Imágenes de páginas
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Biography, continued.
Individual Biography, continued.

BRUCE, OF TILLYCOULTRY Cunninghame, John. Letter to the Right Honourable Ilay Campbell, lord president of the Court of Session. [By John Cunninghame. London: printed for the author, 1805. 51(1) p. 8°. AGH p.v.7 Relates to the estate of Bruce of Tillycoultry.


Begbie, Patrick. Letters...concerning the discovery of the silver box containing the heart of Edward, Lord Bruce of Kinloss. 2 p.1. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archæologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 116-128.) † CPA

Stowell (Lord). Account of the discovery of the heart of Lord Edward Bruce at Culross in Perthshire. 2 pl. (Society of Antiquaries of London. Archæologia. London, 1824. 4°. v. 20, p. 515-518.) † CA


Head, Sir Francis Bond. The life of Bruce, the African traveller. London: John Murray, 1830. vii[i], 535 p., 1 map. 16°. AN

Lacks portrait. Reviewed in Westminster review, v. 14, p. 181-191. London, 1831.

Memoir of Bruce. 1 port. (In: The naturalist's library, edited by Sir W. Jardine. Edinburgh, 1843. 16°. v. 23, p. 1784.) QGF

James Bruce the Abyssinian traveller. St. John, James Augustus. James Bruce. (In his: Lives of celebrated travellers. New York, 1839. 24°. v. 2, p. 233-301.)

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Bradley, Edward. The brooch of Bruce. By Cuthbert Bede pseud. of Edward Bradley]. 1 illus. (Gentleman's magazine. London, 1866. 8°. v. 200, p. 324-329.) * DA Reprinted in Every Saturday, v. 1, p. 346-348, Boston, 1866.

Graham, William. Robert Bruce and John Knox. By a parish minister [i. e., Rev. W. Graham). Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons, 1873. 32 p. 8°.

ZEC p.v. 91 Presentation copy to Prof. John Stuart Blackie. Harvey, John. The life of Robert Bruce, king of Scotland. A heroic poem. '(In: Henry the Minstrel, The life and heroic achievements of Sir William Wallace... Edinburgh, 1859. 24°. p. 211-288.)

Jardine, Henry. Extracts from the report made by H. Jardine...relative to the tomb of King Robert Bruce, and the church of Dunfermline. 4 pl. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Archæologia Scotica. Edinburgh, 1822. 4°. v. 2, p. 435-455.)

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Bruce, Robert. Narrative by Mr. Robert Bruce, one of the ministers of Edinburgh, concerning his troubles in the year 1600. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1827. 4°. v. 1, p. 163-176.) + CP

Curious, A, interview between James vI. and Mr. Robert Bruce, one of the ministers of Edinburgh. (Edinburgh magazine and review. Edinburgh, 1775. 8°. v. 3, p. 6264.) * DE

From a ms. in the library of the University of Edinburgh.

Wodrow, Robert. Collections as to the life of Mr. Robert Bruce, minister at Edinburgh. (In: Robert Bruce, Sermons of the Rev. Robert Bruce... Edited by Rev. W. Cunningham. Edinburgh, 1843. 8°. p. 1-201.)


p. 159-201 contain an appendix of original letters.


E., E. Remarks on the character and writings of the late Mrs. Brunton, author of Self-Control and Discipline. (Edin

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Veitch, William, and GEORGE BRYSSON. Memoirs of William Veitch and George Brysson, written by themselves, with other narratives illustrative of the history of Scotland, from the restoration to the revolution. To which are added biographical sketches and notes by Thomas M‘Crie. Edinburgh: William Blackwood, 1825. xii, 540 р. 8°. AN and CP


Memorial of the majority of the earl of Dalkeith. Dalkeith: W. MacDonald, 1852. viii, (1)10-104 р., 1 port. 8°. AN


Z. The two greatest of Scottish caterans. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1898. 8°. v. 32, p. 333-360.) * DA

BUCHAN (11. EARL), DAVID STEWART ERSKINE N., T. David Stewart Erskine, earl of Buchan. [1742-1829.] (In: British public characters of 1798. London [1798]. 8°. p. 242-246.) AGH

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Reviewed (by Alexander Roberts) in the Critical review of theological and philosophical literature, v. 1, p. 127-135, Edinburgh, 1891.

