Imágenes de páginas
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Among the gifts received during the month may be mentioned those from: Francis R. Abbott, "Studies in plant and organic chemistry," by Helen Abbott Michael, with biographical sketch, Cambridge, 1907; from the city of Bergen, 12 volumes, city documents; from Charles Edward Cheney, a copy of his "The second Norman conquest," Chicago, 1907; from the East Africa Protectorate, a copy of the "Handbook for East Africa, Uganda and Zanzibar," 1907; from John Henry Hill, 9 prints, including 6 etchings and 2 mezzotints by himself; from Herman Hollerith, a collection of reports, 95 volumes and 35 pamphlets, relating to the first general census of the population of Russia, 1897; from the Secretary of State, Iowa, 15 volumes and 2 pamphlets, Iowa documents; from Hall N. Jackson, 18 volumes, the Cincinnati Weekly Times, and the Weekly Star; from the Central Committee of the Jewish Colonization Association, St. Petersburg, 4 volumes, 24 pamphlets, and a number of broadsides, including the reports of the committee, pamphlets in the Russian and Hebrew languages relating to emigration, etc.; from Dr. George Wilds Linn, a copy of his "History of a fragment of the Clan Linn," 1907; from Prof. Diocleziano Mancini, his translation of "Dal Canzoniere di Béranger," Terni, 1907; from L. N. Mandelstein, 110 volumes in Russian, Hebrew, and German; from A. R. Mander, 3 volumes and 3 pamphlets, theosophical works; from Prof. D. Panajotov, 7 pamphlets, including "Kniga o Yevreyima... par S. A.”; from David C. Preyer, a copy of "Whistler, notes and footnotes and other memoranda," by A. E. Gallatin, New York, 1907; from J. D. Smillie, 131 engravings by R. Hinshelwood, comprising 136 plates; from J. W. Smith, 4 volumes of "The Mentor, a magazine relating to the blind; and from Sir Charles E. Howard Vincent, a copy of his "The police code and general manual of the criminal law," 14th ed., London, 1907.

Picture bulletins and temporary collections of books on special shelves at the circulation branches were as follows: EAST BROADWAY, Birthdays of celebrated men and women, Edward Everett Hale, Out of door books, Washington Irving; RIVINGTON STREET, Cuba; BOND STREET, Flowers, Polarized light, Mediæval Japan, Picturesque New Zealand, American composers, Wireless telegraphy; HUDSON PARK, City of Washington, Cowboy life, Southern California, Home Culture, Indians; OTTENDORFER, Japan, Wild animals of Africa; TOMPKINS SQUARE, Gardening, House and home; MUHLENBERG, Bismarck, Gladstone, Modern Government, Song and song writers; 34TH STREET, Geography of North America; GEORGE BRUCE, Old time gardens; SACRED HEART, Shakespeare; 67TH STREET, Gardeners' books; Riverside, Country homes, Play hour, Telephone and engineering; YORKVILLE, First aid to injured, Nature stories; ST. AGNES, Sea tales, Famous pictures, Peace conference; 96TH STREET, Printing, Ancient Egypt, Trial by jury, Great Charter, Wallace and Bruce, Hundred years' war, Chaucer and Caxton, Discovery of Gold in California and Alaska, New York State Government, Causes of American Revolution, Japan, Robert E. Lee, Debtors' prisons; BLOOMINGDALE, Candy country, Birds' nests, Celebrated paintings; AGUILAR, Porto Rico, The Bermudas, Jamaica, Colorado, Austrian Tyrol, Turkey, Cuba, Chili, Peru, Antarctic region, Consumption; 125TH STREET, West Indies, Concord and Lexington, Gardening, Surveying; 135TH STREET, Nature study, School stories; MOTT HAVEN, Benjamin Franklin; TREMONT, Ancient Egypt, Pyramids, Animals of Africa, Bird notes, Edgar Allan Poe, Gardening,

History of settlement work, Japan, New York Aquarium, Suez Canal, The coming people; PORT RICHMOND, Books for girls, Outdoors in April; TOTTENVILLE, The garden.

In addition there were bulletins on Arbor Day at eleven branches, on Spring at seven branches, on Jamestown Exposition at seven branches, on new books at seven branches, on birds at three branches, on Panama Canal at two branches, and on astronomy at two branches.

At the LENOX Branch, the exhibition of American engravings was continued. The exhibition of etchings by the late Dr. L. M. Yale was open until the 13th April, and was replaced on the 15th by an exhibition of bookplates and other engravings by the late E. D. French.

At the ASTOR Branch, Martin's "Oriental carpets" remained on view during the month. On the 6th of April Champier's "Les anciens almanachs de Paris " were replaced by a collection of American etchings, lithographs and engravings, and by Robert Shaw's Etchings of historic spots.

