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York."-From the Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association (published under the direction of the publication committee of the South Carolina Medical Association), Charleston, South Carolina, September 21, 1905.

Health Commissioner Sharpley has issued a new form of birth report for use of physicians, the same having been distributed the middle of last month. Instead of the postal-card method heretofore in vogue, the reports are in book form, each book containing a sufficient number of blanks to cover a year's business; hereafter no notices will be issued to delinquents who are either too busy or too lazy to comply with the ordinance governing the report of births, and unless all such desire an audience with the police magistrate and the pleasure of paying a fine, it will stand them well in hand to attend to this particular clerical duty on or before the 5th of each and every month.

The large circle of professional and other personal friends of Dr. G. E. Brown, formerly of this city, will regret to learn of the misfortune which has overtaken him. Becoming addicted to the use of both morphine and cocaine, the doctor lost his mind and an examination into his mental condition was recently held at Los Angeles, California, whither he moved some while ago in hopes of regaining his health. While in Denver the doctor was highly esteemed by his professional brethren and was a prominent member of the faculty of the Denver Homeopathic College, besides which he enjoyed a rather extensive practice and had many friends outside the profession.

In the last issue of that highly interesting publication to reach this office which bears upon its title page the name of our esteemed friend and fellow citizen, Frank Kraft, editor and M. D., the aforesaid editor, friend, fellow citizen and M. D. takes occasion to call attention to the poor proof reading which recently reflected so much discredit upon The Critique. For anyone who has their proof reading done at a distance from the mother editorial office, and by a professional, too, the criticism was unusually mild and maidenly and only goes to show the forgiving and gentle spirit of the party at the active end. Thanks for the sweetness of your disposition on this occasion; we should have been quartered and hung up by the thumbs, as the work referred to was bad enough to deserve this heroic punishment.

The following letter from Dr. John Henry Clark, the great English homeopathic author and physician, to the University Homeopathic Observer, Ann Arbor, Michigan, is quite self explanatory. So far we have never noticed an unfriendly or uncomplimentary notice of Kent's great work; it is recognized by all as being a masterpiece:

"Repertories are no less essential than Materia Medicas, and at present Kent's Repertory holds the field. Of this work I possess

three copies one a review copy and two purchased-and though the work may be considered costly, I should be the very last to grumble at its price. The reason why I require three copies is that I use it in three different places, and it is too heavy to carry about.

"It seems to me, sir, that it can not too strongly be urged on students and practitioners of homeopathy that the first essential of the homeopathic armamentarium is well arranged and trustworthy works of reference. These constitute the best investment he can put his capital into. Nowadays we have to compete with an allopathic profession armed to the teeth with palliatives, which they can use with no little skill. Homeopaths know that the best palliatives in any case is the homeopathic remedy. But if the homeopath can not find the remedy and the allopath is at hand with his hypodermic syringe, we can not complain if our patients give him a chance.

"Hoping these few considerations may be of some service to the rising generation of American homeopaths, I am, dear sir, yours fraternally, JOHN HENRY CLARK.

"8 Bolton Street, London, W., July 31, 1905."

Those of the medical profession who, like myself, have been in the harness for two score years or more, can look back to the primitive methods and remedies used by us in our earlier days of practice, and then note the advantages we enjoy to-day in the way of modern therapeutic agents, and truthfully say that the advancement in the science of therapeutics and pharmaceutics has been truly wonderful.

While it is true that we employ practically the same remedies as in days gone by, or the active principles of the same drugs, yet, thanks to the pharmaceutical chemist, we are now enabled to prescribe them in a more agreeable form with all the inert matter eliminated and the desired constituent whose physiological action we wish to obtain remaining, and in the majority of preparations where that particular principle would be unpleasant to the palate it is skillfully combined with aromatics, etc., that do not detract from its therapeutic value, yet render it agreeable to take.

As an illustration, I call your attention to a remedy that no doubt the majority of us have used in treating tuberculosis, phthisis, scrofula, chronic pectoral complaints, and all wasting diseases. I refer to cod liver oil. From my experience and observation, I think it has been used with uniform success in those cases wherein the use of a remedy of its nature was indicated. The only objection to its use that has ever been advanced to my knowledge was the fact that many sensitive stomachs could not tolerate it on account of the disagreeable taste and smell; but now, thanks to the advancement in therapeutics, those disagreeable features have been eliminated, and we now have in Hagee's cordial of cod liver oil compound a preparation containing all the active principles of cod liver oil yet so skillfully combined with

aromatics, etc., that the most sensitive and delicate stomach will not rebel at its administration; and thus we are enabled to use this sovereign remedy wherever its use is indicated. I have had some excellent results from its administration in cases of brain exhaustion and nervous debility, while in chronic pectoral complaints and wasting diseases, and wherever an alternative and reconstructive tonic was needed, the above combination was my chief anchor.

Kansas City, Missouri.

B. B. RALPH, M. D.


The touch of linen is most grateful to the human skin, imparting to the body a sense of relief and freedom experienced from no other fabric. This sense of general comfort is mainly due to the fact that a linen garment, unlike wool, does not impede but rather assists the skin in its work of ridding the system of a considerable part of its poisonous waste.

