The Treasurer to transfer funde. lars per day, and three dollars for every twenty miles travel, to and from the capitol, and to the President of the Senate to be certified by the Secretary of the Senate, and to the Speaker of the House, to be certified by the clerk thereof, six dollars per day and travel as aforesaid, and to the Secretary of the Senate, and the clerks and Sergeantat-arms of the two Houses, on the certificate of the presiding officers of said Houses respectively, three dollars per day each, and to the messengers of said Houses, one dollar per day each, and to the firemen, the sum of one dollar and fifty cents per day each, on the certificate aforesaid. SEC. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized to make any transfer of funds that may be necessary for the purposes of this act. SEC. 4. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. [No. 5.] AN ACT to amend an act entitled "an act relating to the conveyance of real estate." SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That section two of the act entitled "an act relating to the conveyance of real estate," passed April 1, 1840, be amended so as to read as follows: Lands in Mi- That lands or tenements lying in the State of Michigan may be conchigan may be conveyed by veyed by the owners thereof, though residing in any other State or owners though residing in oth- Territory, by a deed executed and acknowledged according to the er States. same to be laws of such State or Territory with a certificate attached thereto of Deeds for the the Clerk, or proper certifying officer of any court of Record in executed and such State or Territory, under the seal of his office, that such deed according to is executed and acknowledged according to the laws of such State or acknowledged laws where SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after the fifteenth day of February next. Approved January 19, 1843. [No. 6.] AN ACT to amend section twenty-six, chapter second, title seventh, part second of the Revised Statutes, relative to divorce. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tives of the State of Michigan, That section twenty-six, chapter second, title seventh, part second, of the Revised Statutes, page three hundred and forty, shall be amended by inserting after the word "labor" in the third line of said section, the words "or for any other cause," so that said section will read as follows: Section twenty-six. Upon every divorce for adultery committed Upon every di. vorce, if estate by the husband, or on account of his being sentenced to confinement &c. assigned to wife be into hard labor, or for any other cause, and also upon every divorce sufficient for suitable supfrom bed and board for any cause whatever, if the estate and effects port of herself and children, restored and assigned to the wife shall be insufficient for the suitable court may de cree to her support and maintainance of herself and such children of the mar- such part of personal estate riage as shall be committed to her care and custody, the Court may of husband as they may deem further decree to her such part of the personal estate of the husband, just, &c. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. State Treasu [No. 7.] An Act to authorise the payment of interest on the delinquent tax stock of this State until redeemed. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representarer authorized tives of the State of Michigan, That the State Treasurer be and he is to allow inter est on delin- hereby authorized to pay or to allow interest semi-annually on all the quent tax stocks. delinquent tax stocks of this State after they become due at the rate SEC. 2. This act shall be in force from the day of its approval. as a court of [No. 8.] AN ACT for transfer of certain causes from the Supreme Court to the Court of Chancery and for other purposes. All causes pending in Supreme Court tives of the State of Michigan, That all the causes now depending in chancery trans the Supreme court of the State, sitting as a court of chancery, which of Chancery. were originally commenced there, be and the same are hereby trans SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa. ferred to Court ferred to the Court of Chancery. SEC. 2. That the clerks of the Supreme Court in the respective Clerks of Su- circuits shall immediately transfer and deliver to the Register of the preme Court to transfer to Court of Chancery in the respective circuits all documents and papers on file in the offices of such clerks relative to, or connected with register of chancery all documents and papers on file any cause pending on the Chancery side of such Court, and shall also relative to cau- prepare and transmit a certified copy of so much of the records of the in their office ses on chancery side of Supreme court Supreme Court in any such cause as the Chancellor or either of the parties to any such suit may deem necessary. SEC. 3. That in all causes in which the Chancellor shall be inte- Judges of Supreme court to rested or shall have been solictor or counsel, the Judge of the Supreme try all causes where Chan Court residing in the Circuit in which the cause may be pending or cellor was so licitor or coun some other Judge of the Supreme Court may hold the Court of sel; parties may waive exChancery for the trial and determination of such cause according to ceptions and the law and the practice of the Court of Chancery: Provided, that causes may be in cases where the Chancellor shall not be otherwise interested than cellor. *having acted as Counsellor or Solicitor in the cause, it shall be competent for the parties to waive on the record all exception arising out of the causes aforesaid to the sitting and final hearing and determination of the Chancellor in the cause and thereupon he may proceed to determine the same as in other cases. tried by chan Right of ap SEC. 4. In all cases determined pursuant to the provisions of this peal reserved. act the right of appeal shall remain as in other cases. Approved Jan. 24, 1843. [No. 9.] AN ACT for the purchase of the Session laws of 1840. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RepresentaSecretary of tives of the State of Michigan, That the secretary of State be authori- State authorized to purzed to purchase one hundred and fifty copies of the Session Laws of chase laws of eighteen hundred and forty-for the use of the State: Provided the same can be had for a sum not exceeding seventy-five cents a volume. SEC. 2. This act shall take immediate effect. Approved January 27, 1843. 1840. 2 Maria E. Barrett's name changed to Maria Eliza beth Liver [No. 10.] AN ACT to change the name of Maria E. Barrett, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That from and after the passage of this act, it shall and may be lawful for Maria E. Barrett, to take and as more; William sume the name of Maria Elizabeth Livermore, and by that name McFettridge changed; Eliz- she shall hereafter be known and designated; and for William Mcabeth Gillespie changed. Fettridge, of the county of Monroe, in this State, to take and assume the name of William Fettridge, and by that name to be known and designated hereafter; and Elizabeth Gillespie, of the county of Calhoun, to take the name of Elizabeth Peebles, and by that name to be known and designated hereafter: Provided, no suit or other proceeding shall abate or be in anywise affected by such change, except that such change shall be suggested and entered of Record, in any legal proceeding now pending. Approved January 30, 1843. Seat of Justice of Hillsdale County vacated. [No. 11.] An Act to vacate the present seat of Justice of the county of Hillsdale, and to establish the same at the village of Hillsdale. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tives of the State of Michigan, That the present seat of Justice of the county of Hillsdale is vacated, and the same is hereby established on the piece of land in the village of Hillsdale, known and designated on the recorded plat of said village as the "Court-House Square." SEC. 2. Whenever the commissioners mentioned in the sixth section of this act, or a majority of them, shall file in the office of the County Clerk of said county, a certificate stating that the use of a |