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Fire companies to be organized, &c.

May rass bylaws.

Duty of marshal at fires.

lage, at such time and under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the ordinances of the common council.

SEC. 26. The common council shall have authority to establish and organize all such fire companies, and hose and hook and ladder companies, and provide from with the proper engines and other instruments, which shall be necessary to extinguish fire and preserve the property of the inhabitants of said village from conflagration; to appoint from among the inhabitants of said village, such number of men, willing to accept, as may be deemed proper and necessary, to be employed as firemen: Provided, Such number does not exceed fifty in the management of one engine, and each fire, hose and hook and ladder company shall have power to appoint their own officers, pass by-laws for the organization and good government of said companies, subject to the approval of the common council, and may impose and collect such fines for the non-attendance or neglect of duty of any of its members, as may be established by such by-laws and regulations of every such company; and every person belonging to such company shall obtain from the recorder of said village, a certificate to that effect which shall be evidence thereof, and the members of such company, during their continuance as such, shall be exempt from serving on juries and working a poll tax on the highways or streets in said village; and it shall be the duty of every fire company to keep in good and perfect repair, the fire engine, hose, ladders and other instruments of such company, and it shall be the duty of each fire company to assemble once in each month, or as often as may be directed by said common council, for the purpose of working or examining said engine and other implements, with a view to their perfect order and repair.

SEC. 27. Upon the breaking out of any fire in said village, the marshal shall immediately repair to the place of such fire, and aid and assist, as well in extinguishing such fire, as in preventing any goods from being stolen, and also in removing and securing the same

and shall in all respects be obedient to the president, recorder and trustees, or either of them, who may be present at the fire.

SEC. 28. This act shall be deemed a public act, and shall take effect and be in force on and after the third Monday in April next. Approved March 7, 1843.

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SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen-Berrienl ridge tatives of the State of Michigan, That Benjamin D. Townsend, Charles Wallen, and their associates, be and they are hereby declared and made a body corporate, under the name and style of "The Berrien Bridge Company," for the purpose of constructing a bridge across the St. Joseph River, at or near the village of Berrien, in the county of Berrien, and as such, they and their successors shall have power to purchase, hold and enjoy such real and personal estate not exceeding five thousand dollars, as shall be necessary to fulfil the ends of their incorporation.

ers to furnish

SEC. 2. Each of the persons named in this act shall be, and are Commissionhereby made commissioners for receiving subscriptions, and shal books for sub. scription. furnish books for that purpose, which shall be kept open for two years, unless the whole number of shares be sooner subscribed.

Capital stock.

persona! estate

SEC. 3. The capital stock of said company shall be divided into one hundred shares, of fifty dollars each, and each subscriber shall To be deemed pay to the commissioners at the time of subscribing, ten per cent. of the amount so subscribed by him, and the residue to the president and directers, to be elected at such time and place as they shall, from. time to time, require. The shares subscribed shall be deemed and considered to be personal estate.

SEC. 4. As soon as one sixth part of the whole number of shares

Commissioner shall have been subscribed, the commissioners shall give notice, either to give notice.

Nine stockholders to be elected.

Elections on 1st Tuesday of May.

Subscription books to be delivered to di


Election may

personally or by advertisement in a newspaper printed in said county, at least twenty days, of the time and place where and when the subscribers shall meet to choose directors.

SEC. 5. At the election so appointed, the commissioners present shall preside, and the subscribers present, or their proxies, by a plurality of votes, shall elect, by ballot, nine stockholders to be directors of the corporation for the ensuing year.

SEC. 6. An election for directors shall be held annually thereafter on the first Tuesday of May, and the senior director present shall preside.

SEC. 7. At the first election, the commissioners shall deliver their respective subscription books to the directors chosen at the first meeting, and then and there pay over to such directors the moneys received by them respectively, on such subscriptions.

SEC. 8. If an annual election be not held on the day fixed above, be held on any it may be held on another day, of which notice shall be given by the

other day.


directors then in office, as before provided.

SEC. 9. The persons presiding at each election, shall, immediateVotes to be es- ly after receiving the ballots openly estimate the votes and thereupon make and subscribe a certificate of the result. Of the first election they shall make a return to the directors chosen at their first meeting thereafter.

