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fever. Copious discharges in morning after rising; albuminous and shiny in the daytime. Crusts blown out of nose. Hard crusts, excoriating, greenish, offensive, purulent, thick and yellow or yellowish green; copious, bloody, thin or watery discharges. Extreme dryness inside of nose. Epistaxis, bright red blood, on blowing nose; itching inside of nose; obstruction at night and in morning on rising. It is a most useful remedy in ozana. Much pain high up in nose, in root of nose; soreness inside of nose; stitching pains in nose; polypus in nose has been cured by this remedy. Sense of smell at first acute, later diminished and finally lost. Sneezing, ulceration in nose; swelilng of

the nose.

FACE. The face is very pale, an earthy color; lips bluish and cracked; red face during headache; circumscribed red cheeks; dryness of the lips. Eruptions of the face, cheeks, chin, forehead, lips, on the nose, and around the mouth. Acne, boils, comedones, eczema, herpes, pimples; scurfy eruptions on the face; the face is hot and red. Inflammation and suppuration of the parotid gland. Pain in face from cold, better by warmth. The pains of the face are boring, drawing, stitching and tearing. Perspiration of the face and scalp. Swelling of glands; swelling of the parotid and submaxillary glands.

MOUTH.-Mucous membranes of mouth covered with aphthe and the gums bleed; the tongue is coated white; the mouth is very dry, but at times copious mucus; offensive, even putrid odor from the mouth. The tongue is very sore, saliva is copious and speech is difficult. Swollen gums and tongue; bad taste, alkaline, bitter in the morning, metallic, putrid, sour. Taste is sometimes wanting. Ulceration of mucous membrane, lower lip, on left side; stinging, smarting splinter-like pain, spreading, painful to pressure, lardacious, inflamed edges; small ulcer appeared on right side. The teeth become loose and feel as though too long; caries of the teeth. Pain in the teeth at night. The teeth are very sore when masticating; pain worse from cold air, from anything cold in the mouth; while eating, after sleep, better from external warmth and warm things in the mouth. The pains are boring, digging, drawing, jerking, piercing, pressing, stitching and tearing.

THROAT.-Inflammation of the throat, pharynx and tonsils. with dryness and redness; constant effort to clear the throat, worse in the morning. Tenacious mucus in the throat; lump in the throat. Much pain in the throat on becoming cold, on coughing, on swallowing. Sore pain and burning; splinter-like pain. on swallowing. Stitching pain on swallowing; swallowing is dif ficult. Tonsils and uvula swollen; ulceration in the throat. Pain and swelling in cervical glands. Induration in the glands of the neck. It has cured goitre.

STOMACH. A feeling of anxiety in the stomach. The appetite is at first increased, then ravenous, and finally wanting, with aversion to food, especially to meat and milk. Some provers desire sour things and milk. Sensation of coldness in the stomach; sensation of emptiness not relieved by eating; sinking sensation in the pit of the stomach; eructations in the morning, after eating; bitter, empty, tasting like food eaten; sour. brash. Heartburn. Hiccough. Fullness in stomach after eating; loathing of food. Nausea in the morning, afternoon, evenevening, night; while eating, after eating, better after empty eructations, during headache, while walking. Pain in stomach, evening and night; after cold drinks, on coughing, after eating, while walking in the open air. The pains are burning, cramping, cutting, pressing, bruised and stitching; pressing pains in evening after eating, like a weight. Pulsation in the stomach; sensation of a stone in the stomach; marked sensation of tension. Thirst afternoon and night; burning thirst; extreme thirst. Vomiting morning and night; on coughing, after drinking, after eating, during headache, after milk; vomiting bile, bitter substance, black blood, food, mucus, watery substances.

ABDOMEN.-Distension of the abdomen after eating; dropsy of the abdomen, enlarged liver. Flatulence with much rumbling and fullness. The abdomen is very hard, the liver is hard. Inflammation of the peritoneum. Sensation of movements in the abdomen from flatus. Pain morning and night; pain before menses; pain in right hypochondrium; pain in liver and in the inguinal region. The pains are burning, cramping, cutting, pressing, stitching, tearing, twisting, stiching pains in sides of abdomen and in liver. Marked tension in abdomen; tympanitic abdomen.

