Imágenes de páginas

sources. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1907. xxii, 385 (1) p., I facsim., 5 maps, 2 pl., I port. 4°.

Caldwell (Joshua William). Studies in the constitutional history of Tennessee. Cincinnati: The Robert Clarke Co., 1907. vii, 412 p. 2. ed. 8°.

Doyle (John Andrew). The English in America. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1882-1907. 5 v. 8°.

v. 1. Virginia, Maryland, and the Carolinas. v. 2-3. The Puritan Colonies.

v. 4. The Middle Colonies.




v. 5. The Colonies under the House of Hanover. 1907. Dracut, Mass. Vital records of Dracut, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1907. 302 p. 8°.

Edwards (William Seymour). On the Mexican highlands. With a passing glimpse of Cuba. Cincinnati: Jennings & Graham [cop. 1906]. 283 p., I map, 99 pl. 8°.

Fenner (M.) History of Fall River. Prepared under the direction of a Committee of Prominent Citizens appointed by his Honor Mayor John T. Coughlin. New York: E. T. Smiley Publishing Co., 1906. 3 p.l., 264 p., 2 port. 4°.

Flatey (The) book and recently discovered Vatican manuscripts concerning America as early as the tenth century. Documents now published for the first time, which establish beyond controversy the claim that North America was settled by Norsemen five hundred years before the time of Columbus. London: The Norræna Society, 1906. 176 p. f°.

Fuller (Hubert Bruce). The purchase of Florida, its history and diplomacy. Cleveland: The Burrows Brothers Co., 1906. 399 p., 2 maps. 8°.

Galpin (Henry J.) Annals of Oxford, New York, with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and early pioneers: compiled, edited and published by Henry J. Galpin. Oxford, N. Y.: Henry J. Galpin, 1906. 568 p., I facsim., 18 pl., 3 port. 8°.

Gardner, Mass. Vital records of Gardner, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. Worcester, Mass.: F. P. Rice, 1907. 136 p. 8°. (Systematic History Fund.)

Gautier (Ferdinand). Chili et Bolivie. Êtude économique et minière. Paris: E. Guilmoto [1906]. vi, 1 l., 228 p., I l. 8°.

Glass (Frederick C.) Through the heart of Brazil. A diary...during a gospel expedition... with some information about the interior Indian tribes. Liverpool: the South American Evangelical Mission [1906]. 2 p.l., iv, 135 (1) p. sq. 8°.


Grieve (Symington). Notes upon the island of Dominica (British West Indies). London: Adam & Charles Black, 1906. 126 p., I map, 17 plates. 12°.

Haney (William Henry). The mountain people of Kentucky. An account of present conditions with the attitude of the people toward improvement. Cincinnati, O.: the Robert Clarke Co., 1906. I p.l., 196 p., I map, 10 pl., 4 port. 8°.

Hawkes (Nathan Mortimer). Hearths and homes of old Lynn, with studies in local history. Lynn, Mass.: T. P. Nichols & Sons, 1907. xvi, Il., 350 p., 22 pl., 3 port., ill. 8°.

Hill-Tout (Charles). British North America. [v.] I. London: A. Constable & Co., Ltd., 1907. illus. 8°. (The Native races of the British Empire.) [v.] 1. The Far west, the home of the Salish and Déné. Hine (Charles G.) The New York and Albany post road. From King's Bridge to "the ferry at Crawlier, over against Albany," being an account of a jaunt on foot made at sundry convenient times between May and November, nineteen hundred and five. New York: the Author, 1905. 2 p.l., vi, 109 p. illus. 12°.

Historic (An) guide to Cambridge, compiled by members of the Hannah Winthrop Chapter National Society, Daughters of the American Revolution. Cambridge, 1907. 4 p.l., 207 p., 3 maps, 32 pl. 8°.

Hobson (John Atkinson). Canada to-day. London: T. F. Unwin, 1906. xiii, 143 (1) p. 12°. Hodge (Frederick Webb). Handbook of American Indians, north of Mexico. Edited by Frederick Webb Hodge. Pt. 1. Washington: Govt. Prtg. Off., I907. 8°. (U. S. Amer. Ethnology, Bur. of. Bull. 30.)

