Imágenes de páginas

vorgeschichtlichen Menschen in Europa und Asien. Mit... Tafeln und Textabbildungen. Stuttgart: Strecker & Schröder, 1907. xv (1), I l., (1), 4-198 P., 9 pl. illus. 8°.

Ibn Jubair (Muhammad ibn Ahmad). Ibn Gubayr (Ibn Giobeir) viaggio in Ispagna, Sicilia, Siria e Palestina, Mesopotamia, Arabia, Egitto, compiuto nel secolo xii. Prima traduzione, fatta sull' originale arabo da Celestino Schiaparelli. Roma: Casa Editrice Italiana, 1906. xxvii, 412 p. 8°.

Picot (Georges Marie René). Notices historiques. Paris: Librairie Hachette et Cie., 1907. 2 v. 8°. (Études d'histoire contemporaine.)

Santarem (Manoel Francisco de Barros y Souza de), visconde. Algumas cartas ineditas do visconde de Santarem, com uma introducção e notas por Vicente Almeida d'Eça. Lisboa: Typographia Universal, 1906. 123 p., 2 l. 8°. (Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa.)

Originally published in the "Boletim da Sociedade Geographia de Lisboa.

Spilbergen (Joris van), and J. LE MAIRE. The East and West Indian mirror, being an account of Joris van Speilbergen's voyage round the world (1614-1617), and the Australian navigations of Jacob Le Maire. Translated, with notes and introduction, by J. A. J. de Villiers. London: The Hakluyt Society, 1906. lxi, 3 l., 272, 40 p., facsim., 3 maps, 24 pl., I port. 8°. (Hakluyt Soc. Works issued by the Society. Ser. 2., no. 18.)

Voyage (The) of the "Scotia." Being the record of a voyage of exploration in Antarctic seas. By three of the staff. [i. e. R. N. Rudmose Brown, R. C. Mossman, and J. H. Harvey Pirie.] Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1906. xxiv, 375 P., 3 maps, 59 pl. 8°.


Baldwin (Jeduthan). The revolutionary journal of Col. Jeduthan Baldwin, 1775-1778. Edited, with a memoir and notes, by Thomas Williams Baldwin. Bangor: Printed for the De Burians, 1906. xiii, 164 p., 1 l., 3 fac-sim., 2 pl. sq. 8°. Baumgartner (Andreas). Erinnerungen aus Amerika. Zürich: O. Füssli [1906 ?]. 221 p., I l. illus. 12°.

Meany (Edmond S.) Vancouver's discovery of Puget Sound. Portraits and biographies of the men honored in the naming of geographic features of Northwestern America. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1907. xvii, 344 P., I chart, 3 maps, 13 pl., 23 port. 8°.

Winborne (Benjamin Brodie). The colonial and state political history of Hertford County, N. C. Murfreesboro, N. C.: Edwards & Broughton, 1906. 3 p.l. (1), 6-348 p., 4 pl., 16 ports. 8°.


Aulard (Alphonse). Études et leçons sur la Révolution Français. Paris: Félix Alcan, 1907. 2 p. l., 308 p. 12. (Bibliothèque d'histoire contemporaine. Série 5.)

Barker (J. Ellis), pseud. of O. ELTZBACHER. The rise and decline of the Netherlands. A political and economic history and a study in practical

statesmanship. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1906. xiv, 478 p. 8°.

Delbrueck (Johann Friedrich Gottfried). Die Jugend des Königs Friedrich Wilhelm IV. von Preussen und des Kaisers und Könige Wilhelm I. Tagebuch-blätter ihres Erziehers F. Delbrück (1800-1809) mitgeteilt von... Georg Schuster. Teil 1. Berlin: A. Hoffman & Comp., 1907. illus. 8°. (Monumenta Germaniæ pædagogica. Schulordnungen, v. 36.)

Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen (Kraft Karl August Eduard Friedrich zu), Prinz. Aus meinem Leben. Aufzeichnungen des Prinzen Kraft zu Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen. [Edited by Arved v. Teichman und Logischen.] Berlin: E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1897-1907. 4 v. 8°.

Séménoff (E.) The Russian government and the massacres. A page of the Russian counterrevolution... [Translated] from the French with an introduction by Lucien Wolf. London: John Murray, 1907. xxxvi, 265 p., 1 l. 12°.


Bernard (Augustin), and N. LACROIX. L'évolution du nomadisme en Algérie. Ouvrage publié sous les auspices de M. C. Jonnart, gouverneur général de l'Algérie. Alger: Adolphe Jourdan, 1906. 4 p.l., xiii, 341 (1) p., I map. 4°.

Demontès (V.) Le peuple algérien. Essais de démographie algérienne. Alger: Imprimerie Algérienne, 1906. 619 p., I map, 6 tab. 8°. (Algeria.)

Schiff Collection.

Frenssen (Gustav). Peter Moors Fahrt nach Südwest. Ein Feldzugsbericht. Berlin: G. Grote, 1906. 4 p.l., 210 p. 12°. (Grote'sche Sammlung von Werken zeitgenössischer Schriftsteller. B. 89.)

