Imágenes de páginas

SEC. 21. That each stockholder shall be individually liable for all Stockholders

debts incurred by the company.

SEC. 22. The legislature at any time may have power, by a majority vote, to alter, amend or repeal this charter. Approved March 7, 1843.

individually liable.

[No. 53.]

AN Act in relation to the payment of interest on certain State Stocks.

certain state

paid at treasu rer's office in

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- Interest on Lives of the State of Michigan, That the payment of interest on any stocks to be of the stocks or bonds of this state, now payable in New York or elsewhere, may hereafter be made at the state treasury, if the holders of said stock or bonds shall so elect.


State treasur er authorized

SEC. 2. The state treasurer is hereby authorized to retain, out of any moneys belonging to the university interest fund and coming into the state treasury, sufficient to meet the accruing semi-annual interest on the university stock, and to apply the same to that pur- ing interest on


to retain out interest paid, certain am'ts to pay accru

univ. stock.

SEC. 3. The interest now due or hereafter to become due on the Inter'st due on

penitentiary stock of this state, shall be hereafter payable from the general fund.

SEC. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved March 7, 1843.

penitentiary stock to be p'd out gen. fund.

Charter of vil

[No. 54.]

An Act to amend an act entitled "an act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the village of Pontiac."

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represent

lage of Pontiac atives of the State of Michigan, That the twenty-third section of amended

the act entitled "An act to amend an act entitled "an act to incorporate the village of Pontiac," approved February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and forty-two, be and the same is hereby amended by inserting between the eighth and ninth lines of said section, a proviso in the following words, to wit: Provided, That the said common council shall not in any one year levy taxes and assessments to a greater amount than one hundred dollars without the consent of a majority of the electors at a regular meeting of such electors duly called and notified for that purpose, which consent shall be expressed by a vote of such electors, to be taken viva voce or otherwise, as such electors may determine.

Approved March 7, 1843.

Charter of vil

[No. 55.]

AN ACT to amend an act entitled "an act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the village of Ypsilanti," and the act or acts amendatory thereof.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa

lage Ypsilanti tives of the State of Michigan, That an act entitled an act to amend amended."

an act entitled an act to incorporate the village of Ypsilanti and the act or acts amendatory thereof, be and the same is hereby so amended that, in the absence, death or removal of either of the assessors of said village or from other cause, a vacancy shall occur in the office of assessor in either ward of said village, or upon the refusal of either of the assessors aforesaid, to perform the duties of said office, it shall and may be lawful for the assessor of the other ward of said village, to do and perform all the duties by said act required to be done and performed, by one or both, the assessors of said village.

SEC. 2. That the village of Ypsilanti, shall have power to lay Power to lay out grave-yds. out and regulate all grave yards owned by said village, wherever the same may be situated.

SEC. 3. That the said village is hereby permitted to use any yard May use any owned and used by the township of Ypsilanti, for the purpose of im- yard in township to impounding of cattle, horses, sheep, and swine, and that cattle, sheep, pound cattle. and swine running at large in said village, contrary to the by-laws

of said village, may be taken from said village and impounded in any such yards, having first obtained the assent of the township board thereof.

SEC. 4. That from and after the first day of April, in the year 1st ward disone thousand eight hundred and forty-four, the first ward of said vil- solved Ap. 1st

lage of Ypsilanti, shall be set off and be dissolved, so that the said village shall be bounded on the east by the Huron river, and that the officers required by law to be elected in the first ward of said village, shall be elected in the second ward from and after the time aforesaid.

SEC. 5. That said incorporated village of Ypsilanti shall not incur any further indebtedness, other than that which now exists involving the liability of the first ward of said village.

SEC. 6. This act shall take effect from and after its passage.
Approved March 7, 1843.


[No. 56.]

AN ACT to amend an act entitled "an act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the village of Adrian."

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That section thirteen of the act to which this is amendatory, be amended by adding after the word

Charter of the

"quart" in the seventeenth line thereof, the following proviso: "Provided, That the said common council shall have power to fix and determine the sum to be paid by the applicant for such last mentioned

village Adrain license, which sum shall not be less than twenty-five nor more than


fifty dollars each, and shall be paid to the treasurer of said village for the use of said village." Also, that section twenty-two of said act be amended by inserting in line six, between the words "year" and "one," the words "one and," so that when amended, the proviso in said section will read; provided, that the said taxes so assessed and collected shall not exceed in any one year one and one half of one per centum upon the valuation of said real and personal property. SEC. 2. That the highway leading from the said village northwardly, commonly known as the Bixby road, be and the same is hereby included within the bounds of said village as far as the north line of section thirty-five, in the town of Adrian, and that the highway commissioners of said town be and they are hereby empowered to call upon the street commissioners of said village, to keep said road in repair as in other cases provided by statute.

Approved March 7, 1843.

Certain act repealed.

Part tp. Kears-
ley attached
to tp. of Flint.

[No. 57.]

AN ACT to repeal an act entitled "an act to organize a certain township in the county of Genesee," and certain acts amendatory thereto.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the act entitled "an act to organize a certain township in the county of Genesee," and all acts and parts of acts amendatory thereto, be and the same are hereby repealed.

SEC. 2. That all that part of township seven north, of range seven east, embraced within the limits of the present town of Kearsley, in the county of Genesee, be and the same is hereby attached

town attached

to the town of Flint as a part thereof; and all that part of town eight Part of same north, of range seven east, embraced within the limits of the said to tp. Genesee.

town of Kearsley, be and the same are hereby attached to the town of Genesee as a part thereof.

SEC. 3. That the term of office of the present township officers When the of of the town of Kearsley, in the county of Genesee, shall determine on fice of present the day this act shall take effect, and it shall be the duty of every such of town of

town officers

Kearsley shall officer, on the day when his term of office shall so determine, or im- expire, & their

duties on ex

mediately thereafter, to make over to the township officers of the piration of of


town of Flint, all books of record, papers and money belonging to Duties of town said town of Kearsley, agrecable to the law requiring the transmis clerk of town

of Genesee re

lative to cer

tain books and

sion of such records, papers and moneys to successors in office. And
it shall be the further duty of all such officers to deliver to the coun- papers.
ty clerk of the county of Genesce, for the use of said county, all sta-
tutes and books in their possession, furnished them for their use as
such officers. The township clerk of the town of Flint shall pre-
serve and keep in his office the records and papers so delivered to him
by the township clerk of the town of Kearsley, as a part of the re-
cords and papers of the township of Flint, and shall, as soon as may
be after their receipt by him, make out and deliver to the township
clerk of the town of Genesce, a fair copy thereof, to be kept in his
office as a part of the records of the town of Genesee.

SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the treasurer of the county of Monies hereGenesse to pay over to the proper officers of the town of Flint, in tofore levied in that part of the county of Genesee, all moneys coming into the treasury of said Kearsley att'd

to Flint to be

county upon assessments heretofore levied upon the taxable property paid by treasurer of county of that portion of the town of Kearsley which is by the second section to the proper officer of the

of this act attached to the said town of Flint; and it shall be his duty town of Flint. Also, to pay

manner such

to pay over in like manner such moneys to such officers of the town over in like of Genesee, as shall come into his office upon assessments upon tax- monies to pro. able property of that portion of such territory of the town of Kears- per officers of

town of Genesee as were

ley as is by said second section of this act attached to said town assessed in of Genesee. And it shall be the duty of said township officers re- Kearsley att'd spectively on receiving such moneys aforesaid from such treasurer, &c.

that part of to Genesee.

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