Imágenes de páginas

Eczema, treatment of, 21.

Editorial articles, 13, 37, 61, 85, 109, 133, 157, 181, 205,

229, 253, 277, 301, 325, 349, 373, 397, 421, 445, 469,

493, 517, 541, 569.

Electricity in phthisis, 36; curious application of, 113;
in intestinal obstruction, 437.

Electrization, general, its use in uterine affections, 313.
Elephantiasis Arabicum, case of, 521.

Elliot, Dr. Geo. T., hygiene of infancy, 390, 427.

Ely, Dr. H. H., a new stethoscope, 358.

Empyema, treatment of, 115, 403.

Endoscopy, remarks on, 104.

Enos, Dr. D. C., bursa mucosa,

Epididymis, tumor of, 269.


death of, 496.

Epilepsy, remarks on, 145, 168, 202, 321, 514.

Epithelioma of extremities, 169; of thumb, 92; of hip,
434; of stomach, 403.

Eye, extirpation of, 356; review of work on diseases of
the, 14; remarks on, 578.

Eye and Ear Hospitals, 85, 157, 261.



Illinois State Society, notice of, 146, 519.
Iodide potassium in chronic bronchitis, 437.
Indiana State Medical Society, review of, 88.

Infant mortality, neglected causes of in New York, 337,
357, 404, 426, 464, 499, 580.

Field, Dr. A. G., a new syringe, 503; decapitation in Infants, explanation of sudden deaths in, 446, 513.
transverse presentation, 79.

Finnell, Dr. T. C., acute gastritis, 422; aneurism, 163,

234; cardiac disease, 207, 377; hair in ovarian cyst,

377 injury of brain, 521; occlusion of fallopian

tubes, 472; poisoning by oxalic acid, 400; by strych-

nine, 401.

Flint, Dr. A., alimentation in disease, 18; aneurism of

aorta, 355; clinic by, 463; mitral murmurs, 425;

fracture of the odontoid, 447; post-mortem diges-
tion, 448; on pneumonia, 346.

Flint, Dr. A., Jr., functions of cerebellum, 524.

499; syphilitic disease of brain, 211.
Janeway, Dr. E. G., on pyæmia, 234.
Jaw, apparatus in fracture of, 116.

Jones, Dr. Joseph, on gangrene, 218; poison of copper-
head, 289.


Kentucky, review of Trans. of State Society of, 303.
Kidney, hydronephrosis of, 434; retinitis in diseases of,
266; single, 403; case of floating, 564.

Knapp, Dr. H., report on cataract, 97; eye and ear hos-

pitals, 261; ossification of choroid, 522.

Knee, ligature of femoral for wounds of, 10; loose carti-

lages in the, 237.

Mammæ, cysts in, 369.
Mammary glandular tumor, 258.
Maternity, precocious, 479.

Measles, first inoculator for, 528.

Medical education, remarks on, 37, 286, 349, 432, 493.
Medical Society of County of Kings, N. Y., 496.
Medical Society of County of New York, reports of, 18,
164, 210, 304, 327, 357, 381, 404, 426, 450, 523.
Medical Society of State of New York, meeting of, 553,571.
Medicine in a pecuniary point of view, 373.
Meningitis following injury, 474.
Menorrhagia, electricity in, 314.

Menstruation, effects of sewing machines on, 431; with
partial occlusion of fallopian tubes, 472.

Merritt, Dr. J. K., enlarged prostate, 422; ovariotomy,

Methylene, bichloride of, uses of, 22, 418.

Metropolitan Board of Health, doings of, 133, 569.

Ovarian dropsy, cured by tapping vagina, 484.
Ovariotomy, cases of, 42, 83, 102, 180, 209, 213, 236, 257,
295, 377, 423, 473.
Oxygen, inhalation of, 529.


Paralysis, general, of insane, 210.

Parker, Dr. W., abscess of appendix vermiformis, 2;
myeloid disease of femur, 92.

Paris, letters from our correspondent in, 68, 114, 213,
306, 329, 428.

Paronychia, remarks on, 244.

Patella, fracture of, treatment of, 80.

Patent rights in medicine, remarks of editor on, 445.

McClelland, Dr. M. A., sub-periosteal exsection of os cal- Pathology, discoveries in, 222; review of work on, 138.
cis, 171.