Hosmer (James Kendall). Outcome of the Civil War, 1863-1865. With maps. New York: Harper & Bros., 1907. xiv, 1 l. (1), 4-352 p., 9 maps, I port. 8°. (The American nation. Vol. 21.)

Hoyt (William Henry). The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. A study of evidence showing that the alleged early Declaration of Independence by Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, on May 20th, 1775, is spurious. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1907. xv, 284 p., 8 facsim. 8°.

Hubbardston, Mass. Vital records of Hubbardston, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. Worcester, Mass.: Franklin P. Rice, 1907. 226 p. 8°. (Systematic History Fund.) Hunt (Edmund Soper). Weymouth ways and Weymouth people. Reminiscences. Boston: Privately printed, 1907. 307 P., I port. 8°.


James (Henry). The American scene. York: Harper & Bros., 1907. vi, 1 l., 442 p., I l. 8°.

Jefferson (Thomas). Jefferson's Germantown letters, together with other papers relating to his stay in Germantown during the month of November, 1793. By C. F. Jenkins. Philadelphia: W. J. Campbell, 1906. 4 p.l., (1) xii-xxiv, 1 l., 194 p., 4 l., 2 facsim., 5 pl., I port. 4°.

Killikelly (Sarah H.) The history of Pittsburgh, its rise and progress. Pittsburgh, Pa.: B. C. & G. Montgomery Co., 1906. xix, 568 p., I diag., I facsim., 3 maps, 5 plans, 31 plates, 6 port. 8°.

Letters from Port Royal written at the time of the Civil War. Edited by Elizabeth Ware Pearson. Boston: W. B. Clarke Co., 1906. ix, (1), 345 p., I map.


Lewis (Isaac Newton). Addresses on Sir Robert Walpole and Rev. Phillips Payson, men prominent in the early history of Walpole, Mass. Given at the request of citizens of the town by I. N. Lewis. Walpole, Mass.: First Historical Soc. of Walpole, 1905. 2 p.l., 5-55 p., 3 pl., 3 port. sq. 8°.

A history of Walpole, Mass. From earliest times, with illustrations. Walpole, Mass.: First Historical Soc. of Walpole, Mass., 1905. ix, 217 p., 14 pl., 9 port. 8°.

Making (The) of America. Robert Marion La Follette Editor-in-chief, William M. Handy, managing editor. Chicago: The Making of America Co. [cop. 1906] 10 v. illus. 8°.

Medford, Mass. Proceedings of the celebration of the two hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of the settlement of Medford, Mass., June, 1905. Prefaced by a brief history of the town and city from the day of settlement, by John H. Hooper. [Medford:] The Executive Committee. [1906]. xii, 261 p., 4 maps, 39 pl., 5 port. 8°.

Medford, Mass. Vital records of Medford, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1907. 469 p. 8°.

Meeker (Ezra). The ox team; or, The old Oregon trail, 1852-1906. An account of the author's trip across the plains, from the Missouri River to Puget 1852, and of his return ... in the year 1906. Omaha, Neb.: The Author [1906]. 248 p. illus. 3. ed. 12°.

Memorial (The) cyclopedia of the twentieth century, comprising memoirs of men and women who have been instrumental in the progress of the industries, professions, arts, literature, legislation, society and charities of the United States. New York: The Pubg. Society of N. Y. [cop. 1906] xii, 448 p., 142 ports. 4°.

Octavio (Rodrigo). Festas nacionaes. Livro approvado pelo Conselho Superior de Instrucção Publica. Rio de Janeiro: Francisco Alves, 1905. 175 (1) p. 3. ed. 12°. (Educação civica.)

Oppel (A.) Landeskunde des Britischen NordAmerika. Leipzig: G. J. Göschen, 1906. 154 P., I map. illus. 16°. (Sammlung Göschen.)

