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DOMESTIC OFFICIAL PAPER. VOLUNTEERS.-Circular Letter from Lord Hawkesbury to the Lords Lieutenants of Counties, dated Whitehall, April 25th 1807.

My Lord;His Majesty being impressed with the most favourable opinion of the value and importance of the Volunteer Force of the United Kingdom, of the good order and discipline of a considerable proportion of them, and of the zeal and alacrity which they have all invariably manifested, on every occasion in which their services have been required, is desirous of affording to them every encouragement, which a due consideration of the other branches of the military service, and an attention to public economy, will permit -He has, therefore, commanded me to acquaint you, for the information of the different Volunteer Corps within your County, that it is his intention to propose to Parliament, that the pay and allowance, settled for the Yeomanry Cavalry and Volunteer Infantry and Artillery, by the Regulations of July, 1806, and which were intended at that time to be granted to those men only who had been enrolled antecedently to the 24th of July, 1806, should, in future, be extended to all Volunteers, who may have been enrolled subsequent to that period, or who may be enrolled hereafter, provided the respective establishments of Volunteer Corps be not thereby exceeded.

His Majesty entertains the most sanguine hopes, that the adoption of this measure will have the effect of preventing the gradual decline of the Yeomanry and Volunteer Corps, and that it will furnish a strong inducement to the officers commanding those corps, to maintain them in a state of efficiency and good order. As the employment of Inspecting Field Officers, in a due proportion, appears to his Majesty's Government to be essentially necessary for preserving the Volunteer Force in a state of efficiency, and for enabling his Majesty's Governnient, from time to time, to form an accurate judgment of the condition, numbers, and good order of the respective Corps, it is his Majesty's intention to appoint, without delay, a certain number of persons to execute the duties of Inspecting Field Officers in the different Districts. There are many other circumstances connected with the Volunteer Establishment, upon which I have received reports from several quarters, which are under the consideration, of his Majesty's Government, and upon which it may be necessary for me to make some further communication to you hereafter; but it has been deemed important that no time should be lost in

communicating to you his Majesty's determination upon the above points. I have the honour to be, my Lord, &c.-HAWKES


FOREIGN OFFICIAL PAPERS. CONTINENTAL WAR -Sixty-ninth Bulletin of the Grand French Army. (Concluded from page 96.)


The health of the Emperor continues excellent; it is even remarked that it appears better than formerly. Some days his Majesty makes excursions to the distance of forty miles on horseback. At Warsaw it was last week believed that the Emperor had arrived there about ten o'clock at night. The whole town was immediately and voluntarily illuminated. The fortresses of Praga, Sierock, Modlin, Thorn, and Marienburg, begin to be put into a state of defence works of Marienwerder are planned. All these fortresses form tetes du pont on the Vistula. The Emperor praises the activity of Marshal Kellerman in forming the provi sional regiments, many of which have arrived in good condition, and are incorporated in the army.-His Majesty also bestows great praise on Gen. Clark, Governor of Berlin, who displays equal activity and zeal in the important post confided to him. Prince Jerome, who commands the troops in Silesia, has also given proofs of great activity, and bas exhibited a degree of skill and penetration which is, in general, only the fruit of long experience.

