Imágenes de páginas

Grier, J.-continued

The references are to pages.

cited as to: the nature and termination of the Civil War, ii, 126, n.
constitutionality of State statute preventing intrusions on In-
dian lands, ii, 213, n.

construction of Indian treaties, ii, 218, n.

assignability of international claims, ii, 297, n.

status of Mexican claims, ii, 297, n.

extent of treaty-making power, ii, 383, n., 384, n.

Griffin, Cyrus

opposes purchase of Louisiana, i, 132, n.

Griggs, John W., U. S. Attorney-General

views on the term "United States" and "the source of political

power," i, 25, n.

position in Insular Cases, i, 28

cited as to Louisiana purchase, i, 133, n.

views on citizenship in ceded territory, ii, 171, n.

counsel in Insular Cases, i, 466, 468, 469, 475, 495, 496, 501, 502, 506
appointed international arbitrator from United States, ii, 376, n.

opposes purchase of Louisiana, i, 132, n.
Grosscup, Peter Stenger

report on revision of patent and trade-mark statutes, ii, 325, n.

views as to: division of kingdoms into patrimonial, or proprietary
and usufructuary, i, 73, n.

right of treaty-making power to sacrifice private rights in pub-
lic interest, ii, 392, n.

subject, however, to compensation, ii, 392, n.

extent of treaty-making power, i, 402, n.

the great work of, i, 203

Grundy, Felix

opinion that President could make payments under treaty and dis-
regard injunctions, ii, 362, n.


ceded by Spain to the United States, i, 79, 432, 508-513; ii, 151, n.,

283, n.

treaty in full, i, 508-513

no necessity for plebiscite in, i, 85

question as to status of, i, 443

status at close of war, ii, 153, n.

stipulation of treaty of cession regarding status of inhabitants, ii,
170, n., 232, 280


Guano Islands

legislation of Congress concerning, i, 4, n., 56
ownership by the United States, i, 56, 78, 81, n.
murder cases in, i, 58

The references are to pages.

Guardoqui, Diego

Spanish minister to negotiate treaty, i, 359, n.


treaty and protocols with, and proclamations affecting, ii, 459

Guizot, François Pierre Guillaume

views on: the Monroe doctrine, i, 113, n.

"The Federalist," i, 375, n., 377, n.

Guthrie, William D.

criticism of decision in the Slaughter-House Cases, ii, 58, n.

cited as to cases involving the Fourteenth Amendment, ii, 61, n.

Habeas Corpus

alien restrained of liberty under exclusion acts may be brought up

on, i, 95, n., 98, n.

remedy for illegal holding for extradition, ii, 261

Hague, The

Peace Conference at (1899), i, 96, n., 101, n., 114; ii, 376, n.

the Monroe doctrine re-enunciated at the, i, 114-116, n.

recognition of Grotius's work at, i, 203

claims referred to the tribunal, ii, 371, n.

treaties of 1899, ii, 376, n.

Hague Court of Arbitration, The, ii, 376, n.

Hague Treaties

prohibiting launching projectiles from balloons, ii, 528
regulating maritime warfare, ii, 529

providing for international arbitration, ii, 529
note on, ii, 531


the Monroe doctrine in relation to, i, 111, n.

treaties and agreements with United States: (1864), ii, 72 n., 460:
(1884), ii, 371, n., 372, n., 461: (1885), ii, 305, n., 372, n., 461:
(1888), ii, 372, n., 461

list of treaties, protocols, etc., with, and proclamations affecting,
ii, 460, 461

Halifax Fisheries Award, i, 431, n.; ii, 132

Hall, William Edward

cited as to: limited power of semi-sovereign states, i, 77, n.
transfers of territory, i, 77, n., 83, n.

treaty-making power, i, 198

abrogation of treaties, ii, 137, n.

effect of conquest on inhabitants of conquered territory, ii, 176, n.
definition and enactment of treaties, ii, 368, n.

Halleck, Henry Wager

cited as to: dominion over new territory, i, 5, n.

right of State to own, acquire, dispose of, and transfer territory,

i, 73, n., 84, n.

limited powers of semi-sovereign states, i, 77, n.

Monroe doctrine, i, 113, n.

The references are to pages.

Halleck, H. W.-continued

cited as to: treaty-making power, i, 202, 206

status of dependent states, i, 211, n.

consular courts, ii, 143, n.

status of inhabitants of territory ceded by one sovereignty to
another, ii, 175, n.

Hallett, J.

cited that prisoner held for extradition could not be admitted to
bail, ii, 262, n.

