PRINCIPAL ACCESSIONS IN MARCH. BIOGRAPHY. CAIRNES family. A history of the family of Cairnes or Cairns and its connections. By H. C. Lawlor. London, 1906. 4°. COLONNA (Vittoria). Vittoria Colonna, by Maud F. Jerrold. London, 1906. 8°. COPPÉE (François). François Coppée. Biographie critique. Par Ernest Gaubert. Paris, 1906. 12°. DEWEES family. By Mrs. Philip E. LaMunyan. Ellwood Roberts, ed. Norristown, Pa., 1905. 8°. FRIEDENWALD (Aaron). Life, letters, and addresses of Aaron Friedenwald, M.D., by his son Harry Friedenwald, M.D. Printed for private circulation. Baltimore, 1906. 8°. HAECKEL, his life and work. By Wilhelm Boelsche. London, 1906. 8°. HAWTHORNE (Nathaniel). The life and genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne. By Frank Preston Stearns. Philadelphia, 1906. 8°. HOKUSAI. By Edward F. Strange. New York, 1906. 16°. HOWE (Samuel Gridley). Letters and journals. Boston [1906]. v. I. 8°. IRVING (Sir Henry). Sir Henry Irving. By Percy Fitzgerald. London, 1906. 8°. JORDAENS' Leben und Werke. Von Max Rooses. Stuttgart [1890]. f°. LAZARUS (Moritz). Lebenserinnerungen. Berlin, 1906. 8°. LEETE family. By Joseph Leete and John Corbet Anderson. London, 1906, 4°. LEFFERTS-HAUGHWOUT family. By Lefferd Merle Alexander Haughwout. New York, 1903. 8°. MACKAY family. The book of Mackay. By Angus Mackay. Edinburgh, 1906. sq. 8°. MAFFITT (John Newland). John Newland Maffitt. By Emma Martin Maffitt. New York, 1906. 8°. MERRIAM genealogy. By Charles Henry Pope. Boston, 1906. 8°. NEVILL (Lady Dorothy). Reminiscences. Edited by her son Ralph Nevill. London, 1906. 2. ed. 8°. O'CONNELL (Daniel). Early life, and Journal, 1795 to 1802. By Arthur Houston. London, 1906. 8°. POE (Edgar Allan). Life and letters. By James A. Harrison. New York [cop. 1903]. 2 v. 12°. PRINDLE genealogy. Compiled by Franklin C. Prindle. New York, 1906. 8°. ROUSSEAU (Jean Jacques). Jean Jacques Rousseau. A new criticism. By Frederika Macdonald. New York, 1906. 2 v. 8°. SCHOEPFLIN (Johann Daniel). Brieflicher Verkehr mit Gönnern, Freunden und Schülern. Hrsg. von Richard Fester. Tübingen, 1906. 8°. STEPHEN (Leslie). Life and letters. By F. W. Maitland. New York, 1906. 8°. TENNYSON (Alfred). A child's recollections of Tennyson. By Edith Nicholl Ellison. New York, 1906. 12°. WALLACE (Lew). Autobiography. New York, 1906. 2 V. 8°. AMERICA. Boucher (John N.) Westmoreland County, Pa. New York, 1906. 3 v. 4°. Bourgeois (Armand). Benjamin Franklin en France. Paris, 1906. 4°. Bourne (Edward Gaylord). España en America, 1450-1580. Habana, 1906. 8°. Davis (William Thomas). Plymouth memories of an octogenarian. Plymouth, Mass. [1906] 8°. Duke (Basil W.) Morgan's cavalry. New York, 1906. [2. ed.] 8°. Forbes-Lindsay (C. H.) America's insular possessions. Philadelphia, 1906. 2 v. 8°. Panama. Philadelphia, 1906. 12°. Franz (Alexander). Die Kolonisation des Mississippi-tales. Leipzig, 1906. 8°. Fulda (Ludwig). Amerikanische Eindrücke. Stuttgart, 1906. 12°. Geronimo's story of his life. New York, 1906. 12°. Gillespie (C. Bancroft), and GEORGE MUNSON CURTIS. An historic record and pictorial description of the town of Meriden, Connecticut. Meriden, 8°. 1906. 2 v. in I. Hart (Albert Bushnell). Slavery and abolition, 1831-1841. New York, 1906. 8°. Harvey (Mrs. Sarah Van Epps). Jubilee annals of the Lake Superior ship canal. Cleveland, 1906. 