[No. 89.] AN ACT to divide the upper peninsular into six counties, and to define the boundaries of the same. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That all that portion of the state of Michigan, known and designated as the upper peninsula, be and the same is hereby divided into six counties to be bounded and denominated as follows, to wit: Michilimacki The county of Michilimackinac shall comprise all that portion of Boundaries of the state within the following limits: Commencing at a point in nac county. Lake Huron south of the line between ranges two and three (2 and 3) east, thence north to the north boundary of township forty-one (41) north, thence west to the line between ranges one and two (1 and 2) east, thence north to the north boundary of township fortytwo (42) north, thence west to the meredian, thence north on said meridian to the north boundary of township forty-three (43) north, thence west on said township line to the line between ranges six and seven (6 and 7) west, thence north on said township line to the north boundary of township forty-four (44) north, thence west to the line between ranges seven and eight (7 and 8) west, thence north to the north boundary of township forty-five (45,) thence west on the north boundary of township forty-five (45,) to the line between ranges twelve and thirteen (12 and 13) west, thence south on said line to lake Michigan, thence eastwardly along the margin of the lake to the point first above described: Together with the islands of Bois Blanc, the St. Martins, St. Helena, the Chenaux, Michilimackinac and Round Island. county. SEC. 2. The county of Chippewa shall comprise all that portion Boundaries of of the state included between the following limits, to wit: Beginning Chippewa at a point on the line between ranges twelve and thirteen (12 and 13) west, where such line is intersected by the north boundary of township forty-five (45,) thence north to lake Superior, thence east and County of County of Ontonojon county. County of south along the margin of said lake and the west bank of St. Mary's river to lake Huron, thence west to the point in said lake south of the line between ranges two and three (2 and 3) east, thence north and west along the boundary line of Michilimackinac county to the place of beginning: Together with the islands in St. Mary's river, including Drummond's and Sugar Islands. SEC. 3. All that portion of the state embraced within the limits hereinafter specified, shall be laid off as a separate county, to be known and designated as the county of Schoolcraft, to wit: Beginning at a point in lake Superior north of the line between ranges twelve and thirteen (12 and 13) west, thence west along the margin of said lake to the line between ranges twenty-three and twenty-four (23 and 24) west, thence south along said line to the north boundary of township forty-one (41,) thence east to the line between ranges twelve and thirteen (12 and 13) west, together with Grand Island on lake Superior. SEC. 4. All that portion of the state embraced between the line between ranges twenty-three and twenty-four (23 and 24) west, the north boundary of township forty-one (41,) the line between ranges thirty-seven and thirty-eight (37 and 38) west, and lake Superior, shall be laid off as a separate county to be known and designated as the county of Marquette. SEC. 5. All that portion of the State embraced within the line between ranges thirty-seven and thirty-eight [37 and 38] west, the north boundary of township forty-one [41,] the Montreal river and lake Superior, shall be laid off as a separate county, to be known and designated as the county of Ontonojon; together with the isle Royale of lake Superior. SEC. 6. All that portion of the state embraced within the following limits, shall be laid off as a separate county, to be known and designated as the county of Delta, to wit: Beginning at a point on lake Michigan south of the line between ranges twelve and thirteen [12 and 13] west, thence southwardly along the margin of said lake to Green Bay, thence along the north and west shores of said bay to the Menominie river, thence north westwardly along the boundary line between Michigan and Wisconsin, to the line between ranges thirty-seven and thirty-eight [37 and 38] west, thence east along the north boundary of township forty-one [41] to the line between ranges twelve and thirteen [12 and 13] west, thence south to the point of beginning. SEC. 7. The counties of Schoolcraft, Marquette and Ontonojon shall be attached to the county of Chippewa for judicial purposes: Also, the county of Delta to the county of Michilimackinac for like judicial purposes. Approved March 9, 1843. [No. 90.] AN ACT to authorize Samuel H. Farnsworth to build and maintain a dam across the north branch of the Menomonie river. Farnsworth SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen- Samuel H. tatives of the State of Michigan, That Samuel H. Farnsworth, his authorize I to build dam branch of heirs and assigns, be, and are hereby authorized to build a dam across across north the north branch of the Menomonie river, or channel north of the Menomonie islands in said river, being the island to which the said Samuel H. Farnsworth has already erected a dam to the south bank of the Menomonie river in the county of Brown, and territory of Wisconsin, formerly built by William Farnsworth, and to make use of the same for hydraulic purposes. river. SEC. 2. That the same dam shall not exceed six feet in height, or Height of dama above high water mark of said river, and so long as the lock and sluice, or clute, is kept in repair according to an act passed by the legislative council of the territory of Wisconsin granting Samuel H. Farnsworth, his associates or assigns to build and maintain a dam across the south branch of the Menomonie river to be used for hy draulic purposes, approved February 13, 1841, and no longer. SEC. 3. That the legislature of this state shall have the right to alter or amend this act at pleasure. 1 SEC. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 9, 1843. Auditor Gene to issue certifi [No.91.] AN ACT for the relief of certain settlers on the University lands in the county of Oakland. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen ral authorized tatives of the State of Michigan, That the auditor general or other cates of pur- proper person having charge of state lands, is hereby required to istain individu- sue a certificate of purchase to Moses Rogers, for the east half of chase to cer als. south east quarter of section thirty-one, in township one, north of range ten east. To Ira Dinham, for the east half of the south west quarter of the same section. To William Maiden, for the west half of the south west quarter of the same section. To William McDermott for the west half of the south west quarter of section thirty, in township one, north of range ten east. To Chauncey Wickson, the south west quarter of the same section. To Horatio Lee, George Maynard, and Patrick McDonald, for the north east quarter of the same section. To William Evans for the east half of the south east quarter of section nine, in township one north of range ten east. To Thomas Evans, for the east half of the north west quarter of the same section. To Andrew Hoffman, for the south half of the south east quarter of the same section. To James Hoffman, for the north half of the same quarter section in the manner, & at the prices specified in the second and third sections of this act, provided that nothing in this act contained, shall authorize the sale of any of said lands at less than five dollars per acre. SEC. 2. Upon the application of a majority of the persons named appoint ap Tleir duties. in the first section of this act, the Governor shall appoint three dis- Governor to interested persons who shall proceed to examine and appraise all said praisers. lands at their actual value, and to issue a certificate to each of said persons, which certificate shall contain the value thereof exclusive of any improvements on said lots; and the expenses of such appraisal, shall in all cases be paid by the persons occupying the lands. SEC. 3. On the presentation of such certificate of appraisal to the Person having charge of state auditor general or other proper officer having charge of the state lands to issue certificate. lands, he shall issue a certificate of purchase to all persons mentioned in the first section of this act, at the price specified in the certificate of appraisal, in the same manner, and upon the same terms as are now provided by law for the sale of university and primary school lands. SEC. 4. If any of the persons mentioned in the first section of this act, shall neglect or refuse to present their certificate of appraisal, and shall neglect to pay the instalment as required by law for the sale of university and primary school lands, for six months after the passage of this act, they shall forever thereafter be deprived of the benefits of this act. SEC. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 9, 1843. [No. 92.] AN ACT to authorize the Judge of Probate of the county of St. Clair, to grant a license to sell certain real estate. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- Judge of Protives of the State of Michigan, That the judge of probate of the coun- county grant bate St. Clair license to sell ty of St. Clair, be, and he is hereby authorized to grant unto Robert estate of Philo Scott, and Daniel Gurney, administrators to the estate of Philo Leach. |