Imágenes de páginas

may contract with for doing the printing ordered by the legislature for that purpose: Provided, the same shall be of as good quality and as cheap as can be purchased elsewhere.

Approved February 13, 1843.

State auditors to settle with Bolton and Porter.


Joint Resolution relative to settlement with A. F.
Bolton and David Porter.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the board of state auditors be, and they are hereby authorized to make a final settlement on just and equitable terms with A. F. Bolton and David Porter contractors for building the cells in the penitentiary.

Approved Feb. 23, 1843.

Commissioners of internal Improvement authorized to pay expenses

[No. 12.]

Joint Resolution relative to payment of board of appraisers.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State

of Michigan, That the commissioners of internal improvement be, of board of ap- and they are hereby authorized to pay the expense of the board praisers and salaries of en- of appraisers and salaries of engineers, that have accrued or may gineers, &c.

hereafter accrue, out of the receipts of the public works on which they are employed, to be replaced to the credit of the sinking fund out of the first money that may come into the treasury to the credit of the internal improvement fund.

Approved March 6, 1843.

[No. 13.]

Joint Resolution relative to the claim of Austin M.


claim of Aus

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State Relative to of Michigan, That the claim of Austin M. Gould be, and the same tin M. Gould, is hereby referred to the board of state auditors, who are hereby authorized and required to make a just and equitable settlement of the same, and in case they shall award any sum to the said claimant, they are hereby authorized to give him a certificate for the amount awarded him, and the state treasurer is hereby required to pay said sum out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved March 6, 1843.

[No. 14.]

Joint Resolution concerning the construction of lateral branch of Central Railroad.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the board of internal improvement be directed to nal improveexamine into the feasibility of constructing a lateral branch from the central railroad, at any point within two miles of its present eastern termination to the wharves on the Detroit river, and report their branch for opinion of the expediency of constructing the same, together with an estimate of its cost, and submit the same to the next legislature. Approved March 8, 1843.

Board of inter


ment directe to examine to feasibility of constructing

central rail roa l, and re. port to next legislature,

[No. 15.]

Joint Resolution relative to the claim of James B.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State

Claim of Ja's B. Hunt refer. of Michigan, That the claim of James B. Hunt, be and the same is red to state au hereby referred to the board of state auditors who are hereby author


Amount found ized and required to make a just and equitable settlement of the same, due-how ap- and in case they shall award any sum to the said claimant they are plied.

hereby authorized to give him a certificate for the amount so awarded him, after deducting any sum that may be due from him to the state, and the state treasurer is hereby required to pay said sum out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved March 8, 1843.

nal Improve

[No. 16.]

Joint Resolution in relation to leasing the La Plaisance Bay Railroad.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State

Board of Inter- of Michigan, That the board of internal improvement be, and they ment authoriz- are hereby authorized to lease if in their opinion it will be for the ed to lease railroad.

best interest of the state, the railroad laying between the southern railroad and La Plaisance Bay, in the county of Monroe, to the La Plaisance Bay company, or any other company, individual or individuals, for a term of years, not exceeding five: Provided, such terms are offered by such company, individual, or individuals, as, in the opinion of said board would be calculated to promote the public interest.

Approved March 8, 1843,

[No. 17.]

Joint Resolution to amend the act to organize a land office, and to regulate the sale of the public lands.

take effect,

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the act entitled "an act to organize a land office, Act when to and to regulate the sale of the public lands," approved March sixth, eighteen hundred and forty-three, shall take effect and be in force from and after the passage of this resolution.

Approved March 8, 1843.

[No. 18.]

Joint Resolution authorizing the delivery of certain public documents to Superintendent of Public Instruction and State Geologist.


ent public in

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State Superintend. of Michigan, That the superintendent of public instruction, and state struction and state geologist geologist, shall be entitled to one copy of each of the documents of entitled to doc. both houses of the legislature, for the use of his office: Provided, uments, &c. there are single copies on hand in the office of secretary of state.

Resolved, That the secretary of state be, and he is hereby required to Secretary of state required furnish annually to the said superintendent one hundred copies of the to furnish copies of report of printed annual report of said superintendent, for the purpose of being superintendent for distribuby him distributed into the several states, as in his discretion may tion.

seem proper.

Approved March 8, 1843.

Officers and members of legislature en

[No. 19.]

Joint Resolution relative to the distribution of the session Laws, Journals, &c.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, 'That the officers and members of the present legislatitled to laws, ture be, and they are hereby entitled each to one copy of the session laws of eighteen hundred and forty-three, and the journals and docuSecretary of state required ments of said year; and that the secretary of state is hereby required to forward to forward the same to the county clerks of the several counties of


same to coun

ty clerks.

this state for each officer and member, so soon as the same shall be printed and ready.

Approved March 9, 1843.

Front south

[No. 20.]

Joint Resolution relative to rooms of Chancellor.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State

room in capitol of Michigan, That the front south room in the capitol be furnished appropriated

South rear

to chancellor. to the chancellor, and that the south rear room be set apart for the room to adju- use of the adjutant general, and that the appropriation made to furappropriation nish the front room be expended by the adjutant general, in fitting up

tant general

to be expended and furnishing the rear room aforesaid.

on rear room,

Approved March 9, 1843.

[No. 21.]

Joint resolution in relation to delinquent tax bonds. Rsolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That all delinquent tax bonds due or to become due,

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