True,' representing some principal pieces of the reign of Henry VIII, which was set forth with many extraordinary circumstances of pomp and majesty, even to the matting of the stage; the Knights of the order with their Georges and Garter, the guards with... Names of dramas: A-L - Página 16por David Erskine Baker - 1812Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | William Shakespeare - 1790 - 672 páginas
...rorth with many eitraordinary circumftances of pomp and majeily, even to the matting of the ftage ; the knights of the order with their Georges and Garter,...embroidered coats, and the like : Sufficient in truth within a while to make greatnefs very familiar* if not ridiculous* Now King Henry making a Mafque at... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1790 - 670 páginas
...forth with many extraordinary circumttanccs of pomp and majefty, even to the matting of the ftage ; the knights of the order with their Georges and Garter,...guards with their embroidered coats, and the like: fufficient in truth within a while to make greatnefs very familiar, if not ridiculous. Now King Henry... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1793 - 570 páginas
...forth with many extraordinary circumftances of pomp and majefty, even to the matting of the ftage ; the knights of the order with their Georges and Garter,...guards with their embroidered coats, and the like : fufficient in truth within a while to make greatnefs very familiar, if not ridiculous. Now King Henry... | |
 | 1812 - 778 páginas
...the Eighth, which was set forth with many extraordinary circumstances of pomp and ma^ jesty, even to the matting of the stage, the knights of the order...sufficient in truth with a while to make greatness very familiar,-if not ridiculous. Now King Henry making a masque at the Cardinal Wolsey's house, • and... | |
 | David Erskine Baker - 1812 - 422 páginas
...some principal pieces of (he reign of Henry the Eighth, which was set forth with many extraordinary circumstances of pomp and majesty, even lo the matting...garter, the guards with their embroidered coats, and the iike, sufficient in truth with a while to make greatness very familiar, if not ridiculous. Now King... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1813 - 564 páginas
...the Eighth, which was set forth with many extraordinary circumstances of pomp and majesty, even to the matting of the stage; the knights of the order with their Georges and Garter, built in the following year, and decorated with more ornament than had been originally bestowed upon... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1821 - 574 páginas
...the Eighth, which was set forth with many extraordinary circumstances of pomp and majesty, even to the matting of the stage ; the knights of the order...embroidered coats, and the like : sufficient in truth within a while to make greatness very familiar, if not ridiculous. Now King Henry making a Masque at... | |
 | Thomas Cromwell - 1821 - 314 páginas
...Henry VlII-.'s reign, set forth with many extraordinary circumstances of pomp and majesty, even to the matting of the stage; the knights of the order with their george and garter; the guards with embroidered cloaks, and the like. The King was represented as making... | |
 | Thomas Kitson Cromwell - 1821 - 300 páginas
...King Henry VlII.'s reign, set forth with many extraordinary circumstances of pomp and majesty, even to the matting of the stage ; the knights of the order with their george and garter; the guards with embroidered cloaks, and the like. The King was represented as making... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1825 - 1010 páginas
...extraordinary circumstances of pomp and majesty, even to the matting of the stage ; the knights of theorderwitb les on which they stand will diminish their value,...and withdraw from them the veneration which, from within a while to make greatness very familiar, if not ridiculous. Now King Henry making a Masque at... | |
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