Oppel (A.) Wirtschaftsgeographie der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Halle a. S.: Gebauer-Schwetschke Druckerei und Verlag m. B. H., 1907. 4 p.l., 159 (1) p. 8°. (Angewandte Geographie. Serie 3. Heft 2.)

Paine (Ralph Delahaye). The greater America. New York: Outing Pub. Co., 1907. xiii, 327 P., 45 pl. 8°.

Nach Amerika im Dienste Der Völkerfreundschaft geStuttgart: F. G. Cotta,

Pfister (Albert). Friedrich Schillers. widmet von Albert Pfister. 1906. iv, I l., 170 p.


Studies in constitu

Pierce (James Oscar). tional history. Minneapolis: The H. W. Wilson Co., 1906. 3 p.l., 330 p. 12°.

Prince (Leon C.) A bird's-eye view of American history. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1907. vi, 1 l., 364 p. 12°.

Prudden (T. Mitchell). On the great American Plateau. Wanderings among canyons and buttes, in the land of the cliff-dweller, and the Indian of to-day. Illustrated... by Edward Leaming. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1906. viii, 1 l., 243 p., 1 map, 40 pl. 12°.

Reynolds (Cuyler). Albany chronicles. A history of the city arranged chronologically, from the earliest settlement to the present time. Illus

trated with many historical pictures of rarity and reproductions of the Robert C. Pruyn collection of the Mayors of Albany. Albany, N. Y.: J. B. Lyon Co., 1906. xxiv, 2 1., 5-817 p., 6 facsim., 6 maps, 157 pl., 62 port. 8°.

Reynolds (John S.) Reconstruction in South Carolina, 1865-1877. Columbia, S. C.: The State Co., 1905. I p.l., iii, [2]-522 p., I port. 8°.

Roberts (George Simon). Historic towns of the Connecticut River Valley...[Illustrations from photographs by W. Earl Weller.] Schenectady, N. Y.: Robson & Adee [1906]. vii, 494 p., I pl. illus. 8°.

Schultz (J. W.) My life as an Indian. The story of a red woman and a white man in the lodges of the Blackfeet. Illustrated from photographs, mostly by George Bird Grinnell. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1907. x, 3 l., 3-426 p., 16 pl. 8°.

Smith (J. Allen). The spirit of American government. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1907. Library.)

XV, 409 p. 12°. (The Citizen's

Smith (John). The generall historie of Virginia, New England & The Summer Isles, together with The true travels, adventures and observations, and A sea grammar. Glasgow: J. MacLehose & Sons, 1907. 2 v. maps, port. 8°.

Spanish explorers in the southern United States, 1528-1543. The narrative of Alvar Nuñez Cabeça de Vaca. Edited by Frederick W. Hodge ...The narrative of the expedition of Hernando de Soto by the Gentleman of Elvas. Edited by Theodore H. Lewis... The narrative of the expedition of Coronado, by Pedro De Castañeda. Edited by Frederick W. Hodge. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1907. XV, 411 p., I fac-sim., 2 maps. 8°. (Original narratives of early American history.)

Speed (Thomas). The Union Cause in Kentucky, 1860-1865. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1907. xxiii, 355 p., I port. 8°.

Sutton, Mass. Vital records of Sutton, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 1849. Worcester, Mass.: F. P. Rice, 1907. 478 p. 8°. (Systematic History Fund.)

Todd (Charles Burr). The History of Redding, Connecticut, from its first settlement to the present time. New York: Tho Grafton Press [cop. 1906]. v, I l., 303 p., 24 pl., 14 port. 4°.

In olde Connecticut. Being a record of quaint, curious and romantic happenings there in colonie times and later. New York: The Grafton Press [1906]. x, I l., 244 p., I pl. [2. ed.] 12°.

Tomlinson (Everett Titsworth). The war of 1812. New York: Silver, Burdett & Co [cop. 1906] 200 p. illus. 12°. (Stories of Colonie

and Nation.)

Townsend (Charles Wendell). Along the Labrador coast. Boston: D. Estes & Co. [cop. 1907.] 3 p.l., v, xii, 11-280 p., 1 map, 1 pl. ill. 8°.