8°. Hemans (Lawton T.) History of Michigan. Lansing, 1906. 12°. Hewitt (Randall H.) Across the plains, and over the divide. New York [1906]. 12°. Hosmer (James Kendall). The appeal to arms, 1861-1863. New York, 1907. 8°. Hulbert (Archer Butler). Pilots of the Republic. Chicago, 1906. 8°. 8°. Inquisicion (La) de Mexico. México, 1906. Johnson (Clifton). Highways and byways of the Mississippi Valley. New York, 1906. 8°. Johnson (Willis Fletcher). Four centuries of the Panama Canal. New York, 1906. 8°. Kennedy (James Harrison). History of the Ohio Society of New York. New York, 1906. 4°. King (James L.) History of Shawnee county, Kansas. Chicago, 1905. 4°. Koch-Gruenberg (Theodor). Indianer-typen aus dem Amazonasgebiet. Berlin [1906]. f°. Langford (Nathaniel Pitt). Diary of the Washburn Expedition to the Yellowstone and Firehole rivers in the year 1870. [St. Paul? 1905.] 8°. Mead (Nelson Prentiss). *Connecticut as a corporate colony. Columbia University. Lancaster, 1906. 8°. Meyer (Hans). In den Hoch-Anden von Ecuador. Berlin, 1907. 2 v. 8° and f°. Miller (Daniel). History of the Reformed church in Reading, Pa. Reading, 1905. 12°. Early history of the Reformed Church in Pennsylvania. Reading, 1906. 12°. Miller (Wallace Elden). *The peopling of Kansas. Columbus, 1906. 134 p. 8°. Munson (George Albert). Early years in Smyrna. [Chenango,] 1905. 8°. Munson (John W.) Reminiscences of a Mosby guerilla. New York [1906]. 8°. Norse (The) discovery of America. London, 1906. 8°. Olson (Julius Emil), and E. G. Bourne. The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503. New York, 1906. 8°. Parkhurst (Rev. Charles Henry). A brief history of the Madison Square Presbyterian Church, and its activities. New York, 1906. 8°. Peck (Harry Thurston). Twenty years of the republic, 1885-1905. New York, 1906. 8°. Ravenel (Mrs. [Harriott Horry Rutledge]). Charleston. New York, 1906. 12°. Raymer's dictionary of Spokane. Spokane, 1906. 16°. Schiel (I.) Reise durch die Felsengebirge und die Humboldtgebirge nach dem stillen Ocean. Schaffhausen, 1859. 12°. Smith (Margaret Bayard). The first forty years of Washington society. New York, 1906. 8°. Smith (Richard). A tour of four great rivers. New York, 1906. 4°. Taylor (Walter). General Lee. His campaigns in Virginia, 1861-1865, with personal reminiscences. Norfolk [cop. 1906]. 8°. Torres Lanzas (Pedro), Relación descriptiva de los mapas, planos, etc., del virreinato del Perú (Perú y Chile) existentes en el Archivo General de Indias (Sevilla). Barcelona, 1906. nar. 12°. Tuttle (D. S.) Reminiscences of a missionary bishop. New York [1906]. 8°. Virginia Company. The records of the Virginia Company of London. Washington, 1906. 2 v. 4°. Walker (Alice Morehouse). Historic Hadley. New York [1906]. 12°. Whitcher (William Frederick). Coventry-Benton, New Hampshire. Woodsville, N. H., 1905. 8°. Whittemore (Henry). History of Montclair township, state of New Jersey. New York, 1894. 4°. Young (Filson). Christopher Columbus. London. 2 v. 8°. Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Fürst. Denkwürdigkeiten. Stuttgart, 1907. 2 v. 8°. Hopf (Wilhelm). Die deutsche Krisis des Jahres 1866. Hannover, 1906. 3. ed. 8°. Howard (Burt Estes). The German empire. New York, 1906. 8°. Howells (William Dean). Certain delightful English towns. New York, 1906. 