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Mr. Nichols remarks in his Preface that "the Jungfrau is often read at an early stage of the student's progress." At such a stage it is desirable to aid him as much as possible in enlarging his vocabulary and fortifying his knowledge of grammatical forms. The average student will be more likely to get this aid from a special vocabulary than from a general dictionary, and with a considerable saving of time.

The Vocabulary contains all the words in the text of the drama except the names of the dramatis persona. References are to line-numbers in the case of speeches, but to the page in the case of stage directions, and the number is then preceded by an asterisk. References are not given for words that occur only once or with a single meaning. In the case of words that occur with different meanings, the usual or obvious meaning has been referred to only in a few instances. The less familiar meanings have been given, each with its proper reference. As the Vocabulary has been made for this particular edition, free use has been made of Mr. Nichols's notes, and to them the student is frequently sent for information respecting idioms, grammatical forms and etymology, cf. N. being then added to the line-number. He will understand, however, that literary and historical comments are not so included, and that the Vocabulary does not make the Notes less indispensable to his proper understanding of the play. Considerable assistance is given in the discrimination of synonyms, to aid the student in exactness of translation and the cultivation of a correct English idiom.

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Of nouns the gender, the genitive singular (except of feminines), and the nominative plural, if the word has a plural, are indicated. The sign (-) following the gen. sing. ending means that the noun has the same form in the nom. pl. as in the nom. sing. Thus, Abenteuer, n. −8, · neuter noun, gen. sing. Abenteuers, nom. pl. Abenteuer. A dash (—) indi-cates the repetition of the title-word or such part of it as is not affected by inflectional changes; as, Abgrund, m. -s, -ünde, the nom. pl. being Abgründe. In the case of monosyllabic masculine and neuter nouns it should be noted that the genitive singular ending -es may always be reduced to - unless the noun ends in s, B, sch, 3, 3. Owing to metrical requirements the -es ending is frequently employed in poetry when a speaker or prose writer would use -8.

Of adjectives the comparative and superlative are given whenever they take umlaut or are irregular. As the superlative of adjectives does not occur in the uninflected form (except when used adverbially), the stem is followed by a dash. Thus, alt (älter, ältest-). In the case of ad


jectives used substantively, the reference is frequently given under the adjective. Adjectives and participial adjectives (such as Heilige, Gefangene) that are in effect substantives and are translated by English substantives, are given independently in their alphabetical order. Since most adjectives may be used in the uninflected form as adverbs, no mention is made of such use except when clearness requires it. Similarly the use of a participle adverbially is sometimes noted.

Of verbs the principal parts and other necessary forms are given whenever they are strong (old) or irregular. When no such forms are given, verbs are understood to be weak (new) and regular. Verbs are also marked as tr. (transitive), intr. (intransitive), or refl. (reflexive). Verbs are to be conjugated with haben as auxiliary unless followed by s. (sein) or by h. and f. Compounds are marked as sep. (separable) or insep. (inseparable) when the prefix is doubtful (i.e. durch, über, um, unter, wieder); otherwise they are understood to be sep., unless marked insep. The unaccented inseparable prefixes be, ent (emp-), er-, ge=, ver-, zers, however, are not so marked. Thus abfallen, fiel, gefallen, fällt, intr. s., is a separable, intransitive, strong verb with auxiliary sein; abfertigen, tr., is a separable, transitive weak verb with haben as auxiliary.

For the other parts of speech the ordinary abbreviations are used as found in the appended table. Accents are marked wherever it seems

necessary for the student's information.

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ab, adv. and sep. pref., off, away,

down. abbrechen. hrach, gebrochen, bricht, | intr., break off, desist. Abenteuer, n. -3, aber, conj., but.


