Falling in the other day at a victualling-house near the house of peers, I heard the maid come down and tell the landlady at the bar, that my lord bishop swore he would throw her out at window, if she did not bring up more mild beer, and that my lord... Names of dramas: A-L - Página 287por David Erskine Baker - 1812Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1718 - 348 páginas
...Entertainment. Falling in the other Day at a "Victualling-Houfe near the Houle of Peers, I heard the Maid come down and tell the Landlady at the Bar, That my Lord Bi/bop fwore he would throw her out at Window if fhe did not bring up more Mild-Beer, and that my Lord_Duke... | |
 | 1729 - 342 páginas
...and tell the Landlady at the Bar, That my LordBifhop fwore he would throw her out at Window if fhe did not bring up more Mild Beer, and that my Lord Duke would have a double Mug of Purle. My Surprize was encreafed, in hearing loud and ruftick Voices fpeak and anfwer to each other... | |
 | 1786 - 694 páginas
...tell the landlady at the bar, thnt my lord bilhop iVcre he would throw her <nit at the window, if (lie did not bring up more mild beer, and that my lord duke would have a double mug of purl. My (urprile was increaied, 'in hearing loud and ru tic voices fpeak and anfwer to each other upon the... | |
 | Arthur Murphy - 1801 - 444 páginas
...passage. " Falling in the other day at a " victualling house near the House of Peers, " I heard the maid come down, and tell the \ ''. landlady at the bar,...window, " if she did not bring up more mild beer; "'and my Lord Duke would have a double " mug of purl. On a sudden one came run" ning down, and cried the... | |
 | 1804 - 676 páginas
...entertainment. Falling in the other day at a victualling* house near the house of peers, I hcird the maid riv.nc down and tell the landlady at the bar, That my lord...duke would have a double mug of purl. My surprise was inereased, in hearing loud and rustic voices speak and answer to each other upon the public affairs,... | |
 | 1822 - 790 páginas
...at a victualling-house near the house of peers, I beard the maid come down and tell the landlady «t r C ~a # A Ȼ t m GGe I S[ ׁ < p \A Kl [5 y m 7 Q 0 ?b[ . ,a@5x u_*| ( -'.-mill! beer, and that my lord duke would have i double mug of purl. My surprise was increased in... | |
 | Edward Nares - 1824 - 444 páginas
...says the Spectator, " the other day at a victualling-house near the House of Peers, I heard the maid come down and tell the landlady, at the bar, that my Lord Bishop swore he would throw her out of window if she did not bring up more mild beer." Every body knows that by this was meant my Lord... | |
 | 1824 - 282 páginas
...Falling in the other day at a victualling house near the House of Peers, I heard the maid come clown and tell the landlady at the bar, that my lord bishop swore he would throw her out at the window, if she did not bring up more mild beer, and that my lord duke would have a double mug of... | |
 | Joseph Addison - 1824 - 278 páginas
...entertainment. Falling in the other day at a victualling house near the House of Peers, I heard the maid come down and tell the landlady at the bar, that my lord bishop swore he would throw heroutat the window, it' she did i\ot bring up more mild beer, and that my lord duke would have a double... | |
 | British drama - 1824 - 814 páginas
...Palling-ln Ihe other d*y at a Yictualllng-house near the house of Peers, I heard the maid come down and ten the landlady at the bar, that my Lord Bishop swore he would throw her out at the window, if the did not bring up more mild beer, and that ray Ixmi Duke would hare a double mug... | |
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