The new building for the 59TH STREET Branch of the library (henceforth to be called the 58TH STREET Branch) was formally opened on Friday, May 10, at 4.30 P. M. This building, which is situated at 121 East 58th Street, is noteworthy for the width of its front-65 feet-and the fact that it has separate entrances for children and adults. The branch occupying this building was formerly one of the branches of the Aguilar Free Library, and from February, 1898, until its consolidation with the New York Public Library on March 1, 1903, it served also as the headquarters of the Aguilar Library. At the opening exercises the City was represented by the Hon. Patrick F. McGowan, President of the Board of Aldermen, and the trustees by Dr. Billings, Director of the library.

Music was furnished by the Palley String Quartet, and by Mrs. Speke-Seeley.


Order of Arrangement:




Aubry (Pierre). Esquisse d'une bibliographie de la chanson populaire en Europe. Paris: A. Record & Fils, 1905. 37 p., I l. 4°. (Ess ais de musicologie comparée.)

Esquisse d'une bibliographie de la chanson populaire hors de France. (La Revue musicale, v. 5, no. 5, pp. 131-142. Paris, 1905.)

Crawford (26. earl) and BALCARRES (9. earl), JAMES LODOVIC LINDSAY. Early bindings, broadsides, proclamations and ballads, exhibited by the Earl of Crawford at the soirée of the Society of Antiquaries, 23d June, 1886. [London, 1886.] 2 p.l., 3-8 p. 12°.

Engel (Karl). The literature of national music. London: Novello, Ewer & Co., 1879. 3 p.l., 108 p. 8°.

Harvard University Library. Catalogue of English and American chap-books and broadside ballads in Harvard College Library. Cambridge: Library of Harvard University, 1905. Miller (George Morey). Bibliography. (In his: The dramatic element in the popular ballad. Cincinnati, O., 1905. 8°. p. 57-59.)

Newton (T. U.) Catalogue of old ballads in the possession of Frederic Ouvry. London, 1877.


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Eschelbach (Hans). Rettet das Volkslied. Titelillustration von Aloys Sieberath. Berlin: Ball & Pickardt, 1901. 30 p. 8°.

Fitz-gerald (S. J. A.) Stories of famous songs. London: J. C. Nimmo, 1898. xviii, 426 p. 8°.

Folk Song Society. Annual report. June, 1905. London, 1905. 12°.

Journal, v. 1-date. (1899-date.) [London, 1899-date.] 8°.

Gummere (F. B.) Primitive poetry and the ballad. (Modern Philol. V. I, pp. 193-202. Chicago, 1903.)

Kahle (B.) Über einige Volkslied varianten. (Allemannia. n. s. v. 6 (v. 23), pp. 49-56. Freiburg, 1905.)

Kastner (Jean Georges). Les Sirènes; essai sur les principaux mythes relatifs à l'incantation, les enchanteurs, la musique magique, le chant du Cygne, etc...suivi de Le rêve d'Oswald; ou, Les sirènes, grande symphonie dramatique vocale et instrumentale. [Paroles de F. Maillan. Partition.] Paris: G. Brandus, 1858. 2 p.l., vii, 164 p., 207 p. of music, 12 pl. f°.

Krehbiel (Henry Edward). Folk-music studies. Music of the Orient. Ancient theories and modern practices in Hindostan, Egypt, Turkey, Persia and Greece... The bibliography of the subject. 4 l. 4°.

Clipping from the New York Daily Tribune of Sunday, Aug. 13, 1899.

Musical literature. National and Folkmusic. An outline of study... Bibliography. 5 1. 4°.

Clipping from the New York Daily Tribune of Sunday, July 2, 1899. Musical matters. Work for musical and literary clubs. The Tribune's suggestions for a course of study. [National and Folk-music.] 41. 4°.

Clipping from the New York Daily Tribune of Sunday, June 4, 1899.

Lacombe (Louis). Naissance et développement des chants populaires. (Revue internationale de musique. No. 10, p. 601-611. Paris, 1898.) Lang (Andrew). Notes on ballad origins. (Folk-Lore. v. 14, pp.147-161. London, 1902.) Martiengo-Cesaresco (Countess E.) Essays in the study of folk-songs. London: G. Redway, 1886. xl, 395 p. 12°.

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Niecks (Frederick). Edward Grieg, the Norwegian composer, a critical study preceded by a short chapter on Folk-music and nationality, considered in their relations to art-music. (Monthly musical record. v. 3, pp. 98, 113, 129. London, 1879.)

Ritter (Herman). Ueber Volksmusik und Volksgesang in alter und neuer Zeit. (Die Musik. 3. Jahr., I., Heft 4., pp. 258-268. Berlin, 1903.) Root (Frederick W.) Folk-music. I port. (Arch. Internat. Folk-Lore Assoc. Chicago, 1898. 8°. v. 1, Cong. World's Col. Exposition, pp. 424437.) Salmon (Arthur L.) Some further folkrhymes. (Gentleman's Maga. v. 290, pp. 614620. London, 1901.)

Volk-songs translated from the Acta comparationis litterarum universarum [compiled by Dr. Hugo von Meltzel] by Henry Phillips jr. Philadelphia, 1885. 37 p.