8°. Hutton (Edward). Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, lord of Rimini. London, 1906. 8°. Kovalewsky (Maxime Maksimovich). La crise Russe. Paris, 1906. 12°. Kramar (Karel). Anmerkungen zur böhmischen Politik. Wien, 1906. 8°. Lanciani (Rodolfo). The golden days of the Renaissance in Rome. Boston, 1906. 8°. Lathrop (Elise). Where Shakespeare set his stage. [New York, 1906.] 8°. Lee (Heinrich). Deutsche Städtebilder aus dem Anfange des 20. Jahrhunderts. Berlin [1906], 12°. Lenotre (G.) The flight of Marie Antoinette. London, 1906. 8°. Limanowski (Boleslaw). Stuletnia walka narodu polskiego o niepodleglosc. [History of Poland, 1795-1895.] Lwów, 1906. 12°. Lorin (Henri). La France puissance coloniale. Paris, 1906. 8°. Meakin (Annette M. B.) Russia: travels and studies. London, 1906. 8°. Megyery (Etienne de). Les institutions pénitentiaires de la Hongrie. Budapest, 1905. 8°. O'Brien (William). Recollections. London, 1905. 8°. Perthes (Justus). Taschen-Atlas vom Deutschen Reich. Gotha, 1907. 16°. S. Det nye Norge. Kristiania [1905]. 8°. St. Paul's Church, London. Registers. Ed. by the Rev. William H. Hunt. London, 1906. 2 v. 4°. (Harleian Soc.) Saxo Grammaticus. Danish history. Translated by Oliver Elton. London [1906]. 2 v. 8°. Shearer (John E.) Old maps and map-makers of Scotland. Stirling, 1905. 4°. Sherard (Robert Harborough). Twenty years in Paris. London, 1906. 2. ed. 8°. Somersetshire, England. Pedes finium. By Emanuel Green. Ser. I. London,] 1892–1907. 8°. Stubbs (Charles W.) The story of Cambridge. London, 1905. 16°. Visitation (A) of the County of Kent, begun anno Dni. MDCLXIII, finished anno Dni. MDCLXVIII. Edited by Sir George J. Armytage. London, 1906. 4°. (Harleian Society, Publications. v. 54.) Whitty (Edward Michael). St. Stephen's in the fifties. London, 1906. 8°. Wood (Sir Henry Evelyn). From midshipman to field marshal. London [1906]. 2 v. 3. ed. 4°. Zabel (Eugen). Russische Kulturbilder. Berlin, 1907. 12. Zimmern (Helen). The Italy of the Italians. London, 1906. 12°. AFRICA. Dennett (R. E.) At the back of the black man's mind; or, notes on the kingly office in West Africa. London, 1906. 8°. Handley (Clement). Briton, Boer, and Black. London, 1906. 8°. Lloyd (Albert B.) Uganda to Khartoum. London, 1906. 8°. Lorimer (Norma). By the waters of Carthage. London, 1906. 8°. Pier (Garrett Chatfield). Egyptian antiquities in the Pier collection. Pt. 1. Chicago, 1906. sq. 4°. Paasche (Hermann). Deutsch- Ostafrika. Berlin, 1906. 8°. Rouget (Fernand). L'expansion coloniale au Congo Français. Paris, 1906. 4°. ASIA, AUSTRALIA, AND PACIFIC ISLANDS. 8°. Doflein (Franz). Ostasienfahrt. Leipzig, 1906. Filchner (Wilhelm). Das Rätsel des Matschu. Meine Tibet-Expedition. Berlin, 1907. 8°. Foster (William). The English factories in India, 1618-1621. Oxford, 1906. 8°. Gaisman (Albert). L'oeuvre de la France au Tonkin. Paris, 1906. 8°. Kennedy (Pringle). A history of the great Moghuls. Calcutta, 1905. v. I. 8°. Krämer (Augustin). Hawaii, Ostmikronesien und Samoa. Stuttgart, 1906. 8°. Loti (Pierre). India. London [1906]. 8°. Ollone (H. d'). La Chine novatrice et guer rière. Paris, 1906. 12°. Salesius, Pater. Die Karolinen-Insel Jap. Berlin [1906]. 8°. Sherring (Charles A.) Western Tibet and the British Borderland. London, 1906. 8°. Swettenham (Sir Frank). British Malaya. London, 1907. 