Le Grand (J.) *La liberté de commerce dans le Bassin Conventionnel du Congo. Paris: A. Leclerc, 1906. 2 p.l., 176 p. 8°. (Université de Paris. Faculté de droit.)

Maclean ( ), colonel. A compendium of Kafir laws and customs, including genealogical tables of Kafir chiefs and various tribal census returns. Compiled by direction of Colonel Maclean. Grahamstown [Cape Colony]: J. Slater, 1906. viii, 171 p., I l., 3 tab. 12°.

Minguez y Vicente (Manuel). Descripcion geografica del Imperio de Marruecos (Mogreb el Aksa). Madrid: R. Fé, 1906. 146 p., 1 l. 12°.

Mountmorres (6. viscount), WILLIAM GEOFFREY BOUCHARD DE MONTMORENCY. The Congo Independent State. A report on a voyage of enquiry. London: Williams & Norgate, 1906. 166 P., 21 pl. 8°.

Schwabe (K.) Der Krieg in Deutsch-Südwestafrika 1904-1906. Berlin: C. A. Weller, 1907. v (1), I l., 440 p., 4 l., 1 map., 16 pl. 8°.


Aria (Mrs. E.) Costume: fanciful, historical and theatrical. Compiled by Mrs. Aria, illustrated by Percy Anderson. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1906. xiii, 259 p., 14 pl., I port. 8°.

Cary (Elisabeth Luther). The works of James McNeill Whistler. A study... With a tentative

list of the artist's works. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1907. 8 p.l., (1) 4-302 p., 21 pl., 10 port. 4°.

G[allatin] (A. E.) Whistler: notes and footnotes and other memoranda. By A. E. G. [i. e., A. E. Gallatin.] New York: The Collector and Art Critic Co., 1907. 96 p. illus. 8°.

Sturgis (Russell). A history of architecture. V. I. New York: the Baker & Taylor Co. [cop. 1906.]

Zambaur (Eduard von). Kollektion Ernst Prinz zu Windisch-Grätz. [Bd. 7.] Wien: Mechitharisten Buchdruckerei, 1906. 8°.


Andersch Brothers. Hunter's and trapper's guide illustrating the fur bearing animals of North America, the skins of which have a market value. Minneapolis, Minn.: Andersch Bros., 1906. 431 P., 31. illus. 2. ed. 8°.

Book (The) of sports and pastimes: home pets, hobbies, and many other interesting recreations for young people. Edited by J. K. Benson. With 347 illustrations. London: C. A. Pearson, Ltd., 1907. vii, 344 P. 8°.

Grandière (Maurice). How to fence: a new and original treatise on the art of the as studied and practised in France. Walter Scott Publishing Co., 1906. 15 pl. 12°.

foil and épée London: The xvii, 121 p.,

Hanks (Charles Stedman). Camp kits and camp life. By Charles Stedman Hanks, "Niblick." New York C. Scribner's Sons, 1906. 2 p.l., ix-xii, 1 l., 259 p., I pl. illus. nar. 8°.

Roosevelt (Theodore). Jägerfreuden [übersetzt von Max Kullnick]. Berlin: P. Parey, 1907. xii, 347 (1) p., 47 pl., I port. 8°.


Edge (John H.) An Irish Utopia: a story of a phase of the land problem. Dublin: Hodges, Figges&Co., Ltd. [1906] viii, 296 p., I pl. 12°.

Farrer (James Anson). Literary forgeries by J. A. Farrer, with introduction by Andrew Lang. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1907. xxvi, 282 p. 8°.

Henryson (Robert). The poems of Robert Henryson, edit. by G. Gregory Smith. v. 2. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1906. (Scottish Text Society. [Pub.] v. 55.)

Shaler (Nathaniel Southgate). From old fields. Poems of the Civil War. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1906. x, 1 l., 308 p., 1 l. 8°.


Boer (R. C.) Untersuchungen über den Ursprung und die Entwicklung der Nibelungensage. Halle a S.:Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1906. 2 v. in I. 8°.

Chauveron (Edmond de). *La Comédie Française devant les tribunaux. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1906. 2 p.l., 415 (1) p. 4°. (Université de Paris. -Faculté de Droit.)

Flowers of France. the Renaissance period: from Ronsard to St. Amant: representative poems

of the sixteenth century: rendered into English verse: in accordance with the original forms: by John Payne: in one vol. London: The Villon Soc., 1907. viii, 246 p., 1 l. 8°.

Jegerlehner (J.) Was die Sennen erzählen. Märchen und Sagen aus dem Wallis. Aus dem Volksmunde gesammelt. Bern: A. Francke, 1907. viii, 221 p. 12°.

Weber (Otto). Die Literatur der Babylonier und Assyrer. Ein Überblick von O. Weber. Mit I Schrifttafel... [etc.] Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1907. xvi, 312 p. 8°. (Der Alte Orient... Ergänzungband 2.)


Benischke (Gustav). Die wissenschaftlichten Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik. Berlin: Julius Springer, 1907. xiv, 1 l., 580 p. 2. ed. illus. 8°.

