Conrady, A. Geschichte der Clanverfassung in den schottischen Hochlanden. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot, 1898. 3 p.l., 80 p. 8°. (Leipziger Studien. Bd. 5, Heft. 1.) BAC Cunningham-Graham, R. B. Loose and broken men. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1912. 4°. v. 10, p. 113-121.) CPA Douglas, Loudon Macqueen. The kilt: a manual of Scottish national dress. Edinburgh: Andrew Elliot, 1914. 49 p., 2 1., 4 pl., 3 port. 12°. MMK Drummond, James. Ancient Scottish weapons; a series of drawings by James Drummond; with introduction and descriptive notes by Joseph Anderson. Edinburgh: G. Waterson & Sons, 1881. 3 p.1., 26 p., 56 1., 54 pl. f°. †† VWR One of only 500 copies printed. Notes on ancient shields and Highland targets, one of the latter having embossed upon it the cognisance of the Lord of the Isles. 6 pl. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archæologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1874. 4°. v. 5, p. 213-224.) + СРА Erskine, Stuart Ruaraidh. The Scottish national dress. (Guth na Bliadhna. Stirling, 1911-12. 8°. v. 8, p. 46-55, 185-196, 288-296, 369-380; v. 9, p. 96-112.) NDK 5. Of court or gala costume. 6. Of semi-full or evening dress. 7. Of day or ordinary dress. 8. Of "saor"-tartans and hill checks. 9. Of arms and ornaments. The Library lacks the numbers containing the beginning of this article. Famous British regiments. The Scots Greys (Second Dragoons). (All the year round. London, 1873. 8°. new series, v. 10, p. 84-90.) * DA First, The, Scots Brigade. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1896. 8°. v. 74, p. 104-113.) * DA Forbes, Sir Archibald. The "Black Watch." The record of an historic regiment. New York: C. Scribner's Sons [1896]. vii, 316 p., 1 pl. 12°. VWZH Foulis, Sir James. An account of a combat between the Macphersons and the Davidsons. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archæologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1792. 4°. v. 1, p. 188-191.) † CPA Fraser, Alexander. The Gael in Canada. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1902. 8°. v. 22, p. 209219.) NDO Goff, Gerald Lionel Joseph. Historical records of the 91st Argyllshire Highlanders, now the 1st battalion Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. Containing an account of the formation of the regiment in 1794, and of its subsequent services to 1881. London: Richard Bentley and Son, 1891. xvi, 361 p., 2 maps, 14 pl., 4 port. 8°. 4 pl. removed. Grant, James. The tartans of the clans of Scotland...with historical notes of each clan. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1886. 83 1., 1 map, 71 pl. f°. †† MMK Gray, John Miller. Scottish arms and tartans. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1894. * DA 8°. v. 23, p. 269-295.) Gregory, Donald. History of the western Highlands and isles of Scotland, from A.D. 1493 to A.D. 1625; with a brief introductory sketch from A.D. 80 to A.D. 1493. Edinburgh: W. Tait, 1836. xxxix, viii, 453, 6 p. 8°. CP Reviewed in Tait's Edinburgh magazine, v. 3, p. 574-589, Edinburgh, 1836. Notices respecting Scotish archery, particularly that of the Highlanders; together with some original documents relating to a levy of Highland bowmen to serve in the war against France, in the year 1627. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archæologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1831. 4°. v. 3, p. 248-254.) + СРА Grierson, James Moncrieff. Records of the Scottish volunteer force, 1859-1908. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1909. xxvi, 372 p., 47 colored pl. 4°. + VWZH Groves, Percy. History of the 91st Princess Louise's Argyllshire Highlanders, now the 1st battalion Princess Louise's Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders... 1794-1894. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1894. 43 p., 9 col'd pl. 8°. VWZH This edition is limited to 530 copies. History of the 79th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, now The First Battalion Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Johnston, Thomas B., and JAMES ALEXANDER ROBERTSON. The historical geography of the clans of Scotland. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1872. 