Imágenes de páginas



Blochet (E.) Catalogue des manuscrits persans de la Bibliothèque Nationale. Tome I. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1905.

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Houben (Heinrich Hubert). Zeitschriften des jungen Deutschlands. Tl. I. Berlin: B. Behr, 1906. 4°. (Deutsche bibliographische Gesellschaft. Bibliographiches Repertorium. v. 3.)

Lopez de Mendoza (Iñigo), Marquis de Santillana. La bibliothèque du Marquis de Santillane, par Mario Schiff. Paris: E. Bouillon, 1905. xci, 509 p., 1 l. 8°. (École prat. d. haut, étud. Bibliothèque Sci. hist. et philol. Fasc. 153.)

Savage (Ernest A.) Manual of descriptive annotation for library catalogues... With chapter on evaluation and historical note by E. A. Baker... London: Libr. Supply Co., 1906. vi, 1 l., 155 p. 12°.


AINGER (Alfred). The life and letters of Alfred Ainger. By Edith Sichel. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1906. 6 p.l., 354 p., 7 port. 8°. ARROWSMITH (George). Reminiscences and letters of George Arrowsmith of New Jersey. By John S. Applegate, Red Bank, N.J.: J. H. Cook 1893. 3 p.l., xiii-xiv, 1 l., 254 p., I port. 12°.

BALBOA (Vasco Nuñez de). Vasco Nuñez de Balboa. By Frederick A. Ober. Illustrated. New York: Harper & Bros., 1906. 4 p.l., 285 (1) p., I map, 6 pl., I port. 12°. (Heroes of American history.)

BODIN (Jean). Jean Bodin in seinem Beziehungen zum Judenthum. Von J. Guttman. Breslau: M. & H. Marcus, 1906. I p.l., 65 p. 8°.

BROWNE (Robert). The true story of Robert Browne (1550?-1633), father of Congregationalism. By Champlin Burrage. Oxford: H. Hart, 1906. vii, 75 p. 8°.

CHURCHILL (Lord Randolph). Lord Randolph Churchill. By Earl Rosebery. New York: Harper & Bros., 1906. 2 p.l., 201 (1) p., I port. 8°. CORREGGIO. By T. Sturge Moore. London: Duckworth & Co., 1906. xii, 276 p., 56 pl. 12°.

DEXTER family. Genealogy of the Dexter family in America. Descendants of Thomas Dexter, together with the record of other allied families. By Wm. A. Warden and R. L. Dexter. Worcester, Mass.: [The Blanchard Press] 1905. 353 p.. I pl., 2 port. 8°.

DICKENS (Charles). Charles Dickens. By G. K. Chesterton. With two portraits in photogravure. London: Methuen & Co. [1906] viii, 303 (1) p., 2 port. 2. ed. 8°.

FANNING Family. History of the Fanning family. A genealogical record to 1900 of the descendants of Edmund Fanning...who settled in Connecticut in 1653, to which is prefixed a general account of the

Fanning family...from... 1197 to...1652-3. By Walter Frederick Brooks. Worcester, Mass.: Privately printed for the compiler, 1905. 2 v. illus. 8°.

GARRICK and his circle. By [Florence Mary] Parsons. With 36 illustrations. London: Methuen & Co. [1906.] xxiii, 417 (1) p., 2 facsim., 17 pl., 17 port. 8°.

GUARNERIUS (Joseph). Joseph Guarnerius, his work and his master. By Horace Petherick. London: "The Strad" Office, 1906. 6 p.l., 220 p., 41 pl. illus. 12°. ("The Strad" library, no. 14.)

HAMILTON (Emma). Emma Lady Hamilton. From new and original sources and documents; together with an appendix of notes and new letters. By Walter Sichel. London: A. Constable & Co., 1905. xxiii, 1 l., 551 (1) p., 2 facsim., 7 pl., 20 port. 2. ed. 8°.

HEARN (Lafcadio). The life and letters of Lafcadio Hearn. By Elizabeth Bisland. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1906. 2 v. illus. 8°.

HILLMAN family. Ancestral chronological record of the Hillman family...1550-1905. By H. W. Hillman. Schenectady, N. Y., 1905. 203 p., 14 pl., 19 port. 8°.