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Dantzic, and to commence the siege of that fortress. But it was necessary to draw the battering artillery from the fortresses of Silesia and along the Oder, so that it had to come upwards of 100 leagues through a country in which there are no roads. This difficulty is now got over, and a part of that artillery is already arrived: 100 pieces of cannon are now on their way from Stettin, Custrin, Glogau, and Bresliù, and in a few days we shall be provided with every thing necessary. The Prussian General Kalkreuth has the command at Dantzic The garrison consists of 14.000 Prussians, and 6000 Russians. The inundations and marshes, several lines of förtifications, and the fort of Weixelmunde, have rendered it difficult to surround the fortress. The Saxon, the Polish, and tire Baden troops, since the Hereditary Prince of Baden is at their head, are vying with each other in bravery.-The ene my has not tried any other means of coming to the assistance of Dantzic, than by sending a few battalions and some provisions to the place by sea. In Silesia, Prince Jerome con-tinues the siege of Neisse vigorously. Since the Prince of Pletz has declined to act, Baron Kleist, Aid-de-Camp to the King of Prussia, is arrived at Glatz, by way of Vienna, with the title of Governor General of Silesia. He is accompanied by an English commissary, who must keep his eye ubon the manner in which the £80,000 sterling are laid out, which were given by England to the King of Push-On the 13 h inst. that Prussian officer advanced from Glatz with a corps of 4000 mer, and attacked General Lefebvre (who commands the corps of observation which coves the siege of Neisse), at Frankenstein. T operation has been ineffectual. Baron Kleit was repulsed with vigour. On the 14th, Prince Jerome fixed his headquarters at Munsterberg.--For these two months past, the grand ariny has been quiet in its cantonments. This time has been employed u recruiting the cavalry, and providing them with horses, repairing the arms, establishing large magazines of biscuit and brandy, and furnishing the soldiers with shoes. Independent of one pair in wear, each man has two more pair in his knapsack. Silesia and the island of Nogat have furnished a number of good horses to the cuirassiers, to the dragoons, and to the light cavalry.In the beginning of May, an army of observation, consisting of 50,000 French and Spanish troops, will be assembled on the Elbe. Whilst Russia has assembled in Poland nearly the whole of her troops, there is only a part of the French military force in that country. This, however, is a consequence of

the great difference which exists between the essential strength of the two countries. The 500,000 Russians, which the writers of newspapers made to march to the right and again to the left, only exist in their papers and in the imagination of some readers, who are the easier misled, by being shewn the. immense extent of the Russian territory, without the least mention of its extensive deserts and uncultivated districts.-It is said, that the guards of the Emperor of Russia have reached the army. They will see on the first meeting, whether the Imperial Guard is annihilated, as the enemy's generals have asserted. That guard is now more numerous than ever, and almost double the number it was at Austerlitz Exclusive of the bridge thrown across the Narew, another is forming on piles between Warsaw and Praga: the work is in a very forward state. The bridges on piles are stronger and more serviceable than those of boats. Although it is very laborious to construct such bridges across a river of 400 rods in breadth, it is rendered easy through the skill and activity of the officers, under whose direction it is performed, and from the abundance of tim、 ber.1 he Prince of Benevento is still at Warsaw, negociating with the Ambassadors of the Porte and of the Emperor of Persia. Independent of the services which he renders to the Emperor as a minister, some important operations are frequently entrusted to him relative to the wants of the army. The cold weather has again set in for these two days: the thaw is the only symptom we have of the spring; the earliest shrubs do not yet present the least sign of verdure.

72d Bulletin of the Grand French Army.

Finkenstein, April 23.The operations of Marshal Mortier have had the desired effect. The Swedes were so inconsiderate as to cross the River Peene, to advance upon Anclam and Demmin, and to move towards Passewalk. On the 16th, before break of day, Marshal Mortier assembled his troops, advanced from Passewalk on the road to Anclam, overthrew the posts at Belling and Ferdinandshoff, took 400 prisoners and two pieces of cannon, entered Anclam at the same time with the enemy, and made himself master of the bridge on the Peene. column of the Swedish General Cardell was cut off. It remained at Uckermunde when we were already at Anclam. The Swedish General in Chief Armfeldt has been wounded by a grape shot. All the enemy's maga. zines are taken. The column of Gen. Cardell, which has been cut off, was attacked on the 17th, by the General of Brigade Veau,