39 p., 3 maps, 3 plans. 2. ed. 4°. + СРЕ Edited with a narrative of the Highland campaigns by William Kirk Dickson. Edinburgh: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1899. viii p., 2 1., 181 p., 4 maps, 3 plans, 2 pl., 2 port. 3. ed. 4°. + СРЕ Part I. Clan lists, etc. Roll of the landislordis and baillies, 1587. Roll of the clans, 1587. List of clans and broken men, contained in act of 1594. Rotation of the clans as given in acts of 1587 and List of chiefs and landlords, 1587. Badges 1594. of the clans. War cries of the clans. General Wade's report on the Highlands, 1724. Extract from "Memorial anent the true state of the Highlands." The Disarming Act, 1746.. Introduc Part II. The Highland campaigns. tion. 1. Montrose. 2. The Revolution- Killiecrankie. 3. The Fifteen. 4. Glenshiel. 5. The Forty-five- before Culloden. 6. The Forty-five — after Culloden. Keltie, John Scott. History of the Scottish Highlands, Highland clans, and Highland regiments; with an account of the Gaelic language, literature, and music, by Rev. Thomas Maclauchlan, LL.D.; and an essay on Highland scenery by the late Professor John Wilson. A new edition, with Lamont, William. The Lamont_tartan; an address delivered to the Clan Lamont Society... 1910. Glasgow, 1910. 10 p.l., 18 p., 8 pl. 8°. CPE no. 196 of 200 copies printed. Leith, William Forbes. The Scots menat-arms and lifeguards in France from their formation until their final dissolution A. D. MCCCCXVIII-MDCCCXXX. With etched plates by... H. de Grandmaison. Edinburgh: W. VWZK Paterson, 1882. 2 v. 4°. no. 160 of 312 copies printed. Contains book-plate of John Kermack. SCOTT, Mary Maxwell Monica. The Scots guards in France. (In her: The making of Abbotsford and incidents of Scottish history... London, 1897. 8°. p. 118-159.) CP Logan, James. The manners, habits, &c., of the ancient Caledonians. (In: J. Mackenzie, Sar obair nam bard Gaelach. Glasgow, 1841. 8°. p. iii-lxi.) NDO The Scottish Gael; or, Celtic manners, as preserved among the Highlanders: being an historical and descriptive account of the inhabitants, antiquities, and national peculiarities of Scotland; more particularly of the northern or Gaëlic parts...where the singular habits of the aboriginal Celts are most tenaciously retained. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1831. 2 v. 8°. CPE Hartford: S. Andrus & Son, 1846. 520 p., 8 pl. 5. Amer. ed. 8°. Stuart 7477 Edited, with memoir and notes by Rev. Alexander Stewart. Inverness: Hugh Mackenzie [1876). 2 v. 6 pl. 8°. CPE See also under McIan, Robert Ronald. Lowland tartans. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909. 4°. v. 6, p. 105107.) CPA MacCormick, John. NDO The Statutes of Iona. (Guth na Bliadhna. Stirling, 1912. 8°. v. 9, p. 41-63.) NDK Macdonald, Charles Egerton. The Highland regiments and their origin. (Canadian magazine. Toronto, 1896. 8°. v. 7, p. 259-263.) * DA Macdonell, Rev. Father. The Glengarry Fencibles. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 341-351.) NDO Macgregor, Alexander. The feuds of the clans, by the Rev. A. Macgregor. Together with The history of the feuds and conflicts among the clans in the northern parts of Scotland and in the Western Isles, from the year 1031 unto 1619. First published in 1764 from a ms. "wrote in the reign of King James vi." Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1907. viii, 176 p. 12°. CPE Macgregor, Donald. Remarks on the Scottish Highlands and Highlanders. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1905. 8°. v. 1, p. 376-380.) NDK McIan, Robert Ronald. The clans of the Scottish Highlands, illustrated by appropriate figures, displaying their dress, tartans, arms, armorial insignia and social occupations... With accompanying description and historical memoranda of character, mode of life, &c., by James Logan. London: Ackermann & Co., 184547. 2 v. fo. Stuart 1106 London: Willis & Sotheran, 1857. 2 v. 74 col'd pl. fo. † MMK McIan's costumes of the clans of Scotland. Seventy-four coloured illustrations with descriptive letterpress by James Logan. The original work...complete... reduced in size... Glasgow: D. Bryce & Son, 1899. 343(1) p., 74 pl. 12°. MMK Mackay, John G. The Disarming Act and the proscription of the Highland dress. