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that comes to him is doing the world good.

The evil conditions arising out of The invention of printing gave to our present social-economic struc- mankind a means whereby the ture, are not going to be corrected light of knowledge could be spread, by a committee appointed for that through which all could reach his purpose. No formula can be thus fellowman, could most easily and prepared that will be the panacea successfully exert an influence on for our social troubles. The cor- the affairs of society, of which, berections must come through every ing a part, he was directly interpart of our social organism. Some- ested in.

this means in their own behalf, letting their light shine, dimmed though it be by past conditions and environments. There has not been done, in this direction, what there should have been; too few have seen that it is their duty to spread and aid in spreading of the light necessary for rapid progress, as well as for them to receive it.

thing must be done by every mem- The masses, have exerted an inber of society, the causes of all the fluence on social affairs, only in trouble are in mankind, conse- proportion as they have utilized quently to rise toward a higher standard than we at present rest on, the majority at least, must do different than they are doing. There must be a re-formation of industrial habits and actions to bring about a reform in society, the collection of individuals. But the collection must move together, for the individual is so bound in by the whole that he can move but little without the whole moves or at at least is disturbed. Hence the necessity of association to cause the education necessary to a move, and in each letting his light shine for the benefit of all. There must be a willingness on the part of all to do something to insure the maximum progress. The light, under which human progress must be How different this has been made, arises in the mind of indivi- with the laboring masses, comduals and to be of use must reach plaint against existing social conthe mind of others, whatever facil- ditions has been echoed by them itates that is a boon to mankind; in abundance, but not light on whoever is thus spreading the light what would cause relief, when

A press, devoted to the interests of the masses, has always found a difficulty in getting sufficient support to maintain it. It has been different with those in the interests of the classes. They have always had support, and the classes, as against the masses, have received liberal reward for what they gave it.

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