George Buchanan and the Inquisition. From newly discovered documents. (Scottish review. Paisley, 1891. 8°. v. 21, p. 296-315.) * DA

Life of George Buchanan. (In: George Buchanan, Vernacular writings... Edited by P. H. Brown. Edinburgh, 1892. 8°. p. ix-xxxviii.) NDP

Scottish Text Society. Publications. ν. 26. Buchanan. (In: Distinguished men of modern times. London, 1838. 8°. v. 1, p. 345-356.) A

C., J. T. Some remarks on the literary character of George Buchanan. (The Bee. Edinburgh, 1791. 16°. v. 5, p. 230-239, 316322.)

* DE

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On the so-called portrait of George Buchanan by Titian. 3 port. (Scottish historical review. Glasgow, 1909-10.4°. v. 6, p. 337-342; v. 7, p. 106-109.) CPA

Davidson, J. Morrison. Scotia rediviva. Home rule for Scotland. With lives of Sir William Wallace, George Buchanan, Fletcher of Saltoun, and Thomas Spence. London: Wm. Reeves, n.d. 113 p., 3 1. 12°. CP

Drummond, James. Notes upon some Scottish historical portraits - John Knox and George Buchanan. 4 port. (Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings. Edinburgh, 1876. sq. 8°. v. 11, p. 237-264.) CPA

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Irving, David. Memoirs of the life and writings of George Buchanan. Edinburgh: Bell and Bradfute, 1807. xxx, 318 p. 8°. AN

Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood,

1817. xvii, 435 p., 1 fac., 1 pl., 1 port. 2. ed. 8°.

Presentation copy "to Sir James Mackintosh, LL.D., M.P., from the author."

Kingsley, Charles. George Buchanan, scholar. (In his: Health and education. New York, 1874. 12°. p. 326-357.) NCZ

La Ville de Mirmont, H. de. George Buchanan à Bordeaux. (Revue philomathique. Paris, 1906. 8°. année 9, p. 289-312, 337-359, 410-420.)

Life, The, of George Buchanan. The British Plutarch...

3. ed. 16°. v. 2, p. 248-257.)

* EN


London, 1791. *R-AGH

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Burnes, William. A manual of religious belief, composed by William Burnes (the poet's father.) ... With biographical preface... Kilmarnock: M'Kie & Drennan, 1875. 1 р., 1 fac. 8°. AN

Impression limited to 600 copies. This is no. 239.

BURNET, GILBERT, BISHOP OF SALISBURY Barnett, John. Gilbert Burnet, bishop of Salisbury. (Macmillan's magazine. London, 1907. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 898-907.) * DA

Burnet, Gilbert. A true copy of the last will and testament of the right reverend father in God, Gilbert, lord bishop of SaBiography, continued.

Individual Biographies, continued. which is added, The inscription on the monument erected to his memory, in the parish church of St. James, Clerkenwell. London: E. Curll, 1717. 24 p., 2 1. 4. ed. 8°. (12°.) * C p.v. 510

Certain papers of Robert Burnet, afterwards Lord Crimond, Gilbert Burnet, afterwards bishop of Salisbury, and Robert Leighton, sometime archbishop of Glas(Scotgow. tish History Society. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1904. 8°. v. 2, p. 315-370.)

Edited by H. C. Foxcroft.


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Haddington, Presbytery of. Extracts from the acts and proceedings of the presbytery of Haddington, relating to Dr. Gilbert Burnet, and the library of the kirk of Salton, 1664-1669. (Bannatyne Club. Miscellany. Edinburgh, 1855. 4°. v. 3, p. 389402.) + CPA

Histrio Theologicus: or, An historicalpolitical-theological poetical account of the most remarkable passages and transactions in the life of the late b-p of S-m found among his 1-p's papers, and inscrib'd to his old friend and admonitor, Mr. Ly. To which are added, Some testimonies of the great parts and merits of the said bp, from most approv'd authors. Together, with a specimen, from his own writings of the steadiness of his 1-ps political principles, as well as the soundness of his theology. London: John More, 1715. 1 p.1., iv, 32 p. 8°. * C p.v.510

Lawrence, Eugene. Gilbert Burnet, bishop of Salisbury. (In his: Lives of the British historians. New York, 1855. 12°. v. 1, p. 232-311.) AB

Le Clerc, Jean. The life of Dr. Burnet, late lord bishop of Sarum; with his character, and an account of his writings... London: Jonas Brown, 1715. 40 p. 8°. (12°.) * C p.v. 510

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