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that man's thoughts are a rope of sand and their power of control a deception. Before the vision of a universe of spirit the petty thoughts of men shrink away, and when man looks to God for his healing, his strength and inspiration, he sees the weakness and folly of hypnotism and kindred systems and discards them.

Because of the omnipotence of Spirit Christian Scientists use no other means of healing. God is all-sufficient. He needs no aid of drugs, no assistance of hypnotism or auto-suggestion. To attempt to heal by prayer and use drugs or will power at the same time would bring defeat. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" means more than mere prohibition of worshiping idols of wood or stone.

Pueblo, Colo., May 19, 1906.


The approach of the national holiday, July 4th, suggests to the surgeon the necessity of preparing to handle cases of cannon-cracker wounds and other injuries caused by the explosion of fireworks. Many of these, in the nature of things, will be infected with the bacillus of tetanus or its spores, and will require the most scientific treatment to save life. It is necessary only to review the files of this and other leading medical journals to gather a fair estimate of the enormous sacrifice of life that this country makes every year in the celebration of Independence Day, and it behooves every medical practitioner to be prepared to receive and treat each case that presents itslf with the best means at his command.

Without repeating the statistical facts that have been cited again and again in support of the prophylactic use of Antitetanic Serum, it is only necessary to say that these facts conclusively prove the value of the serum as a preventive of tetanus. It is injected in a single dose of 10 Cc. immediately after receipt of the injury, and should be repeated ten days later. The wound is to be thoroughly cleansed, avoiding the use of strong solutions or agents that coagulate the albumins, and packed with gauze well charged with Antitetanic Dusting Powder. Antitetanic Dusting Powder is Antitetanic Serum dried and powdered and mixed with a suitable quantity of Chloretone. It is recommended by reliable and experienced medical practitioners as a dressing for the wound in all cases in which tetanic infection is suspected. It is practically odorless, and keeps well.

Antitetanic Serum and Antitetanic Dusting Powder are supplied by Messrs. Parke, Davis & Co., and may be obtained through all druggists.

Published by The Denver Journal Publishing Company.




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NEW OFFICERS ELECTED FOR DENVER HOMEOPATHIC COLLEGE FACULTY.-At a recent meeting of the faculty Denver Homeopathic Medical College the following faculty officers were chosen: Dean, J. B. Kinley, M. D.; registrar, Walter S. Dake, M. D.; treasurer, Grant S. Peck, M. D.


THE "MEISSEN" IN CALIFORNIA.-The "Meissen" an organization of the women in the families of members of the California State Homeopathic Medical Society and it's president, Eleanor F. Martin, have issued a personal letter to editors of homeopathic medical journals throughout the country asking that they make an immediate appeal to the public for contributions in aid of the suffering members of our school and their families, caused by the recent deplorable calamity in San Francisco. This is a most worthy and necessary cause and The Critique trusts will not want in generous responses by the profession of Colorado and the country at large.



"The new law requiring all who practice medicine to have a license received its first jolt yesterday when a jury returned a verdict

of 'not guilty' in the case of Philip Schuch, Jr. The case has features that make it of the greatest interest, not only to physicians, but also to those persons engaged in the manufacture of proprietary medicines in Colorado

"Schuch was arrested on complaint of Christoper Moran, whom he treated for what was supposed to be a cancer, and the constitutionality of the law was attacked in the trial. It was shown that, while Schuch advised Moran what to do and gave him the patent medicines that he manufactures, he made no charge for this advice and treatment, but simply sold Moran the medicines for the regular advertised price. As the law operates only against those who charge a fee for prescriptions, Schuch won the case."-Denver Evening Post, May 11,'06.

The foregoing article, if true, reveals a most deplorable state of affairs insofar as either our boasted state medical practice law is concerned or the interpretation placed thereon by the intelligent individuals chosen to act as jurors in the law courts of this great commonwealth. If the decision above referred to is to stand as a precedent for all cases involving the license feature of the practice of medicine in Colorado, all I have to say is that no matter how gigantic the fraud or how unethical the practice, this state is wide open for the accommodation of quacks of every kind and would, further, like to inquire: "what are you going to do about it?"


