Venable (William Mayo). Garbage crematories in America. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1906. x, 200 p., I pl. illus. 8°. Vieth (Adolph). Eisengiesserei. Die Formerei. Mit... Abbildungen. Bremen: G. Winter, 1906. 121 p. 12°. By Watson (Thomas L.), and others. The building and ornamental stones of North Carolina. Thomas L. Watson and Francis B. Laney, with the collaboration of George P. Merrill. Raleigh: E. M. Uzzell, 1906. xix, 283 p., 3 maps, 29 pl. 4. (N. C. Geological Survey. Bull. no. 2.) Webb (Walter Loring). The economics of railroad construction. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1906. viii, 339 p. 8°. Weigel (Robert). Konstruktion und Berechnung elektrischer Maschinen und Apparate. Erläutert durch Beispiele mit... Abbildungen... Konstruktionstafeln, und Kurventafeln. Leipzig: Hachmeister & Thal, 1906. 4 p.l., 267 p., 30 diagr. fo. (Handbuch der Starkstromtechnik. Bd. 1.) Wichelhaus (Karl Hermann). Vorlesungen über chemische Technologie. den Text gedruckten Abbildungen. Berlin: G. Siemens, 1906. vi, 1 l., 836 p. 2. ed. 8°. Woodward (James T.) A statistical analysis of the operations of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, years ending Dec. 31st, 1899-1904, incl. Comp. by J. T. Woodward. New York: O. C. Lewis & Co., 1905. 2 p.l., 857 p. ob. 16°. with Wright (F. B.) A practical handbook of the distillation of alcohol, from farm products. . chapters on alcoholometry and the denaturing of alcohol. New York: Spon & Chamberlain, 1906. vii. (1), 194 p. 12°. Zeda (Umberto). Electric bells, indicators, and aerial lines... Translated from the original Italian and revised by S. R. Bottone... (Authorized ed.) London: G. Pitman, 1906. xv, 17-120 p. illus. 12°. Zipkes (S.) Die Scher- und Schubfestigkeit des Eisenbetons. Berlin: W. Ernst & Sohn, 1906. 42 p. 8°. Zryd (J.) Cours progressif de sténographie. (Système Prévost-Delaunay) Théorie, Exemples, Exercices d'écriture et de lecture, Conseils pratiques. Paris: H. Dunod et E. Pina, 1906. 2 p.l., 198 p. 12°. MILITARY AND NAVAL ART AND SCIENCE. Bourgain (G.) Le monde en images. Le marin, français. Paris: H. Laurens [1896]. 41., 32 pl. illus. fo. Proudfit Collection. Causa instruida contra el General Leonardo Marquez por graves delitos del orden militar, publicase por primera vez. Mexico: Vda. de Ch. Bouret, 1906. viii, 288 p., 2 l. 12°. (Documentos inéditos ó muy raros para la historia de México. T. 8.) Clowes (Sir William Laird). Four modern naval campaigns; historical, strategical, and tactical. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1906. 2 p.l., v-ix, 244 p., 16 maps. 16°. (Hutchinson's popular classics.) Daveluy (René). Les leçons de la guerre russo-japonaise. La lutte pour l'empire de la mer. Exposé et critique. Paris: A. Challamel, 1906. viii, 231 p., 3 maps. 8°. Davis (Charles Gerard). How to design a yacht. New York: The Rudder Pub. Co., 1906. 108 p. illus. 4°. Harbeck (Charles T.) A contribution to the bibliography of the history of the United States navy. Comp. by Charles T. Harbeck [assisted by Agnes O. Doyle and Axel F. C. M. Moth]. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1906. viii, 247, (1) p. 4°. Haydon (A. L.) The book of the V. C. A record of the deeds of heroism for which the Victoria Cross has been bestowed, from its institution in 1857 to the present time. Compiled from official papers, and other authentic sources, by A. L. Haydon. London: A. Melrose, 1906. xii, 294 p., 10 pl. 12°. Kalinowski (Walter Erdmann von). Das Bekleidungswesen unserer Armee und die Anforderungen an eine kriegsbrauchbare Fussbekleidung, von v. Kalinowski, Oberst und Vorstand des Bekleidungsamts III. Armeekorps. Berlin: Verlag der Liebelschen Buchhandlung, 1906. 36 p. 12°. McKee (James Harvey). Back "in war times." History of the 144th regiment, New York volunteer infantry. [Unadilla, N. Y.:] H. E. Bailey, 1903. 378 p., 5 maps, 31 pl., 2 port. 8°. Mayo (John Horsley). Medals and decorations of the British army and navy. Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1897. 2 v. plates. 4°. Robinson (Richard Hallett Meredith). Naval construction, prepared for the use of the midship. men of the United States Naval Academy. Annapolis, Md.: The United States Naval Institute, 1906. vi, 1 l., 285 p., 19 pl., 2 tab. illus. 