Aberglaube, m, -no, superstition. Aberwik, m. –es, madness, folly. abfallen, fiel, gefallen, fällt, intr. [., fall off, drop.

abfertigen, tr., despatch, send off. abgeben, gab, gegeben, giebt, tr., give up, surrender.

abgehen, ging, gegangen, intr. f., go off; depart, set out, 1195; (in stage directions) exit, pl. exeunt. Abgesandte, m. (decl. like adj.), envoy, delegate.

abgewandt, part. adj., averted. abgewinnen, gewann, gewonnen, tr., win, gain from (dat.). abgleiten, glitt, geglitten, intr. f., glide or glance off. Abgrund, m. -8, -ünde, abyss, precipice; fig., destruction. ablassen, ließ, gelassen, läßt, intr., leave off, desist.

ablegen, tr., lay off or aside. abreißen, riß, gerissen, tr., tear off. abringen, rang, gerungen, tr., wrest from (dat.).

absagen, intr. (dat.), resign, re


Abscheu, m. -8, horror, abhorrence.



Abschied, m. -8,-e, parting, farewell, 2345; leave, 2359. absitzen, saß, gesessen, intr. f., dis


absterben, starb, gestorben, intr. so, die or be insensible to (dat.);

renounce, 1442.

abwenden, wandte or wendete, gewandt or gewendet, tr., avert, ward off. abziehen, zog, gezegen, tr., withdraw, 747; intr. f., depart, desert, 588. ach, interj., oh! alas! Achsel, f. -n, shoulder.

Acht, f., care, attention; acht geben, give heed, 1023.

achten, tr., deem, esteem, regard. Achtung, f., respect.

Acker, m. -8, pl. Äcker, (tillable) land, field, 25; acre, 36.

Ackersmann, m. -8, pl. Ackersleute, farmer, husbandman. adeln, tr., ennoble. Ader, f. -n, vein.

Adlerskühnheit, f., eagle's bold

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all, adj. and pron., all. allein', indec. adj., alone. allerforschend, part. adj., allsearching. allerfreuend, part. adj., all-gladdening, making all rejoice. allerorten, adv., in every place, everywhere.

alles, indef. pron., all, everything; (collect. of persons) everybody, all, 949, 2686, 3110, *55. allgemein, adj., universal, general, 2063, 2529, 2694; common, 3248. Allgewalt, f., omnipotence. allgewaltig, adj., all powerful. Allmacht, f., omnipotence; (the) Omnipotent, (the) inevitable, 3500.

allmächtig, adj., all-powerful; der Allmächtige, the Almighty. allmählich, adj., gradual. allwo, (archaic), see wo.

als, conj., when, as; (after comp.)


alsbald, adv., straightway, forthwith.

alsdann, (archaic), see dann. also, adv., so, thus.

alt (älter, ältest-), adj., old, ancient. Altar', m. -s, -e and -äre, altar. Alter, n. -, -, age; old age, 44; von Alters her, from ancient times, 2991.

altern, intr. f., grow old, age. an, prep. (dat. or acc.), sep. pref., at, to, near, by; in, 1585; close to, 1873. anbefehlen, befahl, befohlen, befiehlt, tr. (with dat. of pers.), direct, enjoin, charge.

anbeten, tr., worship, adore; an= betend, in adoration, 2968; der Angebetete, the one adored, idol, 2682.

anbieten, bot, geboten, tr. (with dat. of pers.), offer.

Anblick, m. -8, -e, sight, 2366;

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sight, spectacle, 732, 2296; with poss. pron., sight of (some one), 1895, 2489, *114, etc. anblicken, tr., look at. Andacht, f., meditation, devotion. ander, adj., other, different; ein andres..., it has been otherwise ordained, 1721.

anders, adv., otherwise, else. cf. N. 846.

andringen, drang, gedrungen, intr. f., push on, press forward. aneinander, adv., together; at each other, (fighting) hand to hand, 3420.

anerbieten, erbot, erboten, tr., offer. anfallen, fiel, gefallen, fällt, tr., attack.

anfangen, fing, gefangen, fängt, tr. and intr., begin.

anfangs, adv., in the beginning, at first.

anfassen, tr., seize, take hold of. auflehen, tr., entreat, implore. anführen, tr., lead, command; lead on, 963. Anführer, m. -8,

-, leader, com

mander. anfüllen, tr., fill up, occupy. angeboren, adj., native, hereditary. angehören, intr. (dat.), belong to. angenehm, adj., pleasant, agree

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