Imágenes de páginas

powers and require him to discharge all the duties of the ordinary collector or marshal of said city.

SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved February 21, 1843.

[No. 23.]

AN ACT for the relief of Hester Jones.

SuperintendSECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representaent of public instruction au- tives of the State of Michigan, That the superintendent of public inthorized to is

sue new certi- struction be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a new ficate to Hester Jones.

certificate for the sale of the whole of the north-west quarter of section twenty-two, township seven south, of range seventeen west, to said Hester Jones upon payment by her for the same, in the same manner as if the original certificate had embraced the whole aforesaid quarter section.

Approved February 21, 1843.

[No. 24.]

AN ACT to amend an act entitled an "act for the regulation of internal improvement," passed March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and forty.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa.

Persons entitled to receive tives of the State of Michigan, That whenever any person or perdamages occasioned by works of inter,

sons who shall be lawfully entitled to receive any damages occasionnal improve- ed by the construction of any of the works of internal improvement

ment who are dissatisfied

may notify board, &c.

of this State, and shall be dissatisfied with the appraisal or assessment of such damages made in pursuance of the sixteenth section of the

act to which this act is amendatory, and shall notify the board of internal improvement of such dissatisfaction within three months after such appraisal, it may be lawful and it shall be the duty of said board of internal improvement to review such appraisal, and if, in their opinion, the amount of damages so awarded are not equal to the amount of damages actually sustained by the person or persons aforesaid, they shall increase the amount so awarded to a sum which, in their opinion, shall be just and equitable, and they shall certify their determination on such award, which certificate shall be signed at least view &c. by two of said board, and such certificate shall be sufficient authority for the Auditor General to draw his warrant for the amount of said assessment.

Board to re

SEC. 2. The provisions of this act shall apply to all cases of appraisal heretofore made under the provisions of the act to which this This act applies to apis amendatory and shall still remain unsettled: Provided, the notice praisals heretofore made, unsettled.

required to be given to the board of commissioners by this act shall which remain be given within three months from its passage.

SEC. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved February 21, 1843.

[No. 25.]

AN ACT making appropriations on the Central and Southern rail-roads for the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and for other purposes.

propriated out

of of the receipts for buying iron & spikes.

of the railroads

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen- $119,000 aptatives of the State of Michigan, That there be appropriated out the nett proceeds of the public works of this State, for the purpose of purchasing rail road iron and spike, and for paying for the transportation of the same, the sum of one hundred and nineteen thousand dollars.

Board of commissioners au

SEC. 2. The board of commissioners of internal improvement are

thorized to buy hereby authorized to purchase for the use of the state, a sufficient iron and spike for central and quantity of railroad iron and spike, to iron the central railroad to the

southern railroads.

Board authori

village of Marshall, and the southern railroad to the village of Hillsdale; and the said board of commissioners are hereby authorized to pledge for the payment of said iron and spike the nett proceeds of the public works of this state, and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay from time to time, according to the terms of such contract, such moneys as shall come into the treasury as such nett proceeds, until the whole contract shall be paid: Provided, that nothing herein contained shall authorize said board of commissioners to make contracts for railroad iron and spike exceeding the amount necessary to iron said roads to the points above designated: Provided further, that after paying for the iron and spike contemplated in this section, the nett proceeds of said public works, or so much thereof as may be necessary for that purpose, are hereby pledged for the payment of all interest which shall have accrued on the warrants now drawn upon the internal improvement fund and for payment of the interest thereon annually forever thereafter until such warrants shall be paid; and the state treasurer is hereby required to pay the same therefrom accordingly.

SEC. 3. The board of internal improvement are hereby authorized to let such zed to let such amount of contracts as shall be paid for by one hundan amount of contracts as red and fifty thousand acres of state lands, school and university lands shall be paid for by 150,000 excepted, to be located by the purchasers, under such restrictions as are now or may hereafter be made by law for the extension of the between Mar- central railroad to the village of Kalamazoo: Provided that all the

acres of land to build central rail road

shall and Kalamazoo.

public lands of this state before they shall be subject to entry by persons holding such warrants shall be offered for sale at public auction: and Provided also, the said lands shall be received by such persons at the minimum price established by law: and Provided further, that said contracts shall be let at twelve per cent. less than the estimates of eighteen hundred and forty-one: Provided further, that no part of said lands shall be located, and no warrants issued for work done


on contracts let under this act, shall be received in payment for any of the state lands until the first day of August next.

SEC. 4. The commissioners of internal improvement in making Contracts to be made payacontracts on the central railroad, shall make them payable in war- ble in warrants drawn rants on the internal improvement fund, and the state to be in no on internal way responsible for the until that fund improvement of said warrants payment fund, &c. shall be reimbursed by the sale of the lands belonging to this state, or

from moneys legitimately coming into that fund from other sources.

now drawn or

drawn on internal improvement fund to be re

SEC. 5. All warrants now drawn or that shall hereafter be drawn All warrants on the internal improvement fund, shall be receivable in payment hereafter to be for any of the lands belonging to this state which shall hereafter come into the market, except for university and school lands. SEC. 6. The "joint resolution prohibiting new contracts on the pub- ceived in payment of public lic works," approved January eighteenth, eighteen hundred and forty- lands. two, is hereby suspended so far as it relates to the completion of the central railroad to the village of Kalamazoo and the southern railroad to the village of Hillsdale.

Clinton and

SEC. 7. That there be appropriated out of any moneys that may $5,770 approcome into the treasury to the credit of the internal improvement fund priated on for the purposes of paying up arrearages of work done and materials Kalamazoo cafurnished on the Clinton and Kalamazoo canal, the sum of five thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars.

SEC. 8. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Approved February 21, 1843.


[No. 26.]

AN ACT to secure a pre-emption right to the purchase of certain lands to the persons therein named.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That whenever by the laws of this


Certificate of state, the north-west quarter of section number four [4] in township numbered six [6] north, range numbered twelve [12] west, it being

purchase of n. w. quarter, sec. 4, tp. 6.n.

r. 12, w. to be part of the lands granted to the state by the act of Congress approved

issued to R.


June twenty-three, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, and known as the salt spring lands, shall be offered for sale, it shall be the duty of the person or persons entrusted by law with such sale, to issue to Robert Hilton, or to his heirs or assigns, a certificate of purchase of the north-west quarter of said section, on the payment by the said Hilton, his heirs or assigns, to the person authorized to sell said lands, of the sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre for the same: Provided, the said Hilton, his heirs or assigns, shall tender the said money as aforesaid within one year from the time said lands shall be offered for sale as aforesaid: And provided also, that interest on the purchase money shall be paid, to be computed from the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty up to the day of such payment: And provided further, the said Hilton, his heirs and assigns shall be entitled to the possession of said land until the expiration of

that time.

Approved February 22, 1843.

[No. 27.]

An Act authorizing William W. Bliss, administrator &c. of Hervey Bliss, deceased, to convey certain

real estate.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RepresentaWilliam W: Bliss adminis- tives of the State of Michigan, That it shall be lawful for William trator &c. authorized to W. Bliss, administrator &c. of Hervey Bliss, late of the county of convey certain lands. Lenawee, in said state, deceased, and he is hereby authorized and

empowered to make and execute the necessary deeds and conveyances so as to vest the fee simple of the following described parcels of land, severally in the persons hereinafter named, upon their respectively

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