HUNTINGTON (Frederic Dan). Memoir and letters of Frederic Dan Huntington, first Bishop of central New York. By Arria S. Huntington. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1906. 5 p.l., 435 (1) p., 2 pl., 2 port. 12°.

IRVING (Sir Henry). Personal reminiscences of Henry Irving. By Bram Stoker. London: W. Heinemann, 1906. 2 v. illus. 8°.

LEE (Robert Edward). Life and letters of Robert Edward Lee, soldier and man. By J. William Jones. New York: Neale Publ. Co., 1906. 486 p., 3 port. 8°.

LINCOLN the lawyer. By Frederic Trevor Hill. New York: The Century Co., 1906. xviii, 332 p., I pl., I port. illus. 8°.

LOUISA, Queen of Prussia. Queen Louisa of Prussia. By Mary Maxwell Moffat. London: Methuen & Co. [1906] vii (1), 323 p., 9 pl., 14 port., 3 tab. 8°.

MCGAVOCK family. A genealogical history of James McGavock and his descendants from 1760 to 1903. By Rev. Robert Gray. Richmond: W. E. Jones, 1903. 175 p. 8°.

PALAFOX Y MENDOZA, Don Juan de. Su virreinato en la Neuva España, sus contiendas con los pp. Jesuitas...sus escritos escogidos, etc. Mexico: Vda. de Ch. Bouret, 1906. viii, 295 p. 12°. (Documentos inéditos ó muy raros para la historia de México. T. 7.)

REED (Walter). Walter Reed and yellow fever. By Howard A. Kelly. New York: McClure, Phil lips & Co., 1906. xv, 1 l., 293 p., I port. 12°.

ROSSETTI (William Michael). Some reminiscences. London: Brown Langham & Co., Ltd., 1906. 2 v. illus. 8°.

STROSSMAYER (Josip Jura). Nacrt zivota i djelâ biskupa J. J. Strossmayera. Tade Smiciklas. Zagreb: Tisak Dionicke tiskare, 1906. I v. 8°. (Jugoslavenska Akademija znanosti i umjetnosti.)

[Pt.] I. Izbrani njegovi spisi: govori, rasprave i okruznice. THOMAS à Kempis. His age and book. By J. E. G. De Montmorency. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1906. xxiv, 312 p., 22 facsim. 8°.

TOGO, Admiral. Admiral Togo. By Arthur Lloyd. Tokyo, Japan: The Kinkodo Pub. Co., 1905. 2 p.l., ii, 160 p., 1 l., 4 pl., 2 port. 12°.

WASHINGTON (George). The Americanism of Washington. By Henry Van Dyke. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1906. 2 p.l., 71 (1) p. nar. 16°.


Andrews (Bessie Ayars). Historical sketches of Greenwich in old Cohansey. Vineland, N. J.: Vineland Prtg. House, 1905. 73 p. 8°.

Bayley (William H.), and O. O. JONES. History of the Marine Society of Newburyport, Massachusetts, from its incorporation in 1772 to the year 1906: together with a complete roster and a narrative of important events in the lives of its members. [Newburyport: Press of the Daily News,] 1906. 4 p.l., 5-506 p., 2 facsim., 10 pl., 18 port. 4°.

Boissonnade (Paul). Saint-Domingue à la veille de la révolution et la question de la représentation coloniale aux États Généraux (Janvier 1788-Juillet 1789). Paris: P. Geuthner, 1906. 299 (1) p. 4°.

Burrage (Henry Sweetser). Gettysburg and Lincoln. The battle, the cemetery, and the National Park. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1906. xii, 224 p., 3 plans, 19 pl., 8 port. 8°.

Carr (Mrs. Elizabeth Valentine Durfee), and others. History annals and sketches of the Central Church of Fall River, Massachusetts, A. D. 1842-A. D. 1905... Written and compiled by Mrs. William Carr, Mrs. Eli Thurston, Mrs Charles J. Holmes. Edited by Henry H. Earl. Fall River: Printed by Vote of the Church, 1905. xii, 331 p., 11 pl., 16 port. 8°.

