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ing and latter part of the night; perspiration with great anxiety. Cold sweat mostly on the extremities; sweat from coughing, during and after eating, from exertion, from mental exertion; sweat from motion, from walking. Profuse hot sweat. Sweat of single parts; sweat during and after sleep; offensive, sour sweat, uncovering while sweating brings on many symptoms. If the perspiration becomes suppressed from uncovering, or from a draft, he suffers much.

SKIN.-Burning of the skin after scratching; the skin is cold to touch; the skin of hands and fingers cracked; the skin is discolored; bluish, liver spots, pale, red, red spots, white spots, yellow. Dry, burning skin and inability to perspire. Eruptions are biting, burning, itching, painful, phagedenic, stinging. Boils and chapping and desquamating. Eczema and herpes. Dry, itching, crusting, stinging herpes, eruptions discharge a white, pus-like substance. There are pimples pustules, and red rashes; eruptions scabby and scaly after scratching. Suppurating eruptions, nodular urticaria after scratching. Vesicles in many places. Erysipelas with swelling, worse from scratching, Excrescences form upon the skin; formication and goose-flesh. Indurations. Intertrigo. Itching with and without eruptions, itching, biting, burning, crawling and stinging, worse after scratching. It has cured lupus. The skin becomes moist after scratching. The skin is very sensitive, sore feeling, and sore, raw places on the skin; sticking and stinging after scratching. Ulceration of the skin and ulcers bluish, burning, cancerous, crusty, deep, corrosive, offensive with yellow pus, fistulous, foul, indolent, indurated, stinging, and unhealthy.. Warts painful, hard, inflamed, stinging, suppurating and withered. cured wens and other cystic growths.

92 State Street, Chicago, Illinois.


By P. W. Shedd, M. D., New York.

It has

The presentation of a new drug in the November CRITIQUE by PROFESSOR KENT caused a study first of its modalities and those of its component elements, the results of which are tabulated below, and then an investigation of remedies related by modality, a procedure requiring a number of hours' work with repertory and checking list-all of which may prove interesting and useful to CRITIQUE readers.


Aggravation. Afternoon and evening; from exertion; from cold air; after eating; from cold drinks or food; from very warm food; from milk; from motion; from excitement; from extreme summer heat; from wet weather; after sleep; when alone (yet desires solitude); from noise; from artificial light; from lying on right side (cough).

Amelioration: In the open air (not cold); from warmth; from fasting or eating little food; from rest, repose; in company (yet desires solitude); from telling her troubles.


Aggravation: In the a. m., on waking; after coition; in cold air; in the open air, outdoors; in dry weather.

Amelioration: By cold washing; from warm food or drinks; from warmth in general.


Aggravation: From touch, contact, pressure; from motion; from lying down (asthma); from sitting; from washing; after eating; from cold; from nerve stimulation; in the morning.

Amelioration: From rest; in summer; from magnetism, electricity; from warmth.

Periodicity is characteristic of the three remedies. Proceeding to remedies related by modality, we obtain the following sig. nificant list, the indices representing the numerical checking-list values:

Lycopodium, 49; nux vomica, 47; conium, 45; phospherus, 43; arsenicum, byronia, calcarea carb., 42; kali carb., 39; belladonna, silica, 38; causticum, rhus tox, sepia, sulphur, 36; nux mos., 35; hepar sulphur, ignatia, nitric acid, 34; ammonium carb., borax, graphites, spigelia, 31; helleborus, natrum carb., pulsatilla, zincum, 30; manganum, mercurius, 29; arnica, baryta carb., carbo veg., natrum mur., phosphoric acid, 28; carbo animalis, chamonilla, 27; camphor, magnesium carb., strontia carb., 26; aconitum, cocculus, colchicum, dulcamara, lachesis, mezereum, petrolium, sarsaparilla, staphisagria, sulphuric acid, 25; china, ranunculus bulbosus, rhododendron, spongia, 24; alumina, anacardium, antimonium crudum, aurum, hyoscyamus, sabadilla, vertrum album, 23; coffea, moschus, 22; agaricus, angustura, capsicum, digitalis, kali nit., stramonium, 21; asarum, senega, 20; bovista; cicuta, ferrum, kreosotum, laurocerasus, magnesium mur., menyanthes, rhuta, 19; ambra, cantharis, crocus, ipecacuanha, muriatic ac., scilla, selenium, stannum, 18; drosera, lodine, 17; asafoetida, chelidonium, plumbum, rheum, 16; argentum, ledum, platina, 15; caladium, cuprum, paris, sabina, sambucus, 14; agnus castus, ammonium mur., cannabis sativa, verb., 13; ammonium tart., cina, colycynthis, cyclamen, 12; ranunculus scaleratus, viola tri., 11; clematis, euphrasia, 9; valeriana, 8; bismuth, guiacum, 7; euphorbium, 6; oleander, secale, 5; viola odorata, 2.

The first portion of the list is especially interesting as outlining by comparison the new drug, but the middle and latter portions have been given because of some peculiar juxtapositions of remedies which evolved. These will be left for the notation of the reader. It will be seen that neither alumina (Al,O,), nor silica (SiO2) approach alumina silicata in marked degree; the union of the aluminum and the silicon atoms into the new molecule presents a new dynamic energy, to be considered practically per se.

The first ten remedies: lycopodium, nux vomica, conium, phosphorus, arsenic (bryonia), calcarea carb., kali carb. (belladonna), silica, point to the polychrestic range of the drug from the view-point of modalities-a searcher of tissues a regent of metabolism, alumina silicata. Hail, Kent!