Van Rensselaer (Mrs. M. King). Newport, our social capital. With frontispiece in color by Henry Hutt, many illustrations in photogravure... and from drawings by Edward Stratton Holloway.

Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co.. 1905. 18, I l., 17-402 p., 3 maps [2 in pocket], I plan, 51 pl. 4°. Weaver (Ethan Allen). Local historical and biographical notes, collected from files of newspapers published in Easton, Penn. [Historical sketches relating to Easton and Northampton County, Pa., and their inhabitants.] Germantown, Pa., 1906. I p.l., 315 p., 2 1. 8°.

West Stockbridge, Mass. Vital records of West Stockbridge, Massachusetts, to the year 1850. Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1907. 115 p. 8°.

[blocks in formation]

v. 1. The royal seals of Scotland.

v. 2. Ecclesiastical and monastic seals of Scotland.

Boigne (Charlotte-Louise-Eléonore Adelaide d'Osmond de), Comtesse. Recits d'une tante. Mémoires de la Comtesse de Boigne, née d'Osmond, publiés ... par M. Charles Nicoullaud. Paris: Plon-Nourrit & Cie., 1907. V. I. 8°. Bouches-du-Rhône. Dictionnaire, annuaire et album. Paris: E. Flammarion, 1901. vii, 1193 p., 28 pl., 356 port. 8°. (Les Dictionnaires Départementaux.)


Bourgeois (Émile), and E. Rome et Napoléon III (1849-1870). Études sur les origines et la Chute du Second Empire. Avec une préface des Gabriel Monod. Paris: A. Colin, 1907. xvii, 370 p.


Brohm, Major. Helgoland in Geschichte und Sage. Seine nachweisbaren Landverluste und seine Erhaltung. Mit 9 Textillustationen... Unter Benutzung dienstlicher Quellen von Brohm. haven, Helgoland: A. Rauschenplat, 1907. 4 p.l., 69 p., 15 plans, 22 pl., I tab. fo.


Butler (W. F.) The Lombard Communes; a history of the republics of North Italy. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1906. 495 (1) p., 6 maps, 49 pl., I tab. 8°.

Burke (Sir John Bernard and A. P.) A genealogical and heraldic history of the peerage and baronetage, the Privy Council, Knightage and Companionage. London: Harrison & Sons, 1907. I p.l., ccxix, 2361 p. 69. ed. 4°.

Calvert (Albert Frederick). The Escorial. A historical and descriptive account of the Spanish royal palace, monastery and mausoleum. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1907. xxiii, 77 p., 139 pl. 12°. (The Spanish Series. [v. 5.])

Campardon (Émile), and A. TUETEY. Inventaire des registres des insinuations du Châtelet de Paris, règnes de François 1er et de Henri II. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1906. xlvii, 1098 p. f. (Histoire générale de Paris. Collection de documents.)

Claretie (Jules). La vie à Paris, 1906. Paris: Bibliothèque-Charpentier, 1907. vii, 453 p.


Clarke (Henry Butler). Modern Spain, 18151898. With a memoir by the Rev. W. H. Hutton. Cambridge: The University Press, 1906. xxvi, 510 p., I map. 12°. (Cambridge historical series.)

Colquhoun (Archibald Ross, and Ethel). The whirlpool of Europe: Austria-Hungary and the Habsburgs. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1907. xvi, 349 p., II maps, 62 pl. 8°.

Conrady (Ludwig Wilhelm). Aus stürmischer Zeit. Ein Soldatenleben vor hundert Jahren. Nach den Tagebüchern u. Aufzeichnungen des weiland kurhessischen Stabskapitäns im Leibdragoner-Regiment L. W. Conrady. Berlin: C. A. Schwetschke u. Sohn, 1907. iv, 424 P., I map, I port. 8°.

Copinger (Walter Arthur). The manors of Suffolk. Notes on their history and devolution. v. I. London: T. F. Unwin, 1905. illus. fo.