Comfort (Randall), and others. History of Bronx Borough, city of New York, compiled for the North Side News by Randall Comfort...with collaboration of Charles D. Steurer, Charles A. D. Meyerhoff. New York: North Side News Press, 1906. xi, 422 p., 5 port. illus. 4°.

Cross (Mrs. Lucy R. H.) History of Northfield, New Hampshire, 1780-1905. Concord, N. H.: Rumford Printing Co., 1905. 2 v. in I. ill. 8°. Cross (Arthur Lyon). A History of St. Andrew's Church, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ann Arbor: G. Wahr, 1906. viii, 2 l., 175 p., 5 pl., 9 port. 12°.

Dunklee (Ivah). Burning of Royalton, Vermont, by Indians. A careful research of all that pertains to the subject, including a reprint of Zadock Steele's narrative, also a complete account of the various anniversaries and the placing of a monument commemorating the event Boston; G. H. Ellis Co., 1906. I p.l., 7 p., 2 l., 11-88 p., 8 pl., I port. 8°.

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Foster (John Watson). The practice of diplomacy as illustrated in the foreign relations of the United States. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1906. 5 p.l., 401 (1) p. 8°.

Franklin (Frank George). The legislative history of naturalization in the United States, from the Revolutionary War to 1861. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1906. ix, 308 p. 12°.

Garrison (George Pierce). Westward extension, 1841-1850. New York: Harper & Bros., 1906. xiv, 366 p., 9 maps, I port. 8°. (The American nation: a history. v. 17.)

George (Paul). Das heutige Mexiko und seine Kulturfortschritte. Jena: G. Fisher, 1906. 3 p.1., 133 (1) p., 33 pl., 1 port. 8°. (Geographische Gesellschaft für Thüringen zu Jena. Mitteilungen: Beiheft.)

Hale (Edward Everett). Tarry at home travels. New York: Macmillan Co., 1906. xxvi, 1 l., 12°. 429 p., I port. illus.

Hamilton (Joseph Grégoire de Roulhac). *Reconstruction in North Carolina... Columbia University. Raleigh, N. C. [1906] 264 p., I l. 8°.

Hodges (George), and J. REICHERT. The administration of an institutional church. A detailed account of the operation of St. George's Parish in ... New York. With introductions and comments by President Roosevelt, Bishop Potter and Dr. Rainsford. New Yerk: Harper Bros., 1906. xxii, 2 l., 323 p., 5 fac-sim., 6 pl., I port., I table. 8°.

Indian deeds of Hampden County; being copies of all land transfers from the Indians recorded in the County of Hampden, Massachusetts

Edited by Harry Andrew Wright. Springfield, Mass., 1905. 194 p. 8°.

James (George Wharton). The Wonders of the Colorado Desert (Southern California). Its rivers and its mountains... its life and its history pictured and described...With... pen and ink sketches from nature, by Carl Eytel. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1906. 2 v. 8°.

Jones (Chester Lloyd). The consular service of the United States. Its history and activities. Philadelphia: The J. C. Winston Co., 1906. ix, 126 p. 4°. (Univ. of Penna. Pub. Series in Political Economy and Public Law. No. 18.)

Lord (Eliot), J. J. D. TRENOR, and S. J. BARROWS. The Italian in America. New York: B. F. Buck & Co., 1906. ix, 268 p., 6 pl., 1 port. 12°.

Marcaggi (Antoine). Les messages presidentiels en France et aux États-Unis. Paris: L. Larose & L. Tenin, 1906. viii, 183 p., 1 l. 8°.

Martinez (Albert B.), and LEWANDOWSKI. L'Argentine aux XXe siècle. Avec...introduction par C. Pellegrini. Paris: A. Colin, 1906. xxxi, 432 p., 2 maps. 12°.

Mora (José Maria Luis). Papeles ineditos y obras selectas del Dr. Mora. Cartas íntimas que durante los años de 1836 hasta 1850...etc. México: Vda. de Ch. Bouvet, 1906. xxii, 1 l., 251 (1) p. 12. (Documentos inéditos ó muy raros para la historia de México. T. 6.)

Mulloy (Martin J.) The Irish in America one thousand years before Columbus. Boston: Angel Guardian Press, 1906. 2 p.l., 146 p. 12°.

