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The Critique

Published by The Denver Journal Publishing Company.



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DENVER HOMEOPATHIC COLLEGE COLLEGE AND HOSPITAL PROPERTY TO BE SOLD BY THE SHERIFF.-The following legal notice which appeared in Clay's Review, February 17th, is self-explanatory and will not be commented upon In this issue. The "doom" of homeopathy is being demonstrated hereabouts rather relentlessly:

In the District Court, within and for the City and County of Denver and State of Colorado:

The Butters and Sweet Mercantile Company, plaintiff, vs. The Denver Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital Association, defendant. By virtue of a writ of execution and fee bill issued out of the District Court, of city and county of Denver, state of Colorado, to me as sheriff, city and county of Denver, directed in favor of The Butters and Sweet Mercantile Company, against The Denver Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital Association, whereby I am commanded to make the sum of four hundred twenty-nine dollars and thirty-one cents ($429.31) damages, on which there is a credit of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and the further sum of five dollars and seventy-five cents ($5.75) costs, I have levied upon and taken in execution the following described real estate and all the right, title and interest of the said defendant, The Denver Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital Association, in and to the following described real estate, situate, lying and being in the city and county of Denver and state of Colorado, towit: Lots thirty-two (32), thirty-three (33) and thirty-four (34), block twenty-nine (29), Park Avenue Addition to Denver, which I shall offer for sale at public auction on Wednesday the 14th day of March, A. D. 1906, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the Tremont street entrance to

the county court house, in the city of Denver, city and county of Denver, state of Colorado, to the highest and best bidder for cash.


Sheriff City and County of Denver.

By W. O. Shirley, Deputy Sheriff.
First publication February 17, A. D. 1906.
Last publication March 10, A. D. 1906.


THE "HOUSE" PHYSICIAN.-Perhaps no city of its size in the country can boast of a more abundant supply of that most ubiquitous if not overly useful member of the medical profession known as the hotel "house" physician, than bright, sunny, well-boosted Denver.


Inasmuch as the patronage of this pushing individual is usually the product of persistent and ofttimes pernicious personal solicitation on the part of clerks, bell-boys, elevator pilots, chambermaids and other servants of swell hotels and that the fees thus secured by the doctor-so we are told-are divided by him with whomever is fortunate enough to be the one to have it first," it can readily be reasoned out why many patrons of some of our first-class hostelries have so much difficulty in securing such medical service as they may desire; it may also explain why some people go away from Denver with the impression, and who give publicity to this idea, that the medical profession as a class hereabouts is composed of mercenary mendicants whose only skill appears to consist in their ability to charge exorbitant fees without any regard for the quality of services rendered.

We believe this custom to call in the "house" physician, regardless of the wishes of the hotel guest, works a greater hardship to homeopathic physicians than any other class, and have in mind a recent occurrence wherein a lady of wealth and intelligence sojourning temporarily in one of our best hotels-and it was not at the depot end of Seventeenth street, either-was unable to secure the name, even, of a homeopathic physician through efforts of any one employed in the establishment she was patronizing quite liberally, but, on the contrary, was forced to secure this information wholly and entirely foreign to the institution.

About the only conclusion one can come to in cases of this character is that either the managements are being most industriously imposed upon by their employes or else they countenance this form of holdup game, alongside of which real genuine bunco would be a placid pastime.

ANOTHER MEDICAL DISCOVERY.-And now the doctors have decided that sterilized milk is poisonous.

Just as we'd worn ourselves to shadows getting up in the dead of night to sterilize the milk before we'd let the baby have

a drop of it, discharging competent nurses because they didn't sterilize enough, worrying the cook to death about keeping the sterilized covers on the sterilized can in the sterilized ice-box, and telephoning home from the down-town shopping tour to remind whoever was taking care of the baby not to forget to sterilize the germs out of the milk.

That's the way with the doctors. They drive us mad with solemn warnings about this germ and that germ, tell us that hundreds are dying for want of proper antiseptic treatment of this that and the other thing, and when they have frightened us to the verge of nervous prostration they turn calmly around in their tracks and tell us that it was all a mistake and that there was nothing to worry about after all.

That's the way they acted about the vermiform appendix. Twenty years ago nobody outside of a hospital or a dissecting-room had ever heard of a vermiform appendix. Five years ago-no, it isn't more than two-every other man you met was pale with fear, fretting over what was going to happen to his vermiform appendix, and nine out of ten women were hurtling through the streets in clanging ambulances, going to the hospitals to be operated on for appendicitis.

Did your tooth ache?

Your doctor told you that toothache was not a disease, but a symptom, and that the only thing that would make that tooth stop throbbing was to go under ether and have your vermiform appendix cut out.

Did your grandfather drink too much port and eat too many pheasants, and hand down a gouty toe to his descendant? Hike to the hospital and give the surgeon and his long knife a chance; nothing would stop the gout but an operation on the vermiform appendix.

And then, all at once, some good, kind, sensible doctor or other-blessed be his memory for ever more rose up in meeting and said that the vermiform appendix scare was nothing much but a scare, after all.