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By Three of Its Alumni,


It is said that when Hahnemann was congratulated because of the numbers of his followers, he answered: "My true followers can be counted upon my fingers." As the number of socalled homeopaths increased, the habit of ignoring the spirit of homeopathy developed, until there was almost no attempt to teach its philosophy in our colleges.

As a result, each year there were graduated men and women, supposing themselves to be homeopaths, who, in reality, possessed the knowledge of not a single principle of homeopathy except "similia similibus curantur" and only a superficial knowledge of that.

Here and there small groups of thinking homeopaths formed themselves into societies and conscientiously searched for the truth. When, at each meeting, a paragraph of the "Organon" was read, even among these, every one appeared to think that, in the paragraph, Hahnemann had said all that could be said upon that subject. They did not appear to realize that each paragraph is a nut-shell into which is packed a great truth, to he unfolded, exhibited and explained.

Among these conscientious searchers was one able to perceive beyond the superficial nut-shell knowledge, the truth withir, as Hahnemann perceived it. He, alone, was able to explain the truth that Hahnemann had discovered. He realized, with others, that the neglect of the truths of homeopathy, by the colleges, made it imperative that a school should be established for the purpose of teaching the principles and practice of true homeop athy.

In 1891 the way was opened; the Philadelphia Post-Graduate School of Homeopathics was established and JAMES TYLER KENT, M. D., was its dean. The school had its friends, staunch lovers of the truth, who rejoiced in it and aided it. Enemies? Yes, it had its enemies. What great leader in the expounding of a truth ever existed who did not have enemics?

Hahnemann was persecuted by enemies. It was ever the same with all discoverers and teachers of great truths. Even

our Lord was belied and persecuted to his crucifixion. Why should this school and its faculty expect to escape?

Of those who manufactured the deadly untruths and spread them broadcast, who hindered in every way possible the progress of the school and its good work, we, realizing what this hindrance meant to suffering humanity, will say in the words of our Lord: "Father, forgive them; they know not what they do." For those who, in many kindly ways aided and encouraged and made the school possible, we shall always keep a sincere "God bless you."'


There was waiting for us in this new school a wealth of knowledge and experience, and we are grateful to those who made possible such advantages. Didactic courses included lectures on Materia Medica, Philosophy of Homeopathy, Gynæcology, Pediatrics and Practice of Medicine. In regular quiz classes following, these lectures were thoroughly reviewed. So earnest were the students that at every opportunity we collected in groups and eagerly discussed the remedies and the wonderful revelations of truth.

Men and women coming here to supplement their incomplete knowledge of homeopathy were not disappointed in their quest. We received a thorough education in the principles an practice of the healing art as taught by Hahnemann in the "Organon." This important work, available to graduates of all reputable medical colleges was intrusted to physicians not prejudiced against, but dominated by enthusiasm for, homeopathy, based on knowledge they would not sacrifice for any inferior claims. The school had the further distinction of being the only institution legally authorized to confer the degree of Master of Homeopathics.

The members of the faculty were graduates of the school, prepared for this work by years of study with the dean and competent to continue the work he had so thoroughly developed. Homeopathy was faithfully taught and successfully exemplified, not as a system of therapeutics, not as a method of experiment or empiricism, but as an art, founded on scientific laws.

In the lectures on Materia Medica, delivered by DR. JAMES TYLER KENT, whose method of presenting these subjects is uulike any other, the presentation of each remedy included the peculiar sphere of action, its general and particular characteristics and a comparison with closely allied remedies. The picture of the remedy, so clearly sketched and so strongly impressed as a mental image, when seen in practice, could be easily recognized. Often we perceived in these images patients previously seen, who

had needed the remedies and regretted the previous lack of this acquaintance. Such individualizing, characterizing by the generals of the remedy and the life-like images presented, made this course most interesting and instructive.

At the first lecture heard each student was impressed by the unusual method and received new stimulus to earnest study of a subject formerly considered dull and uninteresting. We found this a system that, once learned, would enable us to become masters in the work of prescribing.

Even to those who had been trained in other "homeopathic" medical schools (in some of which was heard no mention of the "Organon" as a text-book) DR. KENT's lectures on the Philosophy of Homeopathy were a revelation. His masterly interpretation of the laws expressed by Hahnemann in the "Organon ever a source of amazing delight.

A noticeable feature was the harmony among the faculty, all of whom were devoted to the exposition of the superiority of the law of similia and its confirmation in the clinics.

Every effort was made to prepare the students for future work, to make of us true physicians according to the principles expounded by Hahnemann. No time was given to teaching other branches, yet the days were filled.


Only those who shared it can realize the value of the experience gained in the dispensary; mere words are inadequate to express its advantages to both patients and physicians. After the first few years of its existence two or three resident physicians had charge of the out-patient department and attended to patients coming for treatment out of clinic hours. Calls for house visits were assigned to the students who thus gained much bed-side experience. For difficult cases members of the faculty were always prepared to give advice and aid.

Four or five clinics were conducted daily, sometimes two in adjoining rooms at the same hour. Student assistants at each clinic had charge of records and medicines, wrote the records of patients as the examinations were conducted by the clinician and frequently themselves served as clinicians. The examinations and records were made according to the directions in the "Organon" (§83-103), and records were filed systematically. Thus, at any time, any clinician could refer to the record and prescriptions for any case ever treated in the dispensary.

Women who came for relief of disorders peculiar to their sex received the benefit of this superior treatment without recourse to local or surgical measures.

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