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Do you intend taking in the A. I. H. at Atlantic City next month?

Rev. Millard Brelsford, wife and son, of Cleveland, Ohio, are visitors at the editorial mansion.

Business Manager Anderson visited his summer home in Indian Creek Park the latter part of last month.

Dr. M. A. Brandt is the newly-elected president of the Wisconsin State Homeopathic Society. Next meeting at Madison.

"Hello, Bill!" was a favorite salutation in Denver during the fore part of last month. The Elks and others used it exclusively.

Dr. S. S. Smythe went out to his ranch the fore part of last month to look over his wheat crop. Reports everything looking fine.

Dr. Albert F. Swan, Brighton, was one of the interested and interesting spectators at the big Elks' parade the 19th of last month.

As a certain editor of a certain country weekly is prone to remark quite frequently, "news is might goshdarn scarce these hot days."

The Carence Nasal Shield is doing good work this season, as usual, in relieving the distress of many hay-fever sufferers who use it.

The Clinical Reporter, St. Louis, Missouri, has a "pote" on its staff who signs his name "J. Greensoap Whittler," who is real bright for a boy.

Dr. Gustavus A. Almfelt, a homeopath of the right sort, is located at Somers, Wisconsin, and is doing good work for his patients and homeopathy.

Dr. Mary Putnam Jacobi, wife of the eminent physician and a very distinguished woman physician herself, died recently in New York City, aged 63 ears.

The Medical Advance springs a "deadly parallel" on The Critique editor, which is on a par with much which this invertebrate publishes for readable stuff.

Dr. Chamberlain, Ouray, Colorado, the only homeopathic veterinary in this western country, paid his respects to many friends in this city during the past month.

Some one sends us a page from the college announcement with the picture of "Our Hospital." "Is this the Park Avenue Hospital or "ours" or ?? Can't say.

The Carence Nasal Shield is an absolute cure for hay fever, and physicians will find in it a sure and immediate relief for this disease. Don't be afraid to try it.

Miss Wallace, formerly head nurse at the Park Avenue Hospital, nee Denver Homeopathic, is doing work outside that institution at the present writing.

Dr. Laura E. Stockdale, Pine, Colorado, was a pleasant caller at the business office of The Critique recently. Looks prosperous and happy as usual.

Dr. Creamer, Loveland, was in the city for a brief period the 15th of last month; he was on his way to visit a sick patient in Kansas and looked prosperous.

Dr. J. H. Morrow, a prominent homeopathic physician of Denver, was nominated on the Socialistic ticket for the position of regent of the State University.

The Denver Medical Times and Utah Medical Journal, of which our friend Carmody, T. E., M. D., is associate editor, is an old-school combination hard to beat.

Carrie Nation's "Hatchet" is so sharp that the postoffice authorities propose cutting it out of the mails; they say it comes under the head of obscene literature.

Physicians desiring a suitable place in which to place tubercular patients, will find the Elliott ranch, near Byers Station on the Union Pacific, very desirable.

Our friend Blaine was on the medical staff of the Elks' reunion, and claims that but little in this department was required by the visiting deers of large size.

South Dakota homeopaths and eclectics held a joint meeting at Madison, South Dakota, in June. Statistics are lacking as to the smoothness of the seance.

Wood Hutchinson, M. D., is the latest horrible example to throw a few fits of the Osler age-limit variety. As he grows older he will calm down considerably.

Dr. J. Albert Boen, formerly located at 2293 Howard street, San Francisco, has moved to Marshall, Washington. The Critique will follow him to his new home.

Dr. Samuel Harrell, Noblesville, was elected president of the Indiana Institute of Homeopathy, at a meeting of this society held at Indianapolis, May 23d-24th.

Mr. C. F. Hatfield, editor of Western Review, St. Louis, Missouri, representing J. Q. Lloyd Chemical Company of that city, was a pleasant caller the fore part of July.

