Public examinations at close of term, &c. First annual meeting. sure the success of said institution, or for the purpose of reducing the expense of instruction. SEC. 6. A public examination of the students in the various branches of study by them pursued, shall be had at the close of each term, and a public exhibition shall be had once in each year, at such time and place as the Board of Trustees shall from time to time designate. SEC. 7. The first annual meeting of said Board of Trustees shall be holden on the first Monday of September next, and special meetSpecial meet- ings of the same may be called at any time on the application of two ings, &c. members to the Secretary, who shall forthwith proceed to notify the Board of the time and place of such meeting. Trustees individually liable for debts &c. Sec. 8. That the said Trustees shall be held individually liable for all debts contracted by said corporation. SEC. 9. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 2, 1843. [No. 16.] AN ACT in relation to the State Printing. Treasurer authorized to contract with SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the State Treasurer be, and he Ellis & Briggs is hereby authorized and required to contract with Ellis & Briggs for to do State printing. With Zadock Vollum for binding ditto for the State. doing all the printing, and with Zadoc Vollum for doing the binding required by the Legislature for the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, at the following rates, to wit: twenty-two cents per thousand ems for composition, and twenty-five cents per token for press-work; and ten cents a copy for binding the session laws, and twenty-three cents a copy for binding the documents and journals : Provided said printing shall be completed within thirty days next after the index and marginal notes shall be furnished to the printers; and provided also, that if said Ellis & Briggs shall fail to enter into such contract and to give sufficient security for doing the same, the said Treasurer shall contract with some other person for doing said printing at the prices mentioned in this section. SEC. 2. The State Treasurer is hereby required annually, on the Treasurer refirst Monday of November, to cause to be published in all the weekly quired to pubpapers published in the city of Detroit, a notice specifying the time the first Mon lish notice on Treasurer to day in Novemand place for receiving sealed proposals for doing the State printing ber annually receiving sealand binding; the printing to be done according to the terms of certain ed proposals for state printjoint resolutions in relation to printing, approved January sixteenth, ing. one thousand eight hundred and forty-three; which notice shall be published at least three weeks before the time specified for receiving such proposals. SEC. 3. At the time and place specified in said notice for receiv- open & examine proposals, ing such proposals, the Treasurer shall proceed to open and examine and to enter into written all proposals received by him, for doing the State printing and bind- contract. ing, and shall immediately enter into a written contract with the person whose proposition shall be deemed the most advantageous to the interests of the State, for doing said work, and shall take good and sufficient security for doing the same. SEC. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 6, 1843. [No. 17.] AN ACT in relation to the Fire Department and firemen of the incorporated cities or villages of this State. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representives of the State of Michigan, That any person who, at the time the passage of this act, shall be a fireman in any incorporated city village of this State, and who shall serve as such for the term of seven Firemen who serve 7 years of exempt from serving as jurors and from the performance of militia or duty. Common council to pay each fireman years, and any person who may hereafter be appointed a fireman and shall serve as such for the term of seven years, shall, during and forever after such term, be exempt from serving as a juror in any of the courts of this State, and from the performance of all militia duty, except in cases of insurrection or invasion. SEC. 2. It shall be lawful for the common council of any such city 5 dollars, who or village, to pay to each fireman the sum of five dollars yearly: Proshall have per- vided such fireman shall produce a certificate from the foreman of his formed his duty the preceding year. Any fireman who hires a substitute to be removed. Recorder of city or village rect record of company, countersigned by the chief engineer, stating that he had well and faithfully performed his duties as a fireman during the preceding year; and provided further, the city or village shall vote such compensation at its annual election of officers. SEC. 3. Any fireman hiring or procuring a person to act as a substitute for the performance of his duties, shall, on evidence thereof, be removed from his station by the common council. SEC. 4. The recorder of such city or village shall keep a correct to keep a cor- record in a book to be provided for that purpose, of the name, occupathe occupation tion and residence of every fireman of such city or village together of every fire- with the date of his appointment and the company to which he is at and residence man. Recorder to deliver to each fireman who tached; and whenever any fireman shall resign or be removed from his station, it shall be so stated on such record; the appointment, resignation or removal of every fireman, shall also be entered on the minutes of the common council. