outlook set.) VPE

Barber, James W. The motor generator: in theory and in practice. London: Ganes, Ltd., 1914. 64 p. 2. ed. illus. 12°. Desk - Tech. Div.

Brown, Harold. Rubber, its source, cultivation, and preparation. With a preface by W. R. Dunstan. London: J. Murray, 1914. xiii, 245(1) p., 12 pl. 8°. (Imperial Institute, London. Imperial Institute handbooks.) VMV

Capart, G. La protection des réseaux et des installations electriques contre les surtensions, par G. Capart. Préface de L. Barbillion. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1914. vi, 195 р. illus. 8°. VGM

Cosgrove, John Joseph. Design of the Turkish bath. Pittsburgh: Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co. [1913.] 4 p.1., 193(1) p., 2 1., 1 pl. illus. 8°.


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Fish, John Charles Lounsbury. Earthwork haul and overhaul, including economic distribution. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1913. xiv, 165 p., 2 diagr., 2 tables. illus. 8°. VDF

Herzig, Charles Simon. Mine sampling and valuing; a discussion of the methods used in sampling and valuing ore deposits, with especial reference to the work of valuation by the independent engineer. By C. S. Herzig. With a chapter on sampling placer deposits by C. W. Purington. San Francisco: Mining and Scientific Press, 1914. 163 p. 8°. VHO

Hofman, Heinrich Oscar. Metallurgy of copper. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1914. xiv, 556 p., 7 diagr., 1 table. illus. 8°. VIT

Howe, Malverd Abijah. Influence diagrams for the determination of maximum moments in trusses and beams. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1914. vii(i), 65 р. 8°. VEF

Jacoby, Henry Sylvester, and R. P. DAVIS. Foundations of bridges and build

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v. 1. Text. v. 2-3. Plates.


Lehner, Siegmund. Ink manufacture; including writing, copying, lithographic, marking, stamping and laundry inks. Translated from the German of the fifth edition by Arthur Morris and Herbert Robson. London: Scott, Greenwood & Son, 1914. viii, 171(1) p. illus. 2. ed. 12°.


Levey, John. Refrigeration memoranda; a collection of useful information relating to ice making and refrigerating gathered from engine-room practice. practice. Chicago: Nickerson & Collins Co. [1913.1 118 p. illus. 9. ed. ob. 48°. Desk – Tech. Div.

Mierzinski, Stanislaus. The waterproofing of fabrics; translated from the German by Arthur Morris and Herbert RobLondon: Scott, Greenwood & Son, 1914. vii, 132 p. illus. 2. ed. 12°. VLB


Pickard, J. A. Modern steel analysis; a selection of practical methods for the chemical analysis of steel. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston's Son & Co., 1914. viii, 128 p. illus. 12°. VIR

Rathbun, John B. Motion picture making and exhibiting; a comprehensive volume treating the principles of motography; the making of motion pictures; the scenario; the motion picture theater; the projector; the conduct of film exhibiting; methods of coloring films; talking pictures, etc. Chicago: C. C. Thompson Co., 1914. 3 p.1., 236 p. illus. 12°.

Desk-Tech. Div.

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Autenrieth, Edmund. Technische Mechanik; ein Lehrbuch der Statik und Dynamik für Maschinen- und Bauingenieure. Zweite Auflage, neu bearbeitet von Μ. Ensslin. Berlin: J. Springer, 1914. xxiv, 634 р. 8°. PBB

Buschan, Georg Hermann Theodor. Die Sitten der Völker; Liebe, Ehe, Heirat, Geburt, Religion, Aberglaube, Lebensgewohnheiten Kultureigentumlichkeiten, Tod und Bestattung bei allen Völkern der Erde, bearbeitet auf Grund der Beitrage hervorragender Fachgelehrter wie T. I. Allridge, Baudesson, E. Eylmann... [and others, G. Buschan. Bd. 1. Stuttgart: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft [1914]. pl. illus. 4°. † QPH

Coleman, Arthur Philemon. The Canadian Rockies; new and old tracks. Toronto: H. Frowde, 1912. 383 p., 3 maps, 32 pl. 8°. PSK

Cox, John. Beyond the atom. Cambridge: University Press, 1913. 4 p.1., 151 p. 16°. (Cambridge manuals of science and literature.)