Wheeler (Edith). My experience of folk-song collecting. (Donahoe's Maga. v. 52, pp. 448-454. Boston, 1904.)

White (R. G.) National hymns; how they are written, and how they are not written: a lyric and national study for the times. New York: Rudd & Carleton, 1861. X, 11-152 pp. 8°.

Wolf (Ferdinand). Ueber die Lais, Sequenzen und Leiche. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der rhytmischen Formen und Singweisen der Volkslieder und der volksmässigen Kirchen- und Kunstlieder im Mittelalter. Heidelberg: C. F. Winter, 1841. 2 p.l., vii-xvi, 514 p., 1 l., 8 facsim., 28 p. of music. 8°.


Alpine (The) gleesinger: a complete collection of secular and social music, arranged in four vocal parts...with a full course of vocal exercises for the cultivation of the voice, and for improvement in musical notation. By W. B. Bradbury. New York: M. H. Neuman & Co., 1850. 304 p. obl. 12°.

Berggreen (Andreas Peter). Folke-Sange og Melodier, Fadrelandske og fremmede, samlede og udsatte for Pianoforte. Kjöbenhavn, 1869-71. II V. in 5. obl. 8°.

Damrosch (Frank). Folk-songs and part-songs, with preparatory exercises for choral classes. New York: G. Schirmer, cop. 1896. xv, 80 p. 8°.

Elson (Louis Charles). Folk songs of many nations. Collected and edited, with preface and annotations by L. C. Elson. New York: John Church Co. [1905] I p.l., 171 p. 4°.

Gautier (Judith). Les musiques bizarres à l'exposition de 1900. Transcrites par Benedictus. Paris: Soc.d'Editions littéraires et artistiques, 1900. 5 pms. 8°.

Les Chants de Madagascar; Danse javanaise, Danse du Diable; La musique egyptienne; La musique indo-chinoise; La musique japonaise.


Gervinus (Victoria). Volksliederbuch. Volkslieder... [of many nations], mit deutschen Text und Klavierbegleitung zusammengestellt von V. G. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel [1896?] 3 p.l., 96 p. 4°.

Israel (Karl). Sammlung von deutschen, schwedischen, bretonischen, portugiesischen, ungarischen, und anderen Nationalmelodien für Clavier bearbeitet von K. I. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel [18-]. 2 Hefte. f°.

Kappey (J. A.) Songs of Eastern Europe. A collection of 100 Volkslieder of Austria, Bohemia, Hungary...and other countries, with English words by C. Kappey, edited by J. A. Kappey. London: Boosey & Co. [189-?] 2 p.l., 190 p. 4°. (Royal edition.)

Macgregor (John). Eastern music: twenty melodies from the Egyptian, Greek, Jewish, Syrian, Turkish and Arabic, for the voice, dulcimer, and drum, with pianoforte accompaniments. London: J. A. Novello [18-]. 34 p., 7 pl. 8°.

Rebbeling (L.) Volkslieder-Album. 100 beliebte Volkslieder für das Pianoforte uebertragen von L. Rebbeling. Braunschweig: H. Litolff [183-?]. 50 p. f. (Collection Litolff. v. 443.) Reiman (Heinrich). Internationales Volksliederbuch. Eine Sammlung ausländischer Volkslieder bearb. und hrsg. von H. Reiman. Berlin: N. Simrock [pref. 1893]. Bd. 1-3. 4°.

Schumann (Robert Alexander). Album for young Robert Schumann. Op. 68. London: Novello, Ewer & Co. [18-] 1 p.1., 76 p. 4°.

Contains also his: "Kinderscenen," as Nos. 44-56.

Sousa (John Philip). National, patriotic, and typical airs of all lands, with copious notes. 283 p. Philadelphia: H. Coleman [cop. 1890]. f°.

Stevenson (Sir John Andrew). A selection of popular national airs, with symphonies and accompaniments. The words by T. Moore. London: J. Power, 1818. 5 p.l., 116 p. fo.

Unsere Lieblinge. Die schönsten Melodien alter und neuer Zeit in leichter Bearbeitung für das Pianoforte. Mit einem Vorworte von Karl Reinecke.

Heft 1. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel [18-]. 2 p.l., 41 p. f°.

Zürich.- Zürcherische Schulsynode. Sammlung von Volksgesängen für den Männerchor. Herausgegeben von einer Commission der Zürcherischen Schulsynode. Zürich: Zürcher und Furrer [18—]. 335 p. 4. ed. 16°.

Words and music.

REGIONAL. Abyssinian.

Rossini (Carlo Conti). Conti popolari tigrai. (Ztsch. f. Assyriologie. v. 17, pp. 23-52; v. 18, pp. 320-386. Strassburg, 1903-05.)


Chants populaires des Afghans, recueillis par James Darmesteter. Paris: Imp. Nationale, 188890. 3 p.l., XII, CCXVIII, I 1., 299, 228 p., 2 l. 8°. (Société asiatique. Collection d'ouvrages orientaux. 2. ser.)


See Abyssinian, Arabic, Negro, Tuareg.

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