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the recorder of the said city or vilshall have ser- lage, to deliver to every fireman who shall have served the time ved a certifi cate to that ef- specified in the first section of this act, a certificate to that effect, fect. Common council to levy tax to pay expenses, &c. signed by himself and the mayor of such city, or president of such village, which certificate shall be received as evidence in any of the courts of this State. SEC. 6. It shall be lawful for the common council of such city or village to levy and collect a tax on all the real and personal property within the limits thereof, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of purchasing and repairing the fire apparatus, and all other necessary expenses for the proper support and maintainance of the fire department of such city or village; which tax shall be assessed and collected in the same manner as is provided for the collection of the taxes in the respective charters of such city or village. Companies to sue for and &c. SEC. 7. It shall be lawful for the respective fire companies in collect all fines such city or village, to sue for, in the name of the common council of such city or village, all fines or penalties imposed upon their members for the neglect of their duties as firemen. All fire en empt from SEC. 8. All fire engines and apparatus requisite for, and ordina- gines, &c. exrily used by fire companies in the extinguishment of fires, now own- levy and sale. ed, or that may hereafter be purchased and owned by any incorpora ted city or village, and kept for the use of any fire company therein, shall be and the same are hereby exempted from levy, or sale for any debt, damages, fine, or amercement whatever: Provided, that this section shall not be construed to affect in anywise, any levy heretofore made. SEC. 9. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 6, 1843. [No. 18.] AN ACT to amend section seventeen, chapter one, title three of part second of the revised Statutes in relation to wills; and also, section thirty-five, chapter one, title four, part first of the revised Statutes in relation to vacancies in town offices. 1, title 3, of SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen- Sec. 17, chap. tatives of the State of Michigan, That section seventeen, chapter revised staone, title three, of part second of the revised statutes be amended by tutes amended striking out the entire proviso of said section. SEC. 2. Section thirty-five, chapter one, title four, part first of Sec. 35, ch. 1, the revised statutes shall be amended by inserting in the fourth line title 4, part 1, of rev. statutes thereof, between the words "collector" and "pound master" the amended. words " constable and supervisor," so that the section as amended shall read as follows : Township board to fill vacancies in township offi ces. "SECTION 35. Whenever there shall be a vacancy, or when the incumbent shall from any cause, be unable to perform the duties of his office in either of the following offices, to wit: township clerk, treasurer, constable, supervisor, pound master, commissioner of highways, director of the poor, or overseer of highways, then in either of these cases, the township board, or any three of them, may make temporary appointments of suitable persons to discharge the duties of these offices respectively, who shall continue to discharge such duties until the office is filled by election, or until the disability aforesaid be removed." Approved February 7, 1843. Grain growing liable to levy but not to sale until harvested Levy not to [No. 19.] AN ACT to amend an act entitled "an act to exempt certain property from execution or sale for any debt, damages, fine or amercement, approved February sixteenth, eighteen hundred and forty-two." SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That all grain while growing and all unharvested crops shall be liable to levy, but not to sale, under exe cution until the same are ripe or severed from the ground and harfrom the land, vested, and any levy legally made shall be continued beyond the life of the execution under which such levy is made, and shall be as good and valid and may be perfected by sale in the same manner and with the same effect as may be done under execution yet in life: Provided When defend- that no such levy shall continue good and in force more than thirty ant claims that any of his pro- days after the crops levied upon are ripe and severed from the ground. perty is exempt from execution, officer to certify the any property in his possession is exempt from sale on execution by facts to the creditor. SEC. 2. Whenever a defendant in any execution shall claim that virtue of the act to which this act is amendatory, and by that act the |