Miller, Jacob F., Esq., law of rape, 457.
Milne, Dr. J. A., acupressure, 170, 551.
Missisquoi waters, remarks on, 66, 277.
Mitral murmurs, two in same subject, 425.

Monroe, Dr. W. F., urethral discharge without apparent
cause, 99.

Morbus coxarius, remarks on, 41, 66, 101, 185, 208, 270,
462, 521.

Mortality of infants, neglected causes of in New York,
337, 357, 404, 426, 464, 499.


Moot Courts and the N. Y. Medico-Legal Society, 254.
Murchison, Dr. C., review of work by,
Mutism without deafness, 505.
Myoma of uterus, 420.

Mysterious deaths, 478.


Nævus, collodion in, 228; false case of, 489.
Navel and breasts, connection between, 526.

Neftel, Dr. W., on pathology, 222; vaginismus, 433;
thermometry, 409; sudden deaths in infants, 446.
New Jersey, State Medical Society of, 191.
Nervous diseases, ophthalmic diagnosis in, 396.
Neuro-retinitis, nephritic, 34.

New York Academy of Medicine reports, 20, 93.
New York Hospital reports, 107, 461.

New York Medical Journal Association, 21, 94, 104, 185,


New York Medico-Legal Society reports, 67, 404, 478.
New York Pathological Society reports, 18, 41, 65, 90,
100, 159, 183, 206, 234, 256, 269, 355, 377, 400, 422,
447, 472, 495, 520, 563.

Neuralgia, treatment of, 439.

Newman, Dr. R., laminaria digitata in strictures, 92,
morbus coxarius, 270; ovariotomy, 42; uterine
tumors, 379.


Nitrous oxide, remarks on, 275.

North, Dr. N. L., disinfectants, 194.

North Carolina Medical Society, notice of, 519.


Ocular œdema, acute, case of, 508.
Oculist, title of, remarks on, 325.
Odontoid process, fracture of, 447.

Esophagus, foreign bodies in, 271; rupture of aneurism
in the, 235.

O'Rielly, "Surgeon," death of, 475.
Orbit, tumors of, 29, 73.

Ohio State Medical Society, notice of transactions of,

Ordronaux, Dr. J., repetition of prescriptions, 281, 526.
O'Sullivan, Dr., cervical abscess, 498; constipation, 508;
venesection, 20.

Ophthalmia, sympathetic, 532.

Peaslee, Dr. E. R., abortion, 165; bursæ mucosa, 94;
ovariotomy, 102, 209, 236; uterine tumor, 184;
sterility, 477.

Pericardium, ossification of, 118, 228.

Percival, Dr. W. F., climate of Aiken, S. C., 193.
Peritoneal cyst, case of, 401, 422.
Peroxide of hydrogen in diabetes, 512.
Pertussis, treatment of, 155, 403.

Pessary, removal of, from bladder, 220.
Pharmaceutical Association, notice of meeting of, 381.
Phosphoric poisoning, 511.

Phthisis, remarks on, 114, 136, 155, 158, 293, 316, 362.
Pinkham, Dr. J. W., in hydrophobia, 292.

Pinkney, Dr. Howard, on sulphites in urine, 433.

Placenta prævia, treatment of, 298.

Plant, Dr. W. T., hydrophobia, 171.

Pneumonia, alkaline treatment in, 59; cheesy, 210;
chronic, case of, 520; in apex of lung, 438; recovery
from senile, 420; treatment by cold, 346.

Poisoning case in Philadelphia, 421.
Pomeroy, Dr. O. D., tinnitus aurium, 188.
Post, Dr. A. C., tumor of cheek, 272.
Post, Dr. Geo. E., diseases of Syria, 149.
Practice and theory, remarks of editor on, 61.
Pray, Dr. O. M., retinitis, 266.

Pregnancy, extra uterine, 76; morning sickness of, 111;
diagnosis of albuminuria in, 265.
Prescriptions, repetition of, 281, 497, 517, 524.
Prostate, enlarged, remarks on, 368.
Primipara, an aged, 320.
Pruritus as sign of diabetes, 527.
Pterygium, new instrument for operation of, 311.
Puerperal fever, remarks on, 199, 415.