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1884. 8°. v. 9, p. 257-263, 310-315.) * DE Errors regarding the election of chiefs and the land laws. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 212-220.) NDO The Highland dress. (Celtic magazine. Inverness, 1883. 8°. v. 8, p. 197201, 245-251, 320-327, 381-388, 445-448, 508*DE 515.) The Highland garb. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1878. 8°. v. 7, p. 158-177.) NDO Mackay's regiment: a narrative of the principal services of the regiment, from its formation in 1626, to the battle of Nordlingen, in 1634; and of its subsequent incorporation with the corps now known as the Royal Scots or First Regiment of Foot of the British army. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness. 1879. 8°. v. 8, p. 128-189.) NDO Mackay, William. Military Perthshire. (Celtic review. Edinburgh, 1909. 8°. v. NDK 5, p. 327-337.) Mackenzie, William Cook. The Highland regiments. (Gaelic Society of InverTransactions. Inverness, 1884. 8°. NDO ness. v. 10, p. 164-197.) CPE Macleay, Kenneth. Historical memoirs of Rob Roy and the Clan Macgregor; including original notices of Lady Grange. With an introductory sketch illustrative of the condition of the Highlands, prior to the year 1745. Philadelphia: D. Hogan, 1819. x, (1)12-303 p., 1 port. 12°. CPE Edinburgh: Wm. Brown, 1881. ix p., 1 1., 324 p., 1 port. 12°. MacRitchie, David. The Celtic trews. 2 pl. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1904. 4°. v. 1, p. 389-398.) CPA Memoirs of the Lord Viscount Dundee, the Highland clans, and the massacre of Glenco: with an account of Dundee's officers after they went to France. By an officer of the army. London: J. Brown, 1714. xiii p., 1 1., 132 p., 1 port. 8°. * C p.v. 510 Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1818. xv, 99 p. 12°. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 3.) CP Memoirs of the Lord Viscount Dundee and the Highland clans, &c. Together with an account of the massacre of Glenco, containing Gallienus redivivus-An account of the massacre Commission under the great seal of Scotland for making an enquiry into that murder - Report of the commission thereon, and proceedings of the Parliament. Edinburgh: D. Webster, 1818, 1 p.l., 112, 52 12°. CP p. Military, A, history of Perthshire, 16601902. Edited by the marchioness of Tulli Plates and portraits partly removed. North, Charles Niven McIntyre. Leabhar Comunn nam Fior Ghaèl. The book of the Club of True Highlanders. A record of the dress, arms, customs, arts and science of the Highlanders. Compiled from printed and ms. records and traditions, and illustrated with etchings of Highland relics and the Keltic vestiges of Great Britain and Ireland. London: R. Smythson preface dated 1892]. 2 v. [2. ed., f°. †† CPE Notices of the Highland dress and armour, collected from various sources, and arranged for the Transactions of the Iona Club. Collected by Donald Gregory and William F. Skene. (Iona Club. Transactions. Edinburgh [1847. 8°. v. 1, p. 25-52.) CP Concise Robertson, James Alexander. historical proofs respecting the Gael of Alban; or, Highlanders of Scotland, with short notices of the Highland clans; and a dissertation on the Gaelic topography of Scotland... Edinburgh: William P. Nimmo, 1866. xxviċi 542 p., 1 map, 16 pl. 2. ed. 12°. CP See also Johnston, Thomas B., and JAMES ALEXANDER ROBERTSON. Ross, Alexander. Highland dyes. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1888. 8°. v. 1, p. 10-12.) CPA Ross, Andrew. The constitution of the fencible regiments of the eighteenth century. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 146147.) † VWZH The earl of Atholl's and MajorGeneral William Drummond's troop of horse, 1666-67. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 1-7.) + VWZH The historic succession of the Black Watch. 2 pl. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 28-53.) + VWZH John, Lord Murray's regiment of foot, afterwards known as the earl of Tullibardine's regiment. 1694-97. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 23-27.) † VWZH The King's Life Guard of Horse, 1678. