Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Delinquent tax scrip,
Kalamazoo county,
Hillsdale county,
St. Joseph county,
St. Clair county,

Cass county,


5,611,000 00

123,013 03

3,257 67

551,685 00

117,270 72

28 42

1,871 65

675 16

16 88

267 64

2,859 75

6,409,086 17

*NOTE-The above accounts under the * on both sides, being most of them accounts discontinued on the Treasurer's books, since 1840, and there being no utilaty or propriety in keeping any of them, since the opening of a set of auxiliary books by the Auditor General, they have all been balanced and closed.


Ledger balances on State Treasurer's Books, November 30th, 1842.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The Treasurer being credited on the books of the Auditor General, by all warrants drawn against the several funds, there is a balance to his favor, on account of outstanding warrants, over and above funds received by and charged to him, of

Of funds received and charged, there is on hand a cash balance of

In hands of Attorney General,

Unavailable funds, (exclusive of $1,530 not charged
Treasurer on Auditor's books,)

$217,107 48

70,522 29 5,307 50

483 74

$293,421 01


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