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the healing process progresses, and when so managed a cure is complete in a very short time.

The well selected remedy that is Homeopathic to the case is the best and only disinfectant, antiseptic or deodoriser that is necessary and no trouble about germs or microbes.

By this method blood poison is prevented, or rather better expressed, by saying it is not caused by breaking the new tissue and inoculating the pus into the blood by unnecessary meddling, which often occurs where there is too much mechanical treatment.

The remedies most commonly indicated and first to think of are: arnica, calendula, hamamelis, hypericum, rutagraviolins, or any other remedy that may be indicated by the totality of the symptoms in the patient, but no physician should depend on a list of a few remedies, but should individualize the case and get the indicated remedy and use it according to the directions in the Organon. Physicians who have had extensive experience with high and low potencies, generally prefer the highest, but others who never used the high will naturally use the lower or lowest.

In cases of abscesses, boils, carbuncles or of internal inflammations of any kind, taken in time and treated by a single remedy selected by the totality of the symptoms, subjective and objective, and used according to Organon teaching, do no cutting but let it open naturally and there will be no blood poison and little or no scar or disfiguring. Where cutting is done the knife goes through live flesh, exposes the nerves and opens the pyrogenic membrane, which is placed there to prevent the re-absorption of pus and is nature's protection against blood poison, lets the escaping pus inoculate the fresh cut flesh with the pus which poisons and retards healing, and leaves chronic poison to reappear in other forms at some future time, more serious than the first.

When called to a case where blood poison has already set in, a real septic case, even gangrene with putrid odors, strong and deeply penetrating, that stays with you after leaving the room, the patient looks dazed, though suffering, appears indifferent, skin a greenish yellow, pulse weak and variable, patient weak and sinking, the kind of a case to upset a physician or to try his confidence in his profession and his knowledge of the worth of

the system and the well selected remedy, life is fast ebbing out and he must do what he does quickly, he thinks of the remedies that cause death with such symptoms which will be, such as arsenicum, apis, lachesis, crotalus, migale, tarentula, kreo., kali phos, pyrogen, and many others, and makes selection of one remedy and gives it as the case and law directs, then attends to any mechanical adjustments that may be necessary, cleanses the sore and sees to the comfort of the patient and enjoins rest to allow the vital remedy time to neutralize the morbidly dynamic (vital) disease and restore the vital functions, which will soon restore order in the material system and a good recovery in a large per cent. of the cases results.

From the great differences in people in general and in particular conditions of each patient, it is impossible in the space allowed to give full and reliable directions for the management of cases that require such exactness, but full and reliable directions are given in the Organon as to how to use the Repertory and Materia Medica to find the one remedy that is curative in the case; but observe that most of the remedies that are indicated in the worst cases of blood poison are remedies that are not known or used by any physicians of any other school of medicine but the Homeopathic. WILLIAM L. MORGAN, M. D.

202 West Franklin St., Baltimore, Maryland.

"So far I have everything written by Dr. Kent and I am just in receipt of the four remedies you sent me, and am not hesitating long in sending in my subscription. I closed up my office two winters ago to listen to his wonderful and masterful lectures on materia medica, and am now studying his materia medica and consulting his repertory daily. Yours, A. S. ROSENBURGER, Covington, Ohio."

For the past month The Critique has been in receipt of from one to five just such communications, daily, and as the most of them ask that we send all back numbers containing Dr. Kent's articles, we take this opportunity of saying that there is not an extra copy of The Critique in our possession, outside the numbers necessary to fill out our files, and that it will be absolutely impossible for us to comply with this request at any time in the future. The 10,000 copies of the four remedies which are referred to in the above are about exhausted, but we will endeavor to keep a certain number on hand to supply just such demands as the above which are constantly being made upon us. If you have a friend whom you think would like a copy of the "Four Remedies by Dr. Kent," send us their name and we will take great pleasure in supplying them with a copy as long as the supply lasts.


Physicians are cordially invited to contribute to this department with articles showing the use of the Homeopathically Indicated Remedy; medical, surgical and obstetrical cases in which the aforesaid remedy is exhibited will be gladly received. There is no restriction placed upon their opinions or potency used. From the number of favorable answers we have received from physicians all over the country we hope to make this feature of The Critique one that will meet with the approval of the Homeopathic profession of the United States and trust, whether you have been solicited to do so personally or not, that you will consider this sufficient invitation and that we may hear from you very soon. Communications, to be interesting and instructive, should be as brief as possible and we hope that writers will confine themselves to the use of one side of the paper, that they write plainly and observe such other rules as usually hold good in polite newspaper and magazine correspondence. Address all communications to the editor, 230 Majectic Building, Denver, Colorado.


