Imágenes de páginas


the violent measures of Ojeda, iii. 150; throws im-
pediments in the way of Columbus' fourth voyage,
iii. 265; recommends the project of Ojeda to Ferdi-
nand, iv. 214; supposed to have been the cause of
Ovando's disgrace, v. 116; by order of Ferdinand,
establishes a court, called the Royal Audience, v.
119; becomes interested in continuing the slave
trade, v. 323; his opposition to Las Casas, ib.; an
account of, v. 354; character of, v. 355; his conduct
to Cortez, v. 356; accused of having fomented a
conspiracy to assassinate Cortez, v. 360

Fountain of pure water in the sea, iv. 22

Fountain, rejuvenating waters of a, at Bimini, v. 89
Franciscans, the order first introduced into the New
World, iii. 246

Friars, Jeronimite, sent to the colonies to remedy
abuses, v. 29

Fuego, del, Island of, seen by Columbus, ii. 373
Fulvia, reveals the plot of Zemaca to Nuñez, iv. 343


GALLEYS, Venetian, capture of by Colombo the
Younger, v. 167

Gama, Vasquez de, doubles the Cape of Good Hope,
and opens a new road for the trade of the East, in
Garabito, Andres, sent by Nuñez to Cuba, to enlist
men for an expedition, iv. 417; arrives from, iv. 427;
sent to Acla to reconnoitre, v. 27; his difficulty with
Nuñez, ib.; seizure of, v. 29; trial of, v. 38; set at
liberty, ib.

Garcia, Barrantes de, his conduct during the conspiracy
of Roldan, iii. 69

Gardens, the, coast so called, ii. 389
King's, islands of, i. 252

Queen's, islands of, ii. 185

the Hesperian, observations in respect to, v. 362 Gato Paulo, a species of monkey, iii. 7

Genoa, Columbus shows great respect to, ii. 351 Gentlemen, the Pass of, a road so called, ii. 116 Geraldini, Alexandria and Antonio, warmly enter into the views of Columbus, i. 93; they introduce him to the archbishop of Toledo, 94

Gnats, clouds of, seen by Nuñez in his expedition to Dobayba, iv. 420

Gold (Western) discovered first in San Salvador, i. 212; specimens of virgin ore found in the interior of Hispaniola, ii. 100; particles found in the streams, ii. 124; and pieces, ii. 127

Gold, of the temple, procured by Solomon, iv. 212;

spoils found at Carthagena, in the mountains and rivers of Zenu, iv. 295; taken in nets, iv. 296; taken at Darien, iv. 301

tribute of, ii. 289

mine discovered in Hayti, ii. 318; a solid mass of, which weighed three thousand six hundred castellanos, iii. 276; superstitious notions in respect to, iii. 326; gathered from the roots of the trees in Veragua, iii. 329

Golden Castile, iv. 399

Golden River, arrival at, in second voyage, ii. 67, 121 Gods of the Haytiens, ii. 132

Gomara, Fernando Lopez de, examination of his charge relative to a pilot's having died in the house of Columbus, v. 205

Gonzalez, Juan, attacked by the Indians and escapes, v. 78, 79

Gorvalan, explores part of the interior of Hispaniola,

ii. 101; returns to Spain, ii. 102

Gourds, introduced into Hayti, ii. 149

Gracias a Dios, cape of, iii. 293

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colony of, assigned to Nicuesa, iv. 216

Granada, discovery of, iii. 9

(Spain) surrender of, i. 131

Grape-vines, very luxuriant, found in Cuba, ii. 198
Greenland, assertions relative to its discovery by the
Scandinavians, v. 217

