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However this may be, they have, mostly from selfish motives, enrolled themselves in the ranks of homeopathy, but for reasons stated, they do anything but practice in accordance with its principles, and because professing to be homeopathists, and at the same time they are the mimickers of the old school, are therefore called mongrels.

Devoid of principle, it can not be otherwise but that this nondescript doctor, called mongrel, is ever changing his tactics, especially as often as his medical career demands it. At the time, only six or seven years ago, when Dr. Brown read the above paper, but few of them were the unwelcome companions of legitimate heomeopathic societies. But since that time the new order of things created by the demand of the people for protection against medical imposture, drove these vagrants in hordes in search of a home, and they stampeded to the homeopathic societies to an overwhelming extent, and by their pestiferous presence have made their new home uninhabitable to any but themselves. They entered the abode that had the least barriers to their inroad, and where there were already a few congenial spirits to welcome them. Emboldened by their superiority in numbers, and success in their detestable schemes, they do not complain the mastership, but with audacity never before equalled in the world, fire upon and haul down the flag of homeopathy, and in the privacy of their meetings, and their journals, sneer at and deride Hahnemann, the master, pour their malice on the heads of his adherents, the true homeopathists, and then for a nefareous deception, "plume themselves with the honorable title of homeopathists" and celebrate with brazen impudence before the world the birthday of the man whose teachings they affect to scorn because they are beyond their comprehension. As these doctors. never trouble their languid brains with the writings of Hahnemann, I herewith add a lesson from his Organon, which although not complimentary to them may create some regard for him. As for respect, that good quality never enters into their composition of a being that is neither one or the other.

Page 154 Hahnemann's Organon: "But the difficult and sometimes very laborious affair of searching out and selecting the homeopathic medicine, which shall be adapted in all respects to

the morbid conditions of a given case, is one which, notwithstanding all the praiseworthy attempts to simplify the labor by adminicularly publications, requires the study of the sources themselves, besides the exercise of much circumspection and deliberation, which meet with their best recompense in the consciousness of having faithfully performed our duties. But how will this careful and laborious process, by which the best cure of diseases can only be effected, please the gentlemen of the new mongrel sect, who, while pluming themselves with the honorable title of homeopathic, that they have hastily snatched up (quidquid in buccam venit). If it does not immediately relieve, they will not impute the failure to their own unpardonable indolence and levity in hurrying over one of the most important and critical of human concerns, but to homeopathy-they reproach its imperfections, because it does not of itself, without any trouble on their part, provide the suitable homeopathic remedy, and as it were, serve it up like food already cooked and prepared to their hands. They know, indeed, full well how to console themselves for the failure of their scarcely half homeopathic remedy, by dexterously calling into requisition the more pliable resources of allopathy, whence a few dozen of leeches are applied; or a small and harmless venesection of eight or ten ounces is prescribed in due form; and if, after all, the patient should recover, they extol the leeches and venesection, etc., as if he would have not recovered without them. They cause it to be understood, in no equivocal language, that, without the trouble of racking their brains, these operations afforded by the pernicious routine of the old school would, in truth, have been the best means of cure. If, however, the patient should sink under the treatment, they endeavor to soothe the disconsolate relatives by declaring that they themselves were witnesses, how "that everything imaginable had been done for the deceased." Who would honor such a light-minded and pernicious sect by calling them, after the difficult yet beneficial art, homeopathic physicians."

From the time when homeopathy was first promulgated by the immortal Hahnemann to nearly the present, he and his followers met with the bitterest hostility from the world in their labors for the reception of this law in the practice of medicine,

and in their battle for this truth. "Mocked, imprisoned, stoned, tormented," they were bowed down but never conquered. The hostile elements-the dominant school-they had so firmly withstood became passive and ceased their warfare, and the world yielded a place in the sciences to homeopathy, then the fathers crowned with victory nearly realized homeopathy triumphant. But now, as the procession of the fathers is toward their final reward in eternal peace and glory, a new and more dangerous enemy appears in the garb of the "wolf in sheep's clothing," and in consonance with the prophecy for the last days, intended to deceive the very elect. While the remaining few of the faithful may ask, "Shall truth keep her word?" they will remain banded. together in the firm conviction that truth and justice will prevail despite the machinations of the evil one through his imps, the traitors, and rely on the God of consolation and truth for support.