Palmer (Wilson). Reminiscences of Candia. Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1905. 3 p.l., v-vi, 1 l., 346 p., 4 pl., 33 port. 8°.

Pan-American (The) conferences and their significance. Philadelphia, 1906. 22 P. 8°.

(American Academy of Political and Social Science: Annals [v. 27]. Supplement.)

Stocker (Rhamanthus M.) History of the First Presbyterian Society, Honesdale. Honesdale, Pa.: Herald Press Assoc., 1906. vii, 336 p., 25 pl., 3 port.


Talbot (Ethelbert). My people of the plains. New York: Harper & Bros., 1906. x, 2 l., 264 p., I l., 6 pl., 6 port. 8°.

Urban (Henry F.) Aus dem Dollarlande. Berlin: H. Ehbock [1906]. 248 p. 12°.

Vacano (Max Josef von), and Hans MATTIS. Bolivien in Wort und Bild. Aus seiner Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Berlin: D. Reimer, 1906. viii, 234 p., I map. illus. 4°.

Wells (Herbert George). The Future in America. A search after realities. New York: Harper & Bros., 1906. 4 p.l., 259 p., 12 pl. 8°.

Wendell (Barrett). Liberty, union and democracy. The national ideals of America. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1906. 4 p.l., 326 p., I l. 12°.

Wilde (Johannes). Amerika. Wanderungen eines Deutschen. [Bd.] 1. Berlin: Allgemeiner Verein für Deutsche Literatur, 1906. 2. ed. 8°. [Bd.]. In der Mitte des Kontinents.

Williams (Thomas J. C.) A history of Washington county, Maryland... Including a history of Hagerstown... To this is added a biographical record of representative families. [Hagerstown:] M. Runk & L. R. Titsworth, 1906. 602 p., 30 pl., 4 port. 4°.

Zabel (Eugen). Bunte Briefe aus America. Berlin: G. Stilke, 1905. 287 (1) p. 12°.


Argyll (8. duke), GEORGE DOUGLAS CAMPBELL. George Douglas eighth Duke of Argyll (1823-1900). Autobiography and memoirs. Ed. by the Dowager Duchess of Argyll. With portraits and illustrations. In two volumes. New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1906. 2 v. 8°.

Arnold (William Thomas). Studies of Roman imperialism. Edited by Edward Fiddes; with memoir of the author by Mrs. Humphry Ward and C. E. Montague. Manchester: the University Press, 1906. 4 p.l., cxxiii, 1 l., 281 p., I port. 8°. ([Victoria] University, Manchester, Eng. 16. No. 16 forms Hist. ser. no. 4.)

Bell (Mrs. [Nancy R. E. Mergens]). Picturesque Brittany by Mrs. A. G. Bell. With illustra

tions in colour by A. G. Bell. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1906. ix, 232 p., 25 pl. 8°.

Betham (Sir William). Dignities, feudal and parliamentary, and the constitutional legislature of the United Kingdom. V. I. London: T. & W. Boone, 1830. xx, 379 P. 8°.

No more published.

Boughton-Leigh (Bridgeman G. F. C. Ward). Memorials of a Warwickshire family... With prefatory note by Sir Hugh Gilzean-Reid. London: H. Frowde, 1906. xvi, 208 p. 16 pl., 3 port., I table. illus. 8°.

Cambridge (The) modern history. Planned by the late Lord Acton. Edited by A. W. Ward, G. W. Prothero [and] Stanley Leathes. v. 4. Cambridge, 1906. 8°.

V. 4. The Thirty years' war.

Colenbrander (H. T.) De Belgische omwenteling. 's Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 1905. 3 p.l., 211 (1) p. 8°.

Colenbrander (H. T.) Gedenkstukken der algemeene geschiedenis van Nederland van 1795 tot 1840. Deel 2. 's Gravenhage, 1906. 4°. (Rijks geschiedkundige Publicatien. v. 2.)

Conway (Sir Martin). No man's land. A history of Spitsbergen from its discovery in 1596 to the beginning of the scientific exploration of the country. Cambridge: The University Press, 1906. X, I l., 377 p., 3 maps, 11 pl. 8°. Maps in pocket.