Guacanagari, Cacique of Hispaniola, sends a message
to Columbus, i. 272; receives the Spaniards with
great courtesy, i. 272; sheds tears on learning the
shipwreck of Columbus, i. 279; his assistance, ib.;
and kindness, ib.; invites Columbus to his residence,
i. 284; manners of, i. 285; hospitality, i. 295; pro-
cures a great quantity of gold for the Admiral
previous to his departure for Spain, i. 296; sends his
⚫ cousin to greet Columbus on his second arrival, ii.
69; his conduct during the disaster at La Navidad,
ii. 79; visits Columbus' ships, ii. 83; admires a cap-
tive Carib woman, ii. 85; his flight into the interior,
ii. 88; his mysterious conduct continued, ii. 170;
refuses to partake in the plan formed by Caonabo,
of exterminating the Spaniards, ii. 258; incurs the
hostility of the fellow caciques, ib.; visits Columbus
during his sickness, and informs him of a league
formed against him, ii. 260; assists Columbus in
his expedition against the Indians of the Vega,
ii. 282; is present at a battle, ii. 286; incurs the
hatred of all the caciques, ib.; is nevertheless
compelled to pay tribute, ii. 296; takes refuge
in the mountains and dies in misery, ii. 297; his
character, ib.

Guadaloupe, island of, discovered, ii. 47; houses,
furniture, etc., of the natives, ii. 48; supposed to be
cannibals, ii. 50; description of the island, ii. 53;
Columbus revisits it, ii. 329; women of, ii. 329, 330
Guana, regarded with disgust by the Spaniards, ii.
171; they conquer their prejudice, iii. 38
Guanaja, discovery of, iii. 300

Guaora, Cacique, hunted like a wild beast and after-
wards hanged, iv. 62

Guarionex, Cacique of the Royal Vega, ii. 243; visits
Columbus, and is prevailed on to give his daughter
to Diego Colon, the interpreter, ii. 263; permits
Columbus to build a fortress, ib.; character of, ii.
288; submits to the domination of the Spaniards,
ib.; compelled to pay tribute, ii. 290; offers to cul-
tivate grain, ib.; refused, ii. 291; learns the Pater-
noster, Ave Maria, etc., iii. 46; relapses, and the
cause of it, ib.; becomes incensed at several Indians
being burnt for destroying some images, iii. 48;
takes arms, iii. 49; conspires to assassinate the
Spaniards, ib., is seized, iii. 51; is pardoned, iii. 52;
enters into a conspiracy with Roldan against the
Adelantado, iii. 83; puts a cacique to death, iii. 84 ;
flies to the mountains of Ciguay, iii. 85; is com-
pelled to retire into the most desolate places, iii. 71;
is seized and taken in chains to Fort Conception, iii.
95; lost in a hurricane, iii. 282

Guatiquana, a cacique from Hayti, puts ten Spaniards
to death, and sets fire to a house, ii. 252

Guerrero, Gonzalo, taken prisoner and marries an In-
dian princess, v. 47; adopts the customs of the In-
dians, and is tattooed, v. 57

Guevara (Christoval), expedition of, iv. 175; lands at
the gulf of Paria, iv. 177; fights with the Caribs,

Guevara (Christoval)-Continued.

ib.; visits Margarita, iv. 178; returns to Spain, iv.
180; imprisoned, iv. 181

Guevara, Don Hernando de, falls in love with Higue-
namota, iii. 163; is seized in the dwelling of Ana-
caona, iii. 166; and sent to San Domingo, ib.
Gulf Stream, iii. 11

Gutierrez, Pedro, his conduct after the departure of
Columbus, ii. 76; death of, ii. 78


HAMACS, used by the natives of Exuma, i. 222
Hanno, remarks on the Periplus of, v. 227

Haro, Bernaldo de, his evidence relative to the dis-
covery of the coast of Paria by Columbus, v. 190
Harpies, seen near Dobayba, iv. 420

Hatchets of iron, said to be found at Guadaloupe, ii.

Hawk's-bells, delight of the Haytiens on wearing, i.
283, 288

Hayna, mines of, discovered, ii. 318

Hayti (see Hispaniola), discovery of, i. 258

Haytiens, description of their manners, customs, re-
ligion, etc., ii. 132; their character, ii. 145; defeated
in the battle of the Vega, ii. 283-286; subjugated,
ii. 287; a tribute imposed upon them, ii. 289; their
despair, ii. 292; they enter into an association to
destroy the crops, ii. 294; the evils fall upon them-
selves, ii. 295

Henry, Prince of Portugal, progress of discovery
under, i. 24; account of, ib.; considers Africa to be
circumnavigable, i. 25; conceives the idea of turning
the trade of the East, i. 28; establishes a naval col-
lege at Sagres, i. 29; death, i. 31

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