One of the above "light-minded doctors," a graduate from a homeopathic college, from whence he came without an atom of knowledge of homeopathy, but with Neimeyer's practice (old school) of medicine, recently informed the family "that the patent would have died if he had treated him homeopathically," to which all intelligent people do agree and say Amen.

Another lately informed a brother practitioner that he answered a request for the services of an old school physician by placing a bottle of quinine in one pocket and a case of homepathic medicine in the other, intending to conform to the wishes of the patient, "but not intending to let a dollor go by him."

And still another treats a patient to the alternation of three homeopahic remedies, two doses of castor oil, three of salts to clear the "prima via," and at the same time an eight-ounce bottle of bromide of potassium.

An amusing mistake lately occurred in the family when the partner of a professor of a homeopathic college advised a dose of castor oil to a child for a cold. Upon a refusal to comply, and an expressed astonishment by the indignant mother, the professor was duly informed, whereupon he quickly made his way to the house and informed the mother "that he told the fool that was not the house for castor oil but for his two hundredths."

The lady informed me that the "professor" carries in one pocket old school drug medicines and in the other a case of homeopathic remedies.

It is only a day or two since a young practitioner, thoroughly honest, and therefore firmly established on a high order of mutual principle, but poor in pocket, was advised by a rascally undertaker, who takes the measure of the living with his eye as he passes, to let principle go and work for dollars and cents.

Note:-I. H. A., Chicago, 1903.

THE TREATMENT OF ACUTE AND CHRONIC GASTRO-ENTERITIS IN CHILDREN WITH BUTTERMILK.Elie Wecherf (Archives de Med. des Enfants). The author advocates the employment of buttermilk in children having gastrointestinal disease. The variability of its action, mentioned by certain observers, is accounted for exclusively by the preparation of the liquid. Some permit the milk to become strongly acid, and add no water, or only a little water, in the butter-making; whereas others proceed in the opposite manner. The time also, during which the sour milk is churned, is of importance for the quality of the buttermilk, and it should amount to about two hours, in order to obtain a fair quality. Moreover, the acid fermentation must not be too far advanced, since a high percentage of lactic acid has an unfavorable effect upon ailing children. After the butter has been obtained, the buttermilk is further mixed with water, in a proportion of 6.4, and thus constitutes (of course only when perfectly fresh) an excellent food and remedy for children suffering from acute or chronic diarrhoea. The author likewise obtained remarkable results in severe cases of cholera infantum, with the exception of a single case. He also observed children with whom neither woman's milk, nor sterilized, maternized, or pasteurized milk would agree, thriving splendidly under buttermilk. For marasmic and rachitic infants also the employment of buttermilk is advisable, as well as in intestinal auto-intoxication, since buttermilk exercises a destructive action upon the micro-organisms of the bowels.-Med. Rev. of Reviews.


By X. Q. T., in Homeopathic Recorder.

Some years ago a paper appeared in the Nineteenth Century, written by Dr. Kinneth Millican of London. The cause for the writing of the paper is immaterial now, but the paper itself bears on the question of "amalgamation," which is as much to the fore to-day as it has been in the past.

The "regulars" say to-day: "Drop your sectarianism, your trade mark, and all will be forgiven; become simply physicians, using all that in your judgment is good for your patients." All this, and more, in effect.

This implies that homeopathic physicians deliberately seceded, set up a "school" and adopted the "trade mark" homeopathy. The facts are all the other way. Hahnemann's first paper on what afterwards became known as homeopathy was published in the leading medical journal of Europe, and for some years it was accepted, as any discovery would be to-day, by the medical profession. But it was too revolutionary-and too good. In those days the authorities sanctioned the use of Calomel in huge doses for pretty much everything; they bled their patients, and if the patient got no better they bled him some more, and so on until sometimes there was no blood left; they refused the fever patients water and fresh air, and did many other queer things.

Now appeared homeopathy. Many physicians took it up and found it very good. So did the patients. But it hurt the business of the apothecaries, whose prescription trade sadly diminished. So a cry was raised, the homeopaths were expelled from the physicians' societies and the persecution began. Being no longer in good standing they became in the "regular's" parlance "quacks," though holding degrees, and they in turn adopted the title of homeopathic physicians. That, in broad lines, is history.

Here are a few clippings from Dr. Millican's paper which are of general interest, though they are mostly quotations by

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