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" ... fill the mind with a perpetual tumult of indignation, pity, and hope. There is no scene which does not contribute to the aggravation of the distress or conduct of the action, and scarce a line which does not conduce to the progress of the scene. So... "
Names of dramas: A-L - Página 348
por David Erskine Baker - 1812
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Eight Volumes: With the ..., Volumen6

William Shakespeare - 1765 - 654 páginas
...firiking oppofiticn of contrary characters, the fudden changes of fortune, and the quick fucceffion of events, fill the mind with a perpetual tumult of indignation, pity, and hope. There is no fcene which docs not contribute to the aggravation of the diftrcfs or condaft of the aftion, and fcarcc...
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The History of King Lear: As it is Performed at the Theatre Royal ..., Volumen2

William Shakespeare, George Colman, Nahum Tate - 1768 - 98 páginas
...ftriking oppofition of contrary characters, " the fudden changes of fortune, and the " quick fucceffion of events, fill the mind " with a perpetual tumult of indignation, " pity, and hope. There is no fcene which " does not contribute to the aggravation of *' the diftrefs, or conduct of the action ;...
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The Dramatick Works of George Colman ...: Philaster. King Lear. Epicoene; or ...

George Colman - 1777 - 340 páginas
...ftrik** ing oppofition of contrary characters, the fudden " changes of fortune, and the quick fuccefiion of " events, -fill the mind with a perpetual tumult of" indignation, pity, and hope. There is no fcene n which does not contribute to the aggravation of " the diftrefs,.or conduit of the aftion ;...
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The Beauties of Shakespear: Regularly Selected from Each Play. With a ...

William Shakespeare - 1780 - 336 páginas
...ftriking oppofition of contrary characters, the fudden changes of fortune, and the quick fuccefiion of events, fill the mind with a perpetual tumult of indignation, pity, and hope. There is no fcene which does not contribute to the aggravation of the diftrefs or conduct of the action, and fcarce...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare ...

William Shakespeare - 1785 - 632 páginas
...ftriking oppofition of contrary characters, the fuddcn changes of fortune, and the quick fucceffion of events, fill the mind with a perpetual tumult of indignation, pity, and hope. There is no fcene which does not contribute to the aggravation of the diilrcfs or conduit of the aftion, and fcarce...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes ..., Volumen8

William Shakespeare - 1790 - 722 páginas
...irriking oppofition of contrary characters, the fudden changes of fortune, and the quick fucceflion of events, fill the mind with a perpetual tumult of indignation, pity, and hope. There is no fcene which does not contribute to the aggravation of the diftrefs or conduct of the action, and fcarce...
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Universal Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure, Volumen91

1792 - 530 páginas
...(hiking oppofitio'n of contrary characters, J:he fudden changes of fortune, and the quick fnccelïion of events, fill the mind with a perpetual tumult of indignation, pity, and hope. There is no fcene which does not contribute to the aggravation of the diftrefs or conduft of the anión, and fcarce...
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The Dramatic Writings of Will. Shakespeare: With Introductory ..., Volumen4

William Shakespeare - 1798 - 444 páginas
...ftriking oppofition of contrary characters, the fudden changes of fortune, and the quick fucceflion of events, fill the mind with a perpetual tumult of indignation, pity and hope. There is no fcene which does not contribute to the aggravation of the diftrefs or conduct of the action, and icarce...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare. ....

William Shakespeare - 1800 - 396 páginas
...distinct interests, the striking opposition of contrary characters, the sudden changes of fortune, and the quick succession of events, fill the mind...conduce to the progress of the scene. So powerful is the current of the poet's imagination, that the mind, which once : ventures within it, is hurried irresistibly...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.

Samuel Johnson - 1801 - 454 páginas
...ftriking oppofition of contrary characters, the fudden changes of fortune, and the quick fucccffion of events, fill the mind with a perpetual tumult of indignation, pity, and hope. There is no fcene which does not contribute to the aggravation of the diflreis or conduct of the action, and fcarce...
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