Coyecque (Ernest). Recueil d'actes notariés relatifs à l'histoire de Paris et de ses environs au xvie siècle. [v.] 1 (1498-1545). Paris: Imp. Nationale, 1905. 4°. (Histoire générale de Paris.)

Davey (Richard). The pageant of London. ... With forty illustrations in colour by John Fulleylove. London: Methuen & Co. [1906.] 2 v. 8°.

Denk (O.), and J. WEISS. Unser Bayerland: vaterländische Geschichte volkstümlich dargestellt. München: Allgemeine Verlags Gesellschaft m. b. H. [1906.] viii, 560 p., 15 pl. illus. 4.

Eubel (P. Konrad). Geschichte der Kölnischen Minoriten-Ordensprovinz. Köln: J. & W. Boisserée's Buchhandlung, 1906. iv, 332 p. 8°. (Historischer Verein für den Niederrhein [inbesondere die alte Erzdiocese Köln] Veröffentlichungen. v. I.)

Gibbs (Philip). Men and women of the French Revolution. Illustrated with twenty-eight plates. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1906. xii, 389 (1) p., 13 pl., 15 port. sq. 4°.

Gorki (Maxim). Russland. Politische Betrachtungen von Maxim Gorjki. Wien: Wiener Verlag, 1906. 83 p. 12°.

Harvey (Alfred). Bristol, a historical and topographical account of the city. Illustrated by E. H. New. London: Methuen & Co. [1906] xv, 301, (1) p. 12°. (Ancient cities.) Hervey (William). Journals of the Hon. William Hervey in North America and Europe from 1755 to 1814; with order books at Montreal, 17601763. With memoir and notes. Bury St. Edmunds: Paul & Mathew, 1906. lxxvi, 548 p., (Suffolk green

I map, 3 pl., 9 port. sq. 8°. books. no. 14.)

Hildebrand (Friedrich). Die hanseatischen Konferenzen im Herbste 1806. Hildensheim: A. Lax, 1906. 84 p. 8°. (Beiträge für die Geschichte Niedersachsens und Westfalens. Heft 4.)

Jentsch (Fr.) Untersuchungen über die Verhältnisse des deutschen Eichenschälwaldbetriebes. Ausgeführt im Auftrage des Vereins Deutscher Gerber. Berlin: Kampffmeyer, 1906. xii, 364 p. 8°.

Im Kampf für Russlands Freiheit. Leipzig: Insel-Verlag, 1906. 2 p.l., 285 (1) p. 12°.

Kaufmann (Josef). Geschichte der Stadt Deutsch Eylau. Danzig: L. Saunier, 1905. xii, 220 p., 2 plans. 8°. (Westpreussischer Geschichtsverein. Quellen und Darstellungen zur Geschichte Westpreussens.

no. 4.)

Maerz (Johannes). Die Fayencefabrik zu Mosbach in Baden. Jena: G. Fischer, 1906. 3 p.l., 110 p. 8°. (Volkswirtschaftliche u. wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Abhl. n. F., Heft 7.)

Mathieson (William Law). Scotland and the union. A history of Scotland from 1695 to 1747. Glasgow: J. Maclehose & Sons, 1905. 387 p. 8°.


Molmenti (Pompeo). Venice: its individual growth from the earliest beginnings to the fall of the republic. Translated by Horatio F. Brown. London: J. Murray, 1906. 2 v. illus. 8°.

Muehlke (Karl). Von nordischer Volkskunst. Beiträge zur Erforschung der volkstümlichen Kunst in Skandinavien, Schleswig-Holstein, in den Küstengebeiten der Ost- und Nordsee sowie in Holland. Gesammelte Aufsätze. Berlin: W. Ernst & Sohn, 1906. 3 p.l., 252 p. illus. 8°.


O'Connor (G. B.) Elizabethan Ireland. tive and English. Dublin: Sealy, Bryers & Walker [1906?]. xvi, 294 p., I map. 12°.

O'Donoghue (David J.) The geographical distribution of Irish ability. Dublin: O'Donoghue & Co., 1906. 3 p.l., (1) vi-xvii (1), (1) 4-333 P. 12°.