Cotes (Everard). Signs and portends in the Far East. London: Methuen & Co. [1907] xii, 308 p., 22 pl., 2 port. 8°.

D'Alton (Rev. E. A.) History of Ireland, from the earliest times to the present day. In three volumes. V. I. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., 1906. 2. ed. maps, plans. 8°.

Deutches Bürgertum und deutscher Adel im 16. Jahrhundert. Lebens-Erinnerungen des Bürgermeisters Bartholomäus Sastrow und des Ritters Hans von Schweinichen. Bearbeitet von... Max Goos. [Ausgabe A.] Hamburg: E. Schultz, 1907. (Bibliothek wertvoller Memoiren...

2 V. 8°. Bd. 2.)


Deux-Sèvres. Dictionnaire biographique et Paris: E. Flammarion [1906]. vii, 547 p., 24 pls., 256 port. 8°. (Les Dictionnaires départementaux.)

De Windt (Harry). Through savage Europe. Being the narrative of a journey (undertaken as special correspondent of the "Westminster Gazette"), throughout the Balkan States and European Russia. Second impression. With...illustrations. London: T. F. Unwin, 1907. 300 p., 74 pl., 23 port. 8°.

Dungern (Otto von), Freiherr. Ahnen Deutscher Fürsten. Bd. 1. Papiermühle, S. A.: Gebr. Vogt, 1906. ob. 4°.

Bd. 1. Haus Zollern. Anhnen der deutschen Kaiser Könige und Herzöge von Preussen. 1906.

Eisner (Kurt). Das Ende des Reichs. Deutschland und Preussen im Zeitalter der grossen Revolution. Berlin: Verlag Buchhandlung Vorwärts, 1907. viii, 384 p. 8°.

Falk (Henri). l'ancien régime.

Les privilèges de librairie sous Étude historique du conflit des

droits sur l'œuvre littéraire. Paris: A. Rousseau, 1906. 2 p.l.. iii, 186 p., 1 l. 4°. (Université de Paris-Faculté de droit.)

Falkiner (Caesar Litton). Studies in Irish history and biography, mainly of the eighteenth century. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1902. viii, 1 l., 362 p. 8°.

Ferrero (Guglielmo). The greatness and decline of Rome. Translated by Alfred E. Zimmern. London: W. Heinemann, 1907. 2 v. 8°.

Fisher (H. A. L.) The history of England from the accession of Henry VII to the death of Henry VIII. (1485-1547.) London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1906. xx, 518 p., 2 maps. (The Political History of England. v. 5.)

Foerderreuther (Max). Die Allgäuer Alpen. Land und Leute... Mit... Abbildungen. Kemp

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Fraser (Alexander Duncan). Some reminiscences and the bagpipe. Edinburgh: W. J. Hay [1907]. xii, 432 p., i fac-sim., 35 pl. 8°.

Friedjung (Heinrich). Der Krimkrieg und die österreichische Politik. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger, 1907. viii, 198 p. 8°.

Gallichan (Mrs. Catharine Gasquoine Hartley). Moorish cities in Spain. Illustrated by Elizabeth Hartley. London: Siegle, Hill & Co., 1906. 4 p.l., 99 p., 9 pl. illus. 16°. (The Langham Series.)

Gironde. Dictionnaire biographique et album. Paris: E. Flammarion [1906]. 2 v. pls., ports. 8°. (Les Dictionnaires départementaux.)

Grabowski (Jósef). Mémoires militaires de Joseph Grabowski, officier à l'état-major impérial de Napoléon Ier 1812-1813-1814. Publiés par... Waclaw Gasiorowski. Traduits du polonais par Jan V. Chelminski et A. Malibran. Paris: PlonNourrit & Cie., 1907. 4 p.l., ix, 311 p., I port. 12°.

Grad (Charles). L'Alsace. Le pays et habitants. Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1906. 3 p.l., 632 p., I port. illus. fo.

