tween Hastings and Rivard streets, on the Louis Moran farm, so called, in the city of Detroit; but nothing herein contained shall prejudice the rights of any person acquired as a creditor, or as a bona fide purchaser, or by descent, before this act shall take effect. Sec. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 1, 1850. [No. 231. ] AN ACT to change the name of the village of Mt. Pleasant to Streets va Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That section two of the plat of the village cated. of Mount Pleasant in the county of Genesce, and the streets and alleys running through, and adjoining said section, be and the same are hereby vacated. Sec. 2. The provisions of the foregoing section of this act shall not in any manner affect the rights or interests of the purchasers or owners of lots lying upon any of the streets and alleys aforesaid, unless the owners of said section and the lots lying upon said streets and alleys. shall file in the office of the register of deeds for said county their assent to the vacation of said section, streets and alleys; such assent to be in writing, and acknowledged in the same manner as a deed, and the same may be recorded and the record thereof be given in evidence in the same manner and with like effect as a deed duly acknowledged and recorded. Assent of Owners. Sec. 3. That the name of said village be and the same is hereby Name chanchanged to Long Lake, and by that name it shall hereafter be known sed. and designated; and it shall be sufficient in all proceedings in law or equity, and in all deeds and conveyances of any portion of the plat of said village, to designate the same as the plat of the village of Long Lake. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 1, 1850. [ No. 232. ] Commis'rs; AN ACT for establishing a certain road in the county of Branch. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives their duties. of the State of Michigan, That Libeus Roe, Alexander E. Tomlinson, Benjamin Ferris, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, with authority to lay out within one year from the passage of this act, a public road in the county of Branch, four rods in width, commencing at the south-east quarter of section number twenty, in township five south of range eight west, in said county, and running from thence north forty-two chains; from thence north, forty-two and a half degrees west, eleven chains, to the centre of the highway leading from the village of Centreville to the village of Union City. Route. Damages. State not liable. Sec. 2. All the provisions of chapter twenty-two of title seven of the revised statutes of eighteen hundred and forty-six, so far as the same relate to the settlement of damage sustained by any owner of land through which a highway may be laid by town commissioners, and also of the record to be made of the laying out of such highway, shall apply to and be in force in the laying out of said road, except that the commissioners appointed by this act shall officiate in the stead of the highway commissioners of the township of Sherwood in said county, in carrying into effect said provisions. Sec. 3. The State shall in no manner be made liable for any of the expenses attending the laying out and establishing said road. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 1, 1850. Aud. Gen'l [ No. 233. ] AN ACT requiring the Auditor General of the State to cancel certain securities executed to him under the general banking law. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives shail cancel. of the State of Michigan, That the Auditor General of the State be and he is required to cancel as hereinafter directed any and all bonds and mortgages executed to said Auditor General for and in behalf of the people of this State, under an act entitled "an act to organize and regulate banking associations," approved March fifteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and an act amending said act, entitled "an act to organize and regulate banking associations, and for other purposes," approved December thirtieth, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, which bonds and mortgages were executed to the Auditor General as collateral security for the payment of debts of any association organized under said acts, or either of them, after all the other liabilities of such associations shall fail, or prove to be insufficient for that purpose. celled. Sec. 2. That every such bond and mortgage shall be cancelled by How canthe Auditor General's writing across the face thereof the word "cancelled," with the date of such cancellation, and subscribing his name thereto, on the request of any individual who has executed such bond or mortgage, or his executors or administrators, or of any person who has a title to any part of the real estate covered by said mortgage by descent or purchase from any mortgagor; and when so cancelled, shall be delivered to the person or persons requiring such cancellation. corded. Sec. 3. That on the presentation of any mortgage, so cancelled as to be reaforesaid, to the register of deeds of any county where said mortgage has been recorded, it shall be the duty of said register to cancel the record of said mortgage. Sec. 4. That when there is more than one obligor or mortgagor to Ibid. said bond or mortgage, and all of them do not apply to the Auditor General for such cancellation, the person or persons requiring such cancellation, and to whom such bond or mortgage shall be delivered, shall give a receipt therefor to the Auditor General; and in case of a mortgage, it shall be the duty of the person giving such receipt to cause the record of such mortgage to be forthwith cancelled in each and every county where the mortgaged premises or any part thereof are situated and said mortgage has been recorded. Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 1, 1850. Incorpora >tion. Route. Capital. [ No. 234. ] AN ACT to incorporate the Kalamazoo and Breedsville Plank Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That D. B. Webster, B. Drake, T. P. Sheldon and M. Hannahs, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, under the direction of a majority of whom subscriptions may be received to the capital stock of the Kalamazoo and Breedsville Plank Road Company; and the subscribers thereto, with such other persons as they shall associate with them for that purpose, their successors and assigns, shall be and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the Kalamazoo and Breedsville Plank Road Company, with corporate succession. Sec. 2. Said company hereby created shall have the power to lay out, establish and construct a plank road, and all necessary buildings and appurtenances, from the village of Kalamazoo in the county of Kalamazoo, to the village of Breedsville in the county of Van Buren, with the right of uniting said road at any other point with the plank road of any other company. Sec. 3. The capital stock of said company shall be thirty thousand dollars, to be divided into six hundred shares of fifty dollars cach; and said Company shall be subject to all general laws of this provisions. State now in force relative to plank ronds, and the same are made a part of this act. General Duration of charter. Repeal. Proviso. Sec. 4. This act shall be and remain in force for the term of sixty years from and after its passage; but the Legislature may at any time alter, amend or repeal this act by a vote of two-thirds of each branch thereof; but such alteration, amendment or repeal shall not be made within thirty years from the passage of this act, unless it shall be made to appear to the Legislature that there has been a violation by the company of some of the provisions of law to which it is subject: Provided, That after said thirty years no alteration or reduction of the tolls of said company shall be made during its existence, unless the yearly nett profits of said company, over and above all expenses, shall exceed ten per cent. on the capital stock, invested: Provided, There be no violation of the charter of said company. Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 1, 1850. [ No. 235. ] AN ACT to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the Jackson Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the act to incorporate the Jackson County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, approved April first, eighteen hundred and forty, be and the same is hereby amended by adding the following sections to said act: Forfeiture for neglect sessment. Sec. 2. That if any person or persons who shall become members of said company by effecting insurance therein after the passage of to pay asthis act, their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns shall neglect or refuse the payment of any assessment or assessments duly ordered by the directors of said company for the space of thirty (30) days after notice that the same have become due and payable, the party so in default shall be excluded and debarred from and shall lose all benefit and advantage of his, her or their insurance or insurances respectively for and during the term of such default or nonpayment, and notwithstanding shall be liable to pay all assessments that shall be made during the continuance of his, her or their policy of insurance, pursuant to the provisions of the act to which this is an amendment. Terms of Sec. 3. Said company are hereby further empowered to make insurance on property for one year or less, and receive payment there- insurance. for, on such terms and for such per cent. as said company may determine; and all money so received shall accrue to the mutual benefit of the members of said company in the same manner as money received on premium notes. Sec. 4. As soon as the directors of said company can lawfully be Directors, reduced to seven, then and thereafter the number of directors of said company |