Oman (Charles William Chadwick). The great revolt of 1381. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1906. viii, 219 p., 2 maps. 8°.

Oman (Charles William Chadwick). The history of England from the accession of Richard II. to the death of Richard III. (1377-1485). New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1906. xvi, 525 p., 3 maps, 2 tab. 8°. (The political history of England...[v] 4.)

Stubbs (William). Lectures on European history [1519-1648]. Edited by Arthur Hassall. London: Longmans, Greene & Co., 1904. viii, 424 P.


Ular (Alexandre). A Russo-Chinese empire. An English version of "Un empire russo-chinois.' Westminster: A. Constable & Co., 1904. xix, 335 (1) p. 8°.

Verzeichnis der Burger der Stadt Bern auf 1. Januar, 1906. (Aus amtlichen Quellen bearbeitet und von der Burgerkanzlei durchgesehen.) Bern: Stämpfli & Cie., 1906. xi, 399 p. 8°.

Villari (Luigi). Fire and sword in the Caucasus. London: T. F. Unwin, 1906. 347 P., 64 pl. 8°.

Whishaw (John). The "Pope" of Holland House. Selections from the correspondence of John Whishaw and his friends 1813-1840. Edited and annotated by Lady Seymour. With a memoir of Whishaw and an account of "The King of Clubs" by W. P. Courtney. Illustrated. London: T. F. Unwin, 1906. 345 (1) p., 2 pl., 7 port. 8°.

Zuylen van Nyevelt (Suzette van), baroness. Court life in the Dutch republic 1638-1689. London: J. M. Dent & Co., 1906. 2 p.l., v-ix, 363 8°. (1) p., 3 pl., 6 port.

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Johnston (Sir Harry [Hamilton].) Liberia. With an appendix on the flora of Liberia by Dr. Otto Stapf. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1906. 2 v. illus. 8°.

Leyds (W. J.) The first annexation of the Transvaal. London: T. F. Unwin, 1906. xxi, I l., 378 p., I'l., I facsim., I map. 8°.

Sanderson (Edgar). Great Britain in modern Africa. London: Seeley & Co., 1907. vii, 380 p., I map, 4 port. 8°.

Tiedemann (Adolf von). Mit Lord Kitchener

gegen den Mahdi. Erinnerungen eines preussi

schen Generalstabsoffiziers an den englischen Sudan-Feldzug. Berlin: C. A. Schwetschke & Sohn, 1906. 2 p.l., 206 p., 5 port. 8°.

ASIA, AUSTRALIA, PACIFIC ISLANDS. Del Mar (Walter). India of to-day. London: A. & C. Black, 1905. xiv, 288 p., 32 pl. 8°. Jackson (Abraham Valentine Williams). Persia past and present. A book of travel and research. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1906. xxxi, 471 p., I facsim., I map, 2 plans, 128 pl., I port. 8°.

Lunet de Lajonquière (E.) Ethnographie du Tonkin septentrional rédigée sur l'ordre de M. P. Beau, par le commandant E. Lunet de Lajonquière. Paris: E. Leroux. 1906. 2 p.l., 384 p., I map, 20 pl., 5 tab. 4°.

Malcolm (Napier). Five years in a Persian town. London: J. Murray, 1905. XV, 272 p., 1 map, 11 pl. 8°. Morris (J.) Makers of Japan. London: Methuen & Co. [1906.] xix, 330 p., 1 l., 7 pl., 17 port. 8°.

Spaits (Alexander). Mit Kosaken durch die Mandschurei. Erlebnisse im russisch-japanischen Kriege. Mit 132 Illustrationen nach eigenen photograph. Aufnahmen. Wien: C. Konegen, 1906. 2 p.l., 372 p., I pl. 8°.

Wirth (Albrecht). Geschichte Asiens und Osteuropas. Halle a S.: Gebauer-Schwetschke Druckerei u. Verlag, 1905. 4 p.l., 668 p., 1 map. 8°.


Alexander (Louis A.) The Drama of Blood, performed by Russia on the world's stage in the light of the twentieth century. New York: The Author [1906]. 5 p.l., 3-222, xiv p., I port.

Schiff Collection.


