paying to him the amount ascertained to be due on the contracts and agreements given therefor by the said Hervey Bliss in his life time, viz: to John W. Woodruff lot number fifty-four and lot number fiftyfive as designated upon the recorded plat of the village of Blissfield, in the county of Lenawee, aforesaid: to Calvin H. Hagaman, lots numbered sixty-five and seventy-seven as designated upon the said plat of the village aforesaid: to Ira Pettis, lot numbered thirty-eight as designated upon said plat of the village aforesaid: to Charles H. Gilmore, lot numbered forty as designated upon the said plat of the village aforesaid: to Enoch Randall the west half of lot numbered thirty-five as designated upon the said plat of the village aforesaid: to Guy Carpenter, lot numbered fifty-one as designated on the said. plat of the village aforesaid: to Malvin Baily lot number seven as designated on the said plat of the village aforesaid: to James Q. Adams and Norman D. Curtis lots numbered nineteen, twenty, twenty two, twenty-three, twenty-seven, sixty-six and sixty-seven as designated on the said plat of the village aforesaid: and to Pardon J. Davenport a small tract adjoining the village plat aforesaid, and bounded north by the lands of Adams and others, on the east by the river Raisin, on the south by lands belonging to the estate of Hervey Bliss deceased, and on the west by Monroe-street, containing three-fourths of an acre of land: Provided however, that before any Judge of Pro bate to ap. title shall pass by virtue of such deed or conveyance, it shall be the prove of conduty of said administrator to have endorsed thereon severally, the veyance. approval or consent thereto of the Judge of Probate of the said county of Lenawee. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 22, 1843. Persons who embezzle estate of deceased persons guilty of lar ceny. [No. 28.] AN ACT to prevent the embezzlement and concealment of the property of deceased persons. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tives of the State of Michigan, That any person or persons, who shall fraudulently, wilfully and intentionally embezzle, secrete or conceal from any heir, administrator or administratrix, executor or executrix, or widow of any deceased person of this state any deed for the conveyance of real estate, or any bond, draft or bill of exchange, or promissory note for the security or payment of any money, or containing evidence of debt, which were the property of said deceased person at the time of his or her death, and of right belonged to the heir or heirs, devisee or devisees, legatee or legatees, widow or creditor or creditors of such deceased person, after his or her death, or shall in like manner embezzle, secrete or conceal from any of the persons above named, any other valuable property or writing of any deceased person or persons, shall be deemed to have committed the crime of larceny. Approved February 22, 1843. [No. 29.] AN ACT authorizing the State Treasurer to receive certain warrants in payment of money due the State. Treasurer may receive of certain persons Auditor's tives of the State of Michigan, That the State Treasurer may receive state building of James Scribner, or any other purchaser of state building lands, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa warrants for lands, Auditor General's warrants, which are on interest, in payment of any sum of money due from any such purchaser of state building lands heretofore sold to them by the state. SEC. 2. That the State Treasurer may receive of Noah Brookfield, Auditor General's warrants, which are on interest, in payment may receive of for the southeast quarter of section twenty-seven, in township seven Treasurer SEC. 3. This act shall take immediate effect. [No. 30.] AN ACT to authorize David Vinnedge, rdian of Marcus Packard, a minor, to convey certain lands. zed to execute veyances as Marcus Pack SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen-David Vintatives of the State of Michigan, That it shall be lawful for David nedge authori Vinnedge as guardian of Marcus Packard, a minor, and sole heir of certain conGarrison B. Packard, deceased, and he is hereby empowered and au- guardian of thorized, as such guardian, for and in the name of said Marcus, to ard. execute, acknowledge and deliver to Fitch Reed, of the county of Lenawee, and state of Michigan, the necessary deed of conveyance to vest in the said Fitch Reed the fee simple in the following lands, situate in the county and state aforesaid, viz: The west half of the south-west quarter of section number twenty-six, and the east half of the south-east quarter of section number twenty-seven, in township five south of range two east: Provided, however, that before any title shall pass by virtue of said deed, it shall be the duty of said guardian to have endorsed on said deed the approval of the same by the Judge of Probate of the said county of Lenawee. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 27, 1843. Collection of resident taxes for the city of Detroit postponed. Collector authorized to proceed and collect the same. Collector to renew his bond. The supervisors of several township in certain cases may renew warrants to townsh o trea [No. 31.] AN ACT to extend the time for the collection of taxes for the year eighteen hundred and forty-two. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That the collection of all resident taxes remaining unpaid in the city of Detroit is extended to the third Monday of March next. SEC. 2. The collector, Benjamin S. Farnsworth, is hereby authorized and empowered to proceed and collect said taxes as fully as he could do during the life of his warrant, and make his returns thereon any time before the said third Monday of March next. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of said collector to renew his official bond to the satisfaction of the Treasurer of the county of Wayne, before he shall collect or receive any part of said taxes as aforesaid, under the same penalty as is prescribed in part first, title four, chapter one and section fifty-three of the revised statutes. SEC. 4. The respective supervisors of the townships of this State in which any part of the taxes for the year eighteen hundred and forty-two shall remain unpaid on the first day of March next, may re new the warrants to the township treasurer, and extend the time of surer: and ex- collection to the third Monday of March next: Provided, the said tend time for collection of taxes for 1842. treasurer in all cases shall, before such time shall be extended, renew their official bonds to the county treasurers, and account for and pay over all moneys collected before the time of such renewal: and provided also, that if any of said treasurers fail to comply with any of the above requirements, their respective supervisors may appoint another person to do the collecting who will give the necessary bond, and deliver the collection warrant to him. SEC. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved February 28, 1843. 1 [No. 32.] AN ACT to provide for the completion and preservation of that portion of the Clinton and Kalamazoo Canal between the villages of Rochester and Frederick. tracts to con SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- Board of in't. imp. authoriztives of the State of Michigan, That the Board of Internal Im-ed to let con provement are hereby authorized and required to let contracts for struct feeder for Clinton & the construction of a feeder for the Clinton and Kalamazoo Canal at Kalamazoo canal, and to er at Freder16,000 acres of land appropriated for that the village of Rochester, and for bringing the canal into the Clinton bring canal inRiver at Frederick, and the completion of said canal ready for to Clinton rivuse between Paint Creek and the village of Frederick in Macomb ick. county, and any warrants issued by the Auditor General in pursuance of said contracts shall be made payable in the lands of the State (ex- purpose. cept school and university lands) at not less than the minimum price thereof established, or to be established by law, to the extent of sixteen thousand acres of said land, such land being first offered for sale at auction: Provided, none of said land shall be located nor any of said warrants drawn until after the first day of August next, and that the state shall be in no way responsible for the payment of said warrants except in said land: And provided also, such contracts shall not be made against any lands of the State except the five hundred thousand acres granted by the United States to this State for Internal Improvement: And provided further, that such contracts shall not be let for more than the estimates that may be made by a competent engineer. SEC. 2. The Commissioners of Internal Improvement are hereby Commission. ers of int. imp. authorized to lease on such terms and under such restrictions as they authorized to may deem advantageous and proper, any water privileges that may privileges to be created by the completion of such canal. lease water be created by said work. to fix a tariff of SEC. 3. The Commissioners of Internal Improvement are hereby Commissionauthorised to allow individuals the use of such canal for any of the ers authorized purposes of canal navigation under such a tariff of tolls and other re- tolls. strictions as they may deem proper and reasonable. |