Grothe (Hugo). Zur Landeskunde von Rumänien. Kulturgeschichtliches u. wirtschaftliches. Halle a. S.: Gebauer-Schwetschke, 1907. XV, 126 p., 1 l., 14 pl., 5 port. 8°. (Angewandte Geographie. Ser. 3, Heft 1.)

Gruyer (Paul). Napoleon King of Elba. From the French... With illustrations. London: W. Heinemann, 1906. xx, 293 p., 2 facsim., I map, 17 pl., I port. 8°.

Guimard (André). *Les Chambres ou Conseils de l'Industrie et du Travail en Belgique, en Hollande et en France. Auxerre: Imprimerie de l'Indépendant Auxerrois, 1905. xvi, 160 p. 8°. (Université de Paris. Faculté de droit.)

Hasse (Ernst). Die Besiedelung des deutschen Volksbodens. München: J. F. Lehmann, 1905. 2 p.l., 156 p, (In his: Deutsche Politik, Bd. 1, Hft 2.)

Herkalovic (Thomas). Vorgeschichte der Occupation Bosniens und Herzegovina. Mit Bildnis. Zagreb: M. Majcen, 1906. 1 l., ii, 187 p., I port.


Hessler (Karl). Hessische Landes- und Volkskunde. Das ehemalige Kurhessen und das Hinterland am Ausgange des 19. Jahrhunderts. In Verbindung mit dem Verein fuer Erdkunde zu Cassel und zahlreichen Mitarbeitern hrsg. von Carl Hessler. Marburg: N. G. Elwert, 1904-07. 2 v. illus. 8°.

Hettner (Alfred). Grundzüge der Länderkunde... Mit... Tafeln... Bd. 1. Leipzig: 0. Spamer, 1907. 8°.

Bd. 1, Europa.

Hirsch (Fritz). Konstanzer Häuserbuch. Festschrift zur Jahrhundertfeier der Vereinigung

[blocks in formation]

Karl Victor zu), Fürst. Memoirs of Prince Chlodwig of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfuerst. Authorised by Prince Alexander of Hohenlohe-Schillingsfuerst and edited by Friedrich Curtius. English edition supervised by George W. Chrystal. New York: the Macmillan Co., 1906. 2 v. facsim., port. 8°.

Hungary, its people, places, and politics. The visit of the Eighty Club in 1906. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1907. 421 (1) p. illus. 8°.

Isère. Dictionnaire biographique et album. Paris: E. Flammarion [1906]. vii, 1094 P., 2 l., 137 pl., 153 port. 8°. (Les Dictionnaires Départementaux.)

Jodan (Louis). *La séparation de la Suède et de la Norvège. Paris: A. Pedone, 1906. 165 p., 11. 8°. (Université de Paris. Faculté de droit.)

Joyce (Patrick Weston). A smaller social history of ancient Ireland, treating of the government, military system... religion... manners, customs. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1906. I p.l., (1) vi–xxiii (1), 574 p., I map., 2 pl. illus. 12°.

Juten (W. J. F.) Genealogische Kwartierstaten van Nederlandsche Katholieken uit vroeger en later tijd samengesteld door W. J. F. Juten. Ser. 1. Bergen-op-Zoom: Gebroeders Juten [1907]. ob. 4°.

Kaindl (Raimund Friedrich). Geschichte der Deutschen in den Karpathenländern... Bd. 1. Gotha: F. A. Perthes Aktiengesellschaft, 1907. 8°. (Deutsche Landesgeschichten... [Bd.] 81.)

Bd. 1. Geschichte der Deutschen in Galizien bis 1772. Kingston (Alfred). A history of Royston, Hertfordshire, with biographical notes of Royston worthies, portraits, plans and illustrations. London: E. Stock, 1906. 5 p.l., 264 p., 7 pl., 2 port. 8°.

Knyvett (Sir Henry). The defence of the realme...1596. Now for the first time printed, from a MS. in the Chetham library, Manchester. With an introduction by Charles Hughes. [Oxford:] Clarendon Press, 1906. xxxvi, 1 l., 75 (1) p. 8°. (Tudor and Stuart Library.)