Baughan (Edward Algernon). Music and musicians. New York: John Lane Co., 1906. 324 p., I l. 12°.

Kobbé (Gustav). How to appreciate music. New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1906. 275 p. 8°.

Baskerville (Beatrice C.) The Polish Jew. Mason (Daniel Gregory). The romantic comHis social and economic value. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1906. posers. New York: The 12°. Macmillan Co., 1906. 6 p.l., 3-336 p., I map. 8°. xi, 353 p., 7 port.

[blocks in formation]

Ehrenberg (Hermann). Handbuch der Kunstgeschichte... Leipzig: J. J. Weber, 1906. X, 533 (1) p. illus. 6. ed. 16°. (Webers illustrierte Handbücher. Bd. 87.)

Kidder (Frank Eugene). Churches and Chapels. Their arrangements, construction and equipment, supplemented by plans...arrangement and cost... New York: W. T. Comstock, 1906. 179 P., 67 pl. illus. ob. 12°.

Malkowsky (Georg). Ernst Herter. Beitrag zur Geschichte der Berliner Bildhauerschule... Mit 86 Text- 8 Vollbildern und einer farbigen Kunstbeilage. Berlin: H. J. Meidinger, 1906. viii, 146 p. 1 1. 4°

Nicholson (Watson). The struggle for a free stage in London. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1906. xii, 1 l., 475 (1) p. 12°.


Abele (Hyacinth). The violin & its story: or the history & construction of the violin. Translated and adapted from the G. Alwyn. London: "The Strad" Office, 1905. 4 p.l., 119 (1) p., I l., 2 pl. illus. 12°. ("The Strad" Library, No. 15.)

Tappert (Wilhelm). Sang und Klang aus alter Zeit. Hundert Musikstücke aus Tabulaturen des xvi. bis xviii. Jahrhunderts. Gesammelt und übersetzt von W. Tappert. Mit dem Portrait des letzten Lautenisten Christian Gottlieb Scheidler. Berlin: L. Liepmannssohn [1906]. xvi, 129 p.

ob. 8°.

Zimmermann (Felix). Beethoven und Klinger; eine vergleichendästhetische Studie. Dresden: Gerhard Kühtmann, 1906. 51 (1) p. 4°.


Bates (Arlo). Talks on teaching literature. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1906. 4 p.l., 247 p., I l. 12°.

Booth (Maud Ballington). Twilight fairy tales. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1906. xl, 273 p., 16 pl. 8°.

Davis (Richard Harding). Farces: The dictator; The galloper; Miss Civilization. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906. viii, 232 p., 16 pl., 2 port. 8°.

Delevante (Michael). Panama songs. New York: Alden Brothers, cop. 1906. 159 p., 2 pl. 12°.


Dooley (Mr.), pseud. of FINLEY DUNNE. Dissertations. New York: Harper & Bros., 1906. 2 p.l., 312 p., 1 l. 12°.

Dunbar (Paul Laurence). Joggin' erlong: Illustrated with photographs by Leigh Richmond Minor and decorations by John Rae. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1906. 119 p. illus. 8°.

Fairy (The) ring, edited by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora Archibald Smith. New York: McClure, Phillips & Co., 1906. xvii, 445 p. 12°.


Fanshawe (Reginald). Corydon. An elegy in memory of Matthew Arnold and Oxford. don: H. Frowde, 1906. viii, 113 p. 12°. Fowler (Ellen Thornycroft). Sirius and other stories. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1901. vii, 437 (1) p. 12°.

Fulton (Edward). Rhetoric and composition. New York: H. Holt & Co., 1906. x, 259 p. 12°. Garnett (Richard). The twilight of the gods: and other tales. London: J. Lane, 1903. viii, 327 (1) p., I pl. 8°.

Gosse (Edmund). Modern English literature. A short history. London: W. Heinemann, 1905. I p.l., v-x p., 1 l., 420 p. 72 port. New ed. 8°. Lee (Sidney). Shakespeare and the modern stage, with other essays. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1906. 2 p.l., vii-xv, 251 p. 8°.

Lodge (Henry Cabot), A frontier town and other essays. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1906. 4 p.l., 274 p. 8°.

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