RECTUM.-Extreme constipation, with inactivity of the rectum; difficult stool, paralyzed feeling in rectum; constriction of anus; constipation, with stool dry, hard, knotty large and soft with much straining. Diarrhoea painless, with stool copious, lienteric, light-colored, offensive, even putrid, sour, pasty, thin and watery. Dysentery, with bloody, scanty stools. Copious, offensive flatus. It has cured fiistula in anus. Itching and crowding of anus. Hemorrhoids protrude during stool, sore to touch, worse when walking. Bleeding from rectum and anus with stool; itching after stool. Moisture about the anus, pain during and after stool, burning during and after stool. Pains are pressing, stitching and tearing; marked soreness of anus. Paralyzed feeling in rectum. Stricture of the rectum not allowing feces to pass larger than a pencil, was cured. Tenesmus. Much urging to stool, urging during stool; ineffectual urging.

BLADDER.-Tenesmus of bladder and retention of urine, pressing pain in the bladder, catarrh of the bladder with much

mucus in the urine; urging to urinate at night, worse moving about, better lying. Sudden urging, ineffectual urging. Frequent urination during the night; involuntary urination during night in sleep; unsatisfactory urination. The urine is scanty.

PROSTATE GLAND.-The prostate gland is enlarged and tender; emission of prostatic fluid when straining to pass stool.

URETHRA.—Ürethral discharge purulent, greenish, yellow; cutting and burning during urination. It has cured stricture of the urethra. The urine is copious, later scanty, red, cloudy, burning, containing mucus, with sediment purulent and sandy. It has cured diabetes mellitus.

GENITAL ORGANS.-Erection at night without thought or dreams; eruptions on the genitals of the male, on the prepuce. It has cured hydrocile and induration of testes. Marked redness of glans penis; itching of glans penis and scrotum; stitching pain in penis. Foul sweat on the male genitals. Sweat on the scrotum. Seminal emissions. Sexual passion increased, sexual desire strong without erections. Swollen testes.

In the female the desire is increased; eruptions on the vulva with much itching. Heaviness of the uterus and prolapsus. Leucorrhoea excoriating, bloody, copious, before and after menses, milky, white or purulent and yellow or yellowish-green. Menstrual flow acrid, bright red, copious, too soon, protracted, or scanty; menstrual flow absent or suppressed, painful and irregular. Flow of blood between the menstrual periods; pain in the uterus, aching, burning, labor-like and tearing; soreness in the genitals; ulceration of labia, vagina and os uteri.

AIR PASSAGES.-Chronic irritation of the air passages larynx and trachea; catarrh of the larynx and trachea, with copious yellow-green mucus; rawness in larynx and trachea; phthisis of the larynx. He constantly scrapes the larynx. Tickling in the larynx and trachea. Respiration fast, asthmatic, deep; difficult during cough and when lying, rattling, short, sighing and suffocative.

COUGH. It is one of our greatest cough remedies in phthisical subjects. The cough comes at night, but also morning after rising, and in evening in bed. Cough from cold air, from cold damp air, asthmatic, from cold drinks. It has a dry cough at night, with much expectoration in the morning; cough during fever; hacking, hoarse cough; cough from irritation of larynx and trachea; hoarse cough, especially in the morning; paroxysmal, spasmodic cough in the evening racking the whole body. Cough worse lying, talking; virulent cough after waking in the morning. Expectoration in the morning, bloody, greenish-yellow, copious, offensive, purulent, thick, viscid-sometimes white. It has restrained cancerous ulceration of mammae. It has cured

desperate cases of catarrh of the bronchial tubes, constriction of chest, eruption of chest and excoriation of the nipples. Hemorrhage of the lungs. Chronic inflammation of broncial tubes and lungs. Oppression of the chest. The milk is suppressed or absent. Pain in both lungs. Pain in chest during cough, on inspiration, on deep breathing. Pain in the sides of chest. The pains in the chest are burning, pressing, soreness, stitching and rawness in chest. Stitching pains on inspiring, in sides of chest, and in the mammary glands. Palpitation of the heart at night, after eating, from exertion, and even from slight motion. Perspiration all over the chest. Phthisical conditions. Extreme weakness of chest.

