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SEC. 3. The name of the county of Unwattin, as now organized by law, is hereby changed to that of Osceola.

SEC. 4. The name of the county of Rautawaubet, as now organized by law, is hereby changed to that of Wexford.

SEC. 5. The name of the county of Mikenauk, as now organized

by law, is hereby changed to that of Roscommon.

SEC. 6. The name of the county of Ranotin, as now organized by law, is hereby changed to that of Iosco.

SEC. 7. The name of the county of Negwegon, as now organized by law, is hereby changed to that of Alcona.

SEC. 8. The name of the county of Shawono, as now organized by law, is hereby changed to that of Crawford.

SEC. 9. The name of the county of Wabassee, as now organized by law, is hereby changed to that of Kalcasca.

SEC. 10. The name of the county of Meegisee, as now organized ly law, is hereby changed to that of Antim.

SEC. 11. The name of the county of Okkuddo, as now organized by law, is hereby changed to that of Otsego.

SEC. 12. The name of the county of Cheonoquet, as now organiz


ed by law, is hereby changed to that of Montmorency.


SEC. 13. The name of the county of Anamickee, as now organiz

ed by law, is hereby changed to that of Alpena.


SEC. 14. The name of the county of Reshkanko, as now organized by law, is hereby changed to that of Charlevoix.



SEC. 15. The name of the county of Tonedagana, as now organized by law, is hereby changed to that of Emmet.

SEC. 16. The name of the county of Raykakee, as now organized by law, is hereby changed to that of Clare.

SEC. 17. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after

its passage.

Approved March 8, 1843.

[No. 68.]

AN ACT for the relief of Curtis Boughton.

to issue certifi

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- Commissioner tives of the State of Michigan, That the commissioner of the land of- cate to Bough

ton for certain

fice be and he is hereby authorized and required, to cause to be is- lot of land. sued to Curtis Boughton, his heirs or assigns, a certificate of purchase of lot number five in section twenty-six, town four, south range nineteen, west, containing five acres, according to a map of the subdivisions of said section twenty-six, registered at the register's office in the county of Berrien, on payment to him by the said Curtis Boughton, his heirs or assigns of the sum of sixty dollars.

Certain obli

SEC. 2. The said commissioner is hereby further directed to cause to be cancelled the obligations heretofore given by said Curtis Bough-gations o be ton or any other person in his behalf to the superintendent of public cancelled. instruction of this state for the purchase of the lot in the first section of this act described.

Approved March 8, 1843.

[No. 69.]

AN ACT to define the power of the supreme court relative to mandamus.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RepresenSupreme court tatives of the State of Michigan, That the supreme court be, and they to issue manare hereby authorized, for good cause shown, to issue writs of mandamus to the circuit courts of the several counties to compel the issue of venire facias de novo by said circuit courts.

Approved March 8, 1843.

Village of

[No. 70.]

AN ACT to alter the corporate limits of the village of


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That so much of any act or acts heretofore passed as includes within the corporate limits of the village of Niles, the lots laid out on the northwest quarter of section thirty-six, in town seven south, range seventeen west, by Alvin J. Dunbar, John S. Sotwin, and Jonathan Brown, be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved March 8, 1843.

When record

[No. 71.]

AN ACT making the record of conviction filed in the
State Prison office, evidence in certain cases.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa

of conviction tives of the State of Michigan, That the record of conviction and

of prisoner in state prison evidence.

sentence to the states prison of any criminals, duly authenticated by the clerk of the court where such conviction and sentence was had, and filed in the states prison office, shall be evidence of the facts therein contained against any convict on his trial for an escape from said prison, or for any other crime when proof of his conviction and sentence is necessary.

SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved March 8, 1843,

[No. 72.]

AN ACT to authorize the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Michigan to have an agency at Niles, in Berrien county.

Farmers and bank may es

agency at

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That it shall be deemed lawful for Mechanics the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Michigan, to have an agency tablish an at Niles, in Berrien county, for the purpose of redeeming their notes Niles. and making discounts: Provided the agency hereby authorized shall be subject to all the restrictions and requirements imposed in the charter of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Michigan, and the branch at St. Joseph, and the said bank and branch shall be responsible for all the debts of the said agency, and for the official conduct of its officers; and the said agency shall not make or issue any notes or other evidences of debt of its own.

ject to certain

SEC. 2. The said Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, its branch at Agency subSt. Joseph, and the agency hereby authorized at Niles, shall be sub-laws. ject to all laws providing for an examination by the attorney general into their condition and affairs, as contemplated by the act entitled "an act to abolish the office of bank commissioners and for other purposes," approved March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and forty, and the establishment of said agency shall be considered as an assent of said Farmers' and Mechanics' bank and branch to submit to such examination as provided in the act aforesaid.

SEC. 3. This act shall be in force from and after the fifteenth day of May next, provided the stockholders of said bank at a meeting called for that purpose, shall assent to the provisions of this act. Approved March 8, 1843.

Governor au

thorized to is

sue bonds in certain eases.

[No. 73.]

AN ACT to liquidate the public debt, and to provide for the payment of the interest thereon, and for other purposes.

Whereas, the interest is in arrear, and unpaid on certain bonds, issued by the State, for part of the five million loan, so called, which bonds the state has received the full consideration for, and is legally and equitably, bound to provide for the payment of the principal and interest thereof, according to the terms of said bonds respectively, and which bonds are specified in the first section of this act; and whereas, the holders of said bonds have expressed a willingness to receive the bonds of the state, in payment of the interest which has accrued thereon, and which may accrue thereon up to the first day of July, which will be in the year eighteen hundred and forty-five, and to surrender the coupons attached to said bonds up to the said first day of July, eighteen hundred and forty-five: therefore,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the Governor be and is hereby authorized to issue and deliver on the surrender of the coupons for the corresponding period, the bonds of the state for the interest whích has accrued on the bonds hereafter specified in this section, since the first day of July, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-one, and the interest that will accrue up to the first of July, eighteen hundred and forty-five, and interest on such interest after the same became due, and which shall become due and payable hereafter agreeable to the stipulation for the payment of interest' on the bonds of this state issued as a part of the five million loan up to the first day of July, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-five, to the holders for the time being, of any of the following bonds, issued for part of the five million loan, so called, that is to say-bonds for the sum of one thousand dollars each, numbers one hundred and one to one hundred and eighty-eight, (101 to 188,) inclusive-four hundred and ninety-six to five hundred, (496 to 500,) inclusive--five hundred and fifty-two

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