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would promptly come forward with a claim that they are entitled to be known as the "center of homeopathy." The more centers the better. One great regret is that homeopathists everywhere have not been claiming enough; scarcely holding on to their "birthright," which the enemy think they are about to steal and confiscate. Good! The more different localities to claim they have a "center of homeopathy" the happier we shall be at our Chicago center.]

"So far as the organization of a "regular" homeopathic medical society in Chicago, or in any other place, is concerned, it is, the writer earnestly believes, a hopeful sign and a step in the right direction. The process of emasculating homeopathy has been going on after a fashion and at a rate which gives color to the fear that between the shrewd management of the dominant school and the lack of sense and moral backbone on part of many of our own people, between the eternal and often dishonest assertion of 'liberality' in medicine and the ignorance of homeopathic principles on part of a goodly number of those whose professional position would warrant the assumption that they are 'divining togats' in the homeopathic meeting house, that between all those homeopathy is really in great danger of being lost in the shuffle. Somebody must call a halt; and every honest man in the homeopathic organization will welcome this late expression of Chicago energy, Chicago pluck, and Chicago faith. It make absolutely no difference to the writer what men are responsible for the movement itself; the fact that somebody felt the time for organized resistance has come, and that some seventy-five homeopaths are bound to see the thing through, is one of the things for which we may well be profoundly grateful. Whether abundant success shall eventually crown the effort or whether it shall end in failure, is nothing to the point. The supreme satisfaction of it lies in the motive which brought the new organization into life; and not one word of disrespect should be tolerated from any source nor unfair criticism be made of the movement and its purpose."

The spirit and editorial grasp displayed in the above extract is at once appreciated and highly commendable. Dr. Arndt's criticism in the same editorial of the "declaration of principles" of the R. H. M. S. is also fair and worthy of study. But one point needs correction and this refers only to an error made by the typewriter who prepared the carbon copies sent to the journals. The "appended note" should have read, "while such treatment (palliative measures) may seem justifiable and may (not will) be tolerated, it is nevertheless unhomeopathic and is not endorsed by this society."]

The Medical Counselor-Dr. Dale M. King, Editor.

"We wish to draw attention to two articles from The Critique, "Homeo-Apathy vs. Anti-Pathy,' and 'Lest we Forget.' It is depressing to see disorder in any body which has as its object the welfare of mankind. No one attempts to disguise the fact that a great many-far too many-Homeopathic physicians do not conform to Homeopathic principles; that they use compound tablets, the hypodermic, etc., yet let us not call our brother a fool and traitor who does not heel and toe to our steps. We cannot be narrow and lead the best life. If Homeopathy is founded on a true law, as we all believe it to be, why fear destruction? "We hope the Homeopathic profession of Illinois will see its mistake, and unite in an effort to advance Homeopathic principles by demonstrating their virtue, rather than by 'calling names.'

The above criticism, introducing more of the same kind, is also appreciated and regarded as sincere and friendly, but at the same time the crusading portion of the "homeopathic profession of Illinois" fully believe that the methods adopted and now being pushed are best suited to the present day conditions, and in harmony with the means employed in political and business circles to bring about needed reforms.

The past score of years or more the methods favored by the Medical Counselor have been the policy of the homeopathic profession. What is the result? Is homeopathy being preserved and promoted? Every loyal homeopath knows better. Mutiny, apathy and general confusion is the result. Nothing less than extraordinary means can stem the tide away from consistent homeopathic teaching and practice. The fashion of the day in all departments of life is "to expose the false by publicity and uphold the truth in contrast." This method is working wonders in the business and political world, and it will do as well in the medical profession if pushed vigorously. In the newly organized "Regular Homeopathic Medical Society" the truth is presented in contrast with the so-called "scientific" and "rational" medicine. Thus far the crusade has not been mentioned. Think it over seriously and prayerfully, Mr. Counsellor, and continue the discussion. Thanks for publishing March crusade install, ment and society address.]

Want of space makes it impossible in this installment to quote and comnent upon all editorial mention made in the April issue in the Homeopathic journals. A free and fair discussion cannot but result in great good to the cause of true Homeopathy, therefore, some space will be devoted frequently to "side lights" as in this aritcle.


By D. E. S. Coleman, Ph. B., M. D., New York.

It is not my intention to impose upon you a lengthy paper, or to dwell upon cases other than those which seem to me impressive.

The first case I have to report came under my notice while I was serving as interne at the Metropolitan Hospital, Blackwell's Island, New York, and taught me the value of constitutional symptoms as compared with the simply local.