8°. Thomas (N. W.) Natives of Australia. London, 1906. 8°. Thurston (Edgar). Ethnographic notes in southern India. Madras, 1906. 8°. Winckler (Hugo). Auszug aus der Vorderasiatischen Geschichte. Leipzig, 1905. 8°. Titian. Il trionfo della fede. Holzschnittfolge nach Tizians Zeichnung, hrsg. von Paul Kristeller. Berlin [1906]. ob. fo. Triggs (Harry Inigo). The art of garden design in Italy. London, 1906. f°. Walters (Henry Beauchamp). The art of the Greeks. London, 1906. 4°. Weddigen (Otto). Geschichte der Theater Deutschlands. Berlin [1906]. 2 v. 4°. Wyndham (Henry Saxe). The annals of Covent Garden Theatre, from 1732 to 1897. London, 1906. 2 v. 8°. MUSIC. Dry (Wakeling). Giacomo Puccini. London, 1906. 12°. Evans (Edwin). Tchaikovsky. London, 1906. 12°. Indy (Vincent d'). César Franck. Paris, 1907. 2. ed. 8°. Lewis (Mary E.) The ethics of Wagner's The ring of the Nibelung. New York, 1906. 8°. Molitor (Raphael). Deutsche Choral-Wiegendrucke. Regensburg, 1904. fo. Reinecke (W.) Die Kunst der idealen Tonbildung. Leipzig, 1906. 8°. Valentin (Caroline). Geschichte der Musik in Frankfurt a. M. Frankfurt a M., 1906. 8°. Weber (H.) A text-book for the study of harmony. New York [1906]. 8°. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. Arthurian (The) tales... edited from the text of the edition of 1634... by Ernest Rhys. London, 1906. 8°. Barrie (J. M.) Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. New York, 1906. 4°. Cestre (Charles) La révolution française et les poètes anglais (1789-1809). Paris, 1906. 8°. Gregory (Lady Augusta). A book of saints and wonders. Dundrum, 1906. 8°. Holliday (Carl). A history of southern literature. New York, 1906. 8°. Housman (A. E.) A Shropshire lad. London, 1906. 16°. Hull (Eleanor). A text book of Irish literature. Part I, Dublin, 1906. 12°. Kipling (Rudyard). Puck of Pook's Hill, New York, 1906. 8°. Kobbé (Gustav). My rosary, and other poems. New York, 1896. 12°. Lamb (Charles). Letters. Boston: The Bibliophile Soc., 1905. f°. Lounsbery (Grace Constant). Love's testament. A sonnet sequence. London, 1906. 12°. Lounsbury (Thomas R[aynesford]). The text of Shakespeare. New York, 1906. 8°. Lydgate (John). A lytell treatyse of the horse, the sheep and the ghoos. Printed at Westminster by Wynkyn de Worde about 1499. Cambridge, 1906. 14 1., I pl. 4°. Macculloch (J. A.) The childhood of fiction: a study of folk tales and primitive thought. London, 1905. 8°. Mackaye (Percy). Jeanne d'Arc. New York, 1906. 12°. Macleod (Fiona), pseud. of WILliam Sharp. Where the forest murmurs. Nature essays. New York, 1906. 8°. Mifflin (Lloyd). My lady of dream. [Poems.] London, 1906. 8°. Noyes (Alfred). Drake: an English epic Book. Edinburgh, 1906. 12°. Poems. New York, 1906. 12°. Oberholtzer (Ellis Paxson). The literary history of Philadelphia. Philadelphia [1906]. 8°. Ormerod (Oliver). The writings of Oliver Ormerod. With a memoir of the author, by Hy. Colley March. Rochdale, 1901. 12°. Page (Thomas Nelson). The coast of Bohemia. [Poems.] New York, 1906. 12°. Reeve (James Knapp), Practical authorship. New York City [cop. 1905]. 8°. Root (Robert Kilburn). The Poetry of Chaucer. Boston, 1906. 12°. Schofield (William Henry). English literature from the Norman Conquest to Chaucer. New Yorh, 1906. 12°. Sheehan (Patrick A.) Early essays and lectures. London, 1906. 