Kunz (Jacob). Theoretische Physik auf me. chanischer Grundlage. Mit 291 in den Text gedruckten Abbildungen. Stuttgart: F. Enke, 1907. X, 499 p. 8°.

Pattison Muir (Matthew Moncrieff). A history of chemical theories and laws. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1907. xx, 555 p. 8°

Snyder (Carl). The world machine; the first phase, The cosmic mechanism. London : Longmans, Green & Co., 1907. xvi, 488 p. 8°.


Arkwright (William). The pointer and his predecessors. An illustrated history of the pointing dog from the earliest times. London: A. L. Humphreys, 1906. xiii, 274 p., 1 l., 22 pl. 8°.

Ditmars (Raymond Lee). The reptile book. A comprehensive, popularised work on the structure and habits of the turtles, tortoises, crocodilians, lizards and snakes, which inhabit the United States and Northern Mexico. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1907. xxxii, 472 p., 136 pl. 4°.


Gorjanovic-Kramberger (Karl). Der diluviale Mensch von Krapina in Kroatien. Beitrag zur Paläoanthropologie. Wiesbaden: C. W. Kreidel, 1906. xi, 59-277 p., 15 l., 14 pl. fo. (Studien über die Entwickelungsmechanik des Primatenskelettes. Lief. 2.)

Headley (Frederick Webb). Life and evolu tion. London: Duckworth & Co., 1906. xvi, 272 P., 75 pl. 8°.

Starke (J.) Alcohol. The sanction for its use scientifically established and popularly expounded by a physiologist. Translated from the German. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1907. 317 p. 8°.



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Paysans et Paris: A. Colin,

Avenel (Georges d'), vicomte. ouvriers depuis sept cents ans. 1904. xvi, 391 p. 2. ed. 12°. Faguet (Emile). Le socialisme en 1907. Paris: Société Française d'Impr. et de Librairie, 1907. 2 p.l., 372 p., 1 l. 12°.

Freudenthal (Berthold). Amerikanische Kriminalpolitik. Öffentlicher 8 September, 1906, gehalten. Berlin: I. Guttentag, 1907. 23 p. 8°.

Gannett (Henry). Statistical abstract of the world. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1907. viii, 84 p. 16°.


Bevier (Isabel), and SUSANNAH USHER. The home economics movement. Pt. 1. Boston: Whitcomb & Barrows, 1906. 67 p. 8°.

Borosini von Hohenstern (Viktor), Ritter. Wirtschaftliche Zustände im Mesabi-Gebiet in Minnesota unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Stadt Eveleth und der Bergarbeiter. Berlin: Puttkammer & Mühlbrecht, 1906. 143 (1) p. 8°.

Brooks (Howard Keyes). Brooks' foreign exchange text book. An elementary treatise on foreign exchange and the monetary systems of the world. Chicago: H. K. Brooks, 1906. 3 p.l., 239 p., I port. 8°.

Hughes (John). Liverpool banks and bankers, 1760-1837: a history of the circumstances which gave rise to the industry, and of the men who

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Card (Fred W.) Farm management, including business accounts, suggestions for watching markets...etc. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1907. xiii, 270 p., 63 pl. 8°. (The Farm Library.) Carlier de Lantsheere (A.) Les dentelles à la main. Dentelles aux fuseaux-dentelles à l'aiguille dentelles à points mélangés. 135 planches accompagnées de légendes et... descriptions... Pub lié sous le patronage du Gouvernement Belge. Paris: A. Calavas [1906]. 23 1., 135 pl. fo.


Meyer (Alfred Gotthold). Eisenbauten. Geschichte und Aesthetik. Nach des Verfassers Tode zu Ende geführt von Wilhelm Freiherr von Tettau, mit einem Geleitwort von... Julius Lessing. 93 Abbildungen im Text... [etc.] Esslingen a. N.: P. Neff Verlag, 1907. 6 p.l., 191 p., 27 pl. 4°.

Souvestre (Pierre). Histoire de l'automobile. Paris: H. Dunod & E. Pinat, 1907. 2 p.l., Soo p. illus. 4°.

Stockert (Ludwig von). Bau und Einrichtung der Lokomotive. Wien: K. Graeser & Kie, 1907. viii, 231 (1) p., 4 pl. illus. 4°.

Swannell (Miss M.) Rafia work. London: George Philip & Son [190-?]. 48 p. sq. 8.

Van Deusen (Clinton Sheldon). Beginning woodwork at home and in school... Illustrated by Edwin Victor Lawrence. Peoria, Ill.: The Manual Press [1907]. 99 p. ob. 16°.

Vernon-Harcourt (Leveson Francis). Sanitary engineering, with respect to water-supply and sewage disposal. With...illustrations. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1907. xxi (1), 419 (1) p. illus. 8°. (Longmans' civil engineering series.)

Whitman (Roger B.) The gasoline automobile. & Co., 1907. xiv, 248 p.

Motor-car principles. New York: D. Appleton illus. 12°.

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Published monthly by The New York Public Library, No. 425 Lafayette Street, New York City.
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Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as second-class matter, January 30, 1897, under Act of July 16, 1894.

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