An employe of the hospital had been suffering from tertiary syphilitic ulcers of the knee, which, for over two years had defied all so-called treatment (antiseptics locally and some internal remedy for luck). There were about twelve to fifteen deep round ulcers with regular margins and perpendicular edges, presenting a greyish floor and secreting a sanious pus. Pain and itching were absent. These ulcers covered the patella and surrounding parts, varying in size from one-fourth to onehalf of an inch in diameter and one-fourth of an inch or more in depth. There was not the slightest doubt about the diagnosis-a clear history of primary and secondary syphilis was obtained and the ulcers themselves wewr characteristic. The case was first seen by me while making rounds with my house surgeon. The man was not a patient at the hospital, he simply had his knee dressed in the ward. From the local symptoms we thought Kali bichromicum was the remedy, but it did no good. Later he applied for my personal treatment which gave time to take his case properly. The following were his principal symptoms: Hard drinking at least every pay day (once a month), the effects lasting several days; frequent inbibition of all kinds of drugs. and mixtures; acne rosacea brought on by the abuse of alcohol; patient thin, quick, active. I concluded that Nux Vomica was his constitutional drug. This was given in the highest potency then obtainable at the Metropolitan Hospital drug store, the sixth decimal tablet trituration (it is not my intention to have it appear as though the higher potencies were never to be had. Some years ago through the efforts of the Hahnemannion sur

*Read before meeting of I. H. A., Chicago, Ill., 1905.

geon a very complete set of 30ths were placed in the hospital, and later more potencies were added by others and myself. Some of these had run out and had to be replaced) repeating one tablet a half hour before meals and at bed time. It is hardly necessary to say that all external "treatment" was discontinued. In less than two weeks the ulcers had healed, and over two years later when I heard from him (through a brother physician to whom I had related the case) they had not reappeared. A small boil was produced on the knee by the provings of Nux Vomica, but no such conditions as described. The constitutional symptoms alone pointed to the proper medicine.

The second case which may interest, occured in an elderly lady sixty-eight years of age. Some years ago she began to be troubled with periodical dimness of vision and flashes of light before the eyes. A diagnosis of incipient cataract was given by one of the leading allopathic oculists. Later she became converted to homeopathy and the diagnosis was confirmed by one of our best eye men. Last fall she became much worse and I advised that she revisit the oculist. His examination, made October 4th, reparted: contracted field of vision, paleness of optic nerves and fundi, arteries and veins diminished in size. Vision in the right eye 10-200 and in the left 15-30. This visual test was made while wearing corrected glass. He advised that I study her case in its totality, mentioning the drugs which he had found most useful in this trouble. Her symptoms were these: she was dark, spare, irritable, over-sensitive, easily offended, thought people were slighting here, started at the least sound, was continually worrying and talking about her illness, her memory was defective. Sometimes headache all over head, or vertigo always worse on rising in the morning. Margins of lids were inflamed and itched; presbyopia; hurt and dazzled eyes to read or write; obscured vision worse from light during the day, growing better towards evening; flashes of light before the eyes; photophobia. Appetite poor, drowsy after luncheon, constipation sometimes present with ineffectual urging; painful blind hemorrhoids liabel to appear with constipation. Pain as if tired in the right ankle. Aggravation in the morning; from using mind; sometimes after eating; from cold air. Amelioration in the evening; from being quiet,

from heat. On the fifth of last October I gave her Nux Vomica 30th to be repeated each night at bed time. This was continued until improvement was evident, then discontinued until improvement had ceased. On January 3rd she received a dose of the 200th, and on the 19th of February this was re-given. By March she did not complain of her eyes and I sent her to the oculist for a re-test. His report of March 28th was thus: field of vision, optic nerves, fundi and blood vessels normal. Vision in right eye 15-100 and in left 15-20. Atrophy of the optic nerve is mentioned in the clinical symptoms in Allen's "Hand Book," and while I do not wish to be on record as claiming that this almost hopeless condition was present, nevertheless we must admit that the symptoms were significant.

Examination June 15th: vision in right eye 15-100, left 15-15. Field of vision, optic nerves, fundi and blood vessels normal.

The power of Nux Voimca to produce labor pains has been very forcibly brought to my mind. My first experiences were at the Metropolitan Hospital, where two cases presented the following symptoms: mental irritability, but with a desire for pains; they were ineffectual. The desire for stool or urinations did not appear prominently. Both patients were dark and rather spare. I administered one of the lower decimal tablet triturations, the exact strength I do not remember, and in less than five minutes pains were produced and labor speedily and satisfactorily accomplished. With the advent of the pains the mental symptoms vanished. (reverse to Chamomilla).

At 2 a. m. one morning Morpheus was driven from my couch by a call from a brother practitioner who wished help. When I arrived he told me that the patient had been without pains for three hours and was growing very weak. He believed, notwithstanding that he is an excellent prescriber, that forceps delivery would be necessary. Patient was very irritable and had a strong desire for pains, which were most ineffective while they lasted. On examination it was found, although the head had not engaged and the os remained undilated, that the position was such to force one to conclude that delivery could be accomplished in a normal manner, if pains could be induced. Remembering past experiences, where similar symptoms led me to Nux Vomica,

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