dear Uckermunde, when the enemy lost 3 pieces of cannon, and 500 men, which were taken. The rest escaped by getting on board the gun-boats in the Haff; 2 more pieces of cannon, and 100 men, were taken near Demmin. Baron Von Essen, who commands the Swedish army during the absence of Gen. Armfeldt, proposed an armistice to General Mortier, informing him, that the King had granted him a special power to conclude the same. A peace, or even an armistice, granted to Sweden, would accomplish the most sanguine wishes of the Emperor, who has always been very reluctant to carry on a war against a generous and brave nation, which, upon local and political grounds, is the friend of France. Must Swedish blood flow, either to protect or to subvert the Ottoman Empire? Is it to flow for maintaining the balance, or for support ing the slavery of the seas? What has, Sweden to fear from France? Nothing. What has she to fear from Russia? Every thing. These reasons are too evident not to prompt an enlightened cabinet, and a nation which possesses clearness of mind, and independence of opinion, to put a speedy stop to the war: Immediately after the battle of Jena, the Emperor made known his desire to restore the ancient relations between Sweden and France. These first overtures were made to the Swedish minister at Hamburgh, but rejected. The Emperor constantly directed his generals to treat the Swedes as friends, with whom we are at variance, and with whom we shall soon be reconciled, from the nature of things. Behold the true interests of both nations. If they did us any harm, they would regret it; and we, on our part, should wish to repair the wrong which we may have done them. The interest of the state will at last rise superior to all differences and petty quarrels. These were the Emperor's own words, in his orders.. Animated by such sentiments, the Emperor ordered the military operations for the siege of Stralsund to be discontinued, and the mortars and cannon which were sent from Stettin for that purpose, to be sent back. He wrote to Gen. Mortier in the following words: I already regret what has been done. I am sorry that the fine suburb of Stralsund is burnt. Is it our business to hurt Sweden? This is a mere dream. It is our business to protect, not to do her any injury. In the latter, let us be as moderate as possible. Propose to the Governor of Stralsund an armistice, or a cessation of hostilities, in order to ease the burden, and lessen the calamities of war, which I consider as wicked, because it is impolitic.' On the 8tb,

the armistice was concluded between Marshal Mortier and Baron Von Essen. On the 13th April, at 8 in the evening, a detachment of 2000 men from the garrison of Glatz, advanced with 6 pieces of cannon, against the right wing of the post of Frankeistein. On the following day, the 17th, at break of day, another column of 800 men, marched from Silberberg. These troops, after their junction, advanced upon Frankenstein, and commenced an attack, at 5 in the morning, with an intent to attack Gen. Lefebvre, who was posted there with a corps of observation. Prince Jerome set off from Munsterberg, when the first gun was fired, and arrived at Frankenstein at teh in the morning. The eneniy was completely dispersed, and pursued to the covered way of Glatz: 600 of them were taken, together with 3 pieces of cannon. One major and 8 officers are among the prisoners: 300 men were left dead on the field of battle: 400 men that had escaped in the woods were attacked and taken at 11 in the forenoon. Col. Beckers, commanding the 6th Bavarian regiment of the line, and Col. Scharfenstein, of the Wirtemberg troops, have done wonders. The former would not quit the field of battle, although he was wounded in the shoulder; he shewed himself every where at the head of his battalon, and every where he performed wonders. The Emperor has granted to each of these officers the Eagle of the Legion of Honour. Capt. Brockfeld, who provisionally commands the Wirtemberg horse chasseurs, has likewise distinguished himself; and it was him that took the several pieces of cannon. The siege of Neisse is going on prosperously. One half of the town is already burnt, and the trenches are approaching very near the fortress.

73d Bulletin of the Grand French Army.

Elbing, May 8.--The Persian Ambassador has received his audience of leave.

He brought some very fine presents to the Emperor, from his Master, and received in return the Emperor's portrait, enriched with very fine stones. He returns directly to Persia. He is a very considerable personage in his country, and a man of sense and great sagacity. His return to his country was necessary. It has been regulated that there shall henceforth be a numerous legation of Persians at Paris, and of Frenchmen at Tehesan.-The Journal of the siege of Dantzic will make known, that our troops have lodged themselves in the covert way, that the fire of the town is extinguished, and will give the details of the fine operation which Gen, Drouet directed, and which was exe