Ham, E.

filed brief in Insular Cases, i, 467

Hamburg, Republic of

treaty with United States (1827), ii, 39, n., 462


Hamilton, Alexander

views on the treaty-making power, i, 8, 378, 379, 383–386; ii, 2, n.
relations between Federal and State governments, i, 309, n.,

311, n.


necessity of a supreme judiciary to interpret treaties, i, 378, 379
in regard to obligations of treaties, i, 449, 450, n.
alienation of territory, quoted by WHITE, J., in Downes vs.
Bidwell, i, 486, 487

the national executive authority, ii, 378, n.

power of Central government to alienate territory, ii, 382, n.
supporter of theory of nationality of United States, i, 61
foresaw dangers attending the Union, i, 290

member of Constitutional Convention, i, 292, n., 308

favors concentration of power in Central government, i, 308
his views contrasted with those of William Paterson, i, 310
opinion that treaty-making power should be lodged in the Central
government, i, 312

influence in securing compromises in Constitutional Convention, i,

opinion that treaty-making power should be vested in the Presi-
dent with consent of Senate, i, 322

member of New York Constitutional Convention, i, 365

supports ratification, i, 365

Constitutional pamphleteer, (“Cæsar”), i, 373, n.

influence on the adoption of the Constitution, i, 375

an author of "The Federalist," i, 375–377, n., 378, 386

first to recognize sanctity of treaties and their supremacy to State
laws, ii, 35, 36, n.

Hamilton, J. C.

editor of "The Federalist," i, 374, n., 386, n.

Hancock, John

president of Massachusetts convention to ratify Constitution, i, 344
Handford, J.

cited as to: effect of treaties on private rights, ii, 83, n.

The references are to pages.

Handford, J.-continued

cited as to: effect and construction of Indian treaties, ii, 212, n., 218, n.
railroad land grants and treaty reservations, ii, 225, n.

decision in Chinese exclusion cases, ii, 118, n.

Hanna, John A.

leader in Harrisburg convention to amend Constitution, i, 343

treaties and conventions with, and proclamation affecting, ii, 369,



Hanseatic Republics


conventions with, and proclamations affecting, ii, 331, n., 332, n.,
462, 463


Hanson, Alexander Contee (“Aristides”)

Constitutional pamphleteer, i, 373, n.

Harcourt, Sir William Vernon (“Historicus")

opinion of American diplomatic statesmanship, ii, 377, n., 378, n.

views on necessity for legislation to validate treaties of commerce,
i, 434

Harding, Samuel Bannister

cited as to the Federal convention in Massachusetts, i, 344 n.
Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor

cited as to continuance of local laws in conquered and ceded terri-
tory, and effect of change of sovereignty thereon, ii, 166, n.


cited as to: the unit of sovereignty, i, 33

ordination and ratification of the Constitution, i, 335, n.

Harlan, John M., Assoc. Justice, U. S. Supreme Court

position as to status of Porto Rico, i, 122, 124

influence on the expansion and welfare of the United States, i, 135
dissent in the Chinese Baby Case, ii, 109, n.

cited as to: power of United States to make treaties and enforce
their provisions, i, 9

sovereignty of United States, i, 28, n.

acquisition and governance of new possessions, i, 41

plenary power of Congress over Territories, i, 129

the Neely Case, i, 178, n.

status of newly acquired territory, i, 458

extraneous aids in construction of constitutions, ii, 3, n.

police powers of State, ii, 56, n.

effect of treaties on private rights, ii, 84, n.

Cherokee Tobacco Case, ii, 86, n.

Chinese Exclusion Cases, ii, 94, n., 95, n., 101, n.

construction of statutes designed to execute treaties, ii, 101, n.
delegation of authority by Congress, ii, 107, n.

Harlan, J.-continued

The references are to pages.

cited as to: power of the Executive under treaties, and extent to
which Congress can delegate power to Executive, ii, 144, n.
construction of term "property," ii, 179, n.

status of Cherokee Nation, ii, 209, n., 221, n.

method of dealing with Indians, ii, 223, n.

railroad land grants and treaty reservations, ii, 225, n.
extradition laws, ii, 247, n., 248, n.

power of United States to expel, exclude, or deport aliens, ii,
259, n.

right of Congress to legislate for extradition of fugitives from
United States to territory occupied by United States military
forces, ii, 260, n.

rights of prisoner held for extradition, ii, 261, n., 262, n.
power of United States to exercise right of eminent domain in
Territories affected by Indian treaties, ii, 296, n.

the La Abra and Weil awards under Mexican claims treaty, ii,
309, n.

establishment of United States consular courts in foreign coun-
tries, ii, 335, n.

validity of Tariff Act of October 1, 1890, ii, 354, n., 373, n.

cited that Congress cannot delegate its legislative power to the
President, ii, 354, n.

Executive and Legislative departments should be free to act
within their respective spheres, ii, 361, n., 362, n.
concurs with BROWN, J., in De Lima vs. Bidwell, i, 474
unites with FULLER, Ch. J., in dissenting opinions in: Downes vs.
Bidwell, i, 476, 491, 495; Second Dooley Case, i, 579
concurs with FULLER, Ch. J., and BROWN, J., in Fourteen Diamond
Rings Case, i, 569

Harmon, Lawrence

counsel in Fourteen Diamond Rings Case, i, 467

Harrisburg, Pa.

convention at, to propose amendments to Constitution, i, 343
Harrison, Benjamin

views on limitation of governmental powers by fundamental princi-
ples, i, 63, 64

unsoundness of his views, i, 64

appointed international arbitrator from United States, ii, 376, n.

Harrison, Frederic

cited as to sovereignty, i, 19, n.

Hart, Alphonzo

counsel in Insular Cases (Armstrong vs. United States), i, 502
Hartford Convention

States' Rights doctrine of, i, 29, n.

Haswell, John H.

compilation of treaties between United States and foreign Powers,

ii, 241, n.

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