Kortz (Paul). Wien am Anfang des xx. Jahrhunderts. Ein Führer in technischer und künstler

ischer Richtung. Hrsg. vom Osterreichischen Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein. Wien: Gerlach & Wiedling, 1905-06. 2 v. 4°.

Bd. 1. Charakteristik der Stadt, Ingenieurbauten. 2. Hochbauten, Architektur und Plastik. Lacombe (Etienne-Charles Mercier de). Journal politique de Charles de Lacombe, député à l'Assemblée Nationale. Publié pour la Société d'Histoire Contemporaine par A. Hélot. Tome 1. Paris: A. Picard & Fils, 1907. 8°.

Lenotre (G.) Mémoires et souvenirs sur la Révolution et l'Empire. Publiés avec des documents inédits par G. Lenotre. Paris: Perrin & Cie., 1907. 3 p.l. (1)4-340 p., 2 l., 6 pl., I port.


Leroy (Marc). *La question macédonienne. Étude d'histoire diplomatique et de droit international. Paris: Imprimerie Henri Jouve, 1905. 214 p. 8°. (Université de Paris. Faculté de droit.)

Lincolnshire pedigrees. [Compiled by Arthur Staunton Larken.] Edited by the Rev. Canon A. R. Maddison. London: [The Harleian Society,] 1902-06. 4 v. 4°. (Harleian Society, Publications. v. 50-52, 55.)

Lorenzo (Giuseppe de). Venosa e la regione del Vulture. (La terra d'Orazio.) Con 120 illus. trazioni. Bergamo: Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, 1906. 116 p., I pl. 4°. (Collezione di monografie illustrate. Ser. 1. Italia artistica. No. 24.)

Mach (Richard von). The Bulgarian Exarchate; its history and the extent of its authority in Turkey. From the German of R. von Mach. London: T. F.

Unwin, 1907. 105 p., 1 plan. 8°.

Mackenzie (W. C.) A short history of the Scottish highlands and isles. Paisley: A. Gardner, 1906. 2 p.l., 389 p., I map, II pl., 7 port. 12°. Malaguzzi Valeri (Francesco). Milano. Pt. 1. Bergamo: Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche. 1906. illus. 4°. (Collezione di monografie illustrate. Serie 1. Italia artistica. No. 25.)

Martin (Rudolf). The future of Russia. Translated from the German by Hulda Friederichs. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1906. xx, 305 p. 8°.

Mathei de Valfons (Charles de), Marquis. Mémoires sur le XVIIIe siècle. Souvenirs du Marquis de Valfons, vicomte de Sebourg...17101786. Publiés par son petit-neveu le Marquis de Valfons...précédés d'une notice par Georges Maurin. Paris: Émile-Paul [1906?]. xxxi, 468 p., I port. 8°.

Mayerhoffer von Vedropolje (Eberhard). Krieg 1809. Nach den Feldakten und anderer authentischen Quellen bearbeitet in der kriegsgeschichtlichen Abteilung des k. und k. Kriegsarchivs von E. Mayerhoffer von Vedropolje... mit einer politischen Vorgeschichte des Krieges von Oskar Criste. Bd. 1. Wien: L. W. Seidel & Sohn, 1907. 8°. (Geschichte des Kämpfe Österreichs. Kriege unter der Regierung des Kaisers Franz.)

Montague (Francis Charles). The history of England, from the accession of James I. to the London: Longmans, Restoration (1603-1660). Green & Co., 1907. xix, 514 p.. 3 maps. (Political history of England. v. 7.)


O'Brien (Richard Barry). A hundred years of Irish history. London: Isbister & Co., Ltd. [1902] 172 p. 12°.

Pares (Bernard). Russia and reform. London: A. Constable & Co., 1907. xiv, 1 l., 576 p. 8°. Pashitnow (K. A.) Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in Russland. Eine historische Darstellung von 1861 bis in die heutige Zeit. Übersetzung von M. Nachimson. Mit einem Anhang von M. Nachimson. Stuttgart: J. H. W. Dietz, 1907. iv, 2 l., 303 p. 12°.

