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dissimilar as to the general state, whilst wholly similar as to particulars. A mere bookworm symptom hunter would see no difference between Secale and Arsenicum. You go to the bedside of a case of peritonitis, and you will find the abdomen distended, the patient restless; you will find him often vomiting blood and passing blood from the anus; you will find horrible burning with the distended abdomen, unquenchable thirst, dry, red tongue, lightning like pulse. Well Arsenicum and Secale have all these things equally; they both have these things in high degree; but when Secale is indicated he wants all the covers off, wants to be cold, wants cold applications, wants the windows open; cannot tolerate heat, and the warm room makes him worse. If Arsenicum is indicated in such a case, he wants to be wrapped up warmly, even in the month of July, wants hot food and hot drinks. The whole Materia Medica is full of these things and is based on this kind of individualization."

We sometimes find Medorrhinum indicated in diseases which we cannot trace to an acquired or inherited gonorrhoea (sycotic) origin, and we say again that unless the symptoms call imperatively for it in gonorrhoea, Medorrhinum is not a remedy for gonorrhoea.


By Anna Doyen, M. D., H. M., Waukegan, Illinois.

This question should be discussed under three heads. First, those operations that in themselves are life saving; second, those that prolong life; third, those that, as a rule, are unnecessary, but are the joy of the specialist and laity.

Under the first head comes such necessary interference as intubation in croup, tracheotomy or bronchotomy in diphtheria, when called too late for life to last till the proper remedy may act.

The writer has been called to cases of diphtheria where membranes were protruding from mouth and nose, and suffocation seemed imminent-indeed, one case seemed moribund-but no surgical interference was employed and every case recovered, one only of these cases developing a post-dyphtheretic paralysis.

Under the second head come the malignant growths that reach the specialist after years of experimentation and all sorts of treatment. These apply to the Hahnemannian after it is too late. The carcinomatous infiltration has broken down into ulcerating masses, or one or more operations have been performed and the patient is ready for another. In such cases the patient's wish should be our law, after telling him that homeopathy can probably prolong his life further than surgery. If, however, he

still insists and there is little hope for him, send him to a surgeon who will be willing to gratify him, or do the work yourself; but in the meantime select the remedy that would have cured him thirty years before and make his passing out from earth an easy one.

Under the third head may be enumerated such conditions as enlarged tonsils, adenoids, prolypi, hypertrophic rhinitis, etc.

The only reason that any one, who knows the law of cure, may have for operating, is the demand that it be done or someone else be employed and the homeopathic specialist lose the opportunity for doing a great good by refusing to do a lesser evil.

In dealing with the question, when is surgery beneficial to patients with nose and throat diseases, the answer must be made, Almost never! Not one case in a thousand! Yet, when we consider that the benefit to the patient is not for the hour or for this attack, but a life long legacy of better health, it is a question whether the pure homeopath should cast off people who insist on the knife, or rather cater slightly to their idea and save the patient to himself. In dealing with this class of patients, the writer has had occasion, many times, to bless the potency of the electric needle, negative pole, with its wonderful dissolving power that has lopped off a tiny polypus, while the mass was left and finally not touched at all, but absorbed by the indicated remedy.

The writer recalls but one patient, turned to another specialist because she refused to operate in nose and throat trouble. This was a case of adenoids. Now when meeting that child, slowly developing into idiocy, with a return of all the old conditions, how sharp the regret that she did not scrape out that pharynx and treat the child afterwards. She hardly knows whether it is a matter to be proud of or not, but she is able to state that in a special practice of seven years on the nose and throat, she has never been compelled to perform a single operation; that time and patience and reasoning, with all of her patients, new or old, has enabled her so far, to absorb or improve the conditions so far that they have been unwilling to undertake the severer task of operation.

The Hahnemannian has a mission and he should gird himself for his difficult journey, and proselyte every step of the ground. He should get and hold his patients at all odds, and should so teach them that not one in a thousand will call for surgical procedure, except where indicated.

Hahnemannians must hold every case that falls into their hands, even if obliged to swerve slightly from the path of homeopathic rectitude in the beginning of their treatment, that these untaught members of the laity may know the truth. We must hold them for treatment by the scientific methods of cure, and if

the morbific processes can be absorbed, the so-called indications for surgical interference were false; if not they were true, but true only when the patient is curd. Then if he is inconvenienced or made unhappy by abnormalities that disgust him, remove them.

If your prescription is composed of the following compound, diplomacy, the indicated remedy, a reasonable patient, equal parts each, you undoubtedly will relieve him of his chronic miasms, inherited or acquired, which would have cursed him and his offspring to the third and fourth generations.

Arise, ye Hahnemannians and acquit yourselves like men (and women.)


By W. L. Morgan, M. D., Baltimore, M. D.