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Galilei, Galileo. Dialogues concerning two new sciences. Translated from the Italian and Latin into English by H. Crew and A. de Salvio. With an introduction by A. Favaro. New York: Macmillan Co., 1914. xxi p., 2 1., 300 р., 1 port. 8°. PAD Golitzyn, Boris Borisovich, prince. Vorlesungen über Seismometrie. Deutsche Bearbeitung unter Mitwirkung von C. Reinfeldt hrsg. von O. Hecker. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1914. viii, 538 p. 4°. PTS

Grafe, Viktor. Ernährungsphysiologisches Praktikum der höheren Pflanzen. Berlin: P. Parey, 1914. x, 494 p. illus. 8°. PPB

Hankin, Ernest Hanbury. Animal flight; a record of observation. London: Iliffe

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Henry, Sir Edward Richard. Classification and uses of finger prints. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1913. 3 p.1., (1)4-129 (1) p., 13 pl. illus. 4. ed. 8°. QOS

Johnson, Charles Morris. Rapid methods for the chemical analysis of special steels, steel-making alloys, and graphite. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1914. xi, 436 p., 1 1. illus. 2. ed. 8°. PMI

Kaye, George William Clarkson. X rays; an introduction to the study of Röntgen rays. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1914. 2 p.1., (i)viii-xix(1) p., 252 p., 1 pl. illus. 8°.


Ries, Heinrich, and T. L. WATSON. Engineering geology. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1914. xxvi, 672 p., 2 maps. illus. 8°. PTK

Saleeby, Caleb Williams. The progress of eugenics. With frontispiece by W. J. O. Billinge. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1914. x, 259(1) p., 1 pl. 8°.



Scudder, Heyward. The electrical conductivity and ionization constants of organic compounds; bibliography of the periodical literature from 1889 to 1910 inclusive, including all important work before 1889 and corrected to the beginning of 1913... New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1914. 3 p.1., (1)6-568 p. 8°. POD

Shealy, Edward Marvin. Heat, prepared in the Extension Division of the University of Wisconsin. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1914. xi, 262 p. illus. 8°. (Engineering education series.)


Stevenson, John James. Formation of coal beds. Lancaster, Pa.: New Era Printing Co., 1911-13. vii, 530 р. 8°. PTV

Triebel, F. Rechen-Resultate; Tabellen zum Ablesen der Resultate von Multiplikationen und Divisionen (in Bruchteilen und ganzen Zahlen) von 1 bis 1000. Zum praktischen Gebrauch für Stückzahl-, Lohn- und Prozentberechnungen sowie für jede Art Kalkulation. Berlin: М. Krayn, 1914. 1 p.1., 282 р. 4°. OEL

Zeitler, Hans. Mica; its history, production, and utilisation. London: D. Jaroslaw, 1913. 3 p.1., 90 p., 1 pl. illus. 8°. PWK


André, Édouard. Alexandre Lunois, peintre, graveur et lithographie. Paris: H. Floury, 1914. 2 p.1., 245(1) p., 24 pl., 2 port. 4°. (Études sur quelques artistes originaux.) MDG

Bergmans, Paul, and A. HEINS. Album du vieux Gand; vues monumentales et pittoresques de la ville de Gand à travers les âges accompagnées de notices historiques. Bruxelles: G. Van Oest et Cie., 1913. 32 p., 55 pl. f°. † MQW

Château, Le, de Versailles; architecture et décoration; introduction et notices par G. Brière. Paris: Librairie centrale des beaux-arts [1913]. 2 v. pl. illus. f°. † MQWF

Cousins, Frank. Colonial architecture. Introduction by G. Brown. Series 1. Garden City: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1912. f°. † MQWO

Series 1. Fifty Salem doorways. 50 pl.
Cousins, Frank, Art Co.
tecture in New York City
Salem, 1913. 1 p.1., 60 pl.

Colonial archi(photographs). obl. 8°.

† MQWO Cram, Ralph Adams. The ministry of art. Boston :Houghton Mifflin Co., 1914. xii p., 3 1., 245(1) p., 1 1. 8°. MAS

Davie, W. Galsworthy. Old cottages, farm-houses, and other stone buildings in the Cotswold district. Examples of minor domestic architecture in Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Northants, Worcestershire, etc...illustrated from photographs specially taken by W. G. Davie. With an introductory account of the architecture... by E. Dawber. London: B. T. Batsford, 1905. xiii, 72 p., 100 pl. 8°. MQWK

Deutsche Burgen und feste Schlösser aus allen Ländern deutscher Zunge. [Edited by O. Piper and B. Ebhardt, with preface by W. Pinder. Königstein im Taunus: K. R. Langewiesche [1913]. viii, 112 р. illus. 4°. MQWD

Emerson, William Ralph. The architecture and furniture of the Spanish colonies during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, including Mexico...Porto Rico and the Philippines. Boston: G. H. Polley & Co. [1901.] 3 p.1., 70 pl. in portfolio. f°. † MQWH

Gerstenberg, Kurt. Deutsche Sondergotik; eine Untersuchung über das Wesen der deutschen Baukunst im späten Mittelalter. München: Delphin-Verlag [1913]. 190 p., 16 pl. illus. 8°. MQS

Gladbach, Emmerich. Charakteristische Holzbauten der Schweiz vom 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert, nebst deren inneren Ausstattung. Nach der Natur aufgenommen von E. Gladbach. Berlin: B. Hessling, 1906. 1 p.1., 22 р., 32 pl. illus. 3. ed. f°.


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