SOME GOOD HOMEOPATHIC TEACHING GUARANTEED IN CHICAGO HAHNEMANN.-The authorities of Hahnemann Medical College, Chicago, Illinois, have made an announcement to the students which indicates that there is to be a decided revival of homeopathic teaching at this institution inasmuch as Dr. James Tyler Kent has promised to lecture in the amphitheater twice a week to all four classes. Just which of the six days will be devoted to these talks are not given, but materia medica and homeopathic philosophy are the themes which will occupy Doctor Kent's time on these occasions, and those at all familiar with this gentlemen's genius in the direction of either subject may readily measure the far-reaching benefits which it is possible for the students of "old Hahnemann” to derive during the four years which it takes to cover the entire course, and if there is any inclination thereafter on their part to follow after false gods or goddesses, one thing is sure it will

not be on account of lack of a firm foundation in the faith secured right from the fountain-head.

Doctor Kent will give one-third of the materia medica the first year; the second third the second year and the last third the third year, thus insuring a continuous three years course which it will be extremely difficult for any other college in the country to duplicate.

The Critique takes great pleasure in placing this bit of information before the public inasmuch as it insures pupils attending this college in the future, who may be desirous of securing a thorough homeopathic training, an opportunity of doing so and in such a manner as will obviate the necessity, that is to a very great extent, of homeopathic institutions, (this one in particular), issuing any special statements concerning the cause of a failure to keep their patronage up to the normal standard.

Let every one whoop for Hahnemann of Chicago, and the brand of homeopathic teaching bound to be found therein, so long as Doctor James Tyler Kent remains at the head of this department. M.

NEITHER FOR NOR AGAINST-Any one who has witnessed the play of "Buster Brown" or who has watched the comic supplements which have pictured the doings of this young incorrigible and his pet pup partner, "Tige," will recall when the latter was forcibly substituted to participate in the questionable pleasure of kissing grandma that he backed up most of the way on his short journey to the objectionable osculatory ordeal.

I will admit a lack of magnetism in the person of the aforesaid "grandma," such, at least as would be likely to create a desire on the part of a healthy young hoodlum to meet her ruby lips in even a respectful salute, yet "Buster's" filial devotion should have been sufficiently sturdy to have overcome any prejudice, no matter how pronounced, which her personal peculiarities might have inspired, so that what was evidently understood as being a punishment on the part of the pup, should have been, to all appearances at least, a most delightful duty to the boy.

I have read editor Dewey's article "A Teapot Tempest' which appeared in Medical Century for May, and the more I think of it the more his attitude towards homeopathy appears to

resemble Buster Brown's fealty to his female relative and the circuitous route covered in saying what he has to say regarding the crusade is so quite like the tortuous trip of poor "Tige" on his way to the fountain of bliss (?) that I find it extremely difficult to determine, most of the time, whether the usually direct Dewey is going ahead or backing up.

One thing is certain, however, our esteemed contemporary's foresight in forgetting the names of those "found to be in error according to the 'exhibit' " in no manner strengthens his statement that he knows "most, if not all of them, are good, loyal homeopathic physicians, who are able to make just as good prescriptions as the ones who criticise them." In one breath he declares the one responsible for the work are good doctors and in the one following it, or nearly so, replying to the question whether this is homeopathy as it is practiced in the year of our Lord 1906, says: "No, siree; we do not stand for this treatment. It is not homeopathic, it is not even the best allopathic; and any self-respecting eclectic would repudiate it. (Italics ours.) Herein is harmony and logic combined in a manner likely to make these "good doctors" appear to be performing a heretofore unheard-of undertaking, namely, the going in opposite directions at one and the same time, but it does not augur well for his contention that all this crusade controversy will be made to appear like a poor joke badly told when the A. I. H. politicians and jolliers get busy with loving cups and other soothing influences, nor will retrospect reveal anything youthful in the crusade impetuosity compared with his own precipitate action in defending something which he acknowledges to be a poor quality of questionable practice. He should have been more cautious in this statement, as it was an awful hard hit at the "good, loyal homeopathic physicians" who are such capable prescribers.

I have a very high personal, professional and editorial regard for Dr. Dewey, and this same would have been strengthened very much had he written just what Dewey actually thought about the matter instead of trying to tickle the tender spots of the American Institute of Homeopathy and the loving cup coterie which predominates that combination to the exclusion of harmony and homeopathy.


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