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a memorial of sacred greatness, is invested with so supreme and universal an interest, and possesses so certain a promise of transcendent restoration, as to be peerless in the sublime majesty of, its hallowed remains.



Seven Great Men in the Year 1856.

MAZZINI. Next to the Holy City of Jerusalem, and Israel the Theocratic State, ROME is the first in honor and dignity of all cities and states in all the earth, and among men of genius precedence therefore belongs to the one who is the true Chief of Rome, Imperial Rome. Inspired with the sacred fire of genius, clear and inflexible in purpose, strong in faith, energetic, brave, indefatigable, and eloquent, Mazzini has striven and strives in the cause of Rome and Italy with a vivid and singleminded devotion that most nobly merits glorious success. Born a private citizen, he sought the redemption and union of the fair Italian land with an ardor, skill, and courage, that for a time attained a great triumph, placing him at the head of Rome, and driving the Pope and Conclave in discomfiture to another realm. Though the Republic he presided over fell, it was not from misgovernment on his part, but because three millions of people, in a small and open terri

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