Each share to

a vote.


SEC. 10. Each stockholder, in person or by proxy, shall, at each ten entitled to election, be entitled on the shares then held by him, to one vote for each share, to the number of ten, and for every five shares above 'that number one additional vote.


A president to be chosen.

Vacancies how filled,

SEC. 11. Five directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the acts of a majority of the board present shall bind the corporation.

SEC. 12. The directors, at their first meeting after their election, shall elect by ballot one of their number as president.

SEC. 13. All vacancies in the office of directors, shall be filled by a vote of the stockholders at a meeting to be regularly called for that purpose, and the person chosen shall hold his office until the

next annual election.

SEC. 14. The president and directors shall have power and it shall Powers and

be their duty :

First. To meet from time to time at such places as they may deem expedient.

Second. To make such by-laws, rules and regulations as in their judgment the affiairs of the corporation shall require, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act.

Third. To appoint such subordinate officers, artists and workmen, as they shall deem necessary to execute the business of the corporation.

Fourth. To continue to receive subscriptions of shares until their whole capital stock shall be subscribed, unless it shall be ascertained that a less sum will be sufficient to fulfil the ends of the corporation.

Fifth. To demand at such time and in such proportion as they shall see fit, from the stockholders the sums of money due on their respective shares under pain of forfeiture of such shares, and all previous payments thereon to the corporation.

Sixth. To declare by a by-law in what manner and under what restrictions the shares of their capital stock shall be transferable.

Seventh. To construct, complete and keep in constant repair, the bridge, with all necessary buildings and appurtenances for the purposes of which this act of incorporation is passed, and

Eighth. To keep a just and fair account of all tolls received, and of all moneys, disbursements, and deducting costs and charges, to make and declare a dividend of the clear profits and income of the bridge among the stockholders on the first Tuesday of May and No. vember in each year.

duties of pre sident and di rectors.

SEC. 15. The said bridge shall be located on the section line be- Bridge where tween sections eighteen and nineteen, in towns six south, range located. seventeen west, or as near as the same may be, and shall be built not less than sixteen feet wide with strong railing on each side thereof,

Notice o its completion to be given.

Rates of toll.

Copy to be posted up.

in so substantial and workmanlike manner as that loaded carriages may safely pass thereon.

SEC. 16. When the said bridge is completed, notice shall be given by the directors of the company to the associate judges of Berrien county, who shall examine said bridge, and if they shall deem the same properly constructed and completed in the manner aforesaid, they shall subscribe a certificate thereof and deliver the same to the directors or one of them.

Penalty for injuring said bridge.

Penalty if tollgatherer delay persons.

SEC. 17. After the certificate aforesaid is given, said company shall be authorized to take toll from every person crossing said bridge before the gate shall be opened, at the following rates and no more, to wit: For every person and horse ten cents; for every carriage drawn by one horse, ten cents; for every cart or wagon drawn by one yoke of oxen or span of horses, twenty cents; and for each additional horse or ox, three cents; for every head of neat cattle, three cents; for every horse or mule and colt, six and a fourth cents; for all sheep or hogs, ten cents a score: provided, that public expresses and troops in the service of this state or the United States, with their munitions and carriages, shall pass said bridge free of toll. A copy of the rates of toll shall be posted up at the toll house.

SEC. 18. Said bridge shall be so constructed as freely to permit the passage of boats without masts, and such steamboats as are ordinarily used on said river, under the same, and shall be kept in good repair.

SEC. 19. If any person shall obstruct the building of said bridge, or shall injure or impair, or forcibly or fraudulently pass over the same, he shall pay treble the amount of damages sustained in case of injury to the bridge, to be recovered, with costs of suit, by action of trespass, in any court having competent jurisdiction.

SEC. 20. Ifany toll-gatherer, or other person, shall unreasonably delay or hinder any traveller or passenger at the gate, or demand or receive more toll than is allowed by law, he, she, or they, shall forfeit and pay the sum of twenty-five dollars, to be recovered by indictment in the circuit court of Berrien county.

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