Early in February, 1905, Mr. and Mrs. S., who had been married about ten years and had no children, but were very anxious to have, enquired of me if I thought that Homeopathy would do them any good? They had spent a great deal of money and taken large quantities of medicine without benefit, but they were willing to try again if there was only a little hope of success. They were both fine specimens of the race, and she was one of the finest patterns of womanhood; a beauty, intelligent and amiable. I told them that Homeopathy had no specific for sterility, or any other disease; that a careful examination of each one must be made and a remedy must be selected for each one separately according to the totality of the symptoms in the case, and used in the right way; then good results might be expected. They were both pleased with the explanation and asked me to proceed.

I did so. His general health was fairly good, but he was subject to constipation; hard lumpy stools with slimy mucus; passed with much straining; inactivity of the rectum; sexual organs weak; ejection much too quick; very little fondling with his wife would cause emission.

After examining Knerr's Repertory, he got Graphites, 30th, c. m., and m., three powders, one a week, February 9th.

The wife was in good health except at times had cold, damp feet; slow thrill in copulation, and the semen escaped from the vagina immediately in large quantities. She got Calcarea carb., 30th, c. m., and m., three powders, to be taken one a week. In two weeks they left the city and I knew no more of them till 'January 21, 1906, when Mrs. G

had gotten a letter from Mrs. S

called to tell me that she stating that she had a nine

pound boy, and doing well; wished to congratulate Dr. Morgan.

Now, don't understand that I mean to say that the few high potency powders made the baby. I only claim that it removed the vital disturbance and restored order to the vital forces and unison of action between the parties, making conception possible.


September 15, 1905.-Etta, age 7 years.

History:-About 8 p. m., child stumbled and fell and struck her head on the pavement, in the left Fronto-parietal region. Examination revealed no depressed bone. She managed to get home alone but was irrational. She was seen when she fell by other children who, later, reported same. Was called two hours later.

Symptoms:-Lies in stupor, does not speak or answer when spoken to;

Lies on affected side (left);

Has frequent paroxysms of wild delirium, usually

every thirty minutes, worse from touch;

Eyes staring and glassy;

Looks around room as if someone were after her;
If left alone will run around room and back to bed

again, with same stupor following.

The active stage is preceded by a severe retching and vomiting (cerebral) shaking the whole frame; face violently congested.

Kicks and fights when touched.

Determined attempts to tear and pull off clothing,

only from the waist down;

Frequent desire to urinate. The particular feature here is that the child would ask to use the vessel.

B.-Apomorphia, (30x). One dose and Sac. lac., followed in two hours by a refreshing sleep of seven hours; entire recovery in morning.

Note. The following symptoms are found recorded in Hale's "New Remedies," which were observed on animals and clinically verified in the above case, viz.: "Epileptiform convulsions brought on by touching; tetanic condition, running around and around the room, scaling walls."-J. W. Waffensmith, M.D., 2254 Wheeler Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.


Tom Masson observes in the Smart Set, that when he was sick, a trained nurse "came in the still watches of one evening and laid her soft cool, twenty-five-dollar-a-week hand on my burning brow and thenceforth, her salary and my fever ran on together, not even stopping for meals-that is to say, the nurse herself stopped for meals, but not her salary. About noon each day. she would part from me with tears in her eyes, and a choking sensation in her throat, and a look of keen agony, and slip gently downstairs, and spend a few hours over the family board, while the cook threatened to leave and the hotwater bottles on my jaded stomach became frappe. She came to me with a complete set of books, a clinical thermometer and the story of her past life. When she had taken away my temperature and gone away with it to some far corner of the room and examined it by the light of a tallow dip, and set it down in Ledger B, where I couldn't see it, she picked up her trusty pad and began to write a historical novel, of which I was the unhappy hero. From that moment I felt that about me there was nothing sacred. The second day after she came


the doctor had told her all about me, that she hadn't been able to find out, she began to relate to me the story of her past. Two weeks later the crisis in her story and my fever were both passed. We both survived; but at this late day, I have an idea that her story is even now the more robust of the two. The trained nurse is now a necessity in every modern home. As an antidote to medical science, she has no equal. Dressed in rich, but not too gaudy bed-ticking, and armed with medals won in the Crimean war for reading Punch aloud to the sick soldiers, she stands over one's bedside like a guardian angel, and no germs can pass the line without giving the countersign."-Montreal Homeopathic Record.


The following is told of a patient, a German woman, who, taken seriously ill, was sent to the hospital.

In the evening her husband inquired how she was getting along, and was told that she was improving.

Next day he called again, and was told that she was still improving.

This went on for some time, each day the report being that his wife was improving.

Finally, one night when he called he was told that his wife was dead. Seeing the doctor, he went up to him and said, "Vell, doctor, vot did she die of-improvements?"-Harper's Weekly.

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