cuted by Col. Aime, the chief of battalion; Arnaud of the 24 light infantry, and Captain Avy. This operation put us in possession of an island, which was defended by 1000 Russians, and 5 redoubts mounted with artillery, and which is very important for the siege, since it is in the back position which our troops are attacking. The Russians were surprised in their guard house, 400 were slaughtered with the bayonet without having time to defend themselves, and 600 were made prisoners. This expedition, which took place in the night of the 6th, was in a great measure performed by the troops of Paris, who covered themselves with glory.The weather is growing milder; the roads are excellent; the buds appear upon the trees; the fields begin to be covered with grass, but it will require a month before they afford fodder to the cavalry. The Empe ror has established at Magdeburgh, under the orders of Marshal Brune, a corps of observation, which will consist of nearly 80,000 men, halt Frenchmen, and the other half Dutchmen and Confederates of the Ithine; the Dutch troops are to the number of 20,000 men.-The French division of Molitor and Boudet, which also form a part of this corps of observation, arrived on the 13th of May at Magdeburgh. Thus we are able to receive the English expedition upon whatever point it may present itself. It is certain that it will disembark; it is not so that it will be able to reimbark.

74th Bulletin of the Grand French Army.

Finkenstein, May 16.-Prince Jerome, having discovered that three out-works of Neisse, alongside the Bielau, impeded the progress of the siege, ordered Gen. Vandamme to occupy them. In the night from the 30th of April to the 1st of May, this general, at the head of the Wurtemburgh troops, took the said works, put the enemy's troops by whom they were defended to the sword, took 120 prisoners, and 9 pieces of cannon. It seems, that a grand council of war was held at Barfenstein, since the arrival in the camp of the Emperor Alexander, at which the King of Prussia and the Grand Duke Constantine assisted that the dangerous situation of the city of Dantzic was the subject of the deliberations of the said council, and that it was found, Dantzic could only be relieved in two ways; first, by attacking the French army, to cross the Passarge, and to take the chance of a general engagement, the result of which (provided any advantage was obtained), would be, to compel the French army to raise the siege of Dantzic; the second, to throw succours into Dantzic

from the sea side. It seems that the first plan was deemed impracticable, unless the enemy would expose himself to be completely defeated and routed. It was therefore resolved to confine themselves to the other plan of relieving Dantzic by water.In consequence thereof, Lieut. Gen. Kaminski, son of the field marshal, embarked at Pillan, with 2 Russian divisions, formed of 12 reginents, and several Prussian regiments. On the 12th, the troops were landed from 66 transports, under convoy of 3 fiigates, in the port of Dantzic, under the protection of the Fort of Weichselmunde.The Emperor immediately ordered Marshal Lasnes, who commands the reserve of the grand army, to advance from Marienburgh (where he had his head quarters), with the division of Gen. Oudinot, to reinforce the army of Marshal Lefebvre. He arrived, after an uninterrupted march, at the very moment when the enemy's troops were landing.-On the 13th and 14th, the enemy made preparations for the attack. They were separated from the town by the distaffce of somewhat less than one league, but that part was occupied by French troops. On the 15th, the enemy advanced from the fort in 3 columns, with an intention to penetrate to the town along the right bank of the Vistula. The Gens of Brigade Schramm (who was at the advanced posts with the 24 regiment of light infantry, and one battalion of Saxons and Poles), received the first fire, and resisted the enemy at the distance of a cannon shot from Weichselmunde.-Marshal Lefebvre had repaired to the bridge which is situated below on the Vistula, and ordered the 12th regiment of light infantry, together with the Saxons, to cross over that way, to support Gen. Schranim. Gen. Gardanne, who was charged with the defence of the right bank of the Vistula, also pressed that way with the rest of his troops. The enciay was superior in numbers, and the contest was continued with equal obstinacy. Marshal Lasnes, with the reserve of Oudinot, was placed on the left bank of the Vistula, where it was expected, the day before, that the enemy would make his appearance; but when Marshal Lasnes saw the move. ments of the enemy disclosed, he crossed the Vistula with 4 battalions of Gen. Oudinot's reserve. The whole of the enemy's line and reserve were thrown into confu

sion, and pursued to the plisadoes, and at 9 in the morning the enemy was shut up in the fort of Weichselmunde. The field of battle was strewed with dead bodies. Our loss consists of 25 killed, and 200 wounded, The enemy's loss is 900 killed, 1500 wound.