Has any one heard anything about the program of the forthcoming Colorado State Homeopathic meeting? If Secretary Brown exhibits his usual impetuosity it will be out a day, at least, in advance of the event.

A Cleveland, Ohio, drug firm offered a 50 per cent. reduction on a certain line of homeopathic remedies in a late issue of M. & S. Reporter. Cheap at any price.

Jews in America propose raising $1,000,000 with which to fight the white plague. Denver will be headquarters, at which scientific sanitarium treatment will be given.

Since Carmencita Minsetto arrived at Bristol, Connecticut, from Sicily, some two years ago, no children have been born in the Italian colony there. Send her back.

The most recent announcement of the Denver Homeopathic Medical College claims that institution to be the proud female parent of eighty alumni. Seventy-nine, anyhow.

If you are at all undecided as to what route to take on your way to the I. A. H. meeting next month, consult either Rock Island or Union Pacific agent. Both good.

Owing to the retirement of Dr. Gaius J. Jones, for many years dean of the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College, Dr. G. H. Quay was elected to that position recently.

New deans are the order of the day. Dr. H. L. Northrop was elected dean of Hahnemann, Philadelphia, at a faculty meeting held June 2d, succeeding Dr. C. M. Thomas.


The Denver Homeopathic College and its alleged mouthpiece showed an extraordinary economical streak during June. ment and journal all in one. Good eye!

Referring to the doin's of the American Medical Association at Boston, Medical Counselor thinks the "cramps" its members are having now are nothing to what will follow later on.

In Prophetstown, Illinois, out of a population of 1,200, Billy Sunday, the ex-baseball player evangelist, converted 714. That would be a threebase hit if he were still in the old business.

In a communication to Medical Advance, Dr. R. del Mas, Centerville, Minnesota, makes the startling statement that "to enjoy life well, a poor man, at the present date, has no need of a wife, and still less of children." They are the ones who invariably have at least one of the former and not infrequently many of the latter, but what is to be done about it? Ask Teddy.

The Dr. H. W. Wales mausoleum has been erected in the Lanark cemetery. Its dimensions are 10x12x8, with a 10 by 6-foot ceiling. The material is sawed Bedford stone, with white veined marble interior. It will contain three crypts, or niches, for caskets, one above the other, at the end of the vault. The floor is of one solid stone and the roof of slate. The inner doors will be of white marble, and the outside gates of bronze.-Weekly Reporter, Shannon, Illinois.

Dr. Wales was a homeopath and practiced medicine in Carroll county, Illinois, for over forty years continuously.

Protection for Surgeons.-Not life insurance, but health assurance. In the operating room, the office, the lecture amphitheatre, the buggy, the street, day or night, rain or shine, summer heat or winter cold, you owe it to yourself to have your "immediate environment," with regard to temperature and humidity, as equable as possible. To this end wear the Dr. Deimel Linen-Mesh Underwear.

Hagee's Cordial of Cod Liver Oil.-One of the things we have often said, but that is well worth repetition, is that the treatment of the phthisical in summer is of the utmost importance, and that Hagee's Cordial of Cod Liver Oil is the hot season's representative of the fatty oil of the winter. This is more than a pleasant stomach tonic; it is something the wise doctor does not neglect.-Am. Jour. of Clinical Med.

X-Ray Burns.-At the 337th regular meeting of the New York Dermatological Society, held November 28th, 1905, the subject of X-ray burns was taken up, and Dr. Henry G. Piffard, emeritus professor of dermatology in New York University, said, according to the Journal of Cutaneous Diseases, "that he had obtained the most benefit in treating these conditions from antiphlogistine, chloride of zinc, high frequency current and ultra-violet rays."

Liquid Medicines vs. Pills, Tablets and Granules.-Despite the pernicious activity of manufacturers of ready-made pills and tablets in flooding the market with all possible substitutes for tinctures, fluid extracts and solutions, it has been amply demonstrated that these solid forms of medicine cannot compare in efficiency or in usefulness with the equivalent preparations given in liquid form.-Journal of the American Medical Association, June 23d, 1906.