8°. Sherman (Frank Dempster), and C. SCOLLArd. A southern flight. Clinton, N. Y., 1905. 8°. Sinton (Rev. Thomas). The poetry of Badenoch. Inverness, 1906. 8°. Stevens (Bertram). An anthology of Australian verse. Sydney, 1906. 16°. Stickney (Joseph Trumbull). Poems. Boston, 1905. 12°. Stokes' encyclopedia of familiar quotations. New York, 1906. 8°. Symons (Arthur). The fool of the world and other poems. London, 1906. 8°. Torrey (Bradford). Friends on the shelf. Boston, 1906. 12°. Dasent (Sir George Webbe). Popular tales from the Norse and North German. London, 1906. 8°. Eddas. The Elder Eddas, of Saemund Sigfusson. Translated from the original old Norse text into English by Benjamin Thorpe. And the younger Eddas of Snorre Sturleson, translated from the original old Norse text into English by I. A. Blackwell. London, 1906. 8°. Etcheberri (Joannes d'). Obras Vascongadas. Paris, 1907. 4°. Fronto (Marcus Cornelius). M. Cornelii Frontonis aliorvmqve reliqviæ qvæ codice Vaticano 5750 rescriptio continentvr. Mediolani, 1906. fo. Gardner (Edmund G.) The king of court poets. A study of the work, life and times of Lodovico Ariosto. London, 1906. 8°. Génella (Raoul), and others. Anthologie algérienne. Alger, 1906. 16°. Giraud (Victor). Livres et questions d'aujourd'hui. Paris, 1907. 12°. Helm (Rudolf). Lucian und Menipp. Leipzig, 1906. 8°. Ilg (Bertha). Maltesische Märchen und Schwänke. Leipzig, 1906. 2 v. 8°. Karásek (Josef). Slavische Literaturgeschichte. Leipzig, 1906. 2 v. 24°. La Chesnay (Jehan de). Proverbes Vendéens. Paris, 1906. 4°. Lucilius (Caius). C. Lucilii Carminum reliquiæ, recensuit enarrauit Fridericus Marx. Lipsia, 1905. 2 v. 8°. Njals saga. The story of Burnt Njal. London, 1906. 8° Volsunga saga. Translated from the Icelandic by Eirikr Magnusson and William M. Morris. London, 1906. 8°. Wagner (Wilhelm). Romances and epics of our northern ancestors. London, 1906. 8°. MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES. Andoyer (H.) Cours d'astronomie. Pt. I. Paris, 1906. 4°. Armitage (P.) A history of chemistry. London, 1906. 12°. Gehrcke (Ernst). Die Anwendung der Interferenzen in der Spektroskopie und Metrologie. Braunschweig, 1906. 8°. Gibbs (Josiah Willard). The scientific papers of J. Willard Gibbs. London, 1906. 2 v. port. 8°. Maillet (Edmond). Introduction à la théorie des nombres transcendants et des propriétés arithmétiques des fonctions. Paris, 1906. 8°. Lanner (Alois). Neuere Darstellungen der Grundprobleme der reinen Mathematik im Bereiche der Mittelschule. Berlin, 1907. 8°. Nielsen (Niels). Theorie des Integrallogarithmus und verwandter Transzendenten. Leipzig, 1906. 8°. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. Coupin (H.), and JOHN LEA. The romance of animal arts & crafts. Philadelphia, 1907. 12°. Hertwig (Oscar). Die Elemente der Entwicklungslehre des Menschen und der Wirbeltiere. Jena, 1907. 3. ed. 8°. Le Double (Anatole F.) Traité des variations des os de la face de l'homme et de leur signification au point de vue de l'anthropologie zoologique. Paris, 1906. 8°. Lusk (Graham). The elements of the science of nutrition. Philadelphia, 1906. 8°. Prinzing (Friedrich). Handbuch der medizinischen Statistik. Jena, 1906. 8°. Sollers (William). A handbook of legal medicine intended for the use of the legal profession. Manchester, 1906. 12°. |