A CHECKLIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND OFFICIAL GAZETTES IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY DANIEL C. HASKELL This list has three main divisions: (1) an alphabetical arrangement by cities in which the papers are published; (2) an alphabetical index to the titles or names of the papers; (3) a chronological index showing the years covered by the files here indexed. Under the name of each country in its alphabetical place is found a list of references to the cities of that country represented. References for the British Empire are made from England, Scotland, Ireland, and the various commonwealths and colonies. For the United States references are made from the names of the individual states. Under the individual cities the arrangement of titles is alphabetical, not by the first word, but by the first important word, such words as daily, weekly, morning, evening, and the name of the town when a part of the title, being disregarded. When the two shelfmarks Reserve and * A are given for a single entry it may be generally assumed that files up to and including 1800 are in Reserve, later files in * A. GENEVA, SWITZERLAND Narodnoye Dyelo. La Cause du Peuple. Die Sache des Volks. 1870. April 15, May 7. Genève, 1870. f°. ††† SFC p.v.4, no.49 Le Précurseur. Organe socialiste du peuple travailleur suisse. Weekly, biweekly and monthly. 1877-79. 1880. Jan. 3-Feb. 28, March 13-Aug. 14, 28-Dec. 25. 1881. Jan. 1-April 30, May 14-June 25, July 9-Dec. 31. 1882. Jan. 14-April 22, May 6-June 10, 24-Dec. 16, 30. 1883. Jan. 6-Sept. 15, 29-Nov. 11, 24. 1884. June 7-Nov. 22. 1886. Aug. 14-Dec. 25. 1887. Jan. 15-29, Feb. 26-March 26, May 31, July 31, Aug. 31, Sept. 30, Oct. 30. Genève, 1877-87.8°, 4° and f°. SFA and ††† SFA GEORGETOWN, BRITISH GUIANA Royal Gazette of British Guiana. Semiweekly. 1841, July 3-1842, June 29. Lacking: July 10, 1841. 1846. Jan. 3-June 27. 1848, Jan. 1-1850, June 29. 1851. Jan. 1-June 28. Georgetown, 1841-51. 4°. Title changed to: * SAE NEW ECHOTA SAVANNAH THOMSON KIRCHHEIM KOENIGSBERG LEIPZIG LUDWIGSBURG LUEBECK MAGDEBURG MAINZ MUNICH POTSDAM SCHWERIN SIGMARINGEN SOLINGEN STUTTGART GHENT, BELGIUM Bulletin Communal, Ville de Gand. 1890-1897, May 10. Gand, 1890-97. 8°. In French and Flemish. GIBARA, CUBA El Triunfo. Daily. * A * SYN Gaceta Municipal. Weekly. 1899-1912. Guayaquil, 1899-1912. f° and 8°. Commencing with 1910 issued quarterly. lacks 1910, no. 3 and 1912, no. 4. * SAE Library HAMBURG, GERMANY Reserve Hamburg-Altonaer Volksfreund. Weekly. 1871. Oct. 21. Hamburg, 1871. f°. † SFC p.v.4, no.22 Hamburger Echo. Daily. 1889. March 26, April 5. 1891. 1892. June 17, July 10, 11, 15, 16, Sept. 12, 17, Dec. 20. July 22. 1893. Feb. 4, Nov. 28. 1894. Jan. 30. Hamburg, 1889-94. f°. ††† SFC p.v.5, no.8 HAMILTON, BERMUDA Bermudian. Semi-weekly and weekly. 1835. Jan. 5-May 4, June 6-Sept. 19, Oct 3-Dec. 26. 1836. Jan. 2-Oct. 29, Nov. 12-Dec. 31. 1837. Jan. 7-Feb. 18, March 4-Dec. 9. |