The Dr. Deimel underwear is linen to perfection.


My experience in using Sanmetto has been very satisfactory. The largest class of cases in which I have been prescribing Sanmetto is found among men who have passed middle life, with symptoms of enlarged prostate and some difficulty in urination where there is apparently a loss of tonicity of the bladder and the sexual organs. Cleveland, Ohio.



I administered Sanmetto in a case of enuresis-male, six years of age-on whom other experiments had, already been tried. The mother reports great satisfaction. The prescription for Sanmetto was only duplicated once and not all of the second quantity used. Thanks from the friends Sanmetto made and the doctor who prescribed the preparation, as well. E. ELLIS, M. D. Chicago, Illinois.

A Louisville physician has recently written the manufacturers of LISTERINE DERMATIC SOAP: "Received your sample of Listrine Dermatic Soap, a piece of which I lathered and rubbed with unguent. hydrarg. and found that as a result I had a most esthetic mixture for the skin demanding mercurials.

"In giving X-Ray treatments I have long felt the want of such a soan, as it is cleansing, cooling and antiseptic. Just the thing for acne, upus, etc."

J. A. Herring, M. D., Myrtle Springs, Texas, says in the Alkaloidal Clinic: "I have just received the Clinic, and find an article by Dr. Thudichum on 'Echinacea.' I have used it with perfect success for the last five years, first employing Lloyd's specific tincture and later Ecthol, from Battle & Co., containing echinacea and thuja. I give the former the credit. And I want to say that it is a specific for all that Dr. Thudichum says. It has been so in my hands. I have just counted the empty Ecthol bottles in my office and find twenty-six used in the last year. In fact, people come twenty-five and fifty miles to have me treat old sore shins and the like. It stops boils and carbuncles; and I give it in all glandular inflammations. Pus and Ecthol can not stay in the same place. Try it, doctor, and you will be convinced."


In America the profession as well as the laity have not taken so kindly to this method of administering mercury as they have in the European countries.

The same may be said with reference to the use of hypodermic injections of solutions of the salts of mercury. When the disadvantages and in some cases the disastrous results attendant upon a longcontinued course of treatment by mouth are considered, it would seem that these methods of treatment are not sufficiently taught and emphasized among the profession at large.

Among the ill-effects of the internal administration of mercury may be mentioned the foul appearance and diseased condition of the teeth and gums, chronic catarrhal processes in the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, irritated and often diseased conditions of the liver and kidneys, and the anaemic or cachectic state of the general nutrition, due to the prolonged purgative and eliminative effects of the drug.

A very satisfactory method of prescribing inunctions is to take a piece of mercury ointment (U. S. P.) and thoroughly mix it with thick lather prepared from Listerine Dermatic Soap (Lambert). The skin area to be used should be at least seven inches in diameter, and should be well cleansed with the same soap, and the mixture should be rubbed in thoroughly for a half hour.-American Journal of Dermatology.



By Francis H. Weismann, M. D., New York City.

The patient, an engineer by profession, of fair size and weight, about forty-five years old, of temperate habits, nervous temperament, has been a severe sufferer of hepatic colic and catarrh of the stomach

for several years. Although having a fair appetite, the patient had frequent attacks of vomiting a large quantity of mucus and bile.

In addition to the above symptoms, he was troubled with periodical attacks of hepatic colics, which were so severe that I was induced to diagnose his truble as being caused by the presence of gall stones. None of the remedies which were prescribed previous to January 5, 1904, seemed to have any beneficial effect, while the periodical acute attacks made their reappearance more frequently (every four or five weeks).

Having read in medical journals several clinical reports in which Hydrozone and Glycozone were highly recommended in the treatment of diseases of the alimentary canal, I concluded to prescribe Hydrozone before meals and Glycozone after meals in varying doses for about two months without any appreciable benefit. A dose of castor oil was also administered every other week, while olive oil was given at bedtime.

The patient was growing weaker quite rapidly until an acute attack of hepatic colic which occurred beginning of April, 1904, plainly showed that the above treatment was not powerful enough to subdue the cause of his truble.

Then I persuaded him to resort to lavage of the stomach with diluted Hydrozone.

I commenced treatment on the 5th of April, 1904, with Hydrozone 100 grammes, warm water one quart; the stomach was washed every third day in April and every second day in May, when the Hydrozone was increased to 150 c. c. (about five fluid ounces), and was kept at that amount throughout the treatment; during the month of June the stomach was washed out every day, July every fourth day, August and September once a week.

The improvement was noticeable already at the end of April, when the quantity of bile and mucus was much lessened. In September the benefits derived from this treatment proved conclusively that it had not been used in vain. Internal treatment was by means of Glycozone, two teaspoonfuls before and after each meal, and every three weeks a good dose of oleum ricini.

Up to date the patient has not had another attack of hepatic colic since April, 1904, while he is now enjoying good health.

The results that I have obtained in this particular case are so gratifying that I resort now exclusively to Hydrozone and Glycozone in the treatment of all cases of stomach diseases, and I believe that with the exception of stomach and intestinal disorders resulting from the presence of a malignant growth, all other cases can be successfully treated as above outlined.-Published by the St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal, 218 East Seventeenth street, August, 1905,

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