BACK. The back feels cold and there is a sensation of coldness in back of neck and sacrum. Eruption in the cervical region, pimples and pustules. Itching of the back. Much pain in the back, especially at night. Pain in back during menses, on motion, rising from sitting and while sitting. Pain in the cervical region, scapula and in the spine between the scapula; pain in lumbar region when rising from a seat; pain in coccyx. Hard aching in the back, in lumbar region when rising from a seat, and in the sacrum. Drawing pain in the lumbar region, pressing pain in the lumbar region. The spine is sore to touch in many places. Stitching pains in the cervical region, scapula, lumbar region and sacrum. Tearing pains in the cervical region. Perspiration on the back, worse on the back of the neck. Stiffness of the back, especially of the cervical region; stiff neck. Tension in the cervical region. Weakness of the back. Weakness of the lumbar region.

EXTREMITIES.-It is a remedy for gouty nodosities of the fingers, awkwardness of the limbs, caries of the bone, chapped hands; chronic jerking of muscles; coldness of all the limbs, hands, palms, lower limbs, LEGS, FEET, evening and night. Contractions of tendons of hands and fingers. Many corns, painful, sore and stinging. Cracked hands and fingers. Cramps in hands, lower limbs, calf, feet, soles, toes. Eruptions, vescicles, boils on the upper limbs, vescicles on the upper limbs and fingers; eruptions on lower limbs, itching, pimples. Boils on the thighs; felons on the fingers. Heat of hands, palms, of the feet. Heaviness of all the limbs, especially of legs and feet. It has been of great service in hip joint disease; inflammation of all the joints. Intense itching of all the limbs, thighs and legs. The nails have ceased to grow for two years; the nails are hard and brittle. Numbness of all the limbs; upper limbs numb when lying on them; numbness of hands and fingers; numbness of lower limbs, legs and feet when sitting. Rheumatic and gouty pains in limbs, joints and bones, evening and night. Pain in upper limbs at

night, worse from cold, motion and taking hold of anything; pain in shoulders, upper arm, elbow, forearm, fingers and finger joints; pain in the lower limbs; pain in the sciatic nerve; violent pains in the hip joint; pain in the hip joint as if an abscess were forming; pain in thigh, knee, calf, foot and toes. Aching in all the limbs, with stiffness in cold, damp weather; aching in the shoulder, worse from motion. Burning feet and soles. Drawing pain in upper arm, forearm, wrist and hand; drawing pain in the knee and leg. Sore, bruised pains in upper limbs and thighs. Sensation as if sprained in wrist and ankle. Stitching pains in the joints. Stitching pains in the shoulders, upper arm, elbow, wrist and fingers. Stitching pains in hips, knees, caif, ankle, foot, sole, heels, toes, especially the great toe. Tearing pains in all the limbs and joints. Tearing pain in shoulder, upper arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, hand, fingers and finger-joints; tearing pain in thighs, knee, leg, calf, foot, soles, toes, and espccially the great toe.

Sensation of paralysis in upper limbs and in the hands; paralysis in lower limbs. Cold sweat on all the limbs; cold sweat of palms, of hands; cold sweat of feet; offensive cold sweat of feet. Stiffness of all the limbs, joints, hands and fingers; stiffness of lower limbs, knees. Swelling of hands, knees, legs, ankles, feet. Tingling of the fingers; trembling of the upper limbs, of the hands, of the lower limbs; twitching of the upper limbs, thighs and legs. Ulceration of lower limbs, legs. Varicose veins. Weakness of all the limbs, and especially the joints. Weakness of thighs, knees, legs, calf and feet.

SLEEP. Dreams of anger, anxious, of business, confused., amorous, of the dead, of death, of disease, fantastic, fire frightful, horrible, murder, nightmare, vivid, vexatious, visionary; dreams of sick people and caring for sick people; a hideous old woman's face appeared in her dreams. Sleep is restless; sleepiness in the morning, forenoon and evening, after dinner, after eating; sleeplessness before midnight; sleeplessness with sleepiness; sleepless from much thinking; after once waking cannot sleep again; unrefreshing sleep. Waking early and frequent. Yawning.

FEVER. Chill in morning, forenoon and evening, in the open air, in the cold air, even in bed, after eating, external and internal, shaking chill; chill with trembling, from uncovering, warm room does not relieve, desires warmth, but it does not relieve; chilliness during stool. Fever forenoon and afternoon, but marked fever in evening and night; fever alternating with chill; dry heat at night in bed; external heat with chilliness; flushes of heat. It is useful in hectic fevers. Mild fever evening and night. Heat with moist skin. Perspiration in the morn

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