Quinine, effects of, 189.


Radius, fractures of, 117; luxation of, 475.
Rape, law of, 457.

Recitations, necessity of in medical colleges, 349.
Resection of long bones, reports of, 28, 414.
Respiration, new method of effecting, 467.

Rheumatism, acute, new treatment for, 396; cases of
complicated, 309.

Rhinitis, chronic, treatment of, 352.
Rhinoplasty, case of, 489.

Richardson, Dr. Jos. G., thermometry, 79.
Restine, Dr. H., vaginal Cæsarean section, 505.

Rogers, Dr. Stephen, clavicle, extirpation of, 159;
diaphragm, fatty degeneration of, 67; extra uterine
pregnancy, 76; epithelioma of thumb, 92; endome-
tritis, 206; morbus coxarius, 101; neglected cause
of infant mortality, 337, 466, 580.

Opium, atropine in poisoning by, 267; new alkaloid of, Rockwell, Dr. A. D., electrization, 313.

438; as hypnotic, 444.

Opium habit, review of work on, 471.

Otitis, from abscess of brain, 472.

Ounce, fluid, weight of, 310.

Roosa, Dr. D. B. St. John, deaf mutism, 20, 46; nephritic
neuro-retinitis, 34; foreign bodies in external audi-
tory canal, 361; review of work by, 14; tinnitus
aurium, 189.


Sands, Dr. H. B., tumor of epididymus, 269; distal
operation for aneurism of innominata, 531.
Sayre, Dr. L. A., aneurism of heart, 357; club-foot,
129; encysted cancer, 208; morbus coxarius, 66,
521; elephantiasis, 521; foreign bodies in œsopha-
gus, 271.

Scapula, extirpation of, case of, 65.
Scarlet fever, disinfectants, 194.
Smith, Dr. A. H., on oxygen, 529.
Smith, Dr. G. M., yellow fever, 334.

Smith, Dr. H. L., healing of wounds after chloroform,


Smith, Dr. J. Lewis, abscess of lungs, 162; meningitis
following injury, 474; cheesy pneumonia, 210; per-
tussis, 403.

Smith, Dr. O. G., general paralysis, 210.

Snake, copperhead, experiments with poison of, 289.
Speakers, scarcity of in profession, remarks on by editor,

Sphygmograph, and its uses, 385.

Spine, new instrument for, 262.

Spleen, extirpation of, 156.

Splenitis, a remedy for, 439.

Spotted fever, cases of, 53, 98.

Staphyloraphy, remarks on, 106.

Stein, Dr. A. W., vaccine and syphilis, 237.
Stelline, remarks on, 46.

Stethoscope, a new binaural, 358.

Sterility, Sims on, 476.

Stomach, epithelioma of, 403; over-distension of, 442.
Stone, Dr. J. O., on infant mortality in New York,

Storer, Dr. H. R., removal of pessary from bladder, 220.

Stricture of urethra, treatment of, 143.

Strychnine, remarks on, 371, 401.

Stumps, new method of applying extension to, 390.
Sturgis, Dr. F. R., on syphilis, 530.

Sulphites, value of the, 95, 320; in urine, 433, 527.
Sutures, use of horse-hair, 434; the best, 357.
Sweats, colliquative, treatment of, 490.

Syphilis, remarks on, 107, 130, 141, 211, 237, 268, 298,


Syria, diseases of, 149.

Syringe, a new, 95, 503.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

White, Dr. Thos. H., spotted fever, 98.

Whitehead, Dr. W. R., disease of the brain, 100; he-
matic cysts, 356; staphyloraphy, 106.
Whooping-cough, infusoria in, 156; treatment of, 155.
Wight, Dr. J. S., horse-hair sutures, 434; paronychia,

Williams, Dr. E., tumors of brain and orbit, 29, 73.
Wood, Dr. Isaac, obituary notice of, 119.

Wood, Dr. James R., cancer of femur, 57; stricture of
urethra, its treatment, 452.

Women, review of work on diseases of, 39, 87, 110, 326.
Wounds; alcohol, danger of, 67; dressing for, 444; union
after chloroform, 332.

Wynkoop, Dr. G. H., abscess of appendix vermiformis, 2.

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