Petre (F. Loraine). Napoleon's conquest of Prussia, 1806. With an introduction by Field Marshal Earl Roberts. London: John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1907. xxiii, 319 p., 2 maps, 5 plans. 4 pl., 12 port. 8°.

Picard (Ernest). 1870. La perte de l'Alsace. Avec deux cartes. Paris: Plon-Nourrit & Cie., 1907. 2 p.l., iv, 376 p. 12°.

Powell (Rev. Arthur Herbert). The ancient Borough of Bridgwater in the County of Somerset.

Bridgwater: Page & Son, 1907. 4 p.l., 311 (1) p., I map, 9 pl. 8°.

Ragg (Lonsdale). Dante and his Italy. With thirty-two illustrations. London: Methuen & Co. [1907.] xxii, 380 p., 21 pl., 11 port. 8°.

Romanes (Ethel). The story of Port Royal. London: J. Murray, 1907. xxii, 504 p., I plan, 7 pl., 5 port., I tab. 8°.

Rowe (J[oshua] Brooking). A history of the Borough of Plympton Erle, the Castle and Manor of Plympton, and of the ecclesiastical Parish of Plympton St. Thomas, otherwise Plympton St. Maurice, in the County of Devon. Exeter: J. G. Commin, 1906. viii, 2 l., 419 p., 3 fac-sim., I plan, 19 pl., 3 port. 8°.

Rumpelt (Alexander). Sicilien und die SiciliNeue Folge. Radeberg: Theodor Pfeil, 1907. 3 p.l., 339 p. 8°.


Sandys (Arthur). Annals of de Normandie as preserved in documents, notes, private papers, public records, genealogies, the writings of old authors, and the registers of the city of Geneva. Cambridge [Mass.]: the Riverside Press, 190г. 4 p.l., 308 p., I pl. 8°.

Schuh ( van). Die Stadt Nürnberg im Jubiläumsjahre 1906. Nürnberg: G. P. J. BielingDietz, 1906. xvi, 647 p., 28 pl. 4°.

Steindl (Emerich). A Magyar Orszaghaz Steindl Imre alkotasa. A magyar kiralyi kormany megbizasabol es Steinhausz Laszlo, Heidrich Laszlo, Bayer Bela, Lazar Imre, es Santho Istvan közreműködese vel irta es szerkesztette Pilise Ney Bele. Budapest: Divald Karoly [1907]. 3 p.l., 46 p., 7 plans. 66 pl. f°.

Title and text also in German and French.

Stirling (Amelia Hutchison). A sketch of Scottish industrial and social history in the 18th and 19th centuries. London: Blackie & Son, Ltd., 1906. ix, 225 p., 8 port. 8°.

Studies in Irish history 1603-1609, being a course of lectures delivered before the Irish Literary Society of London. Edited by R. Barry O'Brien. Series 2. Dublin: Browne & Nolan, Ltd., 1906. 3 p.l., 3-323 (1) p. 12°. Suffolk, Eng. sidy return. 310 p., I 1. v. 2.)

Suffolk in 1327. Being a subWoodbridge: G. Booth, 1906. xxxii, sq. 8°. (Suffolk green books. No. 9,

Taylor (Henry). The ancient crosses and holy wells of Lancashire. With notes on the PreReformation churches, monastic institutions and superstitions of the county palatine. Manchester: Sherratt & Hughes, 1906. xxiii, 516 p., 7 maps, II plans, 39 pl. 4°.

Topliff (Samuel). Topliff's travels. Letters from abroad in the years 1828 and 1829. From the original manuscript owned by the Boston Athenæum. Edited, with a memoir and notes, by Ethel Stanwood Bolton. [Boston:] The Boston Athenæum, 1906. 5 p.l., 3-245 (1) p., 3 fac-sim., 2 maps, 4 pl., I port. 8°.

Tucker (Thomas George). Life in ancient Athens. The social and public life of a classical Athenian from day to day. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1907. xiii, 212 p., I plan. 12°. (Handbooks of archæology and antiquities.)

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