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 8-18.) † VWZH The Perthshire militia of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 2 pl. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 103-127.) † VWZH - the first Royal Company of Archers tartan uniform. 1 illus. (Scottish antiquary. Edinburgh, 1899. 8°. v. 13, p. 97101.) CPA Scott, Sir Walter. Manners, customs and history of the Highlanders of Scotland. Historical account of the Clan Macgregor. Glasgow: Thomas D. Morison, 1893. x, (1)12-227 p. 12°. CPE Scottish, The, clans and their tartans. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1893. 2 p.l., iv p., 3 1., 1 map, 96 pl. on 102 1. 3. ed. 24°. MMK Smibert, Thomas, editor. The clans of the Highlands of Scotland: being an account of their annals, separately & collectively, with delineations of their tartans, and family arms. Edinburgh: James Hogg, 1850. xii, (1)14-340 p., 62 pl. 8°. CPE Reviewed in Littell's Living age, v. 28, Boston, 1851 (from the Eclectic review, London). Smythe, D.M., of Methven, joint author. See Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Murray, marchioness of, and D. M. ŠMYTHE OF METHVEN. Stewart, Maj.-Genl. David. Sketches of the character, manners, and present state of the Highlanders of Scotland, with details of the military service of the Highland regiments. Edinburgh: A. Constable & Co., 1825. 2 v. 3. ed. 8°. CPE Map lacking. See notice of original edition in Blackwood's Edinburgh magazine, v. 11, p. 387-396, Edinburgh, 1822. Stewart, Donald William. Old and rare Scottish tartans, with historical introduction and descriptive notices. Edinburgh: G. P. Johnston, 1893. viii p., 1 1., 61 p., 46 f., 45 tartans in cloth mounted. 4°. † CPE no. 36 of 250 copies on Dutch hand-made paper. This is the most trustworthy book on the subject. Story, Douglas. The clansmen of Scotland. 8 col'd pl. (Munsey's magazine. New York 1902. 8°. v. 27, p. 217-220.) The plates are after MacIan. * DA Stuart, John Sobieski Stolberg, assumed name of John Hay Allan, and CHARLES EDWARD STUART. The costume of the clans, with observations upon the literature, arts, manufactures, and commerce of the Highlands and Western Isles during the middle ages; and on the influence of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries upon their present condition. Edinburgh: J. Menzies, 1845. 3 p.l., (i)iv-vi, lxiii, 171(1) p., 2 1., 36 pl. fo. Stuart 99 Lays of the deer forest, with sketches of olden and modern deer-hunting; traits of natural history in the forest; traditions of the clans; miscellaneous notes. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1848. 2 v. pl. 8°. MYR Stuart, W. G. Strathspey raid to Elgin in 1820. (Gaelic Society of Inverness. Transactions. Inverness, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 37-56.) NDO The last clan-rising in Scotland. Supplement to the History of the feuds and conflicts of the clans. Extracted from a ms. written about 1656. [Glasgow: J. Wylie & Co., 1818.1 34 p. 12°. (Miscellanea Scotica. v. 2.) CP 22.) Tullibardine, Katharine Marjory Murray, marchioness of. The Drummond or Perth Fencibles. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. 179-180.) + VWZH The 84th Regiment of Foot, or Royal Highland Emigrants, Second Battalion. 1775-84. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 68-69.) + VWZH The Fourth (or Breadalbane) Regiment of Fencible Men.. 1793-1802. 1 pl. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 16601902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 148-167.) † VWZH Independent troops of horse. 168991. 1 pl. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 19+ VWZH The 95th Regiment of Foot. 178083. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 87-88.) + VWZH The 105th and 109th Regiments of Foot. 1761-64. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 65-67.) + VWZH The 116th Regiment of Foot. 179495. 1 pl. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 100102.) † VWZH The Perthshire Fencible Cavalry; or, Perthshire Fencible Light Dragoons. 1794-1800. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4°. p. 168175.) + VWZH The Perthshire Regiment of Fencibles. 1749-99. (In: A military history of Perthshire, 1660-1902. Perth, 1908. 4° p. 176-178.) † VWZH |