8°. Roe (Alfred Seelye). The Ninth New York heavy artillery. A history of its organization, services in the defenses of Washington...and a complete roster of the regiment. Worcester, Mass.: The author, 1899. 615 p., 35 pl., 11 port. 8°. Salas (Javier de). Acciones navales modernas (1855-1900). Compendio histórico con 18 pianos. Madrid: Imp. Aleman, 1903. vi, 7-248 p., 1 l. 8°. Tesdorpf (A.) Ernstes und Heiteres aus bewegten Lebenserinnerungen eines älteren Seeoffiziers. Kulturbilder älterer Marine-Zeiten. Das Einst und Jetzt. Neustrelitz: H. Bohl, 1906. 259 p. 8. Weaver (Erasmus Morgan). Notes on military explosives. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1906. ix, 311 p. 8°. Wislicenus (Georg). Unsre Kriegsflotte. Dem deutschen Volke in Wort und Bild dargestellt unter Mitwirkung der Marinemaler Carl Saltzmann, Friedrich Schwinge, Willy Stöwer. Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1896. 5 p.1,, 40 p., 20 pl. 2. ed. fo. Zeltz (Roderich). Handbuch der Nautik. Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1906. xi, 306 p. illus. 16°. (Weber's illustrierte Handbücher. Bd. 257.) Zimmermann (Waldemar). Arbeiter und Flotte. Eine Studie über Seewirtschaft, Weltpolitik und Arbeiterpolitik. Berlin: Deutscher Verlag, 1906. 2 p.l., 144 p. 8°. London: Swan, (Library of phi A study of the development and meaning of thought; or, Genetic logic. v. 1. Sonnenschein & Co., 1906. 8°. losophy.) v. 1. Functional logic; or, Genetic theory of knowledge. Benn (Alfred William). The history of English rationalism in the nineteenth century. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1906. 2 v. 8°. Dietzgen (Joseph). The positive outcome of philosophy: The nature of human brain work. Letters on logic. The positive outcome of philosophy. Translated by Ernest Untermann. With an introduction by... Anton Pannekoek...Edited by Eugene Dietzgen and Joseph Dietzgen, jr. Chicago: C. H. Keer & Co., 1906. 1 p.1., v-vi, 7-444 p. 12°. Eisler (Rudolf). Leib und Seele. Darstellung und Kritik der neueren Theorien des Verhältnisses zwischen physischem und psychischem Dasein. Leipzig: J. A. Barth, 1906. vi, 217 p. 8°. tur- und Kulturphilosophie Bibliothek. Bd. 4.) Na Fullerton (George Stuart). An introduction to philosophy. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1906. xiii, 322 p. 8°. Hyslop (James Hervey). Borderland of psychical research. Boston: H. B. Turner & Co., 1906. viii, 1 l., 425 p. 8°. King (Irving). The psychology of child development. With an introduction by John Dewey. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1906. 3 p.l., v, xxi, 265 p. 2. ed. 12°. Marie (A.) Mysticisme et folie. (Étude de psychologie normale et pathologique comparées.) Paris: V. Giard & E. Brière, 1907. xi, 342 P., I l. illus. 8°. (Études economiques et sociales. v. 2.) Nayrac (Jean-Paul). Physiologie et psychologie de l'attention: évolution, dissolution, rééducation... Préface de T. Ribot. Paris: F. Alcan, 1906. 2 p.l., xi, 224 p. 8°. Meyer (Theodor). Institutiones iuris naturalis seu philosophiæ moralis universæ secundum principia S. Thomæ Aquinatis... Pars I. Friburgi Brisgovia: Sumptibus Herder, 1906. 2. ed. 8°. (Philosophia Lacensis. Ius naturale. Pars I. 2. ed.) THEOLOGY. Alston (Leonard). Stoic and Christian in the second century. A comparison of the ethical teaching of Marcus Aurelius, with that of contemporary and antecedent Christianity. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1906. ix, 146 p., 1 l. 12°. Anwyl (Edward). Celtic religion in pre Christian times. London: A. Constable & Co., 1906. 4 p.l., 69, (1) p. 12°. (Religions, ancient and modern.) Barnett (Lionel D.) Hinduism. London: A. Constable & Co., Ltd., 1906. vi, 66 p., 1 1. 12°. (Religions: Ancient and modern.) Bierer (Everard). The evolution of religions. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1906. xv, 1 l., 385 p. 8°. Church federation. Inter-church conference on federation. New York, November 15-21, 1905. Edited by E. B. Sanford, D.D. New York: F. H. Revell Co. [1906.] xv, I 1., 9-691 p., 21 pl. 8°. Churchill (Charles Henry). The Druzes and the Maronites under the Turkish rule. From 1840 to 1860. London: B. Quaritch, 1862. viii, 300 p. 8°. This is a continuation of the author's "Mount Lebanon," and contains an index to both works. Conybeare (Frederick Cornwallis). Rituale Armenorum, being the administration of the sacraments and the breviary rites of the Armenian church, together with the Greek rites of baptism and epiphany. Ed. from the oldest mss. by F. C. Conybeare...and The East Syrian epiphany rites. Translated by...A. J. Maclean. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1905. 8°. Xxxv, 536 p., I fac-sim. Debidour (Antonin). L'église catholique et l'état, sous la troisième république (1870-1906). Tome I (1870-1889). Paris: F. Alcan, 1906. 8°. Dole (Charles Fletcher). The hope of immortality; our reasons for it. New York: T. Y. Crowell & Co. [1906.] 2 p.l., iii-x, 61 p. 12°. (The Ingersoll lecture, 1906.) Frazer (James George). Adonis, Attis, Osiris. Studies in the history of oriental religion. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1906. xvi, 339 p. 8°. Hoensbroech (Paul Kajas von), Graf. Moderner Staat und römische Kirche... Ein kirchenpolitisches Programm auf geschichtlicher Grundlage. Berlin: C. A. Schwetschke & Sohn, 1906. 8°. ix (1), 301 p. Academia Româna. Amateur Comedy Club Amer. Art Assoc. Amer. Book Co. Amer. Water Works Assoc. Amer. Soc. of Civil Engineers Apostolides, Dr. B. . Australasian Massage Assoc. Automobile Institute . Baker, Arthur . Belgium, Min. de l'Interieur Bigelow, Hon. John . Boardman, Samuel Lane. Bremen, Handelskammer British Columbia, King's Printer. California State Library Canada, Geological Survey Canada, King's Printer Catholic Univ. of America Cattell, Prof. J. McKeen Cellarius, F.. Ceská Akademie VOLS. PMS. VOLS. PMS. I I Correspondence (MSS.) 3 Lawrence, R. H. (I print) Liberal Immigration League Maryland Geological Survey Mercante, Victor Nagle, Dr. John T. Nat. Assoc. Cotton Manufacturers New England Soc. New York City, Dept. of Health. New York State Library. Newton, Mass., City Clerk . 28 I I 5 I Schoenrich, Prof. C. O. 207 13 Published monthly by The New York Public Library, No. 425 Lafayette Street, New York City. Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as second-class matter, January 30, 1897, under Act of July 16, 1894. 13 I 2 38 97 Houghton, Clement S. I Hunt, Edmund Soper. I Illinois, Sec. of State . 47 Indiana, Adjutant-General I Indiana State Library 2 Inst. for Educ. of Blind in Egypt . . WILLIAM W. APPLETON. JOHN L. CADWALADER. SAMUEL GREENBAUM. H. VAN RENSSELAER KENNEDY. EDWARD KING. LEWIS CASS LEDYARD. ALEXANDER MAITLAND. HENRY C. POTTER. GEORGE L. RIVES. CHARLES HOWLAND RUSSELL. EDWARD W. Sheldon. GEORGE W. SMITH. FREDERICK STURGES. GEORGE BRINTON MCCLELLAN, Mayor of the City of New York, ex officio. OFFICERS President, Hon. JOHN BIGELOW, LL.D. First Vice-President, Rt. Rev. HENRY C. Potter, D.D., LL.D. Second Vice-President, JOHN S. KENNEDY, Esq. Secretary, CHARLES HOWLAND RUSSELL, Esq., 425 Lafayette Street. BRANCHES-REFERENCE Lafayette Street, 425. (ASTOR.) CIRCULATION MANHATTAN. East Broadway, 33. (CHATHAM SQUARE.) EAST BROADWAY, 197. (Educational Alliance Building.) Le Roy Street, 66. (HUDSON PARK.) BOND STREET, 49. Near the Bowery. 8th Street. 135 Second Avenue. (ÓTTENDOrfer.) 10th Street, 331 East. 13th Street, 251 West. 22d Street, 230 East. 23d Street, 209 West. 34th STREET, 215 East. 40th Street, 501 West. 42d Street, 226 West. 50th Street, 123 East. 51st Street, 463 West. 59th STREET, 113 East. 67th STREET, 328 East. 69th Street. (TOMPKINS SQUARE.) Fifth Avenue, 800. (LENOX.) Near 8th Avenue. (JACKSON SQuare.) Near 7th Avenue. (MUHLENBERG. Department Headquarters.) Between 10th and 11th Avenues. (ST. RAPHAEL's.) Near 1st Avenue. 190 Amsterdam Avenue. (RIVERSIDE. TRAVELLing Libraries.) 77th Street. 1465 Avenue A. (WEBSTER.) 79th Street, 222 East. Near 3d Avenue. (YORKVILLE.) 81st Street. 444 Amsterdam Avenue. (St. Agnes. BLIND LIBRARY.) Between Lexington and Park Avenues. Near Broadway. (BLOOMINGDALE.) (AGUILAR.) (HARLEM LIBRARY BRANCH.) 96th STREET, 112 East. 100th Street, 206 West. 110th Street, 174 East. 123d Street, 32 West. 125th STREET, 224 East. 135th STREET, 103 West. 145th Street, 503 West. 156th Street. Near Lenox Avenue. (HAMILTON GRange.) 922 St. Nicholas Avenue. (WASHINGTON HEIGHTS.) |