And, since that, we've dared to call in the doctor when the baby had the measles, without being afraid he'd trundle her off to the ambulance and operate to remove the vermiform appendix. How very, very human, human beings with an M. D. tacked onto their names can be, after all.

And what a lot of scientific research it seems to take to find out that anything which is perfectly natural is, as a rule, not absolutely vicious.

Hurrah for the good, old-fashioned, every-day cow and the unsterilized milk! She's good enough to give us.-Editorial, Denver Post, February 12, 1906.



The Critique is published on the first of every month. Subscribers failing to receive their copy promptly, please notif yus at once. If you change your address write us. The policy of the Critique is liberal, progressive and independent. It is not the organ of any institution, college or pharmaceutical preparation, but is published in the interest of its readers, advertisers and the Homeopathic profession. Doctors are invited to write articles for insertion, and not to forget to send in their subscriptions.

Miss Grace E. Smythe spent a portion of January and February with friends in St. Louis and Illinois.

Dr. Harlan Pomeroy is the name of the newly-elected president of the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College.

The Pacific Coast Journal of Homeopathy for January, although somewhat reduced in size, was none the less interesting.

P. Blakiston's Son & Co.'s annual visiting list is something every physician should possess. It is as useful as it is handsome.

The Cook County Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, needs thirty internes next month; eighteen month's service; written examinations.

The Armour Memorial Home for the Aged, Kansas City, is now under the care of homeopathic physicians. So says the Medical Forum. Only two of the homeopathic physicians who applied at the Cook County Hospital for civil service examination failed to pass the same.

The editor of Pacific Coast Journal of Homeopathy was married a few days ago, according to Medical Century. Better late than never. "And Nathan, being sick, trusted not in the Lord, but sent for a physician-and Nathan was gathered unto his fathers."-Old Testa


The Critique was a little ahead of the game last month when it announced the elevation of Dr. Harvey Farrington to editorship of Medical Advance.

New York City proposes to build an institution for the poor on Staten Island to be devoted to the treatment of tuberculosis, which will cost $2,000,000.

Medical Century has some stunts in pickle for 1906 which we are led to believe will make the "57" variety look like 30 cents. We know Horner is all right.

The Cleveland Medical and Surgical Reporter made another change of title type on its first page with the February issue, which is a decided improvement.

The January Clinique has been received. The new, rich, red blood supposed to have been recently imported for the editorial staff is not specially noticeable.

Dr. T. B. Chapman of Ouray, the only homeopathic veterinary surgeon in the state of Colorado, was a caller upon The Critique editor the 7th of last month.

Dr. Stacy Jones, author of the Mnemonic Similiad, who graduated from Hahnemann of Philadelphia over fifty years ago, died in Washington, D. C., recently.

The Golden Belt Medical Society of Kansas resoluted that there was not a reputable physician on the Kansas State Board of Health. Oh, these resolutions!

Dr. Charles C. Rowley departed for eastern parts the latter part of January. Will do some p. g. work before returning to Denver, which he expects to do later.

"The Deadly Peach-bolo in Ohio" is the heading Pacific Coast Journal of Homeopathy puts at the head of our squib about Dewey's Sidney, Ohio, blow out.

Mayor R. W. Speer recently appointed Dr. C. B. James assistant health commissioner of the city at an annual salary of $1,800. That will help out considerably.

Kill the useless! Kill the imbeciles! Kill the idiots! Kill the insane! Kill the incompetents! Kill! Kill! Kill! Begin on some of the "scientific" idiots first.

The Equitable Life Insurance Company of New York insured its 900 employes at an average cost of $13.00 a year to each one. Let us in on that will you, please?

The Erie (Pennsylvania) Daily Times of January 10, 1906, contained a seven-column article from the pen of Dr. E. Cranch of that city on the "History of Homeopathy."

"The Round Table Club" is the name of an Omaha society, composed of homeopathic physicians, which meets Saturday nights. They eat, smoke and talk medicine.

"The Walking Prescriber," by Dr. Hinsdale, in January University Homeopathic Observer (Ann Arbor, Michigan), was an unusually bright and interesting article.

According to State Board Journal of America, two internes are needed at the Chicago Homeopathic Hospital; selected by written examination; one year's service.

What do you think of that name which the new Chicago association of homeopaths has adopted? "The Regular Homeopathic Medical Society" sounds good to us.

"How would you feel if your ‘adnexa' got to acting up?" is a mild little slam at our friend Crutcher we suppose. Medical Forum is responsible for this form of frenzy.

Seventy deaths were reported from among members of the medical profession in January issue of Medical Review of Reviews. Average age, 66; youngest, 21; oldest, 92.

Mr. Ward Wooldridge, brother of Dr. James Wooldridge, a prominent homeopathic physician of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, was a pleasant caller upon the editor last month.

Rev. J. Stewart Smith of Kansas City and an ex-homeopathic physician, has been elected an honorary member of the Kansas City Homeopathic Society. Praises be!

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