For some weeks had suffered from a severe cutaneous eruption, covering the back, breast, thighs and abdomen. (Cause unknown.) The rash was small at the commencement, inflamed and phagadenic, becoming larger and covered with shining scales. The eruption itched terribly and scratching greatly aggravated the itching. From Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book arsenicum stands out in the first rank for all the above symptoms. One small dose of arsenicum, 1m. (Frinke), a few globules dry on the tongue, cured the case promptly in one week.

CASE II.-Mrs. C. W.; aet. 50; widow.

This lady, who is of vigorous constitution and active, cheerful in disposition, loquacious, consulted me for a severe angina, with almost impossible deglutition. Two weeks previous to consulting me she had been chilled by stepping into cold water during the floods which had inundated her house. Immediately she was attacked with soreness in the larynx; severe constriction

there. Swallowing was impossible either of saliva or food; there was decided aggravation in the evening, after sleeping, on lying down, when she felt a suffocation as though the larynx was closed.

I. "Soreness in larynx": bell., bry., bar. c., hep., brom., LACH., rhus., sepia, sul.

II. "Aggravation from swallowing": bell., brom., LACH., sep., sil., sul. swallowing saliva": bar. c., LACH.

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food": bar. c., hepar, sul., LACH. III.—"Aggravation, getting wet": (causal), bell., dulc., hepar, LACH.,

rhus., sepia, sil.

IV. "Worse evening, lying in bed": bell., LACH., rhus., sepia, sul. "Worse after sleeping": LACH.

V.-"Feeling of suffocation; larynx closed": bar. c., hepar, LACH., sul. One dose, a few gobulues Lachesis (c. m.), cured the case in twenty-four hours, completely and permanently.

CASE III-Mrs. H.; aet. 41; widow.

Of vigorous constitution and rather inclined to obesity. Had suffered for some weeks previous to consulting me, with an intense throbbing pain in left temple, extending into left side of face. The pain is ameliorated and patient feels better in cool, open air and aggravated in the house; in a warm room; particularly on becoming warm in bed, when pain becomes so violent that she is unable to remain there; has to get up and go into a cool place to obtain some relief. The patient looks and talks Pulsatilla so markedly that I gave puls. (c. m.), a few globules, dry, on the tongue, and she was relieved the same day and cured completely in forty-eight hours. Like many others, was greatly astonished at the results of so small a dose of medicine.

CASE IV.-Miss A. J. C.; aet. 32.

During the last two months has been overworked at her business (costumere); worry and overexertion culminated in a severe and protracted dysintery. She caught a chill, with febrile state, during a thunder storm, the thunder terrifying her dreadfully; she began with wrenching, gout-like pains in sacrum and down thighs, with fermented feeling in stomach. The stools were very painful; with much urging; stool slimy, grayish; dur

ing stools colic or cutting pains, with tearing pains down the thighs; blood passed with the stools very copiously; there was great weakness, patient scarcely able to stand.

Pains aggravated by stooping motion. There is also tearing pains in sacrum, also vomiting of watery fluid, with violent retching.

I. Painful diarrhoea, ars., merc. c., RHUS., sul., verat. alb.

II. Stool bloody, merc. c., puls., RHUS., sul.

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III.-Tearing in sacrum, aggravated from physical examination and stooping, puls., RHUS., sul. Aggravation from sitting bent over, puls., RHUS., sul.

IV. Vomiting and retching, puls., RHUS., sepia, sul.

V.-Weakness, merc. cor., phos., RHUS., sepia.

R Rhus tox., 1 m., one dose, cured the case in two days, and patient remained in good health, although the extra pressure of work continued for some time.

R. del MAS, PH. D., M. D., CENTERVILLE MINNESOTA. CASE I-April 20, 1903; D. C.; aet. 35; married; blonde, mild, gentle, somewhat timid.

Large hemorrhoids, external and internal; got his feet wet; has had other attacks.

Is worse after stool; walking; lying.
Better from rest; wants cool place.

Burning, pressing pains; nervous, figity when lying.

R Pulsatilla (1m.), 3 pellets.

Patient got well within three or four days and has been well ever since. Still thought "little sugar pills" had no virtue in them, although salves and "regular" treatment had been of no use for weeks before.

CASE II.-W. B.; aet. 42; married.

Anorexia; appetite gone after first few mouthfuls.

Numb feeling across stomach; pressure over stomach felt when lying on back; empty eructations that relieved; perspiration, all over, nights.

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