ed, and 200 taken. The enemy from the height of his demolished and almost destroyed ramparts, was witness to the whole action. He was dejected, on seeing the hopes vanishing which he had formed of receiving succour. Gen. Oudinot has killed 3 Russians with his own hand.--It will appear from the journal of the siege of Dantzic, that the works are carried on with equal activity, that the covered way is completed, and that we are occupied with preparations for passing the ditch. As soon as the enemy knew that his maritime expedition had arrived before Dantzic his light troops began to reconnoitre and alarm the whole line, from the position occupied by Marshal Soult, on the Passarge, to that of Gen. Morand, upon the Alle. They were received at the mouth of the musket by the voltigeurs, lost a considerable number of men, and retired with more precipitation than they came.The Russians also presented themselves at Malga, before Gen. Zayonchek, the Com mandant of the Polish corps of observation, and carried off one of his posts. The Gen. of Brigade Fischer pursued, routed them, and killed 60 men, one colonel, and two captains. They likewise presented themselves before the 5th corps, and insulted Gen. Gazan's advanced posts at Willenberg. This general pursued them several leagues. But they made a more serions attack upon the bridge of Omelew at Drenzewo. The Gen. of Brigade Girard marched against them with the S8th, and drove them into the Narew. Gen. Suchet arrived, pursued the Russians closely, and defeated them at Ostrolenka, where he killed 60 men, and took 50 horses. On the same day, the 13th, the enemy attacked Gen. Leinarrois, at the mouth of the Bug. This general had passed that river on the 10th, with a Bavarian brigade, and a Polish regiment, who, in the course of three days, had constructed several tetes-du pont, and had advanced to Wiskowo, with the intention of burning the rafts which the enemy had been at work upon during 6 weeks. This expedition completely succeeded, and the ridiculous work of 6 weeks was destroyed in a moment.- All the army is encamped in divisions of square battalions, in very wholesome situations. These affairs of advanced posts have not occasioned any movements in the army. Every thing is quiet at the head-quarters, This general attack upon our advanced posts seems to have had no other object than to occupy the French army, so as to prevent them from reinforcing the troops employed in the siege of Dantzic.-The hope of succouring Dantzic, by means of a maritime expedition, ap

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pears very extraordinary to well informed military men, acquainted with the ground and the position occupied by the French army.-The leaves begin to appear; and the season resembles the month of April in France.

75th Bulletin of the Grand French Army.

Finkenstein, May 18 The following are further particulars relative to the affair of the 15th. Marshal Lefebvre makes a very favourable report of General Schramm, to whom he, in a great measure, imputes the favourable issue of the affair at Weichselmunde-On the morning of the 15th, at 2 o'clock, Gen. Schramm had formed in order of battle, covered by two redoubts, thrown up opposite the fort of Weichselmunde. He had the Poles on the left, the Saxons in the centre, and the regiment of Paris in reserve The Russian General Kamenski sallied from the fort at day break, and after two hours hard fighting, the 12th regiment of light infantry, sent by Marshal Lefebvre from the left shore, and a battalion of Saxous, decided the victory, Scarcely a battalion belonging to Oudinot's corps had any occasion to take part in the action. Qur loss is very trifling M. Paris, a Polish colonel, was killed. The loss of the enemy is greater than we supposed We have buried

900 Russians. We cannot reckon their loss at less than 2,500 men. We observed no more movements on the part of the enemy, who seemed to confine himself, very prudently within the circuit of the works. The number of vessels sent off with the wounded was 14. The Emperor has issued a decree for making every person who distinguished himself on this occasion a member of the Legion of Honour: they are about 30 in number. On the 14th, a division of 5,000 men, mostly Prussians, from Koningsberg, landed on the Neyrung, and advanced against our light cavalry as far as Kahlberg, who thought proper to fall back upon Puretenwerder.-The enemy advanced to the extre mity of the Frisch Haff We expected they would have penetrated from thence to Dantzic. A bridge thrown over the Vistula at Furstenwerder, made the passage easy for our troops cantoned in the Island of Nogat, so that the infantry might have attacked the enemy's rear; but the Prussians were too wary to proceed. The Emperor ordered General Beaumont, Aide-de-camp to the Grand Duke of Berg, to attack them. Od the morning of the 16th, at two o'clock, the General of Brigade Albert, advanced, at the head of two battalions of grenadiers of the reserve, the 3d and the 1st regiments of

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