There is no disguising the fact that our system of imparting knowledge by imposing excessive intellectual labor and stimulating competitive zeal in the schoolroom is very largely responsible for most of the nervous disorders of the young women of to-day.

That sustained mental exertion is a menace to the health of girls at the age of puberty, there can be no denying. Yet that is precisely the system in vogue at our institutions of learning at the present time.

While it is true that modern architecture has greatly improved the hygenic condition of the studyrooms, it is highly probable that the present rush and hurry methods of instruction are even more injurious to the physical state of our young women than was the faulty system of ventilation, until recently endured.

The worry and excitement attendant upon present-day school life is, undoubtedly, the prime cause of a governing percentage of the neurotic disturbances which are so prevalent among the women of America. In fact, it is quite within the bounds of truth to assert that many of the diseases which present themselves to the gynecologist have for their origin a nervous system rendered bankrupt by strife in our temples of education.

Mental over-strain, when enforced day after day, soon renders the nerve structure incapable of absorbing adequate nourishment from the blood stream. Ultimately, nervous vitality is almost completely exhausted and depression, gloom, languor and mental impotence


As the taxation is extended, the condition grows worse until anemia, anorexia, insomnia, melancholia, and, perhaps, hysteria develop.

Inasmuch as it is not within the power of the physician to remedy this evil system of handling our young women, it remains for him to evolve means of attenuating, as far as possible, the injury done, and preventing the development of lasting diseases which have their origin in the shattered nervous system.

It is best accomplished by the upbuilding of the psychical and physical resources of the individual. Not by the employment of stimulants which act, ephemerally upon the organism, but by encouraging functional activity to its maximum degree consistent of course with normality.

Obviously, this must be done by maintaining the entire digestive system at its proper standard, for it is through these channels that vital force is obtained and the well-being of the economy is preserved.

It is not consistent with logic to achieve this end by resort to the employment of those agents which relieve the digestive secretions of their special provinces. On the contrary, it is the very extreme of indiscrtion to encourage dependency of the gastric or intestinal fluids, or to aid them in the performance of their duties beyond very circumscribed limits.

Quite the most rational course to pursue is that of extending to nature gentle, but ample, encouragement through the administration of an agent which is capable of bringing functional activity to its highest point without entailing the necessity of prolonged drugging. It is supremely important that the drug be one that can be withdrawn without leaving the economy disqualified to maintain a normal fund of vital force.

It is here that iron is of the greatest therapeutic use. Not only does it impart to the blood stream a full measure of nutrition-conveyors in the form of hemoglobin, but it substantially increases the capacity of the tissues to absorb and utilize the nourishment placed at their disposal by the circulatory system.

Further, iron, when administered in the proper form, augments functional activity throughout the entire digestive apparatus, and, thuswise, enables the economy to secure the full benefit of the food supply. To this action of the drug is due the greatest profit to the individual resulting from its use.

The objections applicable to some forms of iron gain added importance in this particular class of cases, for the reason that the peculiarities of the disorders under consideration are such as to be greatly aggravated by an improper form of iron.

Chief among these pecularities is constipation, which is invariably a disturbing factor. The existing constipation is easily made worse by both the carbonate and acid solutions of iron; and, in fact, these forms of the drug are notably stool-discouraging. Digestive processes are also depressed by these forms of iron, and headache frequently follows their use.

Partly because of these objections, but mainly on account of its manifold advantages, Pepto-Mangan (Gude) is given the preference over all other forms of iron, and a mass of clinical data has been brought forth to sustain this opinion. Pepto-Mangan (Gude) is of the greatest aid in the treatment of all the ill-defined disorders commonly encountered among schoolgirls who exhibit a tendency to anemia, nervous debility, anorexia, moroseness and mental depression.

Obviously, this general emphatic indorsement of Pepto-Mangan (Gude) by the most exacting members of the profession is based